When President feted fonner PDP NWC members
T Expect victory over Boko Haram before June - Jonathan with the
wn at lhr &iObal.ummlt on nucle-
ar security held In Seoul. South Korea last week, the deadJy activI· Ues 0( !he Boko Haram sect was an issue that was r:I gnat concern to Nigerians resident In the AsJan COWltrJ They caned j;.)f' Ul"'gmt JOlution to the securlly problet n which has led to the death 01 many tllgerlan.s and still posing great threats to the In.'e 01 others which lndude tbelt io\"'ed ooes that dH!Y left ~ hind In thecountt)l: But at a met'Una; with the Nigerian conununity before the end ollbe summit. Pre!ident Goodluck Jonathan assurtd them that the f«W"lt:y qenc.tes in the country are 9101k 11t8 with relevant technoklu to en5W't' that the BoIuJ Horom t.-
can wu together government of the d8,l( yet they lurve poUtIcal parties. When a country 15 challeqed everybody comes topther to O&ht back~but in Nipria we play politics with ever-ythlna_This is what we haW!!leen and we will get over It"One is not God to say ~ will be no securtty lssues. All over the .,,-or1d there aresecw1tychallenges. Human being! by nature want to do eometb.ing that is evil. .a government must be on Its own toes and wU1 continue to be on It! toes. Thls is because roreign dln!ct lnvesunents will be affected and our economy will be affected, JO "'''e are wortdng very
hard. ..
Jonathan oaId
hill! oemnony attracted the who is ",110 in the PI!oples DemocnItk ParI,y(POP) particularly -
ecuUw! IN!mbers under the Ie:adersbJp ~ erstwhile Acting Olalnnan ~ the part;)( Abubakar Kawu and also members u the new DeCUtlW led by Alhajl BamanP Tukur who....n elecU!d at the NaUonaJ Convention fI the party held on March 23Jonathan dJd not m1nce words at the event. he gaYe kudos to all the IOnner executlw ~ .110 are abo members U the NaJJooaI _ Committee (NWC) u the party fur setting the pace and dJrec. tlon ror portIcI_ d<moc:nocy In the
At the event which lasted lill late evening Th~ the ~t gave kudos to the I'onner NWC members u the party ror execut.lna a great task with the success at the ~I I gener-al tJectioos and the kick off u reforms to ~IUon the party to del.M!r on the transformation Igenda ~
his admlnlstralJon. It was an opportUnIty for the President
that the country
mlnlstnUon WI.] determined 10 br1ng the sUuaUon UJldtor oontrol by June to gUarantee the Wei)' olll\-~ and propert;)[
The President regretted that • lot oC
wues are poUUclJ;ed lncluding the issue of M!CUrlty; whIr.h he said was not heJ~ lnI the country to InaU mean1ngfW Prot:-
barm on)!; peace and deYeiopment in many oountrles rI the world incl udIng Nlpria.
Presidential Villa's visitors L C&nUnal Jean Lou1s Taw-an. Prefect.
Pontlllcal Cowdl ror In.... """""'"'
AI!aIrs 2. Fonner" ActlJIg aUonal Cbalrman u the POp, AlhIdI Abubakar ~ a Deputy Spea)ier u the House u Re~.
Bon. EmeIla IhedJoha 4. Chainnan U lh! PDP,
AlhaJI Bama.llga Tukur .. Chalnnan
a Stmbk: IB'J'C,
Me AtediD Petendde 6. Dbw:tor Gentral the Bureau Publ.lc Entenlrile (BPE). Ms. Bolanle
7 Governor u Akwa lbom State. CodswW Akpnblo 1_ MAcedonia non-resident Ambassador to NIgeria, Mr narka Anae'ov 9. SenalOl" And) Uba
Message of peace from the Pope
was not prepared ror the dullJenge of lerrortsm it was currently facing, his ad·
While ~in8 conc:em over the Iecut1ty chalJen.se. Jonathan said; "I.ndeed this Issue r:I .ecurlty is aocnethln& that worries all 01 us. Yes. we had securtty problem In the oountry llke armed rro ~ but then thl.1 Issue of kidnapping and especlally 1!!r1"Ol" attacks by suicide bombers Is quite Iu-ange. It was nol there before.. Inltlally In December 2009 when. Nigerian was to ring down an American alrcraft. our rapoR!le was thai this boy cou1d do this 1Mca ~ he studied abroad.. We didn't know th:u It was coming. Now Yo'e 8J'1! raced with the reallUes. .. Jonathan noted that a.'er)'lhlng lncIud· Ina: the aecurlty t.tue in the country ha5 been poUUWed. -I!\owything is ponuclsed. ror eu.mllie when the Americans .,,-ere atblclted dtlr1.n8 9/11. every Amen-
ard1nal Jean Louis 'I'auran. Pn!fect. PontlOcaJ CouncU for Inter RelldoUs Afraln was at the PrelIdential VlllII with a messap rI peace tram the Pope espedaI.ly at thIs time when the muntty b _oecurlty ~ Vk:e-Presktent Namadi Sam.bo who met with Tauran noted that his visit as timely at a aiUcal point when everyone In the (X)UDtry needs to I!!!IChew vlolmoe and mlbncepoaco. The CanUnaJ and his CouncU for Inter RelJcIous Main are workln« ror re1Jcious
sue was brought tlJ1deor control
'I'hou8b be admitted
to wine and dine with the old and new eJ:ecutM! membml rllhe party and to thank the former encu~ for what they were able to ach1eve whIle assurtnc them that the pany would not fbrget them.. For BaraJe. the actUevement reoonjed by the e:recutlvt: that be Jed oouJd not haYt! been possible without the e{. rorts of the President ror insllllln& lndependerx:e In IIIndIna the party which has made the party to become better CM!I' the last .......... BaraJe said he was ready to aenoe again in whatewr poslUon asigoed to him in the detennlnation to m<M!! the (X)IJf1try forward to an mviab&e position. For Tukur. hIs agenda ror the party wouJd be rounded on -three ·R·... which are Reconcillatlon. Reform and ~bulld Ing. ,------------
L.-A: Pt-M6cMnl GocdudI ~ """ tom.' AdIna NdoMI a..Irmen of the PMP- o.ner.ec...." (POP). AbubIUr K..u ..... __ . . _ NdonIII AIMfI ........ 'Ntut lit . . . . . tor the tor...... ~ of the ....,... Worting CoINNttft (HWC) of 1M pttrty • the s.... .....
E-Fanning revolution and political fanners lh the 0'Vt"r" dependence rI the on revenue from Ule oU sector; one other area that the 100....ernment bas rocused I.ts attention is qrlcuIture and the present admlnl.straUon is not leaving any stone Wlturned to cn!I3te a revolution in the !eCWr and to ensure that are encouraged to ID InID""" ocaIe productloo food. ThIs year aklne. the government has made provision to spend about N27 bUUoo on the procurement u rert.1llzer to help fanners In growing UK'.ir crops and ensurIn« boonlillll ham!st. Considering the n-audwent and &us-
tralinl .ystem where
the renlllzen pro-
a.tn!d by~t do ootset to farmers or are diYe1ed and later I1!i9OkI to them at a \'eI'Y hJ&h 00!it, the pWenUnent has introduced an e&ectronk: system where the data U rarmers are captured to enable rertWz.er and aeed.s to be suppUed to fannen
lOr the roUectlon u their allocation. With this. the rarmer is expected to pay 50 per cent u the total cost rI the seeds and rertlliz.l!r as the p:M!nlfN!flt bas already paid the other 50 per- OI!nt in rorm m
subs"' " Minister m
AgrIculture. Dr:. Aklnwunm! Adeslna who urtYdled Ule electronic system and bow It would ben!O.t the rannen and the couo.try as a who~ noted thai the means U dlstrlbution ~ seeds and rert.illz.en to £armers Uu-ough ~t qencles was fraught with hud as the items do not get to rarmen but ended up in the bands fL polIUcaI who resell the Items in the m.a.net and even take to nel&hbourtnl countries. Tb lIUlU the dectronic .ystem to I'unolion efTec::t.ive1J( Adesina Wo dJJclo&ed that aovemment has been able to.-abe N30 bUUon throush a suarantee racll1ty arrarlPrDI!flt by both the Mlo.lstries ~ rtnanoe and that rI AgrIculture with aU the banks
Another- innovation that has also been lntroduad is the lntnxluctJoq,oC the electronic wallet system where a Carmer pts Information alerts on hls mobile phone about allocation u aeed5 and rertlllz:en which are then sent to agro deaien within
The mInlst.er stated that the auarantee facility would rtduce the risk u k!nd.l.nI by the banks, taYln& that the N30 bUHon would finance the entire teeds and rertll· ben supply ror the OOWltry without any
their locality "'ilo are abo In Ute .ystem
The vlslt of Taunn was the opportu nity that Sambo needed to emphulse: the con1IaI and good n!latlonshlp between the gover nment and n!lIgI0U5 organisations. -, am sure )'QU must hlM! been Inronned that the IO'o"wnment e~ inter-religious partnership. dialogue and abo W'Of"k1n8 bard to eJUure peace. stabU.h y and development in the counu-yand the .-hole rI AfrIca." Sambo told
Taunn. .. , want to assure you that 1olo-e wW live aU the support that ls needed to the achle\--ement U )'Our noble objectJve to eD5UJ1! that peace and harmony are achle\-'ed to Nigeria and Ute world We will encourage that and "''e will support It." Sambo said.. For Tauran, his vts.It to the country was a pleasant surpri!le as most €I the reportS About AfHca haw a1ways been negative while the positive developments in the mntinent do not attract much attmUon. The Card.lnal does not want people to beUeve that religion can be used as the Instrument u violence as It has always been a prtmlUv!: u I'1!S01ving conOk:u. WhIle expresslna; opinion on the liecurlty challenge In the COUIltry and the need to live In peace and hanoon.x Tauran saki. "Muslims and Chrlstlans ba\'!J a lot In common. We are IMnI in a plW"lllstk ~ I see quality u fHendshlp between tbechurch and the.tate and the nm pUlaI u dialogue Is buman ftiendshJp." )'OIl
ON I'.\ GF.S 11 ,·/4 & ~~ to the governmen:::::::.l_ _ _ _ _--.!!'II!!'II!!'II!!'II!!!!!'II!!'II!!'II!!!!!!'II!!'II!!!!'