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Nlge riall Tribune

NEWS Briefly

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Delay in council election divides Katsina lawmakers Segu.n OI an l,... u . KaU Ja..a ERE WB " confusion 011 till' floor of the Ka~lIla State House or Assembly on


Wednesday, following the delay by the state government to cOllduct loco l council!' ejection In the state. This followed a m oUon

ber. representing Dandume coll5t11ucncy. H o n ourable Lawai Isyaku. on the need 10 ame n d the local governmcnl law of 2000 In reo of the council

l;halnm:n's lenure. The mollon. whic h generated a heated dcbate over the rallufe of govern m ent to conduct elect io n Into l h e 3 4 councib, a year ancr the

'Peace must be guided at whatever cost' Saliu Gbad a moal . Bau e b J ==-==c~

~ EmlrofHauchJ. :~~aJ I Rllwanu Sulelman "damu. has described p<ace 85 very precious e nd as such. must be bought. altracted and jealously gUided In earnes t and at whatever cosL This Is even as the relO;urrent crises In Bogoro/ Tafawlt Balewa Local Govenlme nt Areas o f Baucht Stale Is said 10 . be takJng Ule s ute too far Into un c(' r "alnty. wh ich Is worrying Lhe state governm"nt as lives and pr-opel"lles are being waste d the economy I~ being grounded. and Se.! much resoun:es art" being expended on secut1ty at the upense: or develtJpment In the slate" Speaklng on Wednes· day. at the I1lal.lgural meeUng or the 'l'nlth and


Recon c iliation Commitlee on Tafawa Balc:wa and Bogoro Local Govern. ment Areas set up by the Bauchl State govern men I. the emir. who doubles as the chairman of the commillee. slated lhat Ihe amount or

Bogoro crisIS was tendIng towards unconlr-ollable dimension , saying that. "'he disagreement that 15 knowlI to be wUhln Ule COllununlltes

money spent 10 main lain peace would amount to nothing compared wllh th(' one spent to rehabilitate victims and repair prol>erlles damaged dur Ing crises pertod. AlhaJI Adamu no led that the Tarawa Bah:wa l

Collin. NoabuUe, AbuJa

15 dally magnifytng 10 the extenl that third parUes art" being Involved from and within 10 ruellng II . raliler than offering soluUons.-

201 I general election nearly marred the day's sltUn g . Cont r ibuting. the membe r representing MUsaWD coll!lUluency. Dr Lawai Allyu, said the Id ea by governmen t to appoint careLaku commlUees instead of conducttng elttUon Inlo t h ese counclis was Illegal. Dr Allyu. who noled lhal lhc:n: was an urgent need to conduct coum::11 dectlons. said the rights of the dectorBh: should not be lrnmpled upon and they shou ld be allowed to elect their council leaders. ·Instead or appointing a caretaker commUte<: to run the affaIrs or these aJl.fti!.. let Ihe pa:::pe dr:d:Ie Mnn d-qr \Io31l ., lead IhIm. M these: <DlfllIII,ees anuml ., notIrg WI a waste d ~ (II(Jl.IR:C!,." he 1XfiItc:d A1so contrlbuUng, ~k:n:uttE£:mI;.mKlrt rq> n:sc:nUug Kurfl constituency. said It was W1Uflfl lOr the state govenunent to continue 10 expend these 1n.1nCIJs' funds IhmugIllhe dlreclors or admJnlstraUon and nnan,e. Kurn added that the state: had no consUtuuonal ri.gll 10 control such funds. saying thai actMticI at the local arm or govt:rnment "''eR' at Its lowest ebb. as they could not spend eveJl a NIOO.OOO In the manage. ment of UlI::1r alTalT!J.

NAFDACto establish LG desk offices in Ebonyi OETERM.INEO to checkmate the aCllvltles of In fake and adulterated drugs In Ebonyt State. the Nallonal Agency ror Food. Drugs Admln istratton and Control INAFOAC) Is poised to estab lis h desk offices In the 13 local gove.rn · ment areas of the stale. The head 0( the agency In the slBte. Mr Richard Anlchukwu. d1sclo8c:d th1s tn Abakallkl . the state capital. In an InteracUV1: forum with newsmen He said the agency had designed strategies to pr-omote the use of genuine drugs In the stale , stressing that more enlightenment efrona would be Intensl fled among resldenl.S of ruml communities Aceordlng to him. -~ sUIi have technologies the agency 15 using We ha\"'C the mlnt laboratory, Any drug we suspect that Is unwholesome or fake. ~ use our mini labs to lesl them: he reiterated. Clement Oko Nnae b l , Abalr.alllr.l

Kano govt tasks Muslim Ummah

not to politicise musabaqah

Fertiliser production to receive $100m boost

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Kalzer made thiS known during a courtesy visit to the MJnbtry orTrtlde and Im'eslment In AbuJa. lie said that his In dustry would Introduce the f1T!Jt Premier brand of fertiliser, saying "this production. which will start In Calabar. Is expeeted to expand In the

11m Ummah to avoid plUUdslngml.J.SObaqah Of' promouog their personal lnten:st while conducung Ihe musalJaqah at any given period In the state and nallonwlde The govemment. however. donated N5mllllon to the sIBle musabaqah committee as nnanclal

HE Managing 01reetor or Premier FerUllser. Mr Paul Kalur. has said Ihal his company Is ready 10 111vest SIOOmlllion In rertlllser producuon and dlstrlbullon In Nigeria .


RMAFC urges states, LGs to access natural resource fund

nexi 18 months." Mr Ka, Blso added that the requlrm raw rna tertals to embark on the production were found In Nlger1a.w h lle also pleadIng with the Federal Government to embark on some reforms that would aId Ule cornmencc.meru of the fertiliser proJecL such

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musabaqah scheduled 10 hold in KalSl n a, In April. Making the call on Monday. In Kana.was lIle Slate deputy governor. Or Abdullahl Umar Ganduje while closing lhrec:llersofgovernment the m~baqah held at to develop the agrlcul Sanl Abacha Indoor SIBtural a n d solid minerals dlum. Kano. seetOT!J as a way of re He said the duclng Ihe continued ggovanmenfs arrangeoverdependence on oU mc:nthadgonedeepInOndbutes based on employ" revmeue, as well 85 the tngawayforwanllOc:nabk: Yejide Obe According to men t. which meant that need to diversify the NIthe state I'I"IUSQbaqahcom· agun d u e. Laaos mlttec: 10 become.lndepenI-Ionourable GbaJablala. companies thai helped genan economy. given lhe SurulereJob Surulere Job Fair was a In bri n ging down lhe the faet that hydrocarbon dent In Ule areas of rev· Fa.l r drnws nea r. p latform lilal would bring level or u n employmen t resources wefe exhaustenue gcnerauon for It to mlnorlly Job own ers and Job seek- a m ong Job seekers In Ible a n d non- renewable . e avoid dependlng on asstsleader or the House of er-s u n der one TtIOfas well the n aHon would enjoy To t h iS end. t h e tance from Indtvtsuals. Representati ves and as eompanJes desi rous several tax Incentives. chairman a.ssured the Earlier ,the Emir of conv~ner of th(' InlUaor more competent stafT. TIle Mlntstry of Fl · beneOciaries or the fed " Kano. AlhaJI lOr) Ado live . Honorable Feml While he a.lso enjoined nance and the Federal eraUon account namely. advbed the people GbaJablamlla. has prom- Job applicants to register Inland Revenue Servtce rederal, state and local to conUnue pra)"lng to AlIsed tax rebatC5 for the ai the webslle IFIRS) will work out mo, governments of the m1gtJty Allah 10 ~t a· companies th!"l~ 'v:\I.luPHr-" dal l l lc!! ror these re - com mlsslo n 's efforts tQ. rc:cu~ of the sad IUdlake actlv~I ~J ~'( tIt~u p'lhe8Ri~, hlsbi51Jlbud~kll b'hllll~,!J''''o~, fffPfttfll'.:S," ensur-e e<lulty . JusUce ~~ l~lJ::,,~~l' ~~ UtillPfiened In, Surulet'e Job fal ".---whlch J ona an. n gel a emp oy some 0 and fair play In the al lo - ............. u ......... - .,........ 0 ler pans 0 Is expected to I e the big- presentation. had said these Job seekers can caUon of funds. 'onnaUon agenda which lhe CQuhlry gest In thiS pin o r the the!Lwould be tax re'c·_,'"n"lo"y,-"lh"',--,~,<"ba""'e","._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. . . "",·-L_Kola Or dere, Kano Gbol. S u blllr, Abuja IEChatnnan. Revenue Mobilisation AllocaUon and Ftscal Commlsston( RMAFCI. Mr Elias Mbam. has urged states and 10-cal gove r nments In the country 10 conllnue to access the Natural Re -


sources F u nd for the rapid devdopment or the agricultural and solid minerals seelors of the Nigerian economy Mr Mbam made U11s call In AbuJa. when he receIved Ihe governor of Taraba Sta t e . Mr Oanbaba Sunt!!\. who

Gbajabiamila promises tax rebate for companies at Job Fair


was on a working vlsilio the commission. The R MAYC boss stressed that the fu nd was principally estabibhed to encourage the

huge vessell! to operate on port. lie also Implored the Federal Government to look Into the cumbersome protocols In the port. claiming that the processes at the port lIlat needed to be passed before ImportaUonormaterlals were up to 13 . saying that It usually slacked producllon Mr Kalzar revealed that. In the next nve years, the Industry would be able to employ 10 .000 wo r kers In Nlguta. In hls speech. the MIntster of Trade and In\/CStment.DrOlusegunAgiulglL repn3CIlted by the Pamanent secrc:taJy d the mintsuy, Mr Douda KJgbu. ex· pressed happl.ness over Ule Innoo.rallon. saytng U18.t


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