NAMA to install new airfield lighting at Abuja Airport he Nigeriaa Abpace
that within 48 hours that the AFt. in all the airports ~ handed. over to the age~ the management deployed portable
emergency lighting system to
ha.5 concluded plans to the airport lldoh empbasised install a brand new AJefleld !hit the agency bad done the 04
LJghting approach. system at
the Nnamdi Azlklwe International Airport. Abuja to boost Oight operatlol1lJ in the coun~
The M~ Olrector of the agen~ Engn N~amdi Udoh disclosed this ~--e.r the weekend in Ahuja in an int=rview ....ith aviation correspondents. Udoh stated tha,l1he agency would Install the equipment in the next four Vrl!C!ks immediately after U~nclUSlon of airport by the min sterof avia-
lion. Mr&.Stella odl'"h. Be decried that before
there had been 11 essant AFt. 'rt.. but said outage at Ule
Glo rewards dealers with 53 cars,lothers K UNLE AzEEZ
10011>\01010 top of
/he """'" Soe<ia1 UUlIty /mlat troPhles,
43 utility ~ Jnultimlllion Mlrn credit 00le5 and Samsung Ga.laxy Notes to its lZ\ top performing Business Assoc.intcs in
thecoun", Tre preseo
were made
at a grand event
nt the Eko HOIeI and Soltes to j:.agos at the Wl'I!kend where G~'s Business
was on the second layer safety in AbuJa. which he said in·
volved installation of
geDeratlng set and Uninterrupted Power System (UPS) to
the airport. Resaid the third layer would lrH;lude installation of solar power AFL system. stressing
illin8 of the that these things are vertflable
Ule ongoing re I
.. GE _ S"'f"'l
eod of the airport runW'Q'while it is on the nhabUitatioD of the 22 ~ of the same rurrwa;y. At pfegelrt, he said NAMA
i""" for outstanding fonnance and eu:ellera! in distributing and oilllni <llo', uds aaoss
IT finn boost:s system inte~ration in Nigeria
by anybody in the industry while the management had also conunenced training of its per-
sonnel to handle the new equipment acquired b),'lheagenC)t
thecoun... 'lbp among the Associates: h0noured at the e\lml was Easy and QuIetLimlied, which emerged as the Best Perfunnln& Glo Business Associate nationwide and was ~ warned with the lalest modcJ d Range Rovt!r Span HSE, a Hyun· dal utility van, one mUllon naira O'edit Note. Samsung Galaxy Note and a spectal crystal trophy;, courtesy of Globacom's Chair· man. Dt: Mike Adenuga Jnr The presentation of the key to the ..... """" Sport by Gt_ oom's Executh'1! Director. Mr: Ad· evm1e Sangowawa, SUPPOrted by !.he company's Director or CUstomer Care, Ms. M.aria Svennson and the company's ambassador. Odunlade Adekola, climaxed the as the entire hall was raptUIW in a blaze of confetti deIlnI· ""'pablo excI!emen~ _ Uon. celebratory musk: and coIowful tlglttlng.
In the continent during Cisco's annu8.J. Global Partner Summit held in San Diego, California, United States. A statement made available to Na1ionai Mirror at the week· end said Weco's ongoing
eco SYS~' a cer· Ufied S m lnte-grator w tb special·
izatioo on vario
technologies and a eading pro-
vider or Int2rUet Protocol and communication sy;tems, bas boosted the global, status for system lntegyaUon to Nigeria. This foUowed ~e recognition of WecoSyst~sns Cisco's unveils its African Enterprise Partner Awanl WI er for 2012 for Its unequaled s*-rformance
vestments In developing skUls. competencies and practice around Cisco solutions, from TelePresence and Enterprise Netwotklng tn Unified Com· puling System (U('8), coUal» ration technologies. security solutions, mobility solutions and so on underpinned by cost-effective lndustrialised serviCt!S. a!I facton enabling the company to attain its leadership posltion in the African continent In t.h1s year's Global partner sum.m1l
LCCI identifies reasons for economic low performance in first quarter on businesses in the Lagos area
et:erioration in (lOWt!I'" suppIJl securlty aisis, fuet
subsidy removal and. wmk
consumer demand have been btamOO fur low perlbnnan<o of the nation's economy In the first
quarteror 2012.
to a _
entitled "m12 First Quarter Busl·
ness Environment Report'" car· ..... out by the Lagos Cbambe.- of Commen:e and Industry (LCCI). emerged as issues that cut across sectors or the econom.):
The report. acmrdlng to LCCl, is the outoome of feedback from members of the chamber and the wider business community In Lagos on investment climate issues. The stu::ty revealed an evident deterioration In power supply in the first quarter which took toll
1CfT1 in Bauchi have appealed to the Federal GoYermnem to review the proposed electronlc fertiliser dlstrlbuUon system otherwise known as the e-wallet scheme. They have also called for the appUcaUOn or the voucher system In the distribution 0( fertillsen to
farmers in the COWlt:nt A cross secUon of the farmers told the NftlJS A,gmcy rt' N'tgterlo. (NAN) in Bauchi on said the pn:igramme would expose them to more difficulties In ac· cesslng the cornmoditJ[ The e-waUct scheme is a pr0gramme through whlch the fl!d. era! Gavemment is currently running to capture the data of farmers in the country through registratIoo designed to enhance
farmers' access to fertilisers. seeds and other farm Inputs. The ~t plans to do
and """" parts of the """"'" Signed by Director General of LCCI. Me. Muda Yusuf, it noted that partial removal of subst<IY has made the Impact more severe. especlally for Small and Medlwn Scale Enterprises (SME)§ that use smaller capacity electricity generators. As a result. the study revealed that in first quarter, there were
stwp """""" to bustness .". erating 006l due to high cost of diegel and PMS; competitive d.i.o;. ndvanIage for kx:aI producers and manu:facturers, erosion or profit - . sulH>ptimal capacity utlli7ation and business sustain· abtlltychallenges. The study explained that security situation in the muntry asswned dJsturl>tng dimensions impacting on the tnvestment en· vironment thereby leadln,g to
declining """""". confidence
across the broad spectrum or d0-
mestic. fOreign and prospective
investon in the econom.J Apart from this. the study
waled negative Impact on Image and perception or the country in the global oommunitJ rnwmling escalation rX risk of doing busl· ness in some partS. and rekxation d businesses away frtm the tr()U. bled spots in the countr): Aa:ording to ~ stud,y. some organisations reviewm their security budgets upwards in the Ught of developments in the coun· try and that there was signJficant setback for tourism sector in the
countrJ< It noted that partial removal. d. subsklyon petrol had lmplk:ations for businesses in the first quarter as last January proteSts paralysed the eronomy with huge losses to buslnessand the~
Fanners urge review of electronic fertiliser distribution system this through the use 0( GSM phone nwnben d the fanners ~~d~weMtaM~
Alhajl Bello GaIoji. a maize farmer, said the distribution 0( fertl1isers through GSM phone would not be In the Interest of small holder fanners in rural
ronununit.ies. Galoji said peasant fanners do not awned cell phones and Q&.f numbers due to poverty and non· availability or GSM networks in rural communltles. "It is going to be of advantage to the people Uvtng In urban ar· eas. who can use friends and ram· ity to manJpulate and get more fertilisers than they need "And the me that is supposed to be for farmen will be givm to
anybody in the town where GSM service is available. "So. I don't' think this going to work and if It Is going to work. It will onJy fiMJur those living In the clt)t"
GaJoji called for the l'1!introduction of the \'OUCher scbeme in fertiliser distribution to enhance
farmers' access to the commodit:)l: He added that the sustalnabil· tty 0( the voucher scheme would guarantee genuine fannen' ac· cess to the commod1ty and check diversion. "If government actually wants to give f2rtiliser to the rea1 rarm· ers. let them do it the way they tUd in that voucher system. we are very mlCh comfortable wUh that