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Tuesd.y, August 30, 2011


ECOWAS, FAO to meet over.food security By Romok!Y/.lJtll\ld THE ECOWAS Commission arId the Untied Nations Food and Agriculture Organiution (FAO) have Kbedu1ed _ consultatiYe meeting at the commission's sccn::tarial in AbuJa in September tu discuss the problem of volatile and soarlng food prlct:$ in West Africa.

AcconHng to FAO fig-

wes, prien of all major commodity groups have risen In the world market with West African countries wilnc55lng seasonal increases in most s.laplc foods, Including Uvestock products. cooking oUs and l ugar, amonsst othen. F100dinSto. numbcrof ECOWAS member states, according to the commb· sion, has also led to ill drop In production In cerain

ueu, thereby alTccti.nS loa! foodsccurirylnd with the: P051-dectiOD crisis in Cote: d'ivou-e, resulting In significant displacement of populations in the bordu r~lon5 lIta! is ron trlbuling 10 hikes and lnuQud vobtiJlly to many markeu.. Given Lhls slluation, there is a growing I CC:ognillon globally and In West Africa that meUUreJ to address the emerginS

Palm oil price increases in Delta THE price of II&im 011 has rlscn in major markets in Delta, recording about II percmtincrease in the last Iwomooths. An investigation by the News Agency Dr Nigeria (NAN) revealed that a Zo-lilre conlainer or the commodlly which fOld al N4.Z00inlale May, now sold (orNS,OOO Simi1arly. the con of (our lilllS of the product Iw; also risen 10 N 1,300 as against the prevlo'-.1s price of

NJ,OOO. The survey, which covered markets in Asaba, Ughdll. Want. Agbor and Sapcle also showed that the price of.l:itrr: o(oil now sdIs for N450 as against NlOO. Somedaleninthecom· modity who spokt to NAN aUributrd the increase in the price orth ecommodity 10 a drop in supply. AccordinS to Mn Grace Nwabunlc. a dealer to ADba. ~~ May o( every rear and January or

the foUowing year, there Is

always an increase in the price or palm oll She apIained that -duro ing lhls period of ~cry )'Qt. there is always sardty or palm oil in all the village markcl5, bcca.U5e of the m:luction In thcproductlon of the commodity': She said that dlc:re would be (unher rise in the price of the product beron! the end or the ycv. cspeciaUy duro ing the OuUtmas ICaSOn. (NAN)

foodpricecrisisshouJdbc initialed lmmedilldy. laIng Into consideration the experiences and lessons learnt (rom the prevloUJ crisis. The consultative mC'C'ling will enable member states of ECOWAS and FAO to dcvdop measures toaddrcssroodprkevolatiJltyon a sustainable basis. taking Into_ccnunt the cur· rent global rmandaJ crisis.

Participants arc expected to discuss JessOIU learned from the: 2007· 2008 food crises during whichmllUonsofpeoplcln West Arrica were unable to mee1lhdr minimum food requirement need$, as well as trade-related mnswa in favour or coruUDlers or produa:rs. They will aUo coruider m;acro-economlc as well as lrutltutional and procC$S

rdatcdi55uesandproposc ideas (or the: way forward. The: participants will Include: senior go\"c:rnmc:nl officials from ECQWAS· FAD member 5!:UI'!(, including those from the ministries of agriculture, the agenq rcsporulble (01 agrlcuhural and market Inronnation.lndeorflnancial planning. national rood ministries and economic security _gcodes.

Bachama elders beg Dangote to re-open Savannah Sugar Frum IhRhIm Abdlll'Arlz, Yola

SJ"AKEHOWERS in Bach:ltt\;;1 Kinsdom 0( AdamaWli State ba\-ct:lJlfUSed concem over the closure orSavannah Sugar Company in which OVt:rS,OOO workers lost tbdr Jobs and urged (or the reopening of the company. In a communlquil! issued at the end o( r.heIr merting

ymcniay. the stakll!hold~ en noted with dismay the

abrupt manner the company was closed by the Dangole im"CStment Umited as a result or threats by some youths in the area. They pointed out that the threat was the handiwork of an individual who was not mandated by anybody. The communlqul: read: "While the Bachama TraditJooal Coundl continued to prcu forthe Wueofcnmpcn. salion on the land acquired

ror the company ITom the AdamawaStileGuvernnWlt

as alrcadyagrttd, il has I)cyu approachcJ the company on the issue 0( compensation. "In vkwoflhIs.themtttIng urged the board and management of Dangole Investment Umitrd (OlL) to consider re-opcn1ng Ute company immcdlately as thm: was no tangible reason (or dosing the company in thefimp~



Supply Request

NEI is II USAlD funded project operating in Bauchi and Sokoto stales aimed at strengthening the states and local govemmcnt capacity to delh er basic education services, and to increase access of or~ phans and vu lnerable children to basic education and health services.

The Project is calling for quotations from qualified vendors to the under listed education m3terials:


Prospecliv.! \'endors should submit their quotes in n sca led envelope marked "NEI Y2 ovesp" to: l'roc ur~m '! lIt Specialist, NEI IJrocuremcnt S"etialist, NE. 6. Buzayc Close. OR Block 18. OITBcndcl Road. Minislry of EdUl.;atioll. NewG RA Shehu Kan!!-iw(1 State Secretarial. Ballchi. B<! uchi Siale Sokoto. Sokolo State

Or via the e-mail addresses as indicated below and addressed to: neibovcmotprop@yahoo.com(for Ilauehi) or neiso\'cmalprop@ya' hoo.com (for Sokoto). Vendo~

should adhere to the following criteria: I. Submission of both on-elcclrOnic and hard copy bids shall close at 12 midnight, September 15,20 11 . 2. Vendors should include Iheir company's bank account details (name of accoullt, name of bank and account number) in thei r submissions. No payments shall be made to personal namcs. 3. Vendors should also auach/enclose copies of their company's profile which IUllst include evidence of jobs done, certificate ofregistrdtion, etc . 4. When invited, vendors shall comc along with exact samples of what they intend to supply ifthey win the bid

Additionally, vendors should nole that NO ADVANCE PAYMENT (mobilization) will be made ror tllis supply. Goods shall be supplied two weeks afier issuance or purchase order (PO). Only shortlisted vendors shall be contacted.

For lurlile/" ellquiries COIIWC:I Lam; QII 07035072629 (Hul/chi) and ZlIlwo 'II 011 08036081109 (5okolo).

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