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NIgerian Tribune

- ~ \61iday. 7 June. 2012

IGP names new CPS for 5 states, redeploys 54 officers IE acting Inspec. lor General of Po'[; IIcc (lOP). Mr Mohammed Abubakar, hIlS named new commlssloneTS of police: for five states, as pan of the ongoing restructuring In the for«: The Information on the posting. which was on Ih.: website of the Nlgcna Pollee. was con (jrmed to thc News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) by the Deputy Po· lice I' ublic Belallons Of· fl eer IPPROI. Mr Frank Mba. Mba said by the po:it mg. Mailam Manllnan Sule becamc (he new CommiSSioner of Police for Ebonyl Slate. Danladl Mshebw-dla. was lhe new pollee bOilS In Ondo Stale. while Mr Patrtck Egbunlwe would lake charge In Yobe State Also appointed were Ibrahim Malshanu for Taraba State and Sontonye Wakama for Ekltl State pollee command The pollee: spokesman further stated that Mr lawai Tanko. Il Commissioner of Pollee. was now the depulY pollee: Sttre-


Mba said a general breakdown of thc re o shume showed that altogether. 57 scmor omc-

crs were alfe<:ted. The officers comprtsed 15cornmlssionersofpolice:; 22 deputy commlsstonen and 20 assistant commiSSioners .

According 10 Ihe deputy PI~RO. -It Is pari of the ongoing reorganisation and fC slruclurtng in the force. 10 ensure that the


HE Na.tlonal Agency for Food. Drug Admlnlstra lion and Control INAFDAC) has smashed a gang of syndicate seilIng fake doses of vaccines meant for chil · dren and adults In Onllsha . Anambrs Stale The agency im pounded 16 different kinds of doses of VJiC cines . when It con ducled a raid at the syn · dlcates' shop at Brldgeliead Drug Markel, OnlUha . The DepulY Director of NAFDAC . Special Zonal Office. Onltsha. Mr Benson Kine. told

during the burial ceremony ofSunda y 's bomb blase .",,',_ al Lii""9Fairh and Ha rves(/leld c hu rch _ in Bauc h l, on Wedne$day. PhOI O: IIAN.

Teenager rescued from .kidnappers in ogun Ols,.lnka Otuk-o,.s. Abeotula leenager Iname wllhheldl . was (aled. on Wednesday. rescued by men of the Ogun Stale


police command from the handlii of kidnappers In the Agbado area of the state. TIle leenager was satd 10 have been kidnapped by a six- man gang. on

newsmen on Wednes day thai the syndicate was smashed through Inlelilgence from the agency 's enforcemenl dlreclorate In AbuJa. Kine said Mrs BlessIng Umeh. a fake nurse. was also nabbed with Iht:' fake vacCines In Abuja. adding that Umeh said she bought them from one Mrs Eucharla Anoruo. In Chldcx Line of Brtdge·liead Drug Market. Onllsl1O The director said that the agency tracked down Mrs Anoruo of shop 0165 Chldex I.Ine of the Bndge· tlead Drug Markel Anoruo had con fessed that she had been In the bUSiness

for somt:'tlme and got her stock from Ghana According to her. tak Ing the vaccine would make the user feel protecled from the InfecUon. only to nnd out that II cild 1I0t work


gLrts on them. Mrs Mlmiko pc.rsonally mel wlU. the children and their parents In their homes wllh gifts for Ulem. The wife 0( thc govern« said her pel progr-.umne. "Maternal Pulse Foundallon. - deckled to IdenUfy with Ihe lnplets and Quadruple IS that were delivered In the

Monday. The kidnappers. according 10 lheslate Com miSSioner of Police. Mr Ikemcfuna Okoye. sneaked Into the com · pound of the parents of victim and put off the generating sel before car· rylng out the aCL He saId the mailer WitS reported al Ihe Abrbado Divisional Police Station. after which the police liwung IIItO acllon. -I ordered Ihe area cummander and all Ihc Dlslrlct Polee Orrtcers IDPOs) to comb and

search thoroughly. In or· der to save UIC life of the leenager -Our efforts eventu ally paid orr. as a member of the gang was arrested In a Ifa.zda car 111 the early hours of today at IJebu licit:' . when they were taking the teenager to another des· tlnatlon -rhe (''Ommand commend the DPO of lteleIjebu divisIon. Mr OaoUe Okere. and his team for their .."Irlted drons for arreSting the l>tlspecl.he said.

By Dapo IE"' (411011 or tht lale foremost Industrialist. th~ late Chief Emmanuel Ashamu . has called on 6yo Slate and Federal Government. to ensure lhe resuscitation of the abandoned IgbeU Marble Industrles Umlled Mr Oyet050 Alihamu. one of the childrtn of the deceased. made the call


stale. since the present administration came on board on her birthday Mrs Mlmlko. whose birthday comcs up toduy Thursday June 7. said UlC dlstrlbullon of various Items to Ute chlkln:n was to ensure thai the lucky chIldren were not len out of thIS yean' cdcbraUOn 0( ho- birthday programme


speaking with lhe

NIg edan T ri bUn e 111

luadan. on Tuesday It will be recalled lhal Chief Ashamu. the Maye oftheOyo, dicdon August 20, 1992.aftcraprotracted b.1tlle willI Utegovcnuncot o ver the ownerShip IOlructure ofrne property. 8cmoanlllg UlC neglcc::t oj the Industry. almost 20 years after the demlSc of the tate Industrialist. Oyeloso said the call bc..'Cdme nc:cessary In the quest to fast -track the suclo-economlc and In fr a sir u c I u r a I development of the Slate. Oyeloso. who Is the IIUthOrtscd repre:se:ntlllive of the Ashamu Estate. "did the quality of the marble at the slle ranked among the besl oht;llnable anywhere In the world. Descr1bmg lhe mArble industry as a veritable 5Uurce of revamping the dwindling financial


Gov Fayemi apll[oVeS N12.85m loan for farmers THE Eklli Slate Governor . Dr Kayode F"yAml. has approved the rt I. sse of a sum of NI~85 million. as thc II Jrd Instalment or loans tl. 'arlners under the PelHHlnl Farmers Dtvclopment Pro4rammc. ' 11e Commlssloner (or A.Jr ' u ltun and Natural R!~pu rces . Mr 8abajlde Arcwo"afe . made th,,, kll ,WIl while speaking wlt lt j o urnalists In his olfi' lI: In Ado-Ekltl l.rowos.1fe said the fLnj was meant for the sC'c :mll set numbering 4'!~ 01 peusant farmers a.~ r O S l> the 16 local guv ' mment anas of the sla .e . adding thut the fl.nJ loIoould go a long way In Iooo;,tlllg fanning and o t her agricultural at:t,vlues \{hlle thanking GO "ernor Fayeml for thrDwing hiS weight bt!hlnd the developmenl 01 .grtculturc in the stale. Ihe commiSSioner j the 51ale was elt~ectlng a bountiful h<uvest In 2012. saying IlLat II WaB Ihe plan of tiLe presenl adfllnlstraUon to make Ek :\I State the food b.;lskel of the nation.

Over 31,000 candidates write FUNAAB post-UMTE

AB )UT 31.000 candidates . on Wednesday . S'H fOi the post- Unlned Te rtiary Malrlculatlon E;", mlnatlon (UTME) of tiLe Fe lerat UnlvcrsLly of AgllCtLlture . Abeokuta (FUNAABI. Ogun State. fu ",IV 3.500 admlSSlOn spact:!o. IHscioslng this to nCIIsmen was the resources of the t;tatc. he its ilL lio n 's Vice-chan said II was also .... 'OI'TtsoIne cdl)r. Professor Olusola thai Ihe govcmmell~ had Oy. wole. who said over not deemed II [II to 2.4. )O(lcandldatcs sat for compensate the Ashamu famJlyaflcrlaklngovcrthe Ihe Sh mc examlnalLon bun year. p~rtYIn 1978 Professor Oyewole Besldc the Issue of compensating Ihe s,ll,t the candidates for the e ); amlnaLLon were Ashamu family. I~ Is Ihrec: sadcnn1ng 10 note that a g rcuped hliO vcr1table SOUItt of InCome: bal ; hts for a successful 10 the state Is wasting cordu·-"L away. even in the face of lie notc:d that Ihe Inthe dWindling revenue ere lSe In the number of available. cal dldates seeking ad- S u c c e Ii Ii I ve n Lilslon inlO the Instllu· admlnlstrallon In this UOH clluld be attributed state have abandoned the 10 academic excellence slle for reasons best II han been recording known 10 them. But the over the years. pr.o.ent administration In ·It·~ a reflection Ihat Oyo State and lIle F"cderaI Government can 91111 palents and students arr n,)w having confl · revcr.iC the ugly tr!:1ld.. '1lLIs Is a wake up call del ce In the qualily of to both the Federal education Ihat we are Governmenl and Oyo State providing al the Federal government to keep to the UniverSity of Agriculture. terms of agreement Abo okuta. - Oyewole said Vl.ylnka Olukoys. reached In 1978 on the propeny.- he slaltrl. = _ _-"Abeok u la

Ashamu family calls for resuscitation of marble industry

Mimiko's wife marks birthday with over 100 sets of triplets FE of the Ondo State governor. Mrs KelDl MlmJko. has Introduced a new dimension InlO birthday cclebrauons. as over a ) 00 SCI of kicnUlled tnpJelS and quadruplets. felicitated with her on her 451lfblrthday cdebratlon. even as she showered

senior officers Including 67 assistant commtsslonerso(poll«and70 chid superlntendenLS of poll« across the nallon.


NAFDAC smashes fake vaccine syndicate in Onitsha S U%,. O ru,.s . Onltlii b.

square peg 15 put In S(luarc holt:, while round peg Is put In round hole.It will be: recalled thai the acting IGP. had. on May 18. redeployed 137


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