Trlbu.o c 47 Nigerian 20 November. 2012
There won't be food crisis in Nigeria, FG assures T: 8, P'cmllblrotba
IE FcdC'raJ Govern men I has U8ur«J Nlgertans U1.lU !here will not be famine or food Cf'I5b In the country 85 a result 0( the rc.ttnt flood tng In lUost 8tates of the fmemUon, saytng the government ts being pro-acJI~ aboul food !JC'Curily Minister 01 Agl1cullure and Hural Developmenl . Ix Akulv,·\.mll Adesu13, dlsclosed thts on Monday. while ltJ.tuguraUrlft the dis tr1ooUOn 01 40,000 metJ1c tonne8 of food Ilems, wh~ch Include malle, soc &hum, millet and gam LO all arrC'cled fanners and famU~ In the country 1'hc fIoodJng prc:sc:nts
a huge dUlilenge on food securtty In many pans 01 IheooullIry. lncludlngOyo Siaic . Farmlands have hl:cn washed away. (amI Crs have been displaced andlhclrfood.!I«Urttyllali beerl compromised. -Bu t leI me assure you thai 1.111: Yr:de:ral Govern menl Is laking all mea 5Urc!l LO mitigate. the 1m padS oIlhe flood. NJgcrta will not have famine. We.
(«1.<<1 pt:rsons and (ami-
lies IICr08S the country. e.pec:laIly women and d,U dml lie dlsclosetl thai the food Items Wtte being ~_ ka5«I concurrently In 10 centres across lht: COUIIIry. as the Arsl phase cI whal he caIIcd • nallO'aa1 flood recovery food producnon plan of Ihe govern . menl lie said the Federal
N9.7 billion I05Uppon the pLuto which aims al I>reventing food crbai In Ihe OOUlllr)l A tocaJoi I 1.550 Incllic tonnes of food wi ll be takcn out of the SIl08 In lbadan and Akure to provide Federnl Covcnllncnl food rdld for Anam · bra. I .500 tonlloeS; Lagos. 1.200 lonue:s; Imo, 1.200 tonoc.s; Ondo. 900 IClImes;
750 lotmes; Bauchl, 1,200 tonne., Abta., 900 lonnes; Ekili. 750 lonnc:5. while 08un w111 gel 750 IUl1IlCa 111t: mlnisler assured NtgerlaI\!li thallhegoyemmenl woukt prnoerll food a1scs, saying thut It was only I 4 hectares of land thai was aff«l«J by Ihe nood. oul of 40 million hectan:s culUv;ued In lhe QounlJy
naUonaJ IC'ade::r 01 U'I: Aclion Congreu of NlgC'rtn IACNI, Senator Bola Ttllubu and his wife, Olureml. were confeITed with chlcCtalncy Iillcs 0(
TIlb '-'dS part 01 actMHe. marking lhe sevenlh CQfOf13Uon aJUllYcnsary 01 the Alake and lhe Para mount Rukr of F4Xtland. Obo (Dr1 Adedo4lUl Aianu Gbadcbo. hdd at the Ake I'aJaceGround.oo Monday. Tlnubu was conferRd with the AaIY Ago, whtk his wlfC' was confC'ITC'd w1UI Ihe ~Iu AaIY Ago 01 Egbaland. TIle ~y was altended by I'ormer mlllilaty head of $talc- and rfl'aidcntla l Cillldidate of the Congress for 1"rogl"USlve ChangelCPCL MaJor-GmcraJ Muhammadu Buhari; ronner Mlnlslero(U.e I-~ed C'I"ai Capkal TOTttory (Fen Mallam Nasir ei -Ilufal; bnta"dlil1nnarl, EoonCllnic lU'" I-lnar¥:lal CrtI:ncs Cornmlsskln IEFCCI, Mallam Nuhu Rlbadu I'ormer speaker. liouse 0( Rcprc5nItallvc:a. Mallam AlIllnu BeUo Masart. Other d1gn1l3rk:s at the ccmnony wue govt:mors ofOyo, 05w1, Ogun, Lagos and Eklli. the naltonaJ kadct- 0( ACN. Chid llisl Akandc:: 10rmC't' governor of Ogun Slate. Chief OIusegun Osoba: fotTl'\er govenlOt of Lagos Siale. Alhajl l.atttf Jakallde; Ills wife. Abtlllbol4l; Senators GuwgoAkumo.
...w,11'11 """"" ,,,'" food """'" Abeokuta Stands sase till Alale COwers _t titleon Tinubu, ....!t from 'h, Wile he said. f\oodlng.~
OlayLab. Olu..ll.oya, Abeolr:ula
Dr Adcslna. while Inaugurating the dlslrtbu UOn al t~ ~ratcglc Grain Rc.servc.s sUo In !badan, said the d15tr1ooUon 0( the Items W<lS to mlltg;lle the C'rr«ls of noodlng on af-
BEOKUTA, the Ogun Stdle capital, IlIenrtly .!iLOod 8tUi on MClIlday, as lonncrgovcnl()f" d L&gos ~ale and
_ !
'- . -, . ~
-OSun State gOUCTn.or, TlIr Rtuif Aregbesolo n~, ~do""ng th e oarh of office of the Judge, JlLSllce Gloria OIodoke.. With them is rhe Speaker, state Ifo~ of Mumbly. llonourable Najeem Saloom, at Ihe swearing" n ceremony h eld at the Go~or's Office. Osogbo, on Mondoy.
Aregbesola swears in acting CJ, tasks judiciary Oluwole I{c, Oso,bo SUN State governor, Mr Raul Areghesola. on MClIwy. sworn tn Ule act log chief judge of th~ state. Jusllce Gloria Otadoke, Wllh a plea to Ule JudH:ta1')' 10 do substantial Justice to all matlC'T'S be·
Descnblng ttlJUlIUce ItS the major CIiIUSC of con mcta In human 5OdeUes. he said II slluatk)n when: oppression of the. "uk by the poor Is allowed was
describing OK CUCIIIOUY as symboUc, said U'I: oaUl of office laken by JusUce Obdoke was a quesl for jWiUce and an aIIlnnalion 01 oneness In lIS pursuit.
PDP uncovers plot to discredit Jonathan, govs
Jacob Selna. Olatunjl and Leon Ualfbe. ~Ja IE kader.ohlp d the ApparenUy canylng out Peoples Dnnocratlc tl~ rc:solve of the Slate l'arty U"DP\. 00 1.1011 Jloosc.of Assembly. which day. raised 0'1: alam\ UJat urg~d Ihe govlCrnor to Ole party has uncovered sW'Cilr In dle most senior pIarw by 0'1: oppoblUOn to JudiCial official In the discredit President state, foUowlng lis rejCc::Goodluck Jonathan. Its tlon of a nominee for the stale govet1lOf'S ruld other posl. tile gcM!nlOl'c.harged eI«t~d and poltUcal apthe judiciary 10 ensure full potntccs al aU IcYds 01 goy. dlspC'nsaUon of justice In enllnelU, aU Ilugauoos Speaking ,,'hfIe m :dvl.llg In a prepared lexl, en· In aucl6c:nce tlOnal publiclly UUed PJustke is a unl~r secretaries of thC' party. sal purpose.•• Aregbc50la who were on a vtsit 10 UIC saki Pjudgo are repr~n NaUonal Working Commitlallves of God In !h e lr tee IN WCI In Ahuja. ILS va.r1tJu8 courts. to ensure nauonaJ publldly secn:tary. III,,! Ih~ purpose 0( Jus Chkf Ollsa Meluh, alleged tn l!J St'rvet! In ail tllClr that the Action Congress _ _ _-'ol=NJReria (ACNI and Ule fore II
unacce,Hahle. warning lhat any allcml)t to forc Ibly deny lhe people lhdr rights could ponend dan ger for the na Uon The governor, while
Congress for Progressive ChangclCI'ClhadlnaptXll oul IItrntcglcs to embark on masslvC' prus war agatnsI tllC PDP lUld aU Its dcctcd and appotntcd 0111dal5., with the -* aim 01 dlscndlUng the p"rty be lOre Nigerians and the It,·
Icmational conununlty Meluh . who said the ~"..... wouldklck otrlnacoupk:dwecksfrorn now, disdo&ed lhat Ule CWO poUtk:al Illlrtie& had budgeted huge amount of mOIlC)' for the 1lRl8CClltion of the ~1eOda.
Kaka , Gbc.nga Obadara lUld Gbcnga AsoIfa. alongside UK llaUonal j)UbUclIy secretary of the ACN, Alhajl lal Muhammed 1hc tradlUooa1 rok:r, in his remarkli, dC'scrlbed Tlnubu as coungeoull flgJltCf" for dcmocraUC wlues, adding thai nnubu roughtl~5orUle
protccUon oIdvllllbcrty In Ntguta. Tile n ew traditional c hid pledged his support towards all laudablC' pmjcc:Ud Oba Gbadcbobl Ef,1ba l13llon.
Jonathan leaves for Pakistan today LeoD Us!p. Ahuja tESIOt:NTGoodlud: Jonalhan will leave Abuja tonight for Islamabad, Pakistan, loal· tend Ule summll of heads of state aJld goyenuncnt d the Gmul) 01 Eight 1kve:Ioping Nations (0-81. which opens lornormw A 5tatement Issued by the presldenUal spokesmalt. Dr Reuben AbaU. Itl
"To attend D8 meeting
Ahuja, on Monday. said II IC pne:sidellt would be acrom· panlcd 011 the trip by the Minister 0( FordgU MIlIn&. Ambassador Olugbenga Ashlru; Mintster of Trade and Investment, Dr otusegun and Ule Governor of the Central Bank of Nigeria ICON I. MaDam lamIdo Sanus6. The sta te m e nt added
Uaat aport from parUctpat· Ing ttl lhc 8Ummtt, l"n:sident Jo.13Uwt would also hokI bftaterai meetings In Islamabad wlU, pn:s1den1S of Paklslan . Malaysia, 1\u1r.ey, Iran alld Egypt. nle staleOlC'nt noled Utat f'rukknt Jonathan would also rneC't wllh NIger\aJ1S Ilvtllg In PakIstan beb'c: returning to Ahuja ooloTiday.
shortcnanged Nigeria N4tm -AGF Jacob SeluD OJatu.Dj l aad Kola.ole Osa.lel, Abuja IE Office oflhc Au· dl!or G~ of UlC' redcratlon {AG Fl hu revealed how \'3r1ous mln · Islrles. depar1ments and agen clcs {MOAsI short· changC'd the nallon to the tulle of over N4 U1i11on III lIS report for 2009 Il5caI
T: yea,
TI'I: tq)Ort. obtained by Ule Nlgaian nibunc ttl Abuja, detaUC'd how the MOAs falled to remit the N4 U1IIIon to Ole Federal Go¥ernment's coffers In the report. 9J oul of 106 MOAs ratkd LO dJsdose the nature of account3' With dosing balances total ling N422.374.961 ,449 18 In 2009 flscal yc:a.r, whl~ thc5um~ 1.514.567. bctng ~c:ash held from ex ten-mlloans. P 1uK! no com paraltYC' Hgun: TIle AGF. Mr Samuel Ukunl . signed Ihe 399 page: audit report, whkh COY'C'I'!i llle aa.'OUnUi 01' the Fedcral Government (or 2009 and drtallcd how the. ConsoIldaled Rnoetmc: Ioc· munl I'CICOI"dcd a shortfaJJ sun aN:5l157Bn917.45: .!I~.674.2i'U-1ffi5.1
CXleI'I'W klan ou t of N582.621 ,480.000 ob· talned by Fund Depan lIIenl!l and 8200 mllhon tnul5fc:r from JP Morgrul. which was omitted from IIIC ConsoIldalUt A..t:-oount as 01 August 13.2009 According to the repott. In Ihe
ao::rucd tnto ~ fund. IntCf'CtlI duC' on flo<ttallon of bonds. among olhers were unknown . while N524.372 .5 23.275 .79 c:xJ.r"at1«IlDances on alJ-.aI lIIanJI11S of It!) MOM 1'3l1 not been rr:miUuI IrILO Ule Consolldal~d llevenuC'
TIll! rcpon abo showed that the sum of NI09.449 .999,997 was paid from Consolidate reve.nue Fund accounts Into retil'C'omeni benc.fh bond redern plion fund from 2006 to 2009 witllout cv1dcnce of Im·I:SIIIIC'nlS. as provldC'd In Section 29( II of tile 201M Pt-1U1kJil neroI'm Act, which requif'Cs till! CenlnlJ Dank of N",1oCfIa fCBN) to (Stab-Ilsh, Invcst and manage: the fw .... Another Ili5ue raised by lhe report was UIC IlOI'I repayment of lium or N306.~.058,'109.32.out
oI'wlUch N 149.965.780.369 loans and c umulative Interests for 2009 fiscal year oo.ved by 18 MOAs to various compa nies . N7 . 29 1 ,336,930.09 pr1nClpal loans and N I ,096, 183 ,863 CUIIlUIaU~ tntC'f'CSi& owed by F~dcral Housing Authority (FilA) slnc,"