your medium, to J was contacted that I
pc:rate to gel. job
SC Ihls opportunlly to alert jObscckcn to decr:llful practk:eIJ by fake employme:nl ag«lctes OJ)craUng in Ule country. Rettnlly, I saw • job
had b«n selected for an Interview. This Is be caUK none of the vacan cles I had responded 10
A.s a result of thl5. many rake job agendes have abo come: up. dcfraudlng Innocent un-
In the put. ever con
suspicious JObKCkus
luted mc.loexplaln why
11115 15, lhcTeJOn:. to
vacancy on lhe Inlemel.
I was not quallOcd (or
call on jobs«kus 10 be
which 1 applied for My
their post lions. not to talk 01 asking 1M to come for an Interview
careful when applying for jobs Not all jOb vacandes aTC genuine
Oil wells: Give
peace a chance
ani to call on the governors of Bayels. and Riven IItates. Hon Serlake Dickson and Rollml Amaeehl. to allow peace to reign OYer the soku 011 wells The fact Iha I Presldenl Goodluck Jonathan has medlated In the bre .... lng crisis bet....een the two slales, should go a long way In brtnglng sbout • lasung lI<Nulion 10 the problem However. with what we arc currentJy reading In the prtnt media. there .seemll to be no soluUOn In sight to the problem. a!l none of the two states Is ready to shirt any ground ThiS crisis. If not settled on lime. could create enmity between the two sillter slates Both governora should. therefore, allow reallon to prevail oNsiJran JohnBull.
Port Harcou rt. jfmst
sponK, I fell my break through had COfTle. After rasung and puylng. I wen I for the job InluYkw. but the huge num· ber of people. who also turned up Immedlslely. poured ~d water on my !IOul I felt It would be 110 dlmcult for me to be con Iidered for employmenl for the Job. given the large crowd ofapptk:anlII. who also turned up for the Inlervlew I then started wonder Ing about the format Ihe Interview would lake . unlll ..... hen one of the compilny's officials came 10 address us The ornclal said we .'Ut to lake II test nrsl for which wc would pay N2.SOO. TIlb Imnxdlaldy sparked grumbling by tmapplicants. The omclal saki. hiS organlsaUOn was hdptng another compilny to gct people employed Immedlate]y the sludena got wind 0( "'hat the man was drtvlng al. !IOffiC Idt II was latu thai I learnt from !KmlCOnC thai he had tn the pa51 see.n Ulal same man al another bogus Inlervtc:w ccnlR: There 1II huge unem· ployment In the country
Boko Haram :Let's seize this chance for peace
ilE recelll d«lar.lUOO by the IslamiC 5«1. Boko Hamm, thai It was ready (or a dialogue wnh the Federal Government. should be aeen 115 an opportunity by all Nigerians to bnng about palcc In the country However. aome arc already calli ng on the government nOI to dialogue with a rogUish organisation It Is Important ro r everyone 10 note Ihat. thiS Is a wIndow or opportunity for Ihe country 10 lay to rest ~ vi01cntt thai has claimed Innocrnt IIvcs In the last couple of yeara Taking II look at what Is going on. It Is «naln that the Nigerian lICC'Ur1ty a.q-cnclo cannot cont.alll the activities of the. I«t Evcry time thlll there 1II a bomb blast or a shOOting spree. sccurHy rorcea come out 10 aay fil,uv('rnment was
worklnfil, lowards bnnglnR an end 10 the aCllvllles or the acct. yet. the Violence keeps getting more sophlllticated What Nlgertans need today Is peace.. no mailer at what cost. If the perpetrators of the violence have come out 10 say they are ready to embrace peace. then government should seize the opportunity. since II has no clue to how to bring an end to the vkllcnce on Its own The statement credited to Chid Solomon Lar thai government should not dialogue with Boko Haram Is unforlunate. Must we continue 10 allow more Innocenl aoulll to die needless deaths? Government must not waste thiS opportunity to bring about lasUng peace In the counlry. -Or Ahmed ldns. Central Business Discricf. AbuJo..
ThiS is al!O to calion
the Criminal Invcaugalion Department (elD) of lhe Nigeria Police. 10 Invesugale such bogus
Theile sgenelcs arc defrauding job8cc.kcrs of mUlIoM of naln. hkitng under the gutK or helpmg to get lh em empk)yfil I hope some 0( these fraudsters will be ar· rested and pros«uted IJOOn. so a. to IICrve as II detttTCnl to others · ls-ro.e f Ta fwo.
8udJand Estate. Ojodu·Berger. La90S'St at~
HE govel"norshlp elections that wcre held rcccnUy In both Edo and Ondo IItates have come and gone . ..tth stakeholdera. moat espeCially the polillciana , haVing learnt one or two lessons From thc elections. Nigerians are beginning to open their eya to the stark realilies confronting them The days are go n e when votes were not protected or Called to counL Polltlc.l eonselOUlilless III fasl holding sway. and It has now dawned on Ntgertans thal It is their eonllillutlona] right to vote. And It 1II when they realised lhllt It Is also their rlghl to usc their vole to onnlhiliale Irreaponalble government and pollllclans al the polls. thai our nascenl democracy will have a headvr""y who Po< those
Edo, Ondo guber elections as a lesson for politicians observed with keen Inlerest the Edo governorS h ip election" Cew monlhs ago, U.'OUld nOl be a misnomer to PO!l" thai Ihoae who wanted lO lake the back door 10 win the cI«tlons al all cost. quickly found It expedient to sprend apprehension around. days before Ihc c\cclkln. yet. they railed to make good plan The apprehen!lkln WllII quite high thai. It was Ihoughl Edo State would WitneY a 10lal break·down of law and order. Howcv('r. Ihe peoplc or the defied all. comlnji[ oul enmalllle to votco for the candida Ie of Ihelr chOice The aame scenariO played ItseU out In the Ondo Statc cl«lIol1 11le picture thl'l writer
FG should subsidise catfish feed for fanners
HE production of catfish can be a \"Cry lucnllvc busl· nClIs Thc ra cl Ihat NI gcna Imports oYer 75 per Cent of lis nsh needs. makes the business a very good one since there is a Tady market ror produce flowever. the cost or feeding the fish Is the problem cat· fish farmers arc cur· rently facing
nIb has made fann eTII abandon Ihe bU!l1 nCIIII. as over 85 per cent of the COSI of production. go Into fcedln~ the nsh alone. I3ccause of Ihls. calnAh farmers havc been calling on Ute: goy eromenl to subsidise catfish fcr:d In the: c;'OUn Iry. ThrouJlh this. the government can buy fish fced at a speclne pnce. sell II 10 laml
en! at a much morc 1000"Cr Jlf1C'C nIls 15 a]readv hap· penlng In crop farming 8!1 government subsldlsC'S rertllisers for farmcrs Subsidlslng nsh feed will allK) ~ a long way In boosting producllon. thereby maklnR Ihe country rely Ics..'f ()n 1m port«l nsh flowevr:r. If nothing Is done about this on IImr:. more farmers will simply abandon Ihe business. lhr:reby rendering more people Jobless
Ole le .
An yigba. Itogf S tate.
~O...,r..-{ <;;.CO
Is trylnl! 10 paint, I!I that. godfRlhcrlsm. threats or Rpprehenslon. voter apathy. VOIr buytnltrigging. cI«IOTOII ¥toIencc and fraud. ballot box snatehln~ Intimidation. Impersonation. and all brands of electoral malpT'acUcc!J. whk:h were employed by political aspirants. before the Jegaled INEe. arc already thlnfil,'i of the past This. of cour~e eVident In bolh [,do and Ondo st.lte5. with the people dlspla)'lll,ll. a high scnse or maturtty. and a detennlnallou 10 ,·otr: for a square peg In a square hole The clr:cUons In both .. tatC!l. remind one that In lodaY·5 Nlgrrla political pHrllt's ,wd candidates don't m.atlt'r bul 'perfomance' It l'l a known fad Iha' Comrad(' Adam'l Oahlomholr and Dr Olu!Jegun Mlmlkn. bol h pt'rformed creditably well during their nl"'!ll trrm!S and no matter the lin IX'ddled by propal!andlsls. uninformed i!roup'l polulcal Jobbrr"l and sveopilants, pcrlomance certainly made way for their vtclorlr The year 2015 Is around lhe corner and whoever ...'antA thco mandatco of tltt' ciCC10nlle should also do the bkJdlnlt oflrn- prople ·RalwnnOl!~
crftIlilliqpdl.9" gmoiloom
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