2 6 NJge tlan Tribune 17 August. 20 11 \V~nesday.
IsaLGboss VOWS to booot education
H E chai rman of Isa loca l Government Area
of Sokato Siale, Alkaji Mohammad Umar. has pledged 10 gIVe priority attention to the educational seclor. Urnar n o ted in an interview in Sokula that 1:!.lucation \ \' a5 the anI), Il:!gilc)' any responsible gove rnm en t could bequeath to future
genera tions He Sl\id Iha l slcps had been laken to pro\'l de
h!:arning materials and rehabilitate \' /Hious structures in schools. " We wi ll pursue po l ic i es "nd
programmes vigorously with the reso UI'C'e5 at our disposa l for our children to receive Weslern and Islamic education," he sa id . Be said education was Ille 1001 needed to
smooth ens ure developme n t of any nation for politi cal growth. "'We will ensure good leadership to prepare our c h ildren to . be responsib le cit ize n s through sound education." he said . Umar explained that skills acqu isi Lion Ct"nlres in the area wou ld be equipped with essential tools to train women alld youlhs in \' arious trades. He said ellery citizen would be gillen Ih e opportunity to contribute to the politica l de\lelopment o f the area. "We want everybody to be se lf-re li an t and contribute positively to the development of Ihei r a reas,'" the cha irma n said . T he ch a irma.n called fo r s upport from me mbers of the genera l pUblic by living in peace with one ano th er to eni'lble the loca l administra t ion 10 Impl e men t its programmes.
2,700 benefit from IFAD·projects in o Goronyo N fewer th,," peop le have benefited rrom the IFAO-assistect Communi t y - Ba sed Agricultural and Rurll l Oe ... elopment Programme (CBARDP) in the Goronyo Local Governm ent Area of Sakoto State. TIle council chairman. Alh aji Faruk RimawlI , who disclosed this ill an Interview with newsmen in Goronyo, Sakoto State, said projec ts executed under the p rogramme cove red s u s lain able lI§ricu l t u r a l developll1enl. gender and rural enterprises d e\leJopmenl. " As II result of the 2,700
IFAO/CBAROP Inter\lentio n a nd the tremendous s u ccesses reco rded from 2005 to 2008, the council d eemed II necessary to expand the p rog rilmme to two additiona l vHlages of Balla and Dantasakko. ~We used the CBAROP approach lind s tralegies and a lso funded lh e projcrts 100 per «n l," Rimawa to ld NAN when the IFADJ FGN supervi sio n mission visiled the stale. The cha i[man also disclosed that the local govl!rnml!n l had, in the last six execu ted
'I'll run an open door system.'
many of developmental profects to uplift the livelihood of the: people. They Included skills acqui sition cenlres, concrete cement wells. dispensaries, c1illlcs, schoolS. sl ... u ghte r s labs ,1nd fish ponds, among others. RimavJa noted thill the programme had "d r astica ll y" transformed the living standard of the rt'5idents of the various communities in the arl!D. He p ledged 10 con llnue to sustain lhe current achievements. adding "'our co mnlilm en t is Irrevl!rsible." Also speaking, the tea m leader of Ih e mission. Dr Mich ae l Larindl!, said : "The achievements will bring pe.ce and unity, as well as s u stili n able de\lelopment. ,,'Without pence. yo u
of ca nno t ta lk de\lclopment. ',' The local government should sustai n these .chle \'eme nt.s e\' en aner the exit of the project in the next Ihrec rears." In a separate interview, the national coordinator of the programme, Alhaji Abu Kankia, decried the high rate of poverty in the state. Kn nkia nlso criticised the neglect of IIgricuJturt" stressi ng tlw need 10 curb rUnJl-u lban drift . bolster food secu rity and ~ate the enabling environment for people to be self-reliant. He admonished the people to imbibe the cultu re of self-relia nce. self-he lp lind Ihe abili ty to complement the efforts of t~ go\'ernment. Meilnwhile, the state Programme Office r, Alhaji Aliyu Oogon-Daji. ha s commend ed the sus tained support and goodwill of the state and the focal governmenL
Communities get N1.8m FADAMA grant in Mubi LG
HE ch ... irman. Federal Govenunen!., sayTriln, ition Com- Ing !Jlat the local governT mittee, Saki West men!., being the closest to I..oCi\\Govcrumcnl AI't'iI of the grass roots. deserved T H E Fadama III Ihe fund s to execute Oyu State. Honourable the lio n share bf fedef.ll programme ha s agricultural and rural Adebayo W:thab Adewak. revenue a lloalion to enso far , disbursed developmt'fll p rojects. hMpro,mseJtooperatean able them. tr.msrorm ruN1.8 million to four she laid. 0J'Im door policy, just ashe ral communitiE'S to placH community associations Also cOlnmenting. p ledged to deli vel di vi- of <1bode for all and sunin the Mubi Sou th Local Mallam Oogo Inuwa. a dends 0( democracy at!Jle dry. GO\lernmen t Area o f farmer , said farme rs Ho nourable Adewale, Adanlilwa State, the were no t accessing the doorstep! 01 thccounci l's inhabitants. h owever, disclosed thilt Desk Officer, Mrs Lydia facllit), due to th e Adewa le mad e the his adminislr.ltion \~ould Solomon, has disclosed . inability o f the roundl to promise while address- leave no slone untumed Solomon told the meet its obligations to the ing newsm~ aner being towards increasing its innewsmen in Mubi that progrilmme. sworn-in as the chairman lerna liy gene rated re vth e beneli t ing '"We have illready afthe local government at t'nue to enable it 10 meet communities were formed associations and the sla te secretaria t. the hopes and aspiraKwedon-5.lle; Women of submitted our proposals Ibadnn. !Ions of the counci l's inZion , Yu kur and for projects. but we could hilbitilnts. AlIyu Mwibik. not acces5 the fu nd. While d Isclosing that h e knew th e problem s Sh e Silid thai the '"Th ere is serious confronting his people, money WII! to en ab le neglect on the part of the hn vlng Jj\'ed In their themto engllgeinfishery loca l cou ncil ." Inuw a midst, he added that "de- T H E newly-ap- ensure the sua:css of the pitre to work for the suc- and poultry · farmin g alleged . of pointed caretaker administration. cess of the new adminis- aCtIvities. He urged the cou ncil ve lopment infrast ructural facilities commi tlee ch air"Even If .yo u do 'Oot ttallon. The ;' desk o ffi cer 10 co ntribute to the wou ld be given priority man of Ibadan No rth - sUPF.r1 me" pJeaSt; sup- ,,,,, /ie also ~u~ tJ~em \~~de~ .. _ , tha,t . r th ~ programme to enatile during his tenu re. West Local Go~~rnme n t port the Ajimobi-Ied state ora better welfnre -pack- ''pr og ramme _ h ad~ them 10 access ihe fund. rAcrordiug to him. "in Are .. oT·Dyo Sta ~ AIHaji . govemment.,r~he aiJ~~. J iI.A~ ~r~-I\\\_ . :a~':Slsle.m~h137 Ar;>~~tA The ~" co un~ ' wa.t:i The -new council I..: Earliei: i.he NtifClla~r- user g~oups (FbGsi owj ng abou t NS.3 Saki East, b~nga rural 10-- Wasiu O latunbosun, ha~ eII l government. I will drummed s up po[.t for helmsman., who ~n;lted man 1 Mr .h eberlga , comprising abo,ut 2,140 mil lion ou l of the open up MW link roads the state governor, Sena- the deplorable stale he Opotdotun. said the union members in the area. estimated N6 mi lli o n ~nd reha.bU't~": the, exi~t:,. to,:. ~.bioJ." AJ!f.10~' . met ~ !1'J~l'ci~pl'QJTliscd .1 \A{as ~erx:I}r.l?py ~i~\ thtj , ', . Howf'l'~rJ,IP~F ,~~d" counterpart run4, liir'jcer, lb 109 on'1 enaate !ar.';" - , ~th.e . c~'\Hm~.n ~t.;P led •to work to correct tht; ,~ .,~ppolll~~!,of ~9}~-",:,¥.I, I t.l~t t~'i l nOl)-pa'ym~9t .q~~ , the inc;e ptioo "ofrjlh~. etllilo transport\heir Fann this while~mgtheex- ofthepasl. " chai.rman. counterpart fund by .the p rotect in 2009. produce.frt'm .I~c,r ra~ . , eq,rltYe a>UnaJl'neJllbea:s ,II : evet.ylhing ,. was '.'J ~ft,s.l ill the . ~UJ ~n-ll' ~Olln&i l was ~ampenl)' ,'., A'ccordlng' ·lto ' 'th el to lOW? i\fld q~C5.!, AI~, of the..NlgerialUoj.on df '..grounded, indud..ing -th~ ,':lIide/ed th, rf~W. <h illf- .r, I mp l em~n tlltl(lQ , R( ·th e ~' prbjett .• l+angement,-:the"· subsld l~ re~td,isers"wdl ; JoumalblS', ,Oyo 5hih~·).;·chliitmllr\'s official:£8['~ 1 - man as ~ne lol1hem. and ,' pfogra.m m~. ,II I I . . council i5expeCfed to polY.r be proVided for famlers to cou ncil\i . in ' ni s~oHice; ;' ha\'C'; bet!:n' using my.1pCf-' '''would coaperate . with: J" Aceordinglto he r, the N2 million' counterpart" enable them ·to increase Onireke, lblldan. . i: sona l 'ca r for· ofOcial liS- him in tM area of detiver.t counl:i1 h ad paid only " {lind IInntlllI1Y' "!h il€ the their output. thereby be'Alhaji O lat u ribosu n signments since assLmpJ ' ins 'dividends o f·democ.J. N700,OOO . to the p. t ( 1 ' 1. I P a I it n g' coming seif-llufficient." said that as one of the tion of office." rncy !o the people. p rogramme In the past communit ies are The SlIki EIIst boss de- people who laboured for Alhajl O lat unbosun Opadotun al so as- thret' ye~tlIi .. . . 10 contribute 10 per cerlt cri~ inadequate revenue Senator Ajimobi-Ied gov- appr.aJed to workers in sured the chairman of The IIltuaHon made II of the total cost of any a lrucatlons to stA tes And emment to become a re- the loca l government to adequllte coverage all d diffll;ult . fOI the project In their respective 10011 governments by the ality, he was prepared 10 gird their lions and pre- publicity. communities to access a reas. .
Olatubosun. drums Up SUpport for th " T0 gOY ':'1