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Nigerian Tribune 17 October, 20 11


B Monday.

Trials:Powerful interests afterDaniel- Aide Olayinl-Jt O lukoya, Abeoltu ta


NE of the aides of form -;>f governor . o f Ogun S tat e, C hiefGlJenga Daniel, Mr Adegbenro Adebanjo, has said some powerful interests we r'! behind thO!! v ari o u s n ~ws paperp publicalions ' In the ongo~ ing trial of Danie l by the Econ om ic and Fin ancia l C rim es Co mmi ss io n (Er CC) to tarnish his image a nd m al e him irreleva nt in the society. Adc,r.henn, in a s tatemen t made av ailable to news m en ir Abeokuti'!, ( ' I l S und a", no te d that \·arious attempts were be· ing made by the so-<:alled powe r( ul int e res ts to drag the narle o'f the ex~overno r t1lrough the .nud in the rledia. He ci te d a particu lar re portl'ubli!'hed in some 'lational d .lil ies (not t he Nigeri;1n Tribune) th a t .one of the nsoci ates of Da nie l was ar rested by Ihe ope ra tives of the 'genc)' in Lagos, last Frilay. He deni .. d that the r. lanagi ng [Iirec tor o ( a :deco rnm un ciltions firm ~' ased in Lagos, 21st Cent ury Tech n 'llogres, Mr Wa le AJiselutu, whose

o ffi ce was raided by the EFCC, was an associa te of the fonner governor. "In the last fe w da ys, especially fo llowing the a rrai g nme nt of Dtunba Gbe ng a Da nie l by the EFCC. we have no ticed a deliberate planting o f s to-· des and peddling of inaccurate reports meant to pa i nt the former gove rnur in a bad l iglil an d Sive the impress ion of gui lt, eVE'n before the conclusio n of the trial at a n Abeoku ta Hig h Court.

"Again, before the atfaignment. the news doing the rounds was that N58 billion was involved in the alll't;alion brought

aga inst the ex-governor, but at the beginning of the

trial, the sum total of the allegation brought by the EFee amo unted to less than NS billion. It should be n o ted Ih at the case against the former gove rnor remains an allegation until othe rwise determined by the roli rt," the s tatement read.


HREE members o f the N2ti0I111l Youth Seni c!! Co rps t NYSC), w l10 s erved in Oyo State, I> ave been o ffe re d a utomatic emplo ymen! by the ~t a te governme nt fur their ou ts tand ing perfonn .mces du ri ng lheir se rvice yeilf. The corr s members, w ho w ere from Batc h ·'C·· of lir e scheme, are II.tiss Maure !n Odachi , iI na t ive of Imo S ta te; Kul a iyo l Rilp hael from nenue ~t ate and Adesesa n Adetoun from Ekil'i Sta te. The yOll til corps members a re e mp loyed at the s tate ci vil 5Hv ice. Th'!y wer ~ a lso among t h e 14 co rps members w ho baggf d th e s la te honou rs aw ar d and chairman, ~ tat e governing board a wards res pectively. Speaking o n lhe occasion, the s l;l te gpvernor, Sena lor Ab;ola Ajimobi, said the ges"ure was part of the po li : y o f his administration 10 ensure tha t diligerce and h ard wo rk did r o t go lmnoticed without due I'&ogni lion. Represe"1 te d by' th e s l:rte COnlni ssioner for Yo uth and S port s, M r Adedn po lam-Ades ina,

HE Kwara State governor, Alhaji AlxluUatah A1uned. has approved N1.6 billion for the renovation of classrooms across lhe three senatorial districts in the state.


Speaking after a mceling of the CenlI3JWorking Com-

mittee (OVqofthe Peoplt'S DcmOCJ"atic Party (PDP) in lIorin. al the wrekclld, the governor also another round o f 2,000 yo uths would be employed under

the st.,te government's empowerme nt scheme. KWABES. Ah med, who said his ad-

FADAMA m'Ondo has disbursed N151.4m to communities' Yinka O ladoyinbo, Ak U Te

T H E Ondo State governmenl has d isburscd N151.4 million to, at least, 3 1 FADAMA community assodations under the FADAMAWProject,which took off in the state in November 2009. Apart from the coni.munit y i'!ssOC;:llion.<;, 67 FADAt\"IA gro u ps also belle fited from the disborsement in 14 local gov· emment areas of U,e state. The state Commissioner for Agric ullure, Mr "demo la Olorunfemi, while dis tributing the cheques to the t>eneficia· ries, said the benefittin g

g roups a nd associations had met cond itions for assessing the fund. Olorul1femi said unde r the projecl, 41 smaU scale community-owned infras tmclure, sud l as ma rket s lalls, boreh o les and cui· ver ts, we re ongoing in the state, just as 1,192 :rssels, includ ing ba ltery ·cages. water pu rnpin g . ma chines, canoes, goat pens and fis h ponds had ei lher been procured o r co ns tructed. H e al so sa id 199 FADAMAgroups had benefited from U,e project's inputsupporrs, w hile 37 others h ad been impacted ,-vith advisorserviccs in the flTea of improved manage-

3NYSC members bag automatic employment in Oyo By Adebar o Waheed

Biola A.7..aa.. Dorin

he said the NYSC sdleme had continued to serve as a stro ng unifying fa c to r for lhe nation. " II is a thi ng of joy that despite societOlI problems

facing the scheme, it is sti ll w a x ing st ro nge r, throug h it s numerous unpara ll e l contri butions 10 the development of the coun try," Ire said.

ment of crops.lh·estcx:k and fishe ry. t:Je sa i d the p ro jec t would conti nue to m o nitor a nd e va lu ate th e s ub - project that were be ing finflnced , with a view to ensuring thfl t they met the Wo rld Bank specifica tions.

Ahmed approves NUbn tor' renovation of classrooms ministration was committed towards improving infrastmcture in the stale, caIJed for support of the people to run a transparent and accountable administration. "We a re runnin g an open ad m inistration, we have made our commitment to improve the wellbeing of Ihe people a nd we shall no t deviate from that goal," he said, while asking members of Ihe opposition to make positive criti· cism of his administration. 111ee guvemor also s, his administration would p.irtner wi th the Federal Government towards finding s0lution to the problem of you th unemployment, using the KWABES model in the state. Govern or A hm ed , w ho s;)id the CWC meeting o f the party was the f i rs t afte r the gene ral ele~tion, added that the

Bajomo emerges Ogun-West PDP leader By Sulaimon Olanrewaju

s part of its continued eHorls al restoring peace w ithi n its fo ld , the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) i n Ogun-West se nato rial di st ri c t, o n Frida y, made some ke y appo intments. tt a nno un ce d the emergence of Se n ator Felix Kola Bajomo as its " le ading leade r" in the district. The fprmer chairman, Federa l Hou s in g A uth o ri ty lFH A),


Sen ator Ayo Otegbola, was appo in te d as the gra nd pat r on o f t h e party, just as Alhaji Aliu "jibede emerged as c ha irman o f the PDP Elde rs Cou ncil in the dis tric t. The v ice chairm a n is the fo rmer c hairman of Yewa So uth Loca l Government A rea, Mr Titus Olusoji Eweje. These appoin t men ts were part of the hi g hlig hts of the OgunWes t PDP lea d e rs' meeting h e ld in li aro, Yewa South Loca l Government A rea , on

We're lookinginto SERAP's request on stolen assets - AGF H E Account antGeneral of lhe Fede ra tio n, M r Jonah Ogunniyi Dt ll n la, h as silid he is lookillg into the request made unde r the Freedom of In formation Ac t 201 1 by Socio-Eco~ n omic Righ ts and Accmm ta b i lity Project (SERAP), asking for i1uormatio n on "the de tail s of the spending of recovered stolen public assets s ince the return of civil ru le in 1999."


Inthe letteraddressed toSERAP, datedOctober 11 , 20 11 , a nd s igned on be half of the Accou n t<ln t- Genera l by M.S. Diri , Deputy Director (Legal), Mr O tu nla s aid " we w ish to inform yOll that this organis ation is looking into the nature of your request vis-lI-vis the provision o f the Freed o m of In fo rmation 201 1 u nde r which yo ur appli· calion is made, iwd o ther e nab li ng laws, a nd I

meeti n g was need ed to e nable his government to give accoun t o f s lewa rds hi p, after it had spent some 100 days in office . H e ex pressed confi dence that the return o f some fo r me r members o f the par l y , w h o com peted agains t him using th e All ied Congress Party of Nige ria (ACP N) ti cket, wou ld ha\'e posi· ti ve effecl on the PDP. In hi'iremarksatthemeet· ing.the sta te dlairrniU1 of the POP, Al haji Ishola BalogunFulani, ex:r.ressed happiness O\'er Ie achievemen ts of the party and irs governmen t thus fa r aIld attribUled some of the recent appointment of PDP members 10 various positions at the fed~ eral and slate le\''('ls as m.:mi-festatiun of Ule sterling quali· ties of fomler gO.H.·mor, Dr Bukola Sar.lki.

yo u wi ll be rep li e d in due course. "'ea se a ccep t the assura nces o f Ihe Accou n tan t General's hi g h es t e steem." In respo nse, SERA P, in a lette r dated October 14,20 11 a nd s ig n ed by

its Executive D irector, Ade toku n bo Mumuni , sa id : " we would be g rateful 10 receive from the Accountant-Genera l the full inform ,iti o n on the spen ding of recovered s to le n ass~ls by Nove mber I , 2011."

Frid a),. In all'endance at th e meeting we re party dlairmen from the fiv E' locil l governmen t areas of Ado-Odo/Ota, Ye wa Sou th , Yewa Nort h, lpoki .. and Imeko Afon, as well as d,ai rmcn from the 59 wa rd s in th e senatorial district. Ad d ressing party leaders on the occ:rsion, the chai r man of the Ogu r\ West PDP Cil UCUS, Chief O lum ide Bankol!.'! , sai d the appoin tments we re made after extensive con s ult a ti ons with th e rele vant stakeho lders. Those named as patro n s .o f the party i ncluded the immediate pas t deputy govern o r o f the state, Al h aja S:rl mo t Badru; Ch ie f O lalekan Ojo. Chief Babiltunde Fadun, Chie f Bi s iriyu Po poo la, Oej i Ade le}'e and Alhaji Tajudee n Ibikunle Buuwa, among o thers.


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