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'Imported frozen chicken, turkey: areIn hi!!poison' word5. ·WE: are consuming polson In an allempl to eat 1m . ported frou:" chicken and turkeys . You need 10 scc how these


OR Nll.el"lans IYhO. are lov :m of poul try pr"ducts like rro:r:("n chicki'll and turkey. thls nn-s would be of Inlere:~l lnd would also serve a. II caullon because th4 Information Is from e:~perts . Animal 5C e:nllsts and poultJy man;~ement experts like: D r Kayode: Ogunleye h a ve dec ried the ImportatJon of froum chicken and turkey Into the country especially from nelghb-Junng Mrtcan c::ountnet;.6aylng It Is a sabotage 19a1ns! lhe economy of lhe country because s uch a practice Is nol encouraging the developmellt of OUI" economy _ I I Is also arrfectlng tILe development of nal lon agncul· lural set'" lot and live · stock marke15 Another expert. Dr Segun MakanJuola . a veterlnarlsn .have also posited that Ihe agen cies of Ule Fr-deral Government saddled with the rel!lpo nsl bllity of maintaining secunty at our various borders should live up to Ihefr e.xpectatlonf- and make sure that lmporled frozen chicken and turkeys, U well as poultry produc ts d nes not find lhelr way IntO the Nigeria market ~ ... use the:y are InJurl n us to Ihe health of con sumers Ilowever. the Chairman. Poullr) Association of Nigeria IPANI, Oyo Stale branch . In an InterVIew with l'rlbune AgrlcuJ lure. sta ted Ihat the Na -

tlonal Agency for Foods, Drugs Administration a nd Control INAFDACI. s hould also be blamed for the prollferauon of Nigerian markets with Imported frozen c hicken , turke:y. and othe:r po ultry products. stresSing that NAFOAC should help In sanlllSlng the markets In order to prevenl NIIlerlans (rom using their hard earned money to buy poison Whal makes Im ported frozen chicken a nd lurkey polso n ? Olaleru responded sayIng, " apart from NAFOAC. other securtly agencies maintaInIng security at our borders have bee:n allowing ~pol ­ s on·. some of which a re are frO:r:("n chicken a nd turkey 10 enter the country Indiscrimi na tely and If fnmUc efforts were nOI made to maintain a waterUght s ecurlly at our borders, Nigerians would continue to fill Ulelr stom ach with rubbish and polson:' he explained. Speaking further . Engineer Olateru pos Ited Ihallmported poultry products are co ntrabands because there Is a law restrai n Ing people from bnnglng them Into the country. adding thai a chemical known as formalin. oflen used In mortuaries. morgues and hospitals to preserve dead bodies Is usually used by smugglers to preserve t he m .

ex!_Ij~!I!!I!"'!!I!Ii~ ixx.I tc:c:h~. as well 35 practislng£annersln lheSouth--


h<l\lt: . .lin appeaUed to Ihe poultry products arc O)uSt.,tegovcmment torebeing preserved at our suscitate the moribund various borders by Cashew Proa:ssb-.g Indussmugglers. then you tJ1e5 Pk: at ~ Ibadan.. will develop haired sothattlcangencrnlCITO't: forthem Income I'or the stale. Speaking further . . Experts like Dr. Tayo Olaleru saki. ·s muggler.t ~ Dr. 5esan AdeIcye. go t o Iht' utent of I Mr.I. FUnke~andDr­ keeping Ihul"' poullry I TundcOmcyajowolo.~ products InSide bushes also called on Governor where they often pre - I =~u:.Oyo !'IIl!rved them wllh for - I l1cultun:. Mr Dante! ~ malin and other dan - I to as a mailer d r1CCCS6Ity gcrous chemicals which I fashion out a pmgrammr are InJurl01l8 10 human I lhnl wuuId make the prohealth I ocs.sang IndustJy ~ Its -For InstanC'e. when - operational slatus. S~ ever the smugglers of l ing thai cashew pn:lOC5Sing these producls dlscov- Is not only II IU<Ra.tNe venered that customs and ture. but a job creaUng Immigration officers business. were at the border wi OI.ho-~anners lOspokewiu • • ,...... J11e4n_ watching them. they of- rbJlrun-aJsosald ten bury these poultry TlOt happy wtth the: c:urn;nt products Inside deter10raU ng state or lbe bushes. poured forma - industry which they said lin to prevent decaying have been Wlder lock foc untl) they are able to yeandcspltelheoompany's beat the security at our potential!iorgeneratmgmilborders lions or naira lOr the state. The PAN c hairman . An ornamental crop however. called on gov- l"a111ll:l". MTKa)VdeOkesakl emme:nt to enforce a to- -1tbapilyandVCl)'~­ lal ban on Importallon cntng thai such a ho:ntage of these poullry prod - llJUld be abandoned. ncucl.!! so that the hea lth glected and machineries Inside: the lodilllU)' a1 of the citizenry would IaMd to be deterloraUng not be Jeoparulsed. Speaklngk further. Oke


I i

Oyo to train 3.500 youths in farming --Com,,,,,,,,,,,



total 3.5 00 youths will be trnlDed and empo,,{e red by the 0)'0 S tate Government nder1.18 Yo uth Agl1culturc: Empowerment 5c.heme, UI Commmsioner for Agrfculture. Mr Daniel Kola e. bas salw Addressl"tt mal.zc: farmers In Ibadan ecentJy on gOVCTnmt;nl's age nda on agrtculture. Kolade: said the beJ:\eficlar1es would be lrained 'in farm eslates to ~ .establlShed soon by go1.'Cf1JmenL KOlade. ho was represented by the! Permanen t SeCre ary 10 t be mfnJsiry . Mr Kunle Ade dunta.n . s aid 5 00 or tJ.1e benenCiaries with a dequ ate q a llOcatio n In agriculture ,,"'Ould be gtvCl1 ill-ho uae tra!ntng lIS Agr1cultural Extension

Agents. '"This Is J. order to ame1Jorate the yawrung ra00 of Agrtcultural Extension Agents to fanntng famlllc:a In ~ s tate which Is now put at one agent to 3.000 faming families,· he saJd. Apart rroth lhJs. Ko lade said the governlDent would al s o promote tbe S chools Agric ulture Programme I under' which twelft secondary schools already benefiUng_ The com lMIoner said the SAP was ted to udents to venture Into agriculture. , lh1s will SUft our youths from Inmo and social \/toes whJ.Ie: ensurtng food 8Cf.'W1 ly and wealth creation.' Govemlll t. he added. was planning to loaugurale a PJ"opuce Procurement Board to buy farm produce frofn fanners at guaranteed minimum


lamented that. ~Il ls a lhll"€ or CXlI1CCm to many or us who know the: history 0( Ihe Industry. 1hts Is an agI1cultuml pnxtuce process_ bJg tndustry that used 10 be a n e:my of oI.he:r states In

the countJy. but see what ts happening to such an enViable herttage now,- he added. The. deLerioration gotng on In the cashewnul proct9ISIr1g Industry. however. haft also become a thing of conc.em to many rcsI dent'J d Tbadan metropoly and they have therefore appealled to Covernor AbIoIa Ajtmobl to look Into the tssuc and help In re~ the company. Cuhewnut Processing Ind ustries Pic. £Ieyele . Ibadan. ~ State. was Inoorpomled In 1986 as Urnlled Llabtllty Compuny and was COI'Tlfntsstone rOf'" ope.rn tlom on Wednesday. 25 July. 1990. It bocamea publie l..iabIJ1ty Company OlLCl tn August 1990. At UlC tncepUon 0( UM:' company. the ownership structure 01 the company oonslsted d the Oyo Slate Finance and Investment Company Umlted.. which conlrolkd 30 per cent; EIll'ncer- B. 0kuym1I Iawe!! 10 per CCI'1U Messrs Ottremcn: s.p.Aorltaly.a tef;:hnlcal parttlc:Ii I 0 per ctIlIl as ,~;'di as oI.he:r N~ both tndIvtduaIs and mrpornle bOOIes IS peremtl &t by 1&11 Septernbes'.

2CXXJ. the board 81 IlS statuImy boen:I meetIr-tt raoM:d 10 conven the N9 mllllon debt owed 05f1C0l. to equity an:! this ~ 1,1.'38 duly adopted al the 2002 Annual Geneml MeeUng (ACM). held 00 the: 30th Dea:mber.


Based on this dc:vclopmenL lilt a.npany's


sIructun: was a1tcn:d and lilt pt:SeIll shares owners d lilt ~ iJdude; Oyo &ate Finance and Investment

Company Ltd. (osnCOLl 79_2 per cenl; Ottremare S.l'.A d Itnly (6.5 per cmU: ~B.Otruyc:mt{6..5 per cent) and other NIger1ans (7.a per emU. 1he Castxo.o.1lUt P'n.lo::t:s5II'W IndIsrtrs. 15 a o:mpany with potential prurnloJcs. but the pou:nUaJ"s ~ ~ put k1 lIltchec:k by some peral:5tent prtlbIerm. Experts ha~ IdenUOc:d b.Jr rnajCr pd*ms as mitJ.

!YJlI.I1g agatnsl the smooth ~or Ihelnil:5tJyand


they ale I i . ""!Pi InsIabllty.lT1ili1u:l. mtliryan1ma-

"""",,. Food ~Is po!IItcd that if the factoty madltnc! had been furKiknll. the o:xnpany v.ouId hlM: ix:tMIy been Ul ihc: §Un! aud It5 products I,I.Qljd ha~ been al the kxal and Internallonal markr:ts. "ThIs they said. v.uddno~ 1lm'Cai~ the needed re.uu: 10 acoue 10 thtCXiil1*1Y and~ b.DTIs on lrM::5mla11s 'MJUId ~ b:x:n guanwtecd. TIle processing plant if functional. experts furt.her a!ISeTled. 15 c:apab/Ie or pocesslng 390 lonnes {one shlftJ per tuUll.UJL Also If the CDl"plnyb IO~ all the )Urrounds Ilnut purthasc: addltJonai 240 tcnncs or rnw



It Is: also on


recoro that


has a al 11,1.'0 town In Oyo Slate. which t'J capable of producing about ISO tannes at opUmum levcl ofien Urnes and since the machines become virtually unservtcable some years back . the mw nuts harvo:sled are usually sold to would-be exporten. According tonndlngs. Ule automated machines Installed at the tncepUon of the company packed up andover aome yean. ago and the: 0051 or repairs and malnlenance became uneconomical cashew plantation

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