Friday, June 8,2012
Fe'T senator calls for proper Muslim groups mourn Dana crash victims fertilizer distribution S, MuldHn OIi1niy{
THE Stnaur repracnting the federal Capita lbTitory (FCT) in the NoitionOilI Assembly, Senator Philip Aduda. yes erday advocate'(( ror thr rrmo~ alll:onJenecb thaI hi ndtttht
-Imagine a farmer looking for th~ bags offmili5m; and you tdl him to pass through such cornpliCiled process. honestly thai will nor htJp them; the KDalor reasoned.. He Aid his gcstu~ was aimtd al assisting farmers in the territory to
rea! farmen ftom hilvingaccess to ferllliun INn.hased and subsidized by
gct fertilisers easily during the fann -
!arn coond authorities.
the government subsidi5cd ones. - , have pwchascd ovn 60 metric lonnes of fertiliser and O'\"C'T 2,000 lilrcs of patldde$ to be distributed (ree of charge to ruralliu-rnm: in all the 62 wankof the ICfTilory:' the smator infonncd. Senator Aduda advised residenl.li
Scnator ~duda made the caIJ In Bwan while distributing (erliliurs hto: bought for lanncn 10 CMure bumpn
huvou He.sttes!itd thai. Situalion where fumen hue to pus lhrough biometric proccs.sc' be(or~ getting th~ product, docs n"t help lhe rural fanIK'fS, who he Kaid are mostly U1iterate.
Ing season before they gain access to
of tht proposed COll5lilution fe-view
process to presenl burning issues affecting thm1lo the committee' K't up for thai purpose by the National Auembly. TIle 5e:fl2tof assund that he wUl liaise with the FCT Adminlstl'1ltion 10 tlUur~ that Bwarl-Ka",-u road proj«t is compleltd on scbedulN.Earliu, BIO.'lIri council QWrman, Pctn' Yohanna Ushafa, commended the K'nator for the gesl~ and assured thlIt he wUl personally monitor the dislribution of the coundrs share of tM product. so that only rura1 famms have ICcess 10 them. H~ also commended the .senalor for his concern for the peopl~ of th~ t~r ritory. especially those in rural communities.
AMAC inaugurates new cabinet By ""nebl YalYTI
THE dlllir nan of Ahuja Munlclra1 Am Council (AMAC), I"icah Y. Jiba, has diMolvcd the council's aecuth'e ar d unmedialdy appofnled n'!W memlX"nas replaccl1len The chah man, who dis closed tllis) eflcrthy It the councif~ 5C cretaiUl. said the de<:isior was based on his I:M::Ii~f thht change is the onlycotl§tantthing In life..
He said the councU wilS satisfied with the performance of the outgoing memben of his cabmet, add ing Ihal they coIle<:ti\'dy dral1ed and implemented polkies thlIl were applauded by many TIle cou ncil chairman saki that the n ~ cabinet members W~ K1«I~ after wide consultations. Idding that they were found worthy to be: appoinl.:d. He charg~ lhem to be
to the service and work according to thar oaths of office. Responding on behalf of the new cabinet mem bers, Nnodlm Josephine. supervising counollor for health, lhanUd the chairman for giving them the opportunity 10 serve th~lr
Josephine (Heahh). Emmanuel Bawa (Educ::alion). Sunday A1abl (Special Duties) and WilIiamsGade (Worls). Othf:rs were special adVIsers OIidawa Kuyembo (Envirom~nt). Hyginw O nwuka (Poverty Allevi2·
munity Development). Sunday Biko ( Inter-Party Relations). Sale ubr' Biu (Politlcal)and Rafad Agato (Education)
The n~ cabIDet mem ber Include fiW' supervisIng cou [lclllo~ Jaaf-aru Gwagwa., (Agrlc), Nnodim
lion). YinusaKarmo(Com-
MUSLIM groups based in Abuja and some parts of the counlry Monday condoled famUies of victims of the DANA air crash In Lagos and called for a comprehensive probe of the acc.id~nl_ In separate me5Aga from the Muslim Media Practitioners of Nigula (MMPN), Movement for Islamic Cultural Awareness (MICA) and Muslim Consultative FOTUm (MCF). tile religious groups described the acodent u a monumental nalionaltragedy to lhe country. MMPN m iu mcuagl" signed by ils Chairman, Abdur-Rahlm," 8al08uo, blam~ the air crash on negligence by the reguJI! tory agencies in the aviation sector, The media practitioners said that preliminary reports showed that the III-fa.ted aircraft had a history or flight problems thai were known to the r~ulatory agendes in the uialion sector and did nOI carryout proactive actions on the allegatio ns. Theyall~ on the Fed-
era! Governme.nt 10 S«the Inddent u a turning point to sanitiu the a'riation smor .nd ensure air lravd nfety in particular and tnmsportation safety in general -The Nigeriall Civil Avlalion Authority (NCAA) must review Its policies to ensure that Ihe Industry incorponltH and implements · stringent guidelines IUd high standud rules to prot«1 our airspace; MA1PN laid. MICA',t Coordinator, Malam AbdulBasit Baure. urg~d all Nigerians not to despair bUI 10 make spec:iaJ pnlycn ror Ihe safety and security oflhe.country. while the Muslim Cnnsultative Forum's Coordinator, Malam ldris Ulman. regretted the lou orJives and called for Immediate payment of compenntion to the dn:eased persons' f.,mJlies. They called for a thorough probe and urged the federal government to be courag\'Ous enough to implfiJ1ent the rn:ommendatlons o f the panel ofinquiry. to avoid reoc currttlce.
A Technocrat and a Regent There are four parts to a man; work, social
interaction, religion and tradition. Great men excel in all and you have undoubtedly proven this to be true. In your prufc..o;joll. you Junc rhl.:l1 liJ..c :t JlhtlCllr\ and J-ta\c trodden \\ here ulher;; h:l\c re~m!d To ami} tilt ha\ e become the one 10 tx:llt In the ClIlltv: or )'\mr socHlI inkmlltuns. )UU ha\c IIC(UOIIIIOItcd nccolalil!' frum 1!3<;t. \\I!!'L norlh. ,,(ll1lh IIIH] acros'llhr.! .. ca~ \ .. rcgnrd .. Ih;:
nr the tlnrh, }Illl arc known In
wmught your longuc round your mUlher longue. JdIl.J:~ f..ngh..." oml Arahic in Ihe 111(1"1 a rlleu l,lh: itllLl mcm(lmblc \\ ay. In rdi~\IIn. VlIU itfC IIltl)' h:arneli
In IrOlthll11l1. }IIU arc nnd Iha! is
Ihnrn ugh l~ 'Icepcd <Inti grttlilidcli
\\h~ )Oll are
being lurhanoo looay hy
111 ~hncs". lh c Lnl1r~,rKl1m, . '\lhuJI LLD ne; the Dtlll Mttje /(UIUI.
Allah ya .tarawa Sarkl Martabal
\do Uaycm. tiR.
Allah ja Zaman/n Dan Milje II
~a,nageml!nt and staff of Abuja securlti~s and Commodity Exchange can only wish you the best Sir. Si~n('d :