~ W*''-D Tribu n e -cJ..lI """"oo..t 9 F'ebru
• 2012
iNigeria'll be a brand ambassador for power in next 3 yrs' Puc.ba1 Oke.k.e .
plates In ~ M'Clor made thtngs simpler .nd ~Mler for prospective Inveslors Eartk!r. L'te chairman and the chid aecutlve omcer 01 Nata. Group 01 Mr N.mlk
IE Mlnlst.er o(Powt:r. Bart NnIIJI. has YIJ the power 5CICt« would LI«OfI"le a va1t.al*brand .. ~b" N~rta In the nat thrtt year$. glvco .,,,, aUenUon the Federal Gov~rll ment
..as paytng
1.(1 ~
U-.eccndlUon Ulllllhtywouid
lhe GE wmpanenl!J iJr
U.... proj<ds. "kkntI"y what ....... want to
do. you can br.spn a new ~d)QJl"fJ\IInor~ .... vatvm In an (~ one."
....,.,....,. ........ Th~
told the mlnIsler" that 1\u". key was a global auUtatty In tnfnlAtruc:t~ pn:MsIon,
largc man c:on5tructJon.
mtnl'lter added
8 y T o lu OLa.m1rl1Ll
iE alttn11Je8 d the n.ia:rl Elec:tJ1d1y DBlrbillon Or:mpany. on Wedneeday. b1 lbadan. In augunlled a IICi1Itch card
pilyment !ldJcffll" ... ~1
metu" c:uatornen. In put. nershlp wtUI t he "Ieet T~ l.lmtIed. just as tt aDaym ~. rear over prtvaUsaUOn r:ttrd:w. The QtId ERxuIM 0(. fIcer IC£OI d lhr dedr1dty dBtrbJtlon &m. M.r BoIIIJI 0yesIku. n.tr this known during th.. omclal b~tkIn cI lhe scheme at the DuFe IJuoinese unit d the ~ that the launch <I tI.r new pr0duct tagpI "$a"otlJf"i card b Payment <I Ekdrtdty OIls· warI _ned at rchJdnK tht: alreN UIIOdelei with btll IICttleulVlL While say1nf tlwt the aaatch card tr.l!J II new la:h. nokigIaII tnncn..Uon In lhe ~whk:h .. auId makt ~ 01 Its '"\I8tomt:n. he &aid adtoquntr pnMaIon had ber;n IUldt-lD hal. all)' ~ cmamttd In ~ CDUnIe <ltJle U"Ie <JI the card. ()yc5Iku sa d the rom
pany-..oonst lVltlyupfJ1ld rndllUe. to ~n day CU5
I~ ~l)
NGO spends 4.5bn euros on selected states A
organlsallon ,
Ductt rarmlng project tHOFP ). bued In Gumany. has 1nYestcd4.5 btl· I60n CUJOS within the IMt
programmes In Klected states d tJy country 1hc country rqn:BCI'lc.. UYes of ~ orpnLYllon. Mr Jessie Grttn rulanl. dlacIoeed thls on Wft1ncs-
lilly. durtng. murtrsy visit on Governor Ibrahim Shana the Gowanment
---KaLWla. According to him. lhc projt'c:t programmcs WlUI ~ 10 ~ an:. cL at:-
rood security. chttklng
......,,,..,..,..... ... 1I1ttJUf1
· rrom IVt. Edo Sta t. governo r. Comra.de Okumogbe qf Weppo Wanno Kingdom and ,h. Tyare q{ Weppa Wonno HIgh E,huabhor. during (h. iMU qf t h e people of Weppa. Wanno Kingdom In £t.ok o I:4st Local Govern me n' .Area '0 gONrnGr In Bconln C(ty. on Wedn.ud0Jl.
YOCaIltJnaI trantng and cndk:aUng k1IIc.- dlIt~ armog odtrn. Yulanl s-ld .lrc~.d1. Bauchl and KwanI &lat.es t.d bt:cn adcdcd from the North-Ease and North--Cen· tral. _1t1k Ka.tAIna. from IIlC North-West "I'OUld ~ as
Edo gOvt, Vietnamese farmers signMoU on rice production
lIIUan d the prqp-ammt.. lie:. III!:f'Ci:rc. ar*Ilrd !he
IE Edo State gcwemment and Viet · namese rarmers have slgJled • Memorandum ol Understa nding (MoUI on nee prodUCUOn In the slate Al the ce.remony. on Wedneaday. Governor Adams 08hlomhole sai d Nigeria did nol have any bualnc.u ImporUng food to reed the people.
-If anylhLng. we ought to Ix able to export rood to those countries that are not as blessed as NI· gena." he saki. The governor added that "ror too kJng. tn<:on I1l5tenl publiC poliCies tn regards to agriculture has led to the Importa. lion or rood Into the counuy " He expressed hope thai "haVing provided you
wtth the neca6Il1Y Incen· Uve or land. aec:urtty and pollttcal backing to en· able you carT}" out your buslneas wtthout Inter· rerence.; you should do everything to ftl5ure that you reCiprocate the government's gesture by Immediately awlnglng InlD aCIIon.· 0s111omhok. who said he n::c:ognlMd the role of the prtvate sector In the
lbadan electricity distribution firm inaugurates scratch card payment scheme
1I1tt\ d.c
cals. reftnents and rallway con5tructJon and UlBl the leam came because Ita attcnOon had been dnlwn to the emrrgIng nwrket In the Nigman dectI1c power
tty to lhe M'CIor Pt-orUtfOr r. naJI wa.. spaklng on '" ednesday. 1Vhc:n lhe lUI tmtl Ambas aador to NI~ert • . Mr All Koksal ltd . high power ddcgatJon th..t comprtsoed captaInJ ol"I\ubJh ntus trial gJ"WIts Oil • courtesy flistt to hint. Attonlr-rtftng the delegaUon .~ 'NUI NIgman a mbaasador to Turkey. Ahmed MaDannl8dorl who hIrnedf". was a ronner MinBter 01 Stat~ lOr PowI:I" The mlnl5t~r told the delegation tral the ministry had aheady estab· IIshed ground roles ror the aector. whleh he urged the Turittah team to understud., a nd dtttde which area I had compa.nUve advantage tie tokI Ill( YbItonJ that ille GencnaJ Ela::br (GEl d thr UnIkd Sta· ~ d America (t.tSA) twleet Ilk bd rtA1g by Its radlnrB.l to CXJnBlrucl aIO.(XX'MWoIdo,;:trlcpcM"'pant In N~l End advt8cd that othn" Irnutora could key Into thr (:E ~ on UI!Ie
Tanlk and Mr Cuneyt
Ianer ~ and expec-
'Io1lK:h was excm piIIcd by the m:ent. n.opUs and re-cornmt55taning d ISOMVA. 330. 132KV power tnuWarmer at Ayede. Ue aaJd ~ company was raced with vaJ10wI d~ wtth lhe casmbuOon d available energy 10 Its customers In .... arc.ad d operation IlJ1d eo-lk;lted lOr men coopera. tIon &urn aD Slakchakkn. Addre5!ltng the l5aue or prlvaUaaUon. he SUd "11 Ie not the maller" d n::-
bud •• kJll. bultoprovide dl"ectM: and oftldent 5Cf. vtce: ddtvay ID Ntgc:rIam. • adding thai the 5UOt'eMOf company would suD need Vibnult ~ who Mn:
dlC ~ d
the system and other profeasIonals In vartous ftdds 01 human mde:awur.henoe.thene«tir trorkenl not to plink 0W'I:i"" prtval.15aUOn.
Dr Osagle Obayu."ana . ~ on behalf oltht: governmenl While Mr Uney Signed on behalf or the Vk:tnamt:ae f"aTmtts
Oyo gOY'S wife inaugurates SACA board 8
Due Ade..ka.nJnbT
the fnt I1me In the history or 010 SCate. the govunor'8 ..1fe, Mn!I F1on:nce AInd:J.. on Wednesday. lnaugu· nlled the oo.nt (or SCate AfpW:y b Con&toI d AIda
(SACA) with a charge to rnemI:ienI to mme ~ In lhe IWII &gIlIMI the Ilu· man Immuno·ddk.::lency \It-
nM / Acq.JRd ll11mune De.-I1dency Syndrome {UN I AIOS)1n U-.e alale. Mn AJImObI. who pet"" bmed lhe hnwnUon d
Adeyemi College of Education commended IE Immediate past chairman of the Adeye:ml Colleit' 0( Education governing c ouncil. Mrs Obonganwan Ekong. hss attributed the landmarlt tnrrastructu~ dc:velopment and acad~mlc Improvement wltneued In Ule college to cooperstlon and aupport of all and sundry She dtsck)&ed thle at the aend·off party for members or the Immediate paat g~mln4 counc il or the COllege On Tuesday.
deveJopment agrlcul ture. lI.5Sured them of Ute government's prolection. Earlier. Chl~r Execu · Uve Omcer and Group M.naglng Director or Transfonnauon Umlted. Mr Stephen Uney. who signed on behalf or the vtetnam~ ra~n. saki the company was partncrtng WIth the goy. unmcnt to brtng rood securtty to the slate and 11.5slSI the government In creating empk)ymenL Attomey·Gen~ral and
In a lltatement made available to the ....igerlcut T ribun e by the Uead . Imrornlalion and Public Relattons Unit or the college, Mr Moses Akln(oJar1n. she Ulanked the colJcge management. starr. students and the hoel community for the development wltnesscd when they RfVed. ~Wlth out your understanding and ooopeT1Itlon. thIs c.ounc.U would not have been able to achieve the Infrastructur.1 developm~nl and aCademic Improvemenl
have wltne:5!Jed. ~ she stated Ekon. specially Ula"ked the prOVOllt of the college. Profe!J5or Adeyeml Idowu. for his c:ommltmc:nt throughout their tenure She said "You care; you loYe and ensure Ule work la done properly rollowlng Ihe due process. You ellsure peace and mind Ihe wc.lCare or your statJ and students ~t Is why we wllness thiS landmark tnrraetructural development and
acadc::ml( IrnpfU\'t:ment. ~
the boa.rtl ~ alxtd ceremony tn her office In tbadan. said the GoYemor At** ApmobJ-Ied adrnInt!J.. tnuton o:w18kIered U-.e Issue dHJV/ AIDS ~s p1~ tII8ue and woWd Mop at nothing to reverae the 3 .0 pft'valence rale of the IDllIrge 10 dte state. The board. which Is
"" "" ""'""""
. . . tas M.r ~ a.ntyu as ~
and Mr Matthew
Ogunmodede. Reverend Segun BabBtundc.. AIhaJa Monsural Muss. Pastor lUlljl ~ Dr Hannah Dada· AdegboJa. Mrs 1.0 aaJcye. MnI L.B EnIoIa.. Mr 0n6de: Samud. and many othcra.~
She enjoined Ute board to fi.unish U.c ~llncnt ..1th ~un theiR" vmtJan 01 HIV I AIDS. as· to ~ In dlnr: lhe ~ aean:h. CXln!JUItancy. trUl-"01.... _...",....,..
on the cpkkmk:. among
""'" furtctIIm.
~'. aapport 0( the
ror the takc-ofT
programme wtuch would
bct1cr" die lot d pcq* In the.
kCUD 01anJy&D. «a U la.
Plateau: Group lauds govt·, cbolee on traditional ruler AS the MOmtion d bmcr A*' d Defence SUI". Oenrnl Domkat Ball. to the IMOOI d I'Dndt.I T'Dn* In Aalcau Stale IS being quee-
tUm In a:rtaJn ~ • 8Odo-cuItW1ll ~UOn rwntd'"t'\IgWarWWW~
... thrown Its M:If1I bthHj
the KlecUon and commended !he stale gD¥'emmcnl b _dher.-. 10 the BId
the Of'ganlsaUon. Pulor NanIIr" K. Napbut.. ...i1o andemncd the unfavorable commcnta agJltn8C die P cnncnt. lr.lIIng the adeclion. said the sdectlon was done as !!pdt (JUt by the cur· n:nt~te. -..lhat lhe ~tM: cornmmLS on the penonalJt1eI d the fpY'Crnor and the dcctcd badI· ~ ruler __ an IIbcrradan lhat necdrd to be
Napbut told newsmen
In JoIIthat the btrth dtwo ch~doms in
Tarok land ..... a product dthe people. not die govenment. liddIng th.t If the people wished to remain til one chkfdom. u~ vacuum of Ponzhi Tarok and Ponzhl Zfnni would lK IIDcd usIng the two jpUues.. esUlbllahlng thm1 upon an und~rstandlng .nth the people and pracnl It to die Joint TradlUonal ('(JUnctl. wh.k:h would . . . II to Ule
(or Approval
....e S h ob.yo, Jos