Prupert_Environment 134
Nigerian Tribune
Mooday, 6 February 20 12 1
Lagos residents, govt prepare drainage for rains Stories by Chu.k_u.m.a Okparaoeh a , Lagos
HE rcsldents of
various parts of
Lago!> Slate have co mplemented the
stale government's crrerts In rnsurlng that dralnag"!!! In the
pI cpared for the coming of thl" mimi. Accordln~ to a
slate ~ well
survey vl.1I by P r o p erly and E nu i r o nm.e n l to some communltlcll In the state. ruldcIIls could be scen cleaning up blocked gUllers with
yarlous ImJ':,\l-menls lIuch as rakc 5, spades and shovds.
In plates such as AJcgunle. Krtll . aDd their envlrOllll many
excrclse In t he stale with a vfcw to cleaning their drainages whh: h had been stacked with various Items . such 8S bags of table water. plastic. lJotUes and 'Iarlou'J other Items . -The government
cannot poSSibly touch eve r y vicinity In the stale . It t h erefor e behoves on everyone to ensure Umt Ule drainage systems. especially those In front of their houses are 14''C1l cleaned and dredged . The memories of the floods of los t year. which bcc::ame aggravated as a result of poorly managed drainage syslems, arc stili very m uch fresh In o urmlnd5 We wouldn 't want a re c urrence of that horrible Incident. - this was the view of Mr R ichmond Eslrl. a resident of Apapa Ajegunle area of the state. In a c hat with Property and Environmen t..
-A Lagos res ldenf UCQU(ltes dra.inCJgu and gu.Uers in readiness for t he coming rCJ.lns SO as to aoo ld floodin g.
'Mforestation can mitigate climate change'
~ f'F'ORESTAll0Nln larger forcst locu could affect climate on a regional scaleandmayrcducethe p rojectedcllmalechange In a droughl-Ulreatened study region. so say researchers (rom Germany and Hungary. who report Ihelr dlmale
lolal numbcr of drought events may be ~uCi:d. assuming complete afforeslallon of the areas In question . Modelling studies can help to IdenUfy regions where forest -c over Increase should most e:rfecllvely alleviate dJmate-change effects.
The experts selected Hungary as lheir study area because of Ihe significant Increase In the probability and severity of summer droughts predicted for the end of the 21s1 century. t h e large-scale land-use Changes envisaged. and the high
Gwarinpa building collapse attributed to uncontrolled demoll'tl'on ca~~~ S~l::~:d n~~
~~~":,~,,'r~~:':~':r. ~~ the lowlands.
TILL smarting from till' collapse of ont of the' buildings It o v.ned at the Gwarlnpa Elltate. Abuja, thte Inanagement of the Federal Housing Authority. In a statement slglled by the Managing Dlrector l Chief ExecuU \'c of FHA. Mr Terver Cemade. has made attempt to unravel the reasons behtnd the coJlapse. It will be r(""called thalataooul l Oamon
CJnd Environ m e nt . says: -Federal Hous Lng Aut h ority expresses regret over the loss of lives and prays for the repose of the souls of the deceased and quick recovery (or the IIIJured ~M contained In the leller of allocation of F d 1 fI I g Ae t~ra It o(:HI~J h~us:: tte Authority requires customers
:~eykln!lt~Oracl~~~ o:~
simulation work In En u i TO n m e n (a I Re:se an::h !.etters. Increased fOTC!1t cover affects the climate to a very different extent. depending on t h e regIon In some areas. ha lf of lhe projected pn:clpltatton dec rease can be offset and the
town ' planners and engineers vlslled the site and submLtted a report to~ their superiors. The team In Us report recommended thot In consldulng t h e request t h e Aut h o r ity IIhou ld Insist that : . The exercise should be carried out In the day It should not cause damage to n earby properUes .
huma n life . All demolis h ed materials and unwan ted Items must be carted away and properly diS pOlled of The exercise must nol. obstruct traffiC now si n ce the area Is ru"y o"cupl-d .. .. The Nigerian Navy should furnish the Authority with the method 10 be adopted In carrying out the demollllon
USi n g REMO Ireglonal climate model at the Max Planck Institute {or Meteorology. Hamburg} they prepared a case study to analYlle whethe r thte climate · change Signal for summer preclpllatlon and Ihe probabJlJty or droughts could be reduced. assumLng afforestation for the enUre country. We conclude that. although even
pracucally ' unrcallstlc Increases In fOTest cover did not offset the projected climate change. the ecological Significance of the Indicated e:rrecls of land-coverchange:s - as well as certain services and local-scale benents of forests - should not
be emphasLse the need for regional - scale studil:s of future land cover and land use to assess cllmate-changemltlgatlngeffeclsandto develop {uLure adaptaUon straLegle:s In agl1culture. (ore:stryand water management. The ana lysis has been extended 10 Europe: under the framework of the EC - FP7 project Climate Change Terrestrial Adaptation andMtugauonlnEurope: ICC-TAME).
~~::pl~:..I!:~!O:J:: writing ~t~~I~~:ka~~u~~~~:~o:~ Lifemate affmns commitment to provision The approval musl also be obtaJned L IFEMATE Nigeria In writing and duly Umlted. a company 0 f h ouse h 0 ld'1t ems night stand. dresser and
a two storey 1::I~lck of slx nats acqulre!1 by the Nlgertan Navy flom the Federal Housing Authority In ~OO2. and which was being demolished fJ Ilerson5 hired by Nige Ian Navy Uoldlng Ll.d for an una u tho r I sed renovallon. culillpsed. Two persocnti were connrmed dead In the InCident and "bOlut nve otljers Injure~ . 'rh e s t ,I I cnMm'JI" released hv Fk'4 a cap!, o( whi c h w us made avaIlable to Property
conveyed to the customer. That was not
that spe:elallses In the manufacturi n g of (urnlture and other house h old Ltems In Nigeria. has celebrated Ihennhannl\lUSaryoflts LekkJshowroombranchof Victo r ia Island Lagos . whUe LIS CUSlomt':l"S have
mlrrol"3. llghllng nlUngs acUviliesofthecompany Include hanging light. as well as Ule bousehold modern chromed the case with regard to r red d Block 1. 45 Road. Items manu actu an chandelier, acrylic Cwartnpa Estate. sold by It. staled thai pendant IIghl. table ~In a leIter dated -Llfemale furniture Is lamps and reading lamps. December 12 . 2011 and youroneslopshopforall I1"Ie sanitary wares signed by Ll E. 0 Algbc. your complete bousehold Include deluxe glass Nigerian Navy Holdings furniture . We orfer basin, shower room with LlmLted/GTE m ade a alsobee:npromL~upto comfortable Il\I1ng room power shower. simple request for a con t rolled 50 pcrce:.nt prtce Slash for furniture such as leathcr Bath tub. computerised demolilion and allp rodUc15 l)urchasedln sofe, fabric sofas. coffee steam box and Jacuzzi re co nstruction of the February • _ J.A. 5~lTlpa nyslnnovaUo n ro r tab l e~," _ glass tables . • f'J fJJ....i...(lQ,t.,a,pllc prIce "l oCl!: (.1 1A~f.plfll rurtltlf"~'com memora Ie '~~VJ ~l1h ~UA,,~' q,lOIM ~1fil~slJ"dS'iIMtJ'ftfM1 ' unkjue P, UCCbS l tt g F tiC I z addcdf' ,m l' ,'rrpcxh'CL ' =accessories' aed room J! eddef'! ret the b el III appli ca tiOn . ... H;; ""n:e....~uty Managing Mr Weir Wu . whcn furniture such at! showroom fifth Authorlty ·s team of Dlrtttor ~fnpaI1Y . giving an Insight Into the exqulsllebcd. wardrobes. annJve:rsary pro_~ _._-_ _ Mr Weir Wu . who declared the company's d d 11 rea Iness to re uce a product prices by 50 per cent. advised all customers of Ih e company to make thc flflh year anniversary or the Lekkl showroom a rne:mortlble one and take adva n tage of the