news 22
Frkiay, October 19, 20 12
.BUSINESS Rural women empowered through agro- skills in Kaduna
Rural women plity a cnticaI role in the rural eronomlcs f:A
.... """'''''''
..... """""""
W-- ' .........
~'IJ women
of the YMh, Orphant
orpruzalIon on Ssh &mullS-
rnnrosJnd cuItMtbon In Kaduna on the 0CrnIlJ0naI day of the run!_ lbc prosrammc irMl/¥cd a Iidd lr1' bfMwomcn toGoddy Farm. Narayi In K.dw.. when they~wsN~on
From left hyo "yo ofKotnonla V~tUr1!S l t d; DlrK tor SpKiAl Dutie~ Ni~ Export Promotion Council. Mr. OIajlde Ibrahim and the ao Kolnon!. Yenlu," ltd, Mr. ~mi 8oy@deduringpress brJeflng on the 3rd Nigeria Non..()tl Export Conferenc:e Exhibition and Awards (NNECEA).
FG issues N75bn bonds, yields up slightly Ftdtm Go~mmcnt sold N7S IGBI EM) on Cktoba 1.lpunln8 biliionwortho(S·.7· and 10 yrar an inilial rapid fall In ylddJ In· soVttn", bondJ nAturlnl In kxal bond ;u mvnton look 2{)17. ZOl9and 2022 alan allCbon poslttons on Wednnday. with flCkb The inclusion m theW Morpn inchins up by Just more than 10 inda is up«t~ to aUract about bul' poinu. S 1.5 billion in off.t.hore: inYalmenl N1Sffb. ~ Illdudni in ttw In the kx:&I bond mukn. thc t.nk IP Morpn's GOYC'rn mcnt Bond
Nys. NiF~
In.ta: (or cmnzlns mMMts
IOId NI5 bllUon in
I~ 5 year bond al IJ 68 pt:rcmt. compunl With 12.93 perccni list month. &nd NJO bdhon .ptc'CC' in the 7ynr and IO-ynr bond a' 1374 pcrcml and I) ,SO pnccnt., rcsp«UW:ty The 7 ·~u bond was iSSU«! al 12-90 percent Pf"1oosly. whik the dl:bt OffKt i.mJnI the 10- ~" noteatI5.90pnttnlattheAuptt
auctlOn,lhe lutlune II \QlIIMUCd Tr-IdftJ Rid a more than JOO bub point raU in yields last month pnmdcd an opporlunJly for many inVCSlou to sd1. push,", yidds baclt up Total subsctrpuon f(lt" 1M notes Rood .II NI44 32 billion comr-rcd With N82..94 billion lUI monlh (Reulen)
how'tbryl;aQ rt:w fWI to F"C'* inonnc wtud! • ~ 10 fac::ibtak thar }WtlqMIkJn In the run! economy of thar
"'""""""" ........11><"""""""'..... WIth our WI .uptcJdell <by _ _ "from II><
Iidd tnp I t-Ica-nt not to by kDe .00 that wrth a little IlIm rA money I an start a fish fMmI t.w: . ,
• 1m farm is a. cxpcrww than pouIlry; thu QUI hdp me
""""""'r" ....... my ..".,. andhtMnaa~ollPdihood·
.....,.....-"""'<1:,.. ,...,.. ........... annu...
Pabma Yohanna..t: "PtopIc
be -=If ~ and
abo~othm. 1biI wiD_
incJe.c the raJ e'.....,.mn1l in our mmmunilics and the
n*Jn -1Irv-"
.Manina PatrickIMd: "Womm
in our aJnIIJlUIWCS go if*> aup
Fish farm seeks solution to iron concentrated water
CrossRivershuts 15 firms overtax default ..
The en. RMr Stde Board of lntcmal Revmue has cbcd down 15 minInB and quarry firms in Akamkpa l..oc3I (io¥ocmmcnt AmI f:A the . .~ for~t ultua. Oncfltheownm:~the: . .
firnv. Me Bcncdkt ItAmfum
..... """ ..... ..........-
"""0 ............ ......... how the ......e ~ Md todamp down on them. -We don' undmIand why pmunml • """"""'" dWIl tht rnmot was not
FUm8 Into their cnOfn which had
illO stu our
Th<r """""
who.,..,.,"' ........... "'" Ih<y
confront their ~
WIth the: ~ boiP.rd ova the
the .ction f:A ~ ~ capbIc fI d:rmns away irM:ston in the sUKand crnta tmempIoytncm. lk
lhcr cntcrcd
Into with the:
to be pa~ ccrtam by to them
dole down
tie .sUd tome ~ tht rnmlJ!J
11>< ........... """"'""" ... it h.d not bccrt I'I!Cdvtn& &urn the ~ and cont.nrcton opcratms in tht area iocludc. n-t maintenance levy. Jtak
........ '""""""' .........and income tu~othcn..
~ Presidmt, Aqua-life Fish Cooperative Fum. M r Made Gbadc. yntnday appWcd to the: Lap StatC' sovnnmmt to awn fish l'armut In tacldinglhe problem of iron-c:oncmtratcd
cuncenb*d wain
15 not
pxt b
the heahh offish.. a.dc said that thr: Iivm had rcaoncd to dif!8anI a nEW wd whmcva- iron contcn _ notJad inthe~
tie Aid !bat the farm ~ IOITIC
GbMIr klId the News AfIrq of NigaV (NAN) b1 t..aw:- that the ~ Jthe Ann Nd been
"""""""" """""" """"" ~ Irort-~walcfb the 1m.
~ 10 him. this AI beautc Jthr ~ rAthe.lit in Ojo local ~ where thr: r.m is
, cannot couD the IU1Ibcr of bordxJk5 we hnr ~ wd.u getting dean water.. The dulion is to
sink a ¥ftTdip huddc that QDP
_..-:1>< .....
" " " ' _ .... .,.-d .. ~ 10 fish fanncn through ill --,.
n Wl" p ",,_WlW$.
n.h~.onc~ we nrcd most and we .Itt c::.:pkIrins II>< _ <I: """""'" ..... ~~Iobuyoncbthe
The prcs6dcnI alto identified the
rA &h ieak • aooct....
"""""" ""'« 11>< ....... ''hnc ~ timcs thIt we ad! elf CU'filbbcbc~tomJucecost
and. a reUt. our CU5Iomtn are not ~thrbcst: (NAN)
bu:a.r an ktca Ionning thry - don' ~ "'" """"" about .. W1lb mr knawfcdsc I can now Jlart up my own !ish !'arm .xi., ncb ochcB:' , " , , _ D o y.. RunI
- ..
andmnbibubonofnnI women.
"'""-~"'" run! ........ 'a ............ ....
"""'"" ..... modioobng run! InmGICpirtJofthc~
wOOd. tbcr J*1icP*
production and Itw!tock care. proridc bxl ~ and IUd b ~ ~_crtpF
In alI
Wm IIdivibcs to drwnafy their ..".,.. ............. lnoddolim.
lhcr c::wty (lUI val functionIln canns b ctaIrm. older pern.
The d.y of the rural womcn " c:dcbnIcd to honow women Irrint!: In rurW . . . and crpIora
_m. .
waylon howtbac wumcn an be
.....,......t .....
tbrycan c:ontriJUIc thcir~ 10 thedcwlop:'kl' f'ithe IOdcty