SMEDAN, NAPTIP partner on rehabilitating victims of human trafficking
l;: Small and Me
dlum Enterprises D,.v~ l opmenl
Agency l( Nigeria ISMEO'-NI s(lld that It "" ould assl n vlcUms of human lralleklng by tneulcatln,~ entrepreneur Ial s kllle This h ComWnecl In a statemel\l ! Ig.ned by Mr Ibrahim \iu"Ammed. the Assl!llan C Ill"f Information Orr'ce , Corporate Mralrs n f iHEOAN In Ahuja 1111" siatfOlcm quoted the Dlre-:-t o--General of SMEOM. Alh:.jl Nadada Urnar. i' S trying thiS when he vi Illed the of· Oee of Nail ",al Agency Natlunal Ag!nc:y for the Prohlbltllll1 01 Traffie In Perso ns an j other Re lated Matte s (NAPTlPJ. Umar said that the agency wo11i J partner with NAf'Tl1 ,., help U,e vlc llms (·f I uman traf· Ocklng tel .. C lIeale en Ireprencurl · I s klUs ~I~ Si III thai SMEDA."I wt u ,d perronn Its statuto,", lole of de · veloplng lnl! ;:lromoHng Mic ro. Smflll and Me · di u," ,nterprlses (MSME.s) In the ..:ountry
-SII.tEDAf- !lrrcrs ell lreprmcursl ' lp trainings 10 .several gr)1 ps In U,e , .ountry. ·We pay d o'SCT aUention to vulnelahle groups such as prll!-In Inminc-s. viC 11m!!! of h l111an traf· rteklng. t he physically challenged 811d Ihose who wish to he reformed
from prosUlUUon among olher'S.He expressed opl!Inlsm that the collaboratlon between the two agendes would no doubt go il long way In 8MI.!iIIng Victims of human lramcklng Urnilr said that the visit to NAPTIP underlined the Signifi cance SMEOAN attached to Ule NAPTtP tn Its crusade to rdonn the lives of dLsadvantaged Nigertans ·We have to work together to add value to the lives of vtetlms of human trafficklng- he said -BclSldes training . SMEDAN also mentors voung enlrep~neurs 10 focllltale Ihelr accC5!l to funds to kick -start busl· nesses of their c. holce rro m several windows In th e country.~ Responding. Mrs BealrlC1: Jedy· Agba . the Execullv .. Sec retary of NAPTIP, described the visit of the S MEDAN di rec tor general as ·very auspicious" She said that !.he mit came at a time when NAPTIP was seeking 10
crfectlvely I!Jtplol! Its mandate to coordinate "nUonal response to the prevention of all forms of human degrndauon and
and relnt.cgmtJon of vicUrns of human lJ"amckIng. -It 18 my (ervent hope Ihat Victims of human
capacity building programmes -I bl':!levc these programmes are aimed at grounding prospective
traffic king will
owners of lima II busl -
Jeddy-Agba .!laid that NAPTlP was pursuing Its
Immensely from SMEDAN's cnlreprc -
nessc.!! In the country wlUl a view 10 n:duclng
goals through the reha-
neurshtp Lralnlng. cnter-
poverty and u"employ-
bllll.allon. empowerment
pr1se devdopment and
Ogun distributes 1.5m seedlings free to pubhcs Ol. rink• O loka, . and S euQ Agberu , Abeolr. u t a AS part of efforls to rare. s tall global warming, Ogun Slate Government
~hrough ~,e :~n~~ry ~ orestry
0 c arge 10 the mem-
bers or the public. The seedlings which Include teak .gmellna . cashew and morlnga were raised under the Na tiona I Afforestation Programme, Making th is dlsclo' su re was the Slate Com · missioner for Forestry. FaUlu SabUu,whlle nag
g.tng off the dlslrlbuUon of seedlings In AhcokulR. It will be ~lIcd that lhe late President. Alhajl Umaru Musa Yar'odua during his admlnlstra tlon came up with the presidential InlllaU ves on afforestallon
tasks Lagos residents on sustainable environment
HE L· g 'lS Slate COO1ml"l'cioller for E M nW lr o Iment, r Tunjl Bellu. at he week· end urged tl e resldenLS or UII' stal~ ,.. I' hamplo n
that Ole I "'''OS Slale Min. of E~ l!Itry nvtronment recenU collaborated with the F~undallon for A BetE ,FABEl tl'r nvtrollllll:nl
He said i.ll is In Lagos to commem Hale thiS • •.• Wo r ,. En v I r 0 n Ye, ment Day Stt aside by lIle United N'ltlons and scheduled to he observed from June 21'3 June 17 The theme of this year'S celebu: lion Is , 'Green Ec.ommy - Docs It Include you?" Bello said 1"15 year's celebration would dwell more on ~· ou l hs In lhe tertiary ul"1 Ui ' dlons and tllelr InvolvellIem In the envlronmenl -Youths, I'speclally those In higher IruiUtu-
ISlUdentsofteruarylnsulutlons In the stale Bello said that the debate was a way of promallng knowledge and spreading awareness about government's grccnlngprogrammeand olher environment poUdes among lbe youth. The commissioner said the tertiary InsUlu,
~~~e C:~~~~~ ~ ~Iustaln. !:~I'°~a;~':e~~~~o:;
:~es Itnc~o~::
!; :e~~.
n u a . lege of Te e hnology, Lagos: State Polytechnic.: Federal College of Educatlon.Technlcal. Akoka: University of
Bello sa id the ultl · mate achll'vell1ents would be tre~ planting, WRSle management. de· noodlng a nd climate
Change policy 8S well as I~ many enUghtenmelll programmes. He asked the citizens 10 support the efTortlS o f the Slate government
TIle InlUaUvc elllalled !.hal 60 PCI' C1:nl of lhe ecological rund should be spent on afforestation In !.he states of the federa tlon The co mmissione r said the state govern ment 111 Its bid 10 save humanit y from climatiC change had continued to
U" maln"n.n~ 0'
the seedlings to the present stage for plantIng by communlues.cduC'aUOnaI lnsutulJons.bunk!S.h-r.ltaIs '''''''t''
and other stakeholders.
Yasin commends Aiimobi over construction of :JI 8r GbemiDl,l modem motor park T HE P·,. 'd,n' of Salta
• the National Union of Road
Transport Workers (NURlWI .Alhajl Nojeem Usman Yasln. has COIl1mended the Oyo Stale governor. Senator Abloia AJlmobl. for conslnJcUng a beffitlng ultrn modem molor park for the ux of Inter-stale commercial vehlc1e operators The IState govenlor as partofactlritiesmarklng
state government's crforts to bring sanity to public. transportation In the stale. the NURTW boss alated that he was really Impressed aboul the park and the state of art facility provided to make life comfortable for drivers and passengers
one year of Senator AJlmobl's admlnllStrallon as adverU5c:d tn the May 29. edlUon of the Nige· rian Tribune . I was re ally convinced Ihat the g~mo!' meant well for the people of the stale.Alhajl Yastn also commended the slate ~r-
Ul!Ilng lhe park. -I was Impressed when t heard the park was ready for commlsslonlng. The IImely
nor for exhibiting malur1ty In handling lhe iSsue of safety and security of the 5tatc. stating that peace errort of thc gov·
8erlousness attached to h b t e tralllsporl sector y lhe present admtnlstra-
the atate. Alh JI Y I d a as n assure f that the state council 0 the union would do everylhJng to complement the peaee dfort of the present admtnltrnUon In the state.
~~~8p::n~~~'~~~~:: ~~~o"s~a~;: to~~~~~ao~ ~;e :::e !~:Ia:.'~~Vr:~ ;::::!o~~~~I':a::;,~t~~ ~:.m::n~!~/I:y~~:" ~~
or the En_Ironment whose energ.,. and re sources we- must enlist in the stru~k for a safe and hyglenl t "Dvlronment . The N~ ,\{tent'll 0.1 Nigeria 111M, reported
The statement said thai il six-man committee was thereaOer Inaugurated from bolh agencies and mandaled to flne - Iune a Memoran dum of Understanding to be signed al a later date
Education He said the state goyernment was keeping faith with Ils responsl b I r II I tty 0 sc levlng and 8u8talntng a green, hyglenlc and envlT!lnment through Ils proaeUve programmes
commiSSioned Ihe Temldlre mOtor park. The motor park. the government said would help to restore sanity and reducecongestJon in the metropolis. lh' Commending
on . -Again. going through the Jist of projec18 slated for commissioning as part of activities to mark
Aceordlng to hllll. tile o nly way to avert the ugly experience- was to plant trees While highlighting Ute consequent crfec ts. the commissioner said the ozone layer would In c rease and reduce Ihe Intensit y of the sun thereby checkmating rapid evaporation with resultant reduction In exceSSive rain and over noodlng He also stressed that II would redu ce all' pollutton 85 c arbon monoxide being emilled by Industries be turned by oxygen In the air to carbon dioxide which would be absorbed by the tree plan IS . Sabllu advised other Interested mem o bers of the public to apply as there arc more than enough to go round , He also hinted that monitoring team from Ihe Federal Ministry of Envlroment ,Ecological Fund Orrtce and the State Ministry of Forcstry would be visiting the place regularly The commissioner urged stakeholders and genera! public to compliment the erforls of the fC'deral government by planting trees lie, however. made a ISymbolic presentation of the seedlings