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47 Tuesday, 17 April. 2012

Tokyo, Auxilliary still on police wanted list -OyoCP By A d eba)' o W ab

IE Oyo Stale commissioner of Po lice , Mr Tambarl Muhammed. on Monday, decJand that the two faelion leaden of the pro" sertbed Natklnal Unlon or Road Transport Workers


INURTWI. "lhaJJ Lalcer

With leaders of other se·

In the Siale. last year

Akln.old and "'hajj Mukalla L.amldl also known Auxil iary . rc specttve l... arc: stili on !.he wanted h3\ ul the NIge:r1a

curHy agenCies In the stale. reiterated the deImnlnaUon and commit

ment of the police com

Ite declared that as far as the pollee were con· ct:med. lhc two leadus of the d~' union sUIl re


mand to arrest the former union kadc:rsover the pn

mauled on the wanted 11s\ and that he would do ~

TIle pulJ(c bo6s. while addressing newsmen after

vlous crtses that led 10 the kl66 of lives of Il1no-

command Is concemro. we. have declared them wanted and by the grace of God, we shall gel

them: he. vowed

Mohammed further staled thai the Oyo Sta~

government was trying hard to a f\nd IHlJng SQluOOn to the probl~maLIc union In the slale. hence, lhe jOint scc unty mUllng lie said there was nothing seriOUS as re ' gards secunty In the state but that the meeUng was summoned to enable ali the securlly agencies meet and dellb r ate on how to Improve on chec:k· tng c::rtmtnalJty In the state and to WOB together to achIeVe: beua results

• closed door mectlng


Oov Suswam warns commissioner against CItra budgets Da bajlde, "alr.u,rd l ft: Benue stale goyernor. Mr Gabriel SUllwam. has warned his commu.skWlers and heads or J O hltsOD

I~, Ifinute ... of Uucodon. Prcifaso ... RukoJlljl(l{U R'tfol; Iflnuter of lriformadon. 1fT Loboran lIuku, and Ihe IIl n ls t .... of HOLl.Sl ng and Urban Deueo'oprnent. D... AmoJ ~pple, during the public p r-esenrodon of ,he 2 012 federal bu.dge' fn Abuja. on Ifonday. nolo: NAIf

Delta disburses Nlbnagrlc loan to 934 farmers' cooperatives ilE Delta Govern ment. on Monday, <Usbwscd the HI 1lI-

T .... """"""'"


fund to 934 fiumers' coopcnatfws In the state.

Gove.-lIor Emmanuel lkluagtl8.n. who launched the loan disbuRt:ment to Asaba. advI!ted lIlC bendI.dar1es to make Juiliclous I..ISe oIl1lC fund b lhe intended purpose and CIlSUI"e prompt n:payment fA the


Uduaghan said the pmors& ofllC'CUJ"tng the fund was tc:dtous. but exprcaIIed deUgJlt that \I was ftnaUy released and n:ady for dbbwwment to the: approY'Od coopcn1t.tves In tJte lItate. "Let me assure you that u a govc:nunent. we will monitor thIS loan and If therelsill1~t

on )'OUr pan as fa.rmc:JS, we wW make pnMskIn b

""'" loons, ", want to appeal to you not 10 dtYtn the. fwlds intO other needs, rathe:r than the f« which It Is



Ibis loan Is meant byou to tmprove on your (arming ae t lvltles and boost food producuon. - tIC stated. ~wg<d-,'

one. tm:spcctfVe a/ their status.. to own

a Wm.


Edo s~DS MoU to build lO,(XX) units of shops in Benin Ci~


ilE Edo Sta te government Ila.s sJgltdaMtm::nnisn d ~ (MoU) \Wh Prane Bustnc:ss Inlegrated linkd. tobu*t1D11r.1nii:r 10'(xx)\flItsd~moIs .. lJIch 00fBlUlIty II. BoIl

~.capIl*d~(M!" 30.000 c:mpklymen t IIppO'tUllks tl the awe.





kSlaleOo.onnn.ISSGI. DrSlrrul m.a.zrdr., ~ the ~ d ttY: lOOU III he CicMrrmI:nt House. Benin CIt),.atthe'Mdad. satI'"I:n: e[ the programme of d lis ~ ts to modErnise rnark~ U1te ule Agbado u.uket aud CIiha market. ano, CJtha3.. as Cio.aToO.hJomho!c bdkYes lIlat mariu:ta should be made a:nD1aI:Ra1d~ ir a1b-alWlay,., "Wh.'tt 'M: In: ~ hen: today IS the stgnlng of con~1on agreement belween the Edo State

~ Ir1cqpatd UmIIed. trlht~Imll.qxnJtbl and management fA the pq:o!I':'dI\:WUId1~ market ptjed ~ d IQ(O)!tq::ptng...-s. "1be In(rulnlctunl I"adltUat al tile market an nwdc: ~ dwak....ays. tilm:d

roads.d!!curJly,waa-!q]pIy. medical !adltly, ftre!lC:n'lloc

staUon and drainages.. 111e prtjta!OOlbed"tiIflCJ.aIky and ~ .. iIIXD'WnCie with lIlC designs and fIpIdk:atDa 1hD ~star marild WIth a 00nk. d be rnlnIf:d by P\1Ine IbIh:&s b a pertod a Z5 y.:BB wtlell II would be trail!Ifem:rj 10 Uie Edo Stale ~~

thai. if ewcrybody could b:d

&om his own


hunger \WUId be n:duccd and the rIR* e&a would be a1me miucUon In the 8OdeIy_

- I am a ranner, and I want cwzybody to beaxne arannerlrmlptCltved)'OUT poslUOn in the sodety_ If we can feed ourselves, then we ha~ ack:lnsaed the prcbkm of hunger in OUT 80dety '"Thts .. the underlining factor wily we ha~ agreed to lake this 1000n 10 ad dreu the needs of the peasant rarmers,· Udu3gJ:lilJlsatd. EariJa", the state CommisSioner ror Agr1cu11UJ"'e and Nanual Resources. Mr Misan Ukubeytnje, noted that a total eM 1.606 farmus· cooperative lIOdclkll applied lor the loon out aI wh ich the 934 80Cieties ~ selected.

Ugos speaker taskswith media professionals on nation building dismay. th ey functkns BlIthe


80JI AJlbola. Lqotl Speaker, I..agos State 0( M IIeHIbly: lionounabic: Adeyanllkul"or!Ji. on Manday, atttssed the need b actM:: parUdpaUl»l aI med.Ia profesSion als tn the country III lhe SI.JSlC:I\8I1Oe 01 the naUoo"s democraUC ruk. Dcdar1IltopenaU1TtCday workshop 00 blun: wrtungtUld potItIcaI report_ tng', organtsed by the 85Amiblyb-tJteLagosState HoI..uic: 01 Assembty COI'TeapcsiCkntsandtnfonnatJon


In the: readIr'w; cullure. cs-



that rdated au the adMues mthe other thrte tiers 10 member'S 0( the gcnc:Rl public. -In pre-Independent Ntgc.rta. It was the Joc::al medta in the co u ntry thai effectively mob illsed the people against colonia l rule It Is. thererore not possible ror a n yon e to ta lk ,bout the aUalnmeot Il( Nigerian Indepenrtencr; in 1960. wltho u t mc:ndonlng tJlC hc:roE ~cducatJngandenro!Cfiplayedbythe*-J ~ UIC peopk. media In tlte battle b" na- In carrying out Ul~~. lIon a l aOvCf"elgmy,- he

pcdaDy lUJ1OIl8 the youth. 1bIIl, accnrd1ng CO him. was ~ an ~ efrcct. not only on the c:ducatJonalpowth a/ Utecountry. but al!Joon theJoumalLVn proiCSSlon.. Noting the role: of t h e media In buDd1ng a vtrtIe and cgaDtarian lJOddy, Ul(: speakcrstn::aecd the need b- medla In Ute country to lIYeuptolhe conaU(uUOllaJ role of tn-


p&r.istatab thaI he would no longer tolerate extrabudgetaJyc:xpc:ndtlun:sby ~~ and onra-mlJJ 1st par1ments. Speaking al the slgrting oIlhe 2Q l 2 Appropriauc:., but In to 14IIw 00 Monday. Suswam proml8ed dial h. governmenl would CMUI'C the speedy ImplementaUOn d the budget by accesslng enough funds to meet all Its Stipulations.. He WIUlldded the leglSiatun fo.- die thorough man ne,"lthandledthebudget, just 85 he advtsed ImplemenlcnfAthe budget to be C\JI'"I\USIU'It with It. Aa:ordlng to him. orr you look. at lhis year and whattbestatehasm:dvul within the lUI three montJUI. U is dear thai the sta t e would be able to lmpIement the budget to the latter and I promise you Uwt I wtu aubmlt ttte 2013budgd pruposabearher than bd"tn.. Also the governor

r :'::.'::; ~7.::: depe n dent

Electonte CornmIssIoo.. (BSIECliaw, wh.Jch bonIen on the appolnlm cnl and tenure aI lIlem bera of the commtssloo, rev\ewed local goyernmentlaw, that had reduced the tenure aI COUIlell chalnnen. as well as cou n cUors from three to two yeat'f. a bill for law to make proo.iSkln for n:cuTrent elfpendlt u r e year 20 12,anothubtlHOf"alilw 10J1\llke provtSkIn (orcap&tal expendlture year 2012. uwdJasbOlb-alawfotthe amendme n l o( the a tate ,electoral law year

; Briefly

Kogi initiates free medical treatment for residents THE K'DgI State governor. Caplaln Idrts Wada. has said I he free medleal treatr.lent embarked UPOll hy his admlnlslTa lion Is deSigned for -thoK' Indigenes of our slate ,.'Ithout hope ,TIlt governor staled this on Monday, when he lec elved In the na lion 11 presldenl of Ihe NIgn11i Union of JournallS1J (NUJI , AlhaJI Mohammed Garba, and his leodm. who called on him In LokoJa ~ada. who disclosed Ihal lhe free health .ch"llle would remain pernanenl throughout his lenure. stressed that II had become tmpuatlve ror t J5 a.dmlnl5tnUon to addtrs. the health necc.JI 0( the people. He called on journalIsts III the slate to be part or his devdopmentalllJCnda by ensurlng an dfe'live coverage or govl"roment's poliCies e.:-oo plugTammc:s. T lC gov.:lT1Of". howcyu. <'OIIUk:IldedLbepraCllclDS



mouldingthetrlmmed1ale society. which he said was a welcome developmenl hat woukI help to mov:.he alate ~ YeUu l "l.a:utJa, Lolr.oja

Ogun gOY condoles with 'ayem! over Dlother'a death 1he Slate ~t de~ thedellthdMadam Don:a6 AInIl. mothcI" d the Ekll State gOrtMlOr, Mr Ka~dI ' FayanL as a ~ loss 10 EllJtt State and the Soul h Wc:st.. "adam Aina pBS8Cd on SunlkH.lUthe • • d83. llxo.,.,5tat£l'JYCI11III", Me Imw~. In a stalcm!l1t It!P:d by the Olrcaor. Btneau dCOfJInunlC8don lfId Stnucgr. oI!Iced tJle G<IVCf1lOT, Mc Semlu C*alll<.won. saki the: death dth;: 1'ayanI manian::h I... IdI. u \Y'Ide 0Jlf In EkI1l. as her motherly role in the ~ affiUrs cI the

~ ;':'.:~~

the 01d pcqIIea/ dte 5lak.


death or OUT mOther last ~ \1'\Ih ..hock.:My bdk{ Is that mama. as a devout Ov1sllan and ardent be1iM:T. 00 dcJ.iJt led a bcfttUng liIe .hen .!ihc: was on this esrttiy spun:

acln bth:aM" d my ramay

and the pcq* fA dte state ()jun. I oIi:I" OW" condoEnctslOthdam'ydhycmt and .ho::mureP«ll*dEldll StaU! this iJaU Ictis. We pray tl lBt the ~lt)' Cod



M:UIcIp_httpendst:relaW'll b- the pn. and the

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