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33 Tribune


, 2012

Oyo minority leader charges

Briefly Ekiti hosts AMLSN South·West meeting 11-IE Ekltl State branch of the AssoclaUon of Medical Laboratory Scientist or Nigeria (AMLSN) hosted the South-Wcst caucus meellng or the association on Thursday, February 2 . In a session or the meellng chaired by Honourable Kunle Jenrnde, the group discussed extensively the Issue of quackery in the proresslon and the need to address this appropriately. Speaking during a courtesy visit to the Commissioner (or Health In Ihe stale. the group emphasised the need (or the slate government in EklU to creale lhe Directorate o( Medical Laboratory Services both at !.he H. M. B. and the Ministry of Health. TIle chairman o( the association In Ekltl State . Mr Adebo Olufeml. used the opportunity to call on all members of lhe aSSOCia tion In the state to prepare pro(esslonally for the Visit of the Medical Laboratory Science Council of Nigeria {MLSCNI to the stale (or accredllaUon.

PDP convenUon: Aspirant promises youth empowerment A youth acLlvlst and an

aspirant to thl!! olIk:e dNaUonal Youth Ll!!ader of Peopk:s DemocraUC Party (PoPI. Honourable Solomon GowIn. saKI hi!! Is ddermlned lO place Issues of youlh cmpowennenl on thI!! fi"unl bwncr If electi!!d In the forthcom1ng national convcnuon of the pany_ Gowin. who Is the National Organising Secrelilly. AU Youth AssodaUCln of Nigerta (AYAN) and a membl!!r. National Youth CouncIl ol NIger1a INYCNJ. said this whUe spcakJng with the NIgerian THbune at the weekend. According 10 the: aspIranL who is also t.hc COOl'-

dlnatDroiRurai Empower-

ment Advocacy Project (REAP). hi!! was vying fOT the: post of national youth leader In t.hc party. In 01"der to bring his weaJth of expc:r1ence to beat on the issues d youth tmpOWCI"ment aatlEiS the country. Cowin promised to place spectal atlmUon on entl!!rprlSI!! promotion through marketable skills dcveJopmcnL partIdplltion

01 youths In govcmanoe at the local Il!!vds. dTecuve dJ5sI!!mtnaUCln ollnfonnalion on government aclM· Uc:s

and srrengthOling of

youth organtsatlons In the oounuy. Bola Badmua

PDP members

on LG polls By Dare Adekanmbl

- - - -,

"RENn.Y boIstCftd

~ (PI)(,

by I~ viClOI)' of the

pl4s Democratic Party 111 wa:kencfs rerun eJecUon in Irepol 0cnI0pc/ 0l0l'UJ'lSCg0 rcd-


eralccn5lllUtmLy. ll1ClllIIlIlr'Ily k:ader 10 the stair; liIJu9r;

or Assembl v. Iionourable RaDu /,dd.:unle. has c.iwgM Il"lCI11bI:n of tI'z. party 10 be

pn:porat 111 rqlE3Id1C YicIay ~ Ilk:

Ade.lowo and constltuency on his victory £n th e re-run • while one. of r.he In Oke-Cgun, Adetoro, watches during h .U: thank-you visit to thefonner gOUllTTlorln Ogbomoso. on Sunday.

Federal Character Commission to sue erring ministries, othel'S-commi;siooer John.oQ Babsjlde. "atu.rd.i INISTRIES and para.slatal agl!!llcll!!s that rail 10 tnvoIve Fedl::rai Character CommlsslOl1 In the recrultmenl aerciSe !lOW'risk UlIgaUOn.. 1be Federal Conunlssloncr In ctuugc d Benue Stale. Mrs Margarelh Ichl!!en. dlsclosallhlS to newsme.n at the weekend. while spcaIdng on the reason the. oommtssIOn sumITlCIllOd management 01 the Teachtng Savice Board In Ikoue State. Mrs Ichc:cn said thai II


that the principle of fairness and equity Is done to every kJcal government In t.hc stale as wcll as wards

when It affects local goyemml!!nt 1eve.Js_~ AccordIng lO 110". ~the commlsskln is 10 ensure that !.here Is f.aimcss and ju5tJCe In cverythtng these mInIsu1es OJ" parastatal do. TIll!! same appUcs at Ule local govanmcnl Ievd. because we want evay ward

d the local ~

~ the


au qlW1dI ~:


to be rqnse.ntc:d

In any rccruIlmOll ~ thaI Is being carried OUL -It IS now an olTencc for ddaulter If the.y fall to

ea.rry the commission along In such exerclsc. Thl!! full!! varies. depe;nd1ng on the magnitude of the oCfence. but Icl me I!!mphaslsc that \I Is no longer business as usual

any recru Itment cxel"CiK being can1ed out. saytng. tJictIy 1 . wt!s wan toeosure


margtnallsalJon In

our .so-


Alpboo.u. Agborb.


;Incd 10 producl!! the next governor of L111!! statl!! In 2015. Leader o( Anloma poIUlcal unkln. Chief Isaac who oscd Anwusla. disci this In OgwashJ.uku. at

Alpboas u5 AgboJ"b, The pruldent. who A. . ba was reprc!ICIlted by Chkf A GBEKOYA Farmers OlatuoJI Bandde. natlo"lal .L"1.Assoclallon. I he pubHcIty 8CCI"C:tafy. said the rorl!!most fannl!!rs group assodaUOn was poised to and human rights reposition Nigeria as an organlsaLion. has bel!!n agnculiuraJ state. cham launched to Delta State pion comme.riclal amble with an appl!!al to the' farming and Improtooe iIYtng Della State government standard 01" fanners. to providl!! It with N400 Chief Aremu dtsdosa!



poIIUc.tlllflC. but aho n lhr< stale. Aooordmg 10 hlm. ~In spite of the ~ of

--""~"'" .-."..,. who tr1ed to ~ h: v.1II of the.

menl r:L hl~d armed 11. . . andctntnuytoUlCc:ne-nmlOIli!!-YOII!! c8mpo.lfD:l In lbe OOlUltry. the POPs victory symboI!9cs the trtwnph d ~ CM:r darlme5a. •

the weekl!!nd . said It would be the tum of thl!!

Anwusla charged all tnII!!re8t groups to put their

Uduagban . fro m Ddta South (2007 tID date}, add-

on an arrnngement With the Peoples Dl!!mocralic Pany (PDP). Al a meeting of the I hi h un on. w c was at· tended by PDP chieftainS In !.he area. Chief

=::;na o( actuallslDg their asplration. According 10 him . Anloma .-...nnle sunnnned r-r r~ Chief James lbori rrom Delta Central 11999 _ 20071 and Dr Emmanuc.l

have the gove-rnonhJpSlo1 ln2015 _~ He said the Anioma poUUcal forum would sunr port any cn' dlble person asplnng to thl!! poslUon. while their consuJ[aUon

o~~~a::!w;.~ ~I~I ~~1~1I~~~~ ~~~

Agbekoya farmers inaugurated in Delta

olher Inpu ts. Inaugurating the (armers In Ibusa near Asaba. the nNational presldl!!nl of the group. Cbll!!f Kamol"udl!!l!!n Aremu. said Agbokoya had been repositioned to plan. organlsl!!. coord 1nate and SUpi!!lViSe.about 25.000 (armers 10 embark on seriOUS ml!!c hanlaed aod comml!!rclal farming worth Ne billion In the next fiVe yean In the southem Nigeria.


He.aurtbutul I1Je SUttJ:S5 d the party to the popuIwtty and ~th of the PDP IlDl

Imo: We're ready to produce gov in 2015 -Anioma people

=~a:~=~~a7~ 'T';i;r~~: o~~~~ ~:~~I:!a~~~o~ agency. al both the staLe and f!!!den.! Ic:vcIs. not lO involve the commlsslon In

for those who believe In lopsidedness· Icheen. the first female. spe;akl!!r in Ihe country. who became the speaker of Benue Statl!! liouse of Assl!!lIIbly In 1999. expIaJned that the actMl1cs 01 the commlss6on would soon be extcndi!!d to soctal In(nstructure. saying. -thlslstoCUrbanyfonnof


Wed local g..M:nvneni. dn;lUI n tht stali!!.. Hmourabie Adekunk. a PDP lawmakl!!r rrom Saki West COfl3UIUency. staled lhii n a mrw.m..llaUJry mc:r sagle 10 I1t party's auddale In the datP\., tio1ournllII!!

Ihal the 8.5SOClauon was engaged In thi!! production 01"5.000 I:Icctarts of land to plant cassava. mail!Ie. nee. yam.palmoll. sorghumand cocoalnthenexlfM:years In each Slate in the SCLIth.

Hesa.ld ~ farmers In Delta State. JllJIIlbI!!rIng OYer 3.50). WU.h a plan to eslabllsh three model

limns 111 each of the &e:ruJ ' toria.I dlstrlcts. Apan from individual fannIand oll"anncni In the statl!!. the presldem said Agbek.oya wasreadytorulUvateaddltJooa.l2.000 llOctares d maize. 2.000 hcctan:sdl1oe., 1.2 mIIbon biTds

and 29 mUlIon t:onnes of Os.h.

:~~d",,~:~~~;,:!~:'.'O 'IbI!! leadercommendcd the conlaL"l committee of thl!! group. which had reached out lO reconcile aggrtevi!!d Ankllna prople whowere.ol1ewa.yurlhe other. wroD{jed pollt1caUy 10 foster peace and unity towards maldng Ihl!! journey to 2015 a smOOlh


Aviation college. norin. begins operation Biola Auu, Ilorin T :HE authorlUes o( International AVlatloll Collegl!! (lAC). nonn. have saki the coI lege has commenced operaUons. The college. according to thl!! Spec1aI Assistant to I.he Kwara Slate Gov· ernor on Tnmspon. Mr Oc:jl 0nI. would also commence training o(professlonals to avtaUon traffic control. cabin crew. aYla· Lion security. aviation

Englisb ilS well as aViation safety. among others. He said the aviation collegl!!. which com menced night l ralnlng with 12 pioneer stu · dents spread across thl!! coun try. started (rom uro level and was expecled 10 bl!! licensed within 15 months with the Private rUot Licence (PPL). Comml!! rclal PUOI Lice nce ICPL). ( Rattog llR) and Ad. vance Training ptlot LI-

cence tATPLI. The. Kwara Slate govemment. which Is the soil!! "nander of the college. ani said. planned to collaborate With tile. pri· \/ate sa:1Or for the rapidly expand1ngavtaUOntndusIry. -'The college: he sald. 4is to produce superlOI" pilots and alliation professlonals. with focus on aaIl!!tyquaUtyand responslblllty and be able to compe;le ravorably with It

countl!!rpans Ihe world overAccording to thl!! gOllernor's aide. the LAC was e.qulpped with the statl!!-Of-L11e art aU-craft. classroo.n eqUipment. flight 5llmuialOra and tIatnJngaldstol!!fl8blcthe colll!!ge to stand the tesl o( UDle. The sta l e governor. MhaJI Abdulfalah Ahmed. 1s expected to perform the; tnaugumUOn ol night ., \he

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