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Friday, January 20, 2012


'How P/Harcourt barracks bomb attempt was foiled' From Ba~hlru Abdullahl, PortHarmun THE Commander of the 2 Brigade Nigerian Army Port Harcourt in1Rivcrs Slate, Brigadier General YusufTukur

Buratal. has renaltd how security agencies In the slate were able 10 foU an attempt to bomb the barracks and other stnttgic points In State on Chrisunas night by suspected men of Boko HanlIlI sect. BrigadiefjGeneral Buralal , who made the disclosure a t the Riven Siale Security Council press briefing at the

Brigade Headquarters yesterday said the arrested suspects, who also attempted to bomb the popular Bougainvilla HOlel and Shell facility in the state capital were arrested within and outside the Barracks..

"I also want to inform this audience thai through the col.La.borative efforts of the Drigotdc and Oss. an attempt to bomb Port Harcourt Barrack (Bori Camp), Bougamvilla HOld and Shell-facility along Aba Road was foiled on night 0(24/25 December 2011. The suspects were arrested in the Barracks u wrll as other localions within Port Har-

court city. ~They had materials for making Improvised Explosh'e Devices (LEOs) capable of causing heavy damage. The suspects ha~ made usdulstlltemmts and would soon be: arraigned accordinldy." Buratai wd. Bun.tai. who did nOI disclose the idenlilies of the susp«ts. however. uplained that a sold iu from the Bamdts. who Is believed to be a friend to one of the susp«ts, Will also arrested but later discovered nOI to be part of the plan following invesligalion.

Journalist found dead inJos rromAndrew Agbese. J~ THE Ufde$S body of Mr. Nansoh SUas. a jotlflUlist with the Highland FM, Fedt'r.U Radio Nigeria Corpon.t1on (FRCN), was found along Zaramagada-Rayfield road in yesterda y. The Ufeless body with a small wound to the hud was discovered by paS$efS·by in a swamp by the roadside as early as 6 am on Thunday.


~· It has been deposited al the 105 Univer· sity Teaching Hospital OtITH), mortuary. SUas was a reporter with Highland F~l He halled from Langtang North Local Gov· ernmenl Area ofPlatcaustale.. Chairman oftbe Nigeria Union of Jour· nalists, NUl, Plateau slate council, Mr. Katdapba Goburn said offidals of the union would be visiting the radio station where Mr. Silas wo~ to commisen.te with the maoilgement and staff of the SLaUon.

EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY A Reputable Indigenous construction firm requests applications from suitable applicants for the following posts:

Katsina to boost irrigation. with 30.000 tonnes of fertilizer From Yush~'u AIbrahim. KaUina KATS(NA Stale


has pro--

cured 30.000 metric of assorted fertilizers for onward sale to irrigation farmen to the state Ihis year. The state Cc nunissioner of Agriculture. AlhaJI Adamu who disclosed this 10 news~~ )'l-'Sierday said the fUlillun were stOcked at various go\'ernment stOfage (adUties; He said the official launching for the sale ofthe cobDodily would be conducted nut ~dt, TUl!5day adding that, govern· menl in Pjrshi p with Songhai farm-


en would cultivate 5.000 hectares ofland in Gwa.igwaye. Mai-Ruwa. Oulsinma and Daura. He said the land would be used for irrigation farming this year, adding thai adequate lraining would be given to Irrigation (arm ers on modem techniques.. I He explained that, 25 Irrigation siles ha ve been identified aeross the state with a view to boosting irrigatio n farming in the state. The commissioner also said government had made provisio n in this year's budget for the establishment ofa modern muket in the Slate fo r irrig&tion produce.

Tsav: Policemen are • mercenaries ,

From TOf}'itit blot Makunlt


Lagos stale told Daily Trwt in Makurdi yesterday that while he concale thai there are acellenl, loyal, dedica ted and uperienad officus and men in the service, majority are mercenaries o ut to make money and don't care about the ethic; ofthdr profession. ~What has worsened the situ~tion o f the police Is lack of supervision by ~nio r officen., indiscipline. disloyalty, cmruption and conspin.cyof silmce occasion9' by politi. cizalion, rtgionalization of the police as an

RETIRED Commissioner of Polia, Albaj! Abubakar Tsav. said the escape of swpeeted Boko Haram stet member Kabiru Sakoto (rom Ihe police custody ;rnd the suspensiorl r.rom dut~ of pollee commis· sioner Biu Is emban-assil1gand cre· ates d oubt. to the loYalty. efficiency and generaJ Int~yo f officersand m en orthe Nigerian police. ' The forrnFr commlftioner oT police in • 0l'EaniZ.1tion.~


A. Head of Englneeri ngl Construction operation Applicants mustsallsfy the following requirements: 1. Minimum of BSc or HND in Architecture, Building Tech., Civil Engineering or Construction Management. 2. Minimum of 15 years working experience In the field 3. Ability to coordinate construction activities in multi-various construction sites 4. Applicants should not be more than 50 years of age 5. Membership of a relevant professional body would be an added advantage. 6. Proficiency In computer application

B. Head of Stores Applicants must satisfy the following requirements: 1. Minimum of BSc or HND In Accounllng , BuslnessAdmlnlstrallon or Purchasing & Supplies; 2. Minimum of1 0 years relevant working experience 3. Proficiency In computer application especially in usage of accounting packages and managerial skills 4. Applicants should be less than 45 yrs otage. Interested and qualified applicants should send their applications, within 2 weeks ofthis publication, to this email address ; - Inl.n i gerla@gmail.com (lNl.NIGERIA@GMAIL.COMI comprising application and curriculum vitae or profile In 2 separate a~achments .

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