to national cocoa transformation initiative
~15 ror about 5 ~ cent 0( the _tt1d's 00C08 producllon. the
1TA will be providing vital support to
lr'ansfonnadon c:trort.. as the country ant-rita on doubUng pnxtucUon alUM! o-op In the next rew years. SpeclOcally. the IMUlu!.e plans to help the
· From.I((I, Director, L T .. .sam.wng!:lectTon.1cs West ",rica. Chioma lwuchuJcwu-Nwdce: Maruwlng DiredOf"", IldtciJ Global Ud., Adnon Ilehdl. and Cho.nnet Monaga-, rr, Samsung Wat ",rico., rotcuade Oyelayo. at SantsItnQ !';Iectn:wUc:s' U1WdJlng qf Sfties 9, the world'. thinnest notdMMJC. in Lagos. I"eCImLiM.
Gombe seeks FG's intervention to tackle transportation, Obo, .1 ..~.Ab-* unemployment '_.......-..01""".., '1
11 r........
Q . rn
h .1l
un e In
be StalC. enl 18
mabie: It tJoo and
pI o~m e n ,t
rrh~ -~ r..ov rnor of G'm~e ' ~t. ,AlhaJI I bra~lnt kwaabo, .tltdd H urln, a mcuh" w th the "In~t~ ( r de and In. 0 n Abuja Spec ~ I"'f~ slated thai l):1e state RO"~fT,n1erlt Id want 10 kq Ihto e Federal C; 0 ¥ ern rd e n J • " IndustrlilllaatJpn policy,
'5 wdl as the retl:ntly 6uugunled mass tJ:;aruIlt
(acillt.ate he smooth operation o( Federal icheme to createtJoba A.!lI!lted Mas!I Transit .nrt Ith buses. Ue wd, -rhis is r · Drn=~e~~d the the nut dme we are ,late government ",as having a toordlnated ready to partner the mass tlansi programme rll1islry o( Trade and tbat wlll iddrus the nvestmen t on the t.ranl'JpOrt.dW~acrt181S evelopmem of small theoounlry,treatejobeand nd med ium scale genenate ernploymwt for enlerprlses, espeqlally our people. In the a rea of .klll We\ to key Into acquisition. He noted Ulbacbem6Utrougtathe \hll the atate Combe State Transport government had Corporau0f\- Already. W'e embarked on the - have emtarked on 1':0natrueUon and masalve ctnstructlon ~ehablillaUOn of urban and rehabilitation o( 43 and rural road a to rOllda IICftIIII the stair: 10
Group tasks oil minister on full .Imp 1ementatIon . 0 f LIe oca ontent Act 8 yl-'el ler tdo.u , Warrl grouI', the Niger Della Indigenous Mo~rmeni (or Radical Change (NDlMRCI lasl week, ta.sked tbr Mlntater of Petroleum and N.tural ResoUrTUf Mrs Olez.anl Allson M.J~ud:e to take .cU-.e at~·ps lowarda eneoura~Jng the: (ull Implementallon o( the Nigerian Content
II !Ia~ thla wa.s 10
.n:rt rresl trtals In the
r Delta region TIle Act was atgned Into law ~y President GoodJuck Jonathan on Aprtl 22. 2010 "'~n.Madueke on Tuesda). Janual')' 011 r1ch N
24 . 2012 nagged orr her vl81l to key local content facilities across the country on critical as!le5!lme.nt and It eJIlclted the group Th ~ group commended the InHI.llve or the petroleum minister to an on the spot asaessment of the preparations by the local contr.cto .... to embnce the polley, bUI laaked her to do Ju.t more than a vlslt to the Indigenous compantes, "'ccord lng to a at'le.menl signed by Ita President. Nelly Emma: Secretary • .John Sailor and Public ReI.tlon. Officer, Mukoro st.nley, It held th.t the Loc.1 Content
A5!I~ssmenl vlsll by th~ petroleum tnlnl8ter waa a wdcome development 11le group noted that local compllnle8 In the region had built capacity to (acc Ule ehaUengca In the 011 and 185 Industry and needed lIupport wtth goodbuslncaspatronage so th.t the)' would not to go down ·We really welcome lhe local content IlHUsmenl visit of the Minister or Petroleum a nd Natural Resources. Mr. Dlexanl Allaon-
Madueke, but her visit .01 be meantngless lilt docs not trlln.'ate Into good jot» b- our people whohavelnftStedheavtly In capacity butldtng.· the: Movement_ld.
ofthe:l1\UIJtnanI!Ilt8Chcme tn the lltate.
'We are ready to contribute In any ",ay the Federal Govemmc.nt wanta ua to to ensure thai the ma.s tran;" programme auccee a The Fede .... Government's asslsle mass tran,1t programme hruta mulUplierdfectln terms o( reducing the transportadoD COI!It and alaocreaungjObsforour people,· he added. ·The way we are lookl"1I at It b thall(.,,-e are given 100 buses, ..~ ",III give each bua to three youths who will work In the morning.
:~~~n;,':. ~~:':~f,~:
about 300 people wUl be .,,«11, ,mp'o". W,
believe that this III' • scheme that wUl take a lot o(unemployed people orr the atreet.. As part o( our job creation scheme. W'e will key Into Ihe tnduslri.1 policy or the MlnlstJ"Y ofTrade and Investment. especially th e prog.mmes geared tow. rds the dne lopment o( small and medium scale enterprises ·We ~ also ready to partner the ministry In lh1s regard, especl&Uy In the areas tha.t ~ have com peUlive advan tage: Speaklrig du rin g the met:u ng. the Mlru!ltu of Tnde. and investmeoL Mr Olusegun Aganga. saki the: mlnislf)' wu n:ady 10 partner Gom be State Govunrnenlonaltmcttng f'ore ign Direct Invcstmcnllnto the atal.c.
government'. efforts to Inc:rea.5e prnducuon are
_ham"""""" ... """
unprod~ t:OC:lIW IRes. poor- 'n"f'33uuctu~. pests.
dlseasea, 10" farmer cducauon. and It\adcquatc
country In the: dnclopment or high quality and dean planUl'll mater1als usJng ImproYCd brttdtng tedtnlqucs. In the acllon plan presented La the mcmben of the Cocoa TransformaUon Agenda In Irr...· 1badan. lIT... tntends to deploy advanced m leropropaga t Ion techniques for rapid and h1gh raOo propagaUon of Improved cocoa The objecllve Is to produce clean and disease-free t'OC.'08 lTeeS .nth h6gh yIdd that will Improve the tncomca of cocoa fanncrw and ensun: envIrunmcntaJ and aoc\aI sustalnabOlt,yof CO('(NI -based production systems 11le tcchnoklgy, which Is cUJ'TenlJy bdng appl~ In Cote: d'ivoirc . has helped that country In rehabilitating 115 cocoa farms , ma.ktng It the woOd·s
supply or rarm Inpula, Kumar.
plantin g matcrlllis technololY would help
to rapidly Improved c:oooa tn:es Utal coukt be used by rannm!l to rq:Uce ok! ~tc
is an Important tow.rda cocoa
transronn.Uon because we IIced to Increase Nlgcn.:s COCOII )1dd. - said
"U'. actually a game danger bUN! lICCtoI": ~
The tnsUlule plans to work with the Cocoa Research Instltule of Ntgc:r1a ICRINJ. NaUons
Genetlr 4JJkJtec:hndo(y'INACGRABI and other naUona
--"" technology to them and
VInMog!sl. saki UN! dean
buIkling naUonal capadty
MARITIME Stakeholders panic as private firm prepares to take Navy's job
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