EMEDITH commits to capacity development of youths E LLA O lAMlJU
he growing notion lha1
the challenge of unem· ployment In the coumry owes more to the un-employabUiIY of Nigerian youths
than the lac.k of employment opportunities has attracted the concern of human devel· opment CORlmlUng f\nn Em-
011'11 Project" Is designed Cor teenagers, students, orphans 8$ well as children with disabilities. According to the Head, Em· edith Consulting, Mr. Emcka Minge il 1$ evident that the state of atTalrs for the youth. where jobs are near Impossible to sei:ure, and even where onc does manage to find a job, Job satisfaction is asking for a tad
ror leens and youths In the
bit toomuclL He said. '"This is what makes It lmpenttve to get people g& ing. gel the adrenaline flOWing, make people understand thai they can always make the best
of even the worst of shuallons
The three dimensional nOlror-profit skills development Inltlative tagged: ""The EM&-
and themselves. and Nigeria Is still not the worst place In the wortd.
For this reason, Ihe firm said It ls commlttln& to provldln& professional and per· sonal development training
ADM to recognise outstanding govt agencies fHcan Development Magazine, a publication rocused on the progress or the continent l.s hold Ina; an Awards of Excellence in Accra, Ghana on the 28 APril. 2012 to celebnue the " 10 Most Outstand.in& Gov· ernment Agencies in Nigeria
A 2011 '
Accordina to the Editor-inchief/CEO, Mr. Ayo Simpson I1esanml, the awan1s ls in recognition of the pivotal role of I(Wernment In promotlng development, and to eive honour to the cream of public service that have excel In the rour key performance indicators, namely; Mandate Focus, Service DeUverx Budget and actual returns ,management and Institutional Rerorms. In geulOi: these "Ia Most
OUlStandln.g Government Agencies, African Development MogcuiM commissioned CAYLE Assoclate(Research Cons ultant) 10 conduct research that enDllned 100 government agencies across board, which was pruned down to 50
eading telecommunications services provider, Alnel Nigeria has showcased Its latl!St Small and MediwlI Enterprises (SMEs) 'Club Business' solutions as weU as Other prodUCtS and services to the 23rd Enuc:u lnwmational
Trade","" Alrtel Nigeria, the telecoms partner for this years trade fair, is providing Investment and busbleS8 opportunities in the nation's quest to support the titize~ and grow the eoonomll AcoordIng 10 the Chief' Es:ecutive Officer of the compan): Rajan Swarooll, the Enugu rair avails Alrtel a good avenue to further showcase ill arrays f£ exciting productl and servk::es to the people d the South Eastern states. Swaroop iBkI the SME Club
TOLA A KINMUTIMI AJlUJA 'Ie Statistician General d the Jo"'cdenltion, Dr: Verni Kale. ~t~ WMliled plans by the Bureau lOoondua the National Agriculture Sample Survey as part of its OIljOlIl& efbu to provide baseline ind.icaton: lOr the sector and by impllcmdl boost agricultural produaMty in the
Gtvtnc the hint in his welcome remarks at the launch of the maiden edition d the NBS/Worid Bank Data General Household Survey Panel in Nigeria In Ablija. Kale sajd the inltiative ..lIS bl recognition 01 the increaslnl: role of agriculmre to national development, especially Its potenlial to
improve the Uves of millions of N ........... In addltkln, he staled tlUlI tile moYe would also enable the Bu reau to guide the sector's deve1opmental 8I..oenda tlU'Ot.I&h provision 01 reliable statistical data 10 stakeholden in the a,gncultural vahle chain on arumru basis. Spec.1ftcal1)c: he hinted that the NBS was pIannlng to oonducr a Nation&) Agr1cuIlW'e SampJeCen sus which will provide basehne indicators ror tiM! sector; provide a hne ill" sub5l!quent agrlaLltw'e-rclaled SlU'\"e)'S and provide evidence of the Impact of past poUdes and interventions bl the
He explalned:"Our ooIlabora lion with the Mlnlsuy of Agrlcul tore on the Nnlional Agr1culture
Sample S-lDvey will soon begin. We are aho 1.I.anning to conduct a national Agricu1ture Sample Census. which will provide baseline Indk:ators lilt'" the SII!ClOr; provide a frame lOr subsequent agriculUln! relalOO sw"''e)'S. and provide evidence 01 the lmpacr of past policies and imerventims in the """,,"
'M1e V.b:td Bank n!pI"l!SeOIalive, Dr. B.ldrui llaque, ....-b) amtne:Med u~ NBS fir the fir-sI-eIoW IIoosehoId SWvey!lola. ...... stakehoIdtn in various sectors d the NJ.gerUn eorn::.ny to continue "_~avaIIOO by the rehatJ&e scat1stkal data ~ inK produ;;:ed by the Bureau for the pu.-poees of etfective pIannlng and bllP'emcntation of their- deW!Iopmcnt projects.
at fi~l instance and eventually 10 performed creditably to be adjudged. the best agencies in Nigeria in terms of developmental II should be noted that over 1000 respondents were reached across the five major cities of Nigeria, lIesanml said in a StatemenL He uplained that the evenl is to be held in Ghana 10 help develop the integration of the
continent, by brlOi:ing our prized agencies to rub minds with their counterparts in Ghana_
Airtel storms Enugu Trade Fair S TANLEY I HEDtGBO
NBS to conduct National Agriculture Sample Survey
Business package which would be (onnaUy unvcilOO to the South East m.o.rlu!t at the (aIr, would be d immense benefits 10 the pe0ple of the reiPon regarded as a thriving hub ror Small and Medium Enlerpri!Jes in theOOWl~ Giving insights on the benefits of Club Business. Swaroop pointed out that effecth-e communication is a vital element for the success rL any business hence the reason Atrtel came up with a solution to assist 8ME owners maximize profit and Improve efficiency by controlling their spending on mobile phone call. "We have, by !iO doing, successfully created harmony between employer and the em· ployee by eml)()Werlng them to con trol both budget and airlime usage with the ability
to transfer airtime to those on Club Business DlobUe net· work," Swaroop said-
~ (ARSI, tfueko ()Quru. wtth 1M Group ManagIng DlrKtOr, UnIon BaM 04 N}geria PIc, MiL FunD o.lbodu, M • We trNty .tr-.gy -uhop In Abut.. rec:.nttv- PHOTO: NAN
Edcuttv. ChHman., F...... lnI.nd R _
FG, Danjuma Foundation sign MoU on agro-business grant for youths Tou. A KINwunWI AI!WA
he federal Government and the TV Danjuma Foundation yesterday signed a joint Memorandum of Undel"Standlng on the proposed aero-business grant ror quall-
ntld corps members as pan or
agro-allied ventures nallon wide. The seed grant ror any qualified applicant will range between two and three million na.l ra. depending 00 the ven
lure. According 10 the YOUlh De veJopment Minister, Mallam 801811 Abdullahl, during the MoU Signing ceN!mony in Abltla the grant is a special £sed package for qualtned NYSC graduates who Intend
the current efforts to tackle youth unemployment challenges by offering the youths opportunities to be selr-employed and establish agro-businesses_The become employers or labour in grant wUl equip the affected the medium and long terms of corps members with requisite the CDllaClty-bulldlng initiative skills ror self employmenl, The MoU I..s the rormalisation provide nnanelal and t hnl of the publlc-Ilrlvate partner- cal support for their agl"icul ship Initiative belnK facUitated turall)rojects_ by the Youth Development M.lnHe upla1oed: "What Is most istry In collaboration with the imponant is the principle beJo))undatlon to create entrepre- hind the projeCt, Wi! ha\'eagreed neurial opponunJties ror corps to give irant to corps members members in agricultunO and who want to do agro business
and they wlU get a grant 0( belween two and three mOOoD each, but .. e don't know how many corps members wUl appif and submll viable proposal, sO It could be any amount of monIt wouJd be demand driven, we cannot Sit here and beein to
say this Is how much thai would be commJued, Ir we do that we are a.lroody excluding aU the other possibilitIeS." In her remarks at the ~ slon, the LxeCUINe Director and hie( EJ:ecutlve Officer or the roundation, Ms Thelma Eklyor; stall<i that the project would be m5talned with Ihe planned kkk-off of the pUOI: scheme in June, adding that already, proposals are already being rec:etVOO from applicants but that access to grant would depend on the reaslbility of