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Friday, April 27. 2012



Vision 20:2020 not attainable without world class infrastructure -Experts B,IMmIsIIMt~mmad

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Nigerlll cannot 20'.2020 without

Ovil ScrvX:~ of the Federation In Ahuja. the eKpertS said no nation gmws without standardising its

Netherlands and Belgium among Olhen..

10 2013 would be bette- usea through the ppp


al the

Brock who is a spcdalist in Public Privatr P:u1nmhip (PPP). saki the targrt by Nigeria 10 spend N32 trillion on Infr.astructute ~ 2010

MarocI Van

$160 billion per annum, adding that Nlgc:ria should not be IMng in Isoblion.. Another- spc:aka" at the eYI:flt. E.ngincer Chidi K. lwwah.. saki ~ is need lOr ministries, par.

80%ofNigerian farmers need modern agricultural techniques THE Programmf: Manag~, Bauchl Slate Agricultural Dcvdopmmt Programmes Dr. lliyasu Aliyu GlIal Wednesday said that OVt'r 80 percf:nl Nigerians fanners need modern .gncuJwl'1Il l«hniques forldtquate rood productkm in the country. Gilal told newsmm In Bauchl !.hat agnculture is a potentially viable sector of thf: economy in tf:fmJ of employment gmf:I'1IIiOll and contriootton 10 the GOP and eIpOn revenUf: earnings of thf: country. On I.hf: issUf: of fertilizer, h( a.ssured fannf:rJ that govemmml Is doing cvf:rything poMiblf: tc f:nsure that gf:nulne' rural f:arm f:rJ Sdthf: commodities.


Belgium group to invest in Nigeria's free zones "roup. Buck Consultants Intel'flIltlonll, has expressed A Belgian

III willingnus to invat in Nigeria's ffee trade wnes which, according to thml. is ~ulltapped." The gnlUp'1 director, KaJ-c1 V~. made' thc remark In Abuja on Tuesday whm hf: led a delegation for I business forum with thf: Ministef of Statf: fOf Trade and InVCItmf:nt, Or Samuel

Ortom. Thc dirKlor sald that their mission is not only to Invest In NIgt!ria but to help better the inV'C:5UDml climate in the country. adding that the conditions of the flU zona arc favounable to muhiple foreign invenmenu and business dcvdopmmL "We arc in this country to stimulate di~1W investments inlothccountrylakingadvantagc of the huge patmtlals In Nigeria's

f~ trade tones. Manyofour dlcntsworktwidchaveshowninluest in Ni~rta and thalls why we ucseekingLhuupportofthcgovunmcnI 10$larl bwlnesses h~." hI:' Rid. lie said that though. the licenses In the 23 free trade wnes and the Industrial parks areuntappcd and largelyunuscd, their group Is going 10 uplore avenues to malting them reccpII~ to enterprises In order to


SpnIdng,thcMinisterolStatc for Trade and Investment, Dr Samud Ortom, urged all inves· IOrs thai want 10 venture Into the country to take advantage of govnnment's Incentives tha, are readily lvailable. He urged Illinveston to take advantage of the open business opportunitJes available now in the country ~fore lhe governmmt redesigned !.he critftia.


'Small scalefurrners hold key to food secunty' By ........



.. iKCoII<s<of AninW



'Of AgrICul.t~ Abe-

'*-"""""" Oohy Enn<b<tin<, has urp ~ to increa5t: tilt: support givm to smaU scale fumcrsu thC'Y hold tht: k.cyto food security m !he counuy. She g.JV'C the adviu WftInesday in Abu,. altne public ~tation ofaJ06-pagebooktltlcd ~­ ins POIkyand LcgisJatlV'C Intcn"C'ntJon for Food Security In Nlgf:rla: An Audit of Existing PoUcies on

Food ~e Srstc:ms: Shc said: "Is of paramount Imporuna- that Important group

Sovereign Trust gets'A' rating 1cv.eI ofiU c:apacity in the ~

of""",,, be ""'" ................ port.""",- ond tmpo<wx<

corporatf: governance, accountability and f:thlcal standards In tht: pnctkc of iosunnce bwinal in

The GCRratlng report indicates that the ability of the firm 10 n.iJc odWtianU ap;'" tIuoogh • RIghu ls5uc in lOll, despite' the seeming apathy In the capital market OCOIsioncd by the f:COI1Ol!lk I'eCCSl!iIon that rocked the global economic landscape in 2009.addcd to !ISMa-

Nigeria. lbis iJ the /Uurth time in SUCCC5lion that the company has hem 50 rated f:vn linee the cxcrcisc: com~ mmC'Cd in 2007. The rating 1'q)Ort. rdeasN by GCR. based In South Afrk:a, saki the' underwriting finn was rated '/\ aflcrarigorowJOlvmcyandliquklity C'Xllt11lnatlon to ascertain Ihc

The rt:pOft Aid the Rights ls5uc was ambilious,strateg:ic and Ingenconsidering the lac! that the capital ma.ritn as at then was just emerging From a prolonged eco-nomic lull The repon noted that ScM-mgn Trust lnsurancf: Pic "has f:'IoidmcnI cOlltinOOtlSgrowthovn lheyoean.-

'" <be noble profaoion <bey pn<-

SOVEREIGN Trust lnsurancc PIc has Ixcn n.tcd 'A,' by Global

&uvbt:tinc regre«eJ that although the Stratrgic Gnln ~ was f:SlabWhed In J995.



thcbiDfiJrthcestablishmmtolthc NadonaJ Food R~ Agmcy Is yet 10 lit: signed into law. WhiJegivingan insight into the oulcomcofl~carricdoutlO

ddf:lTl'linf: the lIlKnglh and struc·

tureofN!pIis animal popuJalion, she $lid the target population for C3ttle.shecp.goats,plg.andpouluy nnged from 3.91 to 20.78 percent wilh shcql having thc highest gap and poultry the lowest.

Ratins (OCR) on IICCOUflt




Arewa youth s call for mega banks AREWA Youths from the' 19 northern states have caUcd on northern governors to Initiate an account and contribute at least N200 million monthly

~~::~~ ",:,~!::~hi.;;~••:::

ate skilled jobs and skills acquisition centres. This was contained In acornmuniqu~ Issued Ind read by the chairman of communlqu~ com":. mltter. Or, Sadiq Urnar Abubaku II tbe end of a one-day peace parley held In Kaduna Tuesday. The forum consists of various stakeholders and civil soddy organisations from !.he 19 DOrthC'rn slates. The forum resolved that VOOI tiomll training centres and lIillls acquisition and lnlning ccntres be established in the N'lrth 10 tn.!n the youths on viable skills and trade .so IS 10 b. sdf· emplot'e(l

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