29 Nig erian
Tri bune 2012
PDP chieftain commends Wada on IOO-day stewardship Yelda! Jlmoh. LokoJa E award of contrael to Ihe tune or N4.6 bllUon for the construction or roads aCT06ll the lhree scnatonlU districts of the state by lhe KogI Slate govemment has been com mended A frontline leader of the Peoples Dc:mocraUc Party {PDPI from Ofante-Ogugu Ward II In Olamobom Local Government Area, lionourable Bo niface Akogwu, gave the com · mendauon while speakIng with Gamfl on the 100 days In office of Goft:r· nor Idrls Wada. Akogwu, In his slate·
TI 7 Labo ur Congress (NLQ.Presldenr, Comrad e Waheed Omar; Honourable Aml nu Wash; o.n..d the TrcId e Union Cong l"eSS rrvC) P'rulden.t. Com r a de Prtrr Ese l., du rin g a co urt esy ulslt LO the speaker by t h e labour lead ers.
meDl. said a solid foundaUon was already laid, especially by a I.J"iU1SIUOn
11m, aU my frknds and re-
a ngtu step In the right
Wailing in Maidugurl as slain Christians ;~:~:~~~:::,,,~~:,%; 'ed bun are or Ihe state:. saying
J a mes a _ala, M al du Curl
IDOWS, or phan • • rami · 1Ic:a and frie:nds as well as aSSOCIates and sympathtscrs of the nve people killed In a church In Dusman, Jere t.oc.l Govemment Area or Borno State wept un· eontrollably as the re· mains or Ihelr loved onc:a were moved rrom Ihe University or Maldugur1 Teaching Ilospllal (or burial The deceased were Victims of a rcce:nt attack by gunmen suspected to be members of the dreaded Islamic sect. Baleo Uarcun. TIle pastor and secre· tary uf the church were among Ihe flYe" attacked by lhe gunmen almosl about the same lime gunmen attaCKed worshippers dur1Rg a church Krvtce In Bayero University Kano. The late pastor. Rev· erend Albert Naga of Church of CItr1st In NIgeria ICOClN) and other Christian worshippers, according to police om cials, were an shoe In the head
Spokesman lhe: Po1Ic::c. ASP Samuel 1b1le: said ll1e Reft:rend and two other worshtppers weere killed Inside the chun::h ....·he:n late: Rc:vere:nd Naga wenlto admln · lster Ho1y Communion to worshippers. " He added. ·We: got In· ronnaUon Ihal some sus' pected Soleo H aram let"· rorlsts came tn 8 Volkswagen Golf ear and shot at COCIN Church worshippers while they were aboul 10 receive the: Holy Communion" . He said the: church pn::ml5c:s had bee:n cordone:d ofT. adding lhat no arrest had been made yeL Cross·sectlon of elUuns In Maldugurl. the Homo Stale capital, who spoke: with Gam}' on lhe killings of Chrlstlan worshlppt:1"5 In Bamo and Kano states described the Incidents as Inhu man. barbariC and un godly -Ills unfonunale thai this Is happening In a country like Nigeria where both Muslims and ChriStianS claim to be
people of peace. AI least. we now know that rar from religion, IhlS Is more about Lhe North's hunger for power.· Addeye Kahlnde lold Ga mj i In Malduguri lie said -/u a Mus-
ARABA Stale gov ernment has rell erated 115 commitment towards partnertng with the National Board for Technical Educatlon . {NBTE) to Improve the standard of educaUon In the country TIle Slale Education Commissioner, repre· senled by the Secretary of the ministry. Nanko
1 "' ~rowel"S Assocta tlon of Nigeria (CCOGAN). Or Tunde Aroaanyln, has accused the f"ederaJ Government of Insincerity In lUi agri-
cultural poliCies, saying that lhe govemmenl waa ooly paying lip serviCe 10 the sector Arosanyln berated the government's Inltlallve In the agricultural scctors. hinging his aa· sumptlon on the budget .
Persons with disabilities commission parleys Senate on funding IE Joint National AssociatiOn of Persons with OLsablllties IJONAPWO) has said Ihat rundlng for the propo6Cd Commtsskm for Persons with Disabilities would not be an Issue. The group gavc lhe as·
oawarga. said Taraba Stale establiShed I.IOOd reIaUOnshlp with the NOTE as rru- back as 1988 and ac.Msc:d NBTE to capIotl It for mutual bendlts.. Anthony Jc:l1ason saki It was the desire of Gov· ernor Danbaba Suntai that the 1I;tate College 01 Agriculture should rank among the best In the
direction According to him, the people: of the stale have conOdence In the dO clency, dedlcallon and Impartiality of Wada's leadership. stressing that the dire c tional framework so far put In platt within the IOOdays and olher achlc\cmCnUi
Cocoa expert berates FG's policy on agric Tckll1i Jlmob , LolloJa
Taraba restates desire to partner NBTE on improved J a il. I . education standard Celes t ine Ih eJlrlka ,
lations an~ Chrlsllans and we have never exporlcnced such unlll Ihe 2011 elections came and went. Despite the fact that the elecllon was free and ralr. I think some northern elements were not too happy with Dr Goodluck Jonathan becoming the ~Ident
Hc promtscd 10 provtdc all the nceded require menlS to ensure thai courses presented for as· sessment. The proY08I 01 the col lege. Dr Felul Akadc said In 1988. lhe college re slruClUrcd Its ac::ademtc programmes. paving the way for the NOTE visit lOr lhe runrung nve additional courses_
surancc: durtng an advocacy Visit to the office of Senator Nurudeen Abateml · Uaman who IS currcnlly pushing a bill (or an act 10 ensun:: full Integration of persons wilh disabilities Into the SOC'lelY and establish a NaUOnal CommissiOn for Persons with Olsablll lies NatlonaJ Presklent of the Association. Mr Danlaml Basharu, said they had come to kSenllfy wilh Ihe senator repre· senting KogI Central on the d~bUlty bill. Basharu maintained that the eommtsskln.. If established. would get lhe full aupport 01 the United Nations tUN! and some other InternaUoual agen·
eles like United States Agency Cor Inlematlonal Development (USAlD) and thr WoOd Bank.
ary allocation to ·h~ seclor which he I~nned as grossly Inadequate He also bera t ed the govemment on fanners ' data captur1ng Cl(en:1sc. nOllng thaI som~ fanners ,",'ere lefl UIIC.J.PIU.red during lhe exerc ise due 10 negligence:. a development, he said.....ould ad· versely affeCI provision of agricultural Incen tives SpeakIng with n~ws men during the association'S recently concluded National Execullve Committed NEe) and Board or Trustee IBOTI meeting h eld In LokoJa, the eXJM:rt said the dedslon by the Fed t'rlIIl Govemm~t 10 8110cat~ only 1.7 per cent lUi budget to agriCulture and lhe report thd 1 those who did nOI bene"1 from agriculture tnc"n t lves Ihts year should wall for next year further revealed Jonathan's tnslncenty lr1 resuscitating the sector. The pcgg1ng oHenUlzcr for farmers at three bagS. he said. was Inadequate as. according to him. rannen who ne«led more wouki have to approach lhe open market to purchase Ihe rest which would increase their cost productJon.
o' Ihe governor were coDlllertdable 11 a re181«1 development, t he former chalrmorn of Okene Local Govern-:-nent Area, AlhaJI Yah..aya Karaku, has deacrt1.ed the 100 days In omc~ of Govemor Wada as eu:ntful and rewardIng. The fonner chairman made lhls declaration In LokuJa while speaking with ncwsmen He ..akl the governor, Ihro..lgh hiS var10us com mlueelo , had been able to elllSt' doubUi and mls glvl 'lgS which charac erlsed the state polll, In the past.
ogi set to generate electricity from coal YelllnJ Jlmoh , 1.olloJa
S pan of lis plan to Increase the l.J ew;1 of electricity gem nlton In the country, thl Kogi Slate: goy. enlnel ,t IS sct 10 estab· lish an Independent pow·r "ianl, USing coal T Ie Slate: governor. Capta,n Idris Wada. rna( e the revelaUon will c commissioning lXsnlOl1LO. an engine: all and ubr1cant malOng factory tn Lakota T 1(: govtTflor. repre sent xl by the: deputy p emcr, "fr Yoml Awonlyl said the purpose of establishing lbe coal planl W&$ to boosl power generBLon In the !:Ilate "adl used the: occa slor to reslate: his admlnlitraUon's resolve: 10 I:nprove securtty of live,! and prope:nles In Ihe itate and to create an e tabling enVironme:nt ror I r1V.J.Ie: InVdiilme:nl 10 lhrl'e . B Jlldlng or Infrastnu;::· ture such as roads , wa· ler lind others required ror Ulrocllng Investors. lhe J!oy-:mor said. would rece: 'IC attention. addtng Ihat Ih,' pr~nt administration Inlended to run a pI tvate sector-driven ecolorry \\Ith the state: shartng boaltkls with I I SUites, an assLred return on In vestment on bus nesse:s. Wad a ea plailted served as aunction to privnle Inillauv.::s e:5p, 'clally given the peea, dill mUtlre: or the stat. lie commended Lhe: step . w.lu:n by ~ 10WBrdi.. establishing III rac lf ry In the Slale
P 1.