Monday. 12 Nov ember, 2012
NlgcrillD Tribune
N2bn worth of rice smuggled into Nigeria monthly
. . N I , 7bllilon worth of r1cc l5 smuggkd Into the counlry monlhly llle slakehokkrs. who spoke under the aegls of the Rice Millers , Importers and Dlslrlbuto~ AModalion
the r1cc mIJItng and
dlstrlbuUon cha in In Nigeria haw: raised an .Iarm over what they dc.sC"rlbcd as Increasi n g Wllve of amuggttng In the counlry. saytng as much
-Rice millers of Nlgena IRIMIDANI, staled thai mudl 01 UllS nnds Ita way to Nige ria Uuough Benin RqJUbhc.. RJMIDAN Chairma n . TunJI Owoe~. explain ed that the smuggters have
bttn capllall.slng on the Increase In levy on Imported nee, as _'CII 11.5 Nigeria's porous land borden to smuggle nee. a sltustlon. he IItated, that had dramattcally driven
gCl1uine proce5SOfll and mUm out of buslnes8 He saki hls mtmbc.rs' Inve5LmCnt in plant and madtlnay a3 a' mkt 2012 was ow:r N I 00 billion, with the: lotal numbcrcipeople employed In the value chain
about 4.5 million. saytng all or thue were being threatened by the activities or the smugglers ·We complained severally 'n Ihe past about the negallve IIICUvtUes 0( smuggle,.
rice and the dc:vastaLing effects on lhe nallon'. economy From record5 available La us, the lOtal 10511 or revenue 10 the government rrom this unwholesome actMty ror lhe period commencing
January 2012 UlI dale Is ovu USD8200 011111011, whk:h, ~n converted 10 Iwlr.a at lhe CUnni! nile or N 158 Is about N32
bUnon, - he IlOtM OwoIeye described the
perpe:lralon dlhls act as unrelenllng. thereby undermining the f'~rnl
0P'rom I~l. lC.ey Account Manage,.. DalUa roods Umlted. Charlotte Onl.... llla: Areca So.la JltJl'lag~. Dangote Sugar RVine", PIc. Ibodan, Abdull'Cl.Z.UUl Bola and Area SClIa: Jlanage ,.. Dangote Po.Ifa U rn lted.. Omagbe ~JfTO. during the 20J2 Lagos Internalional Tr-ade rair. h.eld at TcifaUla 8 a lewa Square (TBS). Logos. recent •.,.
Lagos Trade Fair:
Customers, distributors throng Dangote stand
ilE Lagos Tnde fair, again pnMdcd III platronn ror Oangote Group to 'urther bond ItJi productJi with Ita trade partners. as the subsldlarlea or the Pan-African Co nglomerate Co mpanies dominated activities at the trade exhibition Consume,.. thronged the pavilions of Ihe Oangole Companies as the group displayed an a rny or producls tailored 10 meet dtfferent consumer needs while also orferlng wet and dry sampllng to arouse the consume.NJ· Interest The Group's stllnd was strnteglcally located close to the main enlrance, thus giVing vlsliors the benent or having Ute nrst contact wiUllhe Group'. product on entering the ralr . While daneers thrilled them to an exciting sesalon School ch ildren and their teachers we~ not kfi out &II the.y had their tu r n to ramillarisc themsclve. wllh
products rrom Ihe Group's atable: and WC~ showered with customised glfta Companies from the Group Ihat pilrllclpated at Ihe ralr Include Oangole Sugar Renncry, Oangote Flour Mills Oangote Agro ~ . . cks, Nallonal Salt Company 01 Nigeria fNASCONI, Oangote Pasta. Oangate Cement, Dangote Noodles and Dansa foods Limited, Icadlng producers or Juice. A major aUncUOn at the Group's pavilion was the Oangole Kitchen .,hlch ofrered a Wide range or lhe dellcaclcs prepared rrom producta malluractur~d by companies under the Group Some or the delicacies Included Oangate Noodl~ . pasta. Alkalna I.heat meall , OanvUa and a range or rruil drinks rrom Oansa Visitors to the stand were also given rree samples or various drinks rrom Ute Oansa stablt' ror tasling, a development Ihat Irlgg~red high d~mand
ror the Group's producta while Intending dlstrlbutora also had the opportunity 10 rcgister at the stand A Sialement rrolll the Group's Corporate Communications Oe:parlment Indicated that Ihe Group's parllclpatlon at Ihc Tnde falr.as part 011111 slrategl~ to ronn eloser bonds with "Its customers and distributors
Subsidiaries or the leading Arrlcan conglomerate partictpated at IheTrade fair with the Inlcntlon or further consolidating on their leadership In their various sectors by adding more value to Uldr cU.!ltomcrs through provision or Wide ranging products tailored to meet spcctnc. enr changing ne ... ds of the consumers
Government'. policies and progntnuncs directed at boosllng local food
-No sector or professional group which makes as much commltmelU as ....'C have enunciated a~ would k~ qukt and not nptht determinedly ror Ihe survival or this crUlca l
£do Stale. Ita Corporate Communleallons and Public Affairs Manager. Dr Samuel Aderlekan, expressed the company's delight at Joining roreca wllh Red Cross to provide water and rood products 10 the victim. or thl' recent nood disaster across the naUon Receiving the relief material. on behalr or the National f>rcsldcnl 01 Nigerian Red eroa.s Society and Governor of hno State, Oatclle Rochas OkorochA Ihe NAlional lIealth Adv1se.r
~ ItII
monitoring 10 as to curb the: aC'livltles ()( smul'!~ler5 slncc. hI:" argued. the- efTorts of thepresenl (overnment concerning ~rowlllg the economy through the empowerment of lUI key componenla. ar" regularly belli. threalened by th" acHvllles or Ihest' amugglf"1""S Eart~. the assoctatkwl had donated rice worth N50 million to thc National Emer.enrY Management Ag~ncy INEMA) as part of Its contribution to.,ard!l bringing succour to Ihe victims of Ihe nood disasters
Main One showcases qualities to stakeholders AIN One Cabl~ Compony, one 01 the naUon's leading provldera or t:rold.lRnd IntcnJCI.8Cf'/ta:II to large tdecomrmrntcaUon
Nestle donates items to flood victims ESTLt. a health and wellne.a company, has donaled n:Uer matenals to Nigerian Red Cross Society ror distribution to nood victims In all arrecled stalea In Nigeria . The Items Inc luded Nestlt Pure Lire lable .,.ter; Nc.atlt NIOO. rull cream milk product. Ncsllt Golden Morn , MaUl CUhea and Maggi C hicken bouillon Making the p~sentallon on behalf or the Company. In l3enlll lhe. capital city or
sector or the NI~cn.11 KOnOmy Inddcntally Ilnd In truth. theu commitments and polOlual 0( the nc:c seclor an: bdng daily put at risk by the acllviUes of these smugglers and Ihelr coIlaboRlorS, - he a.gued Arnrmlng that smuggling Is alao affecting the fOod security plana or the rederal gow:mment. he call~ on Ihe gove:rnmenl to strengthen Its mechanisms ror poIldng the: land bordc:rll espcelally. the Seme border nank as well u other n:laled areM whc:rc much or the: acta were being pe:rpclr.llcd Itc. howeveI", called on the rc:dcn.J govttTunenl to
or Red Cross.
Dr Wilson Imog"n commended Nutlt for the kind geslure. while urging Olher muilinationals and co rporale organlsallons In Ihe cou nlry to emulate: Ihe good example: or Nesllt Th~ presentstlon ceremony was wltncssed by some eJ:ecutive mcnlbers or the Nigerian Red Cross In Edo Siale. Including the Branch Chairman. Mr Mose"! Obaze. and the Executive St'cretary. Mr Dan Enowt'ghomwenma
companies Clltc.rprtMs.
and othcr has hosled tht
ICT savvy prole_ouals to an 1n1ertM:tM 5C:5ISlon.
The ~I. chrislenf:d -Nerds UnIT...- aUrat'tf'd opr:nuOl"5 from broadband prcwtdeB. Intemrt Senn Providers liSPs). pottC'y makers. conlenl distributors. Irade assodaUon ex«uth-es and tnlemel stan-ups ~tJ'II'lludk:rtl:e
In Lagos. Ihe Chid Technical Clfttc:a'. Milln One Cable , Mr Johnnie Coleman, hil(hll(hled th~ tell reatures that distingUish Main One amongst ItJi pe:ers In the
Coleman slated Ihal Its tnceptiorl ~ two years ago. Main c:>tw- ha,s maintained a re:/I,ular uptime wllh urn po""r outage: at "'" cal* landal( staUon 10-5land Mon;.mm I'OP