Monda),. March 19, 2012
Business Kogi govt to embark on commercial farming from thrunA.. kI ..... 1okoji
KOGI Suit Gon:rnor Jdris W~ has sakiltw hil adminbtnllon would 1Oc~ on commm3al farming In Lhc stale.. The ~nor saKI this through his depllly. Yoml A"~n Iyi. whmsomc American im"Oton under tl~GkJNIGrft'n ndd Devdopmwl Group paid him I courtesy visit I«king 10 pannu whh 1M mle. i-Ie said tbe .stale is tMoscd wilh abundant arabic bnd. rich lOr (ommndal cuJtiV<1Cm of ri«. auava and sorg.Inun. He sUd lhal ntCClS&I1lnfrastructurc such u power. roads. farm impltmmts and assislVKC n«dcd 10 mcOUf-
age &mxn ""ould be provided. TIle leader of tht group. MI1. tol ..., FIowen Aid Iky wert' in Lhcstllt IOIMrtnt"r and asSist in the arras of IgriCUJ. IU~. (ducal)on and 10 ImPfO\"t' rural Infrastructure..
Fertilizer: Notore supply chain adopted in Africa from 0Iri5 ApbI, l l4)OS
Til Elargest lUuli«'fproducnJ in Sub-AlWWl Africa. Notort Olmlical Industna has ff«.,'ed commcnWIlJOnS lOt- its InncJoqtJQn and rif«t,,'me$S 1II the ~ & Young'sStrat~ GfU'I01h Forum m Afnca. hdd in Cape: Town. South Africa.. llus wasconumtd In. r<'pOI1 rdtawd by IMorpni5on'Iof the- bum and madt avubbIe 10 our clJfffSll()ndml in I..... ~..,. dWn and IoglStks aperU ddl~td on how c{f«t~ supply dJaln 11W11ganrn1 an bt • crilical dlffn-m· tbtor In the (act-o( poor Infmlruc:turc.. NofOfCS supply main I"'Xes5 was fr:;arurrd as • .suca:ssSlmy Within lease srud)' on InnovatJon In StIi-,JIt Own In Afnca.~ the ~ Slid.
Flour Mills workers protest limposition' of trade union froM FfIIIl AkMoC.l.l'9'1
and return 10 their ~ duties pronf ' tha the I-Iousc ,,,is invilc the
ing the crisiI am~ The Majority I..cadn- usumt tJx proec:stCfS INa the I-Iowc wiD in~ by Iookins inCa the allcgafions as JOan as they raumcd IitIU~. the end of the month. , am IlMUring yuu tNt ~ would inlcnmcmdlook.thealkption5c:ntially. You'wdonc wdI byconnng to tIx
............. 10.
The wor\mi ",ito Jtagcd a nwth in
I..afIol. abo kicked agaiml the N 12. (0) pDdasQ)Mie551}"ln8the~_not
enough 10tw~oIthcir~· tion alone In • mooth.. Ourinstht protC§i al the peoll.agos SWc Bous~ 01 Asstmbly. the workers ~ pbc:.ds",'lth vanow b.,mp. lions among which \WR, W.gmans.
I-Iousc 10 n1Olkc)'OOi 8Jk'o"ltKC:li known your rq:JmCnl4lth'\'S. I urgr you 10 mT13ln calm and ~ would moh"! thc iuucs." ~ noted. 10
NCC shutsTechno office in Lagos n IE Nigerian Communk'aJions Comminion (N C) at the wr:dtmd shut down the IktjoI off'Kt of IC'l.rMJ Mobile. I popubr mobilt phone nwlUfacturn In the country over faUurt to ~I 11$
phone mootls TCgI5tnul WIth thtcom· minion. The Nee. after shutting down the
PUBLIC NOTICE If," J I !rM i i 4.J APPlICAnO FOR GRANT OF AIRLINE OPERanOM PERMIT IAOP!. ThIs IS 10 Inform the General Plbhc that the applteallon has been subrnttled 10 lhe HOflOfable Minister of Air Transport (AViation) by ,zy A'R LlM'TED for ',cense operate Non Scheduled cI1arter servICeS Within NlQena
Proposed operallonal bas. of IheA"I.,ewlli be Abu)a NlQena
con1pUlY'soff'lCC,aho.stormcdCompu· ttt V~ nwkrt_OtJp In IktJa 10 dose down r$II outJctsofTC'CnO phone
""""Phones and ADitd Products DnJCfS As5ocblion ofN~ lhe umbrella
body of mobik phones de~ II the Compultr Village, Signed an under taking witII the Nee to gM- the phone rmnufacturcn 30 dap I'o;lh," ""Mdl
Ihq- art ap«led 10 gd their phones ,,,,,",,,
Spnk!ng aftu I mMing with lhe
photw- dtaIcrs. the I lead of EnfOKe menl Unit ohhc Nee. Mr. Efosa Ide hcnsaJd I month has bern grvm totdl UlC manufacturns whose phones they dc-l.! in to gt'tltmr models app'~ or rl5k their sh0p5 bdng Kaled off until they obeyed I he bws.
VACANCY!!! A medium sized manufacturing Company located in Kaduna
has vacancies for self motivated and hardworkin g professionals. If you have what it lakes, write in to fill the following vacancies. 1. Accountant 2. Internal Auditor QUALIFICATIONS & EXPERIENCE (i)
HND or S5C Accounting or Refated Disci pline
Minimum of 5 years experience (Preferably In a
manufacturing environment),
Cessna Cltaloo X Cessna Crtatoo XLS
Computer Literate with knowledge of accounting
Ability to work under pressure with little or no supervision.
Bombard,e ' l ea~et4516O
ROUTES : LL OVER NIGERfA (CHA RTE R SERVICES) Any person Wishing to make any representation or raise any objectlOl1 ,,~" regards the appllcallon should do so in wntrg w,lh,n '..,enty-e,ghl (28) days from the pubhcahon Such represenlallOf'l or objection which state reason fOf dOIng so should be eddressed to
The Honourable MInister Federal Ministry of Air Transpor1 (Aviation) Federal Seaelanat Abu)a FCT
IfUNDRFDS 01 WUfkenofAour Mills tRw prot$cd whoIl they dt3cribcd alii atlnnpt by tht ~0I1herom. pany 10 ~ whkh lr.Ide union they
& -
17 Augus t, 2Q11
Intefested candidates should forward their hand·written application letters with Curriculum Vitae and photocopies of Credentials with in one week of this publication to : The Managing Director, P.O. Box 5541, Kaduna 800004. Please note that only shortlisted candidates would be
com municated. Signed : Management.