Constitution review Senate receives 100 memoranda from N'Central
Nonh-Central Senate Sub-committee on the review of the 1999 COnstltution received 100 memoranda during its public sitting In Mnkurd.i. the chainnan of the comminee, Senatol'" Barnabas Gemade. has said. Gemade, who ga..-e the information at the closing of the pubUc hearing at the weekend. said the
document would be usefuI to the Senate in producing a more acceptable constitution. He oommended those who participated in the sessions for their orderly oondUCl and assured them that their views would be forwnrded to the Senate. Gemade also assured them that the Senate wouJd take notice of issues
not slated Cor deliberation bUi "'"en! contained in the
people's submissions. He assured groups who did not make their submissions Wt they still had the chance to subm1t their papers.. GemadesaidtJ\eessence of the wide consu1t:ations was to produce a constitution that .....'OUld be acceptable to all Nigerians.
Saraki was benevolent, says Okonkwo O LAJlDE O UOJOLOMOJU
reactions continue to I'Ipour in over the passag1a d strongman d Kwara politics. Dr: OlusoiaSarakl., the President d a South-East political group, ClI, Sena· tor Annie Okonkwo, has described hIm as "the un-
priest d Kwara politks. .. In his tribute through his Special Assistant 00 Media, Me. Colllns SteYe Ugwu. O~"O noted that the late SaraId was a "'unique medical politidan whose pl"O\'eO surgery in masses geoerosity provided him the magic eX his eJldoo;t,"ed popularity to his
He saKI," He has a peculiar charisma that is 001 no~ yet: wery loud by the ease d his adaptatlon to all cIas1;es of IUs people. especlalIy the masses. Ttrls a-aftsmanship was a stJa\'e repeUant political weal>" onry that guar.mteed. him loyalty from the people wherle\w poachers tried to encroad>.
LG poll: Yakowa counsels contestants AD.
overnor Patriclr. Yakowa of Kaduna State yesterday advised politicians to always shun viI> lence and accept defeat, as power comes from God.. Yakowa said the key to peacefu] political activities is when politicians would be ready to be guided by such a belief . He st:UEd this yesterday
at the Kaduna Township Stadium during the flag-(J(f u campajgns and presenta· tion cI Proples Democratic Party (PDP) flap to 23 candidates the Ihrthcoming local government elections in the state. The poll is slated fur December L He funher urged the standard-bearers to desist
from politics characterIsed by insult. fighting and mudslinging.
He said. "The greatest
obstacle to a peaceful. fair and credible election in this country is the tendency for poliucians nOI to believe that power comes from God. " Out by the time 9o"e believe that it is so, Nigeria will start to witness a healthJ( virile and peaceful contest. and so I am urging you today to go and campaign but without insult. fighting or casting aspenion on anyone."
Kaduna embarks on schools' census Ifaduna State Gow!rnment
~ it will begin the2D12I 21H3 annual school cemus data ~ eD!!rlse for
""'' ' ' '"' ' tal ""'""
The state's ComrnJssion-
er for Education. Muhammad Usman. made this known in a statement ~ the weekend. in Kaduna. Muhammad said the ex-
. . - """'" .... . - between Morldalt NlM!mber19 and ~ NoYember:l). He said the exercise was aimed at getting accu· rate data of public and private primary and secondary schools in the state. ""This would enable government to set up developmental plans in the
education sector to meet the desired objectives. .. Muhammad urgI!d Principals. Head """"'" Zonal Oiltlctors and Education Sec·
retaries d the Local G<M!mment F.duc::J.i:D1 Authcrities 10 supply the _ '""""" to the AnnUal School Census Dat:t Collectors i r the success d the exercise.
Community decries activities of sex workers 1\"
,\l\ I~__&\ Ulll" tD ,~~
D esidents of MarafaRsbuni community in Dan&:e-Shuni Local Gov· ernment area of Sokato
l\1)OIlIOJ.ISlJmct.. .
wo,.:;orn ll 'IOU \.0
\\\~~\,,~ut\\C\Si 'M,\Y.\"~ 1M - ' I t Ro-d TtIIMc CraM A _
AI-makura'II complete abandoned projects, says commissioner . ... _ TItIMalde. .IINasarawa StJte CommJs. sbe- i:r lnixmaDcn
Orientation. said 00 Sawrday
'l'ankD Al-rmkur.J.
"""",_an-. Iin!d~in ttEstlie
Titi-Monde said this in
an interView wtth the News Agency of Nigerian (NAN) In Lalla
She said the adminlstration was y,'Orlting to ensW'l! that all abandoned projects in the state y,-ert! ampleted as soon as possible. ""The goo.-emment bas also completed new projeas loc1uding the School d Nursing and Midwife[1t LaHa and the State House d Assembl~ among others."
she added She llI'p!d the people to support the goo.wnment to bigger meaningful de\'e:1opment in the state. ..A)·makura has the interest ~ the people at heart and would do e\'e:rythlng to gh.'e: to them the much needed dMdendsof democ· ~"
she said
State have called on government to save the area from the activities of commercial sex workers. They rn.1de the call duro ing the woeek at an interactive section bet'Ao-een reparten and the villagers on the lmpacts 0( Global Fund-sponsored Community Saongthe_ Sygem (CSS) supeMsed byi\ctiooaid Nigeria'. in the area.
SpeaJdng with Sunday M~ Senior Mobilisation Ofllcer. Health Services 0( the local government. Ma1am.i Binu, said: "Our
,..,. 1-
""""""' " """""
NEMA. has '"""""'" """"
in rural arms am urban settlements in Kogi Stale from bush burning.
10_ ~
The Zonal Coordinato~ North Central, MJ: Ishaya
Isa:h Chonoko. stated this in Lokoja at a sensitisa.tion workshop organlsed by the agency for the victims of the floods in Kogi State. Chonoko said busb burning has contributed to the depletion of the ec0system. with resultant effect on human health. He regretted the refusal
of the local government officials in the state to comply with the disaster management strateg):
Patrick Yakowa
Uor Kadtma State has approl,'l!d there1ease~ NI bU· lion Joan 10 irrigation farm· ers in the state. YakDwa said this 00 Sat· ~ in Kaduna during the pre5E!I1taJ:ion d flags to Pe0-
TheOOCl"din:llorcaJJed 00 the Federal Gc:Pm'nment to make disaster management
ples """""'"'" Party jPDP) candJd.;nes: in the Oec:ember
_ _ _ In """"
JocaI ccundlseJectlm.
to ensure mnplj;uy:e fn:m
be disbursed to small holder fanners under the Sub-
He said the loan y,vuJd
munities and health "i'1)riI:-
en on the need to contain
"They constitute a threat to the health of our people. Many of our youth go to them and sleep with them. We are afraid there Is posslbWty for our youth, whom 'A'e are trYing
to convtnce on the reality of HJV/ AIDS to cont:rac1 the disease." He. therefore, called on government to control the activities of the sex worken.
Sinu expressed the belief that the Global·Fund sponsored initiative which im"Olves stn!ngtliening the leaders of selected com·
the HJV I AIDS. tuberculosis and malaria had drastically reduced the spread or the diseases in the past tv."O years.. He stressed that the programme empowered the leaden of the communities to sensitise their people on sustained prevention and management of the diseases. Chairman. Marafa.ghu~ nl Ward ~pment Com~ mittee, AlhaJi Mohammed.. expressed happiness with the reduction in malaria. which he saki bad c:Iaimed many lives in the area before the intervention. He noted that the community focused on prevmtion d iUV/ AIDS to reduce incidence of tuberculosis.
Yakowa approves H1 bn loan to irrigation farmers ~0'0'e:nl0l"
NEMA warns against bush burning
has been unpal.:uable, as a result of sex ,,"Orlten that operate close to us bell! annmd the Army Barrncks. Their numbers are in hundreds.
experience on
sidy Fund Reirn'l!Stment Progrnmme (S1JRE.p). Y'--added tboI modal· ities y,1!re being y,urkDut to ensure that the fanners ha\'e smooth a::cess to the
The governor said the Jl,linistry f£ Agrlculture had been directed to regis.ter irrlgation furmers into coopernt:ives before the disbur.;emenL He advised the party's carx1idates to be peaceful in
their campaigns. avoid rig. ging and ~ transparentpoUs.. Yakowa said the state needs peace to enable gov. ernment exeCl.lle de\-eIopmenl programmes for the benefit d the people. The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that 23 chairmanship candidates Wl'n! presented with the PDP IIag ahead of the elec· tion slated for December L