youthful zeal
Travel News
Trans Wonderland: Oyo State warns against encroachment
he Oyo State Government. on Monday, warned thai any lnd.lvlduaJ or corpo.-
rale organisation caught encroach-
In. on Its property at Trans Wonderland In lbadan would be dea1! "11th 1..1\ accordance "11th the law. The siate Deputy Governoa: Otunba Moses
Adeyemo, laYe the warning during an unscheduled visit to the facUlty located in the heart of the state caPital. He said that Bovern·
ment waas now ready to transform the (acll· Ity into a world class multl·purpose oulflt In line "11th the tnutsformaUon agenda of the Ablola AJimobl administration. - We wW do everything legal to t.ransform this place: "'"t! are taklnl over the facUlty and
..-e "lUi use It for the bernont of the people of 0)'0 State~. the deputy IQW:rnor saId.. According to him, the restoration of the facUities and introduction of mOn! projects within the park remain the priority of the lovernmenl. stressing that the park would serve as a lood source of employment for the people as "leU as an avenue to generate ~~nue ror the state The acting CAneral Manger or the compa n~ Mr. Sunday Kolawole, told the deputy KOV ernor that some people had been maklng at tempu to take over the premises berore It was brollihl to the attention of the government Kolawole commended the slate government for the take-over of the park as weU as the provLslon of security within the premises.
Meetings Africa 2012 beats all time records T he 2012 edlUon been hailed
Meetinp Africa has
an undoubted Succe!III for
lhe South African tTaVel and buslness tourism lndustry and alJo for the local and rorelgn buytn. exhibitors and vLsltors who Oocked to lheshow In recon1 numbers tills year. When the threeday ahlblUon dosed on ThUMidal'Man:h I, CM!rall attendance (al 3,452) was 70 percent up 011 attendance in 3111 (1.637), with registered lnternaUonal visitor numbers nearlydoublJng from 106 in ani to2lli In 3l12(up 93 pen::ent). A maj(r success for what is prlmarlly a buslnes:&-lO-business traie show Is that a totaJ c:I U06 meetlf185 were requested du.rin& the ~ day show tltrough the Meetlnp AfHca matcft. making eIectronlc diary system. slvinl real substance to the shoWs usefulness as a businessenabling and revenue-gerwat.lng environment. Whlle there WIIJ Iood buslness tourism In· terest from South AfHca's core tourism markets, the~ was a noticeable heightened lnter· est at Meetings Africa this year from emerglng markets. with. lively aRICS panel dlscu.5slon on the show's penultimate day highJ1&hUng the potentIal and lnle~ in South Africa from China, India, Bruit and Russia.
There "''In 61 percent nxn International jour-
ilg of the arcestral Eri tracitions, Mmaku has conti1ued to be a Qfeat place cf spiritual revwal
and aooororg to 2006 Census, the popuIatlc:n of Mmaku Is 256,000 people consisting of more woman than men. St.rounded by dreams hence the "",emIaI production of WIgetabIes and tubers and agriculture remains the main eoonornic sOonglh "' ... people. Mmaku has a weekly Ajar market located Ilt EzJoha Vitlage.
Omodo Forest In O s un State The Omoco Forest is a pfaca
with many tourist endowments. Among the hills, a ma}or one, Dora rises 400 to 500 feet with a foot path ktadlng to the top. Many towns around Osogbo, lIasa and Ede are vfsitMe from the hill top. Beside It, there Is another hill called Oon Hill that 15 also 8 wonder. AsIde the Omodo River, thet"e are also smaller rivers aJI of which get their source from the hill. MicCom Golf Resort located In Ada aver hectares of land thai melt lnto the Omado Fofest Is the mapr pull to the area.
nallsts at Meetinp Afiica this year (37 In :1112 mmpared to 22 In an I). '1'here is no doubt look· inc al U1e nwnben that this has been the most sua::esstW Meetings Africa show Y'!l It .show! that there is keen Interest In destination South Afiica and bodes otremely .-oell for our pIan5 to grow business tourist ar-rh'als, entrench our sta· tus as Africa's leading business tOl.1rlMn destination and Increase our share In the global business tourism mar1tet." said South AD1can Tourism Chlef Execulh'f! 001c:ef; Thulanl Nz1ma. Elena Oemldova. a buyer from Russia who has been working for three years with destIna· tion South AfrIca said It was lmportant to 0> Opt the jN'Ofesslonal services and the interest 0( as mnny Russian buyers as possible. "Meet tngs Africa glvt!!l us a greal opportunity to bring our best specialist people to South Africa from Russia. 111Ls has been the first time thai our marlu!t has been expoeed to your destina· tion on this scale and to thLs extent It makes people talk about South Africa. II's been a great business opportunity; and ,,"'e look forward to the rewards It brings for all of us" Meetings Africa Is held each year 81 the end of February in the Sandton Convention ~nlAl InJohan.,........