c 15 NI,erlam 21T rlbuu Februlllry. 20 12 1\1f~5day .
Poultr industry is on verge of collapse -PAN Chairma
it true that poul~
bltS"'nu$ I.s jaci n 9 om.. c h a ll""9 es In ~t thn.es • 10 the ex-. cent t hat many f otTn6S an reconI/.ng (I loss In the ~ Is trur. w h at actuall y is the CQId'" oJ all . h e prob-
We an
spak l~
Poultry business, to many people, Is a good and profitable venture. But recent happenings in the sector Is giving many poultry farmers a serious headache, resulting in glut in the egg market and consequently causing job loss. Seye Adentyt spoke with Engineer John Olateru. who is the Chalnnan. Poultry Assoclation of Nigeria (PAN ), Oyo State chapter on these
lSSU~.:.:.~E~Z~:::: C.:rp~t.::::~~~:::::;=;=======~~iii~=
In order to let
JKOpac and gOyC'nlmc.n t know 0..1 then Is •
mountaln as rar u
the poultry bUJ:llm:lI~ III
cont:cmed In NI",lerta 10' day. lioncstJy. pt'-ultly In dusU)' ts. 00 the "~ 01_ collapiling due 10 some unpkaant happrn;r,p In ~lt Urnes. In fad. Ihcre Is • big problem ri ~ut in
the ~ markel u I am talking to you ~ 'I\.-dJ as high prices of poultry
(teeds. amongs prob"",,,
b fhat the' orly pr0b-
lem or t hen! one othon- t. sues m Uitadng aoaIru, th e pou1tr'Jl1ndw:tTJ;'btLIlneu In 1M c:ounfrV? TIle poultry bu sll'lCM Is In cmls ror many reuons..
an not xlltrq as It Is expected bcaU3e people
• ~ not buying UlAI\. rtdHn-protdn food. 'Tl1Ie Jlf1tt of poultry rttd has dso ~ by more lhan 100 pel'" cent. to the caten! thai we ~ gelling rqlOfU of Wl!KIkI q;gs from OUT mctnbeB. 80 you C'aJl lmagtnc a Situation U131 tgp wou\d llf: In SlDn for" 0\'Cr' two wcck5 without bu~ c:onung (or Il Honestly. II Is • I»d expc:ricnC'e: On the rea80M for the Mtronomkal tncn;ase In II~ prioeofpoultry ferd I can tcl1 you lila! tn 20 11. we ~ buvtllggroundnu l mk('lGNC). a nl&)ortngr~Uentcipoul try feed ro... N40.000 pet" ton. But Ihls year. the pritt ci GNC 18 now N95.<XY.l per ton. 11'1e pI1Ce of t!/IO'j8 beans In 20 11 .'as NOO.()(O per ton. but now. U'le pr1cc of soya bean has jumped 10 Nl25.00 per 10f\. Al80 1a..st year 12( 1 1), the pritt OJ( a crate 01 eggs was NGOO. but fJI1IIt'. U'le prioe oIa cn.t .. of egg:. twumuc:cd 10 bcnvecn N450 and N5OO. Yc1. pt'Of>lc arc not buytng nJ8Ii and thi!I has kd 10 the problem of gtut In Ule egg market. So)"OU can 8tt that pouluy hustr.... III about to cntc!" a state 01 coma and that Is why we arc c:aJJlng on Ute government 10 quk:klys't'p In and help us. So what do you exp«:tfrom thll~ent? We a~ not saylna~mml .should give u.s money lxaIUM' we: arc not bcgprs. We are J>I'Oksalonal II"'!lock fa.rmef'!". and ,,'hal ~ want from tJle government • a rom, d tntcrvcnllon. Since ..~ an: not productng
;:,~,~~:'i"! ,::",'':; U ";,N':=-':-:"".i dll~uf~tyIlU.!..~
........... soya. Ion ~ ~ uo Ule --.. ..' ... IC84: ttOpe Ie COUIltry nw: ked rniIlrrs. ~ aleo crytng due'! to -=aldty d UlCR csamual pt>ultry feed raw ma tertab. But ~n.t Is.aging that It _ ' t lm,--t mww qf tItae agricultumJ produce ogaln cvuf thaJ wuhould .. artplonLtngandprvdudng thern Jocxdfy. Don" you think this poHq is good a. It lDOuld help in ~dng agricl1.turoJ deuelopment In the c:ounmfl Cu.1 ln.-........ ~lsaga1nstthcde-vdopmentof I ra1 bu phasm that our a~~ .. _,:,C) ·tor. . tpolwt"~U5t em 'Ik aornt F~ ...........crmnenU ... ~ an cropB e soya beans.. groundnu1 and 0Chn' c:rop8 an not supporting and cnc:our.gtng .L"gf: !IC&ic productton 01 UlCR crops locally 1hc ~wlCllt has rome up wltJl IIOfl'IiC dc:Yd . OJ)f'IlefltaJ poUdc.s b .. crops like: ~~ cocoa. ritt. cottan and othcn. butllO programme: toboollt Ihe planttngdcropBUkc:~lUltdnul ..Jdsoya bean. TI1i5lsgreatJy atJ'~ rM mJlJem and poultry buslras 11li3 bI also responsible ror U~ calamity ~I1U1 lacing the poul try Industry In th,. ('OUntry Do ..,ou ha... re medial approadt 10 ~_ these probIrms? I thblk 1M! ltrt'tl hhort. mcdJu m and long lerm 8OIu-
IioM to .vat the Impending danger ClI rrnlliy threatcntng th e ~ devdopnltfl l and ClCMUOltt of poul_ by lndUSJy WI till' countf)' . For the shon. lenn 5OIuUOO. ~ nefll to tmport IIOffie quanUUes 01 soya beans and groundnut. from OlhcrcounU1cs 01 the workIln onkr tOINlYe the poul _ try Industry from II 10lli1 coIbllr-c ror Ihe mecUum tnm 8OIuUon. we need 10 ~ncounlge jobleM youlhs 10 go InlO fanning a n d moel ~peclally, encou rage Ihnn to planl ttoplilke I!IOY8 txalU. groundnut and not o nly ea.seava, nee. cocoa u l he news Is Inte n·
sMylllg But w h at ls happen,lng to the .otla beans a nd gro undnut UJC aTlI produc::lng In t h e c:oun.try? We haft dlsco¥ered tha t IIOI1lC mon ey tMgs h I the coun try are lhe ones buy1n g IhtM cropll from farm · "-r8 a n d stockpiling th"-m. thus eruttng artlnclal snn:lt,. 0( UlCSC C55Cf1UaI poultry feed ~w malenal •. Many of tIteR money bags and heavy weigh t In the ItOClety n:allacd that I~tcad of taking Uteh" m U· no". and bllltons of naIra to . .~ In banks. wh ich they know rnay attract the allen UOn of EFCC a nd lere. They now go di rectly to fa nners 10 buy these crops frum Ulem, slockpll~ the prodUCH. and laler n:·scll HI hlgh~r price durtng off-season . TII_! IS on e of th e reaso n!! we a rc exper ien c ing scarcity a nd u nalfordable pmH or t hese p rod u tt5 The1 even
mate.ruls , Do lIO u ha~ oth er .uggatio~for the~-
Yes. 10 pm-en! the problem of egg glu t , the gov' el'Tlme nl ca n hd p mop u p pouluy products like eggs as It ts being done. In developW naUons like United Stal~ of Amel1ca IUSA). In USA. government help poultry fanners by mop ping up cxcess~, ThlB. they do by spendtng over 30 mllUOII dotlars to buy cxcess eggs from poultry ranne" and latu distribute 11 to school. to help booet protein requln:mcn ta 0( .school children Our ~nunent..s. al all levels can a lso copy Ults nob le Idea or policy 10 Im prove lhe health of our school chlld~n Egg consumpUOn In schools should be part of Ih"- fe«llng programme as It would boost the good h ealUI of our pu p ll.s Som e slale gove rn men ls have Init ia ted school feedi ng p rogra m me and I encou~gc them 10 Include caung of one egg per day for our sch ool chlk1re.n
'Beware of fake fishery experts, unregistered colleges' IF *,0( wewanl
Bah to go down that Nlgcrtans can able to buy It. then is the n«d for peopk to ~lbntor: nsh farming. whlqh Is a type or (a rming tJ lill can make alt lndMduaJ to be
.se.1f-rellanl a nd
r· de·
n lcae 'A'OI'tIa I WM gtven by a lbh Mr. Koyt;jo 'llr11&k peaking with TJibwte gr-lc u!fu re o ~ what be done to /lsll Canning In tJ try.
Acc:ortUng to hi farmtng lB IIklt market beggtng to mtbnce It. tJ
would be good If lhe teaguea of unemployed youths and graduatcs In the COWltry can embraor: 05h rarmlng Doing this, he s ald , would hclp U'le country to ha....: leagues d tlsb fannel"8 , whic h would have no "-h potlUve e"c:c ts on 113 market . . well as tbe
those w ho have g ood ~_ _ Imowkdgc 01 f\sh .... IUlng ahouldconUnue tO lntraduce thi5 type ofrarmIng to JX'Ople by telling them what U)cy stand 10 gain by becoming n s h
of the oouuUy AjegunIe who Is ai80 a Rsh rannlng c:onaultanl cauuoned peopIe ..flo a~ gotng ruund tdUng others tJ1At they ~ DsI1 experts wlihotu havtng the basic Imow~e. «!lsh faJTnlng. Corruncnung C81 ho w to attract. allenUoo into 8.sh rann the .said
tng Rsh farmers not to JM l rontse fake ns hery sc:hooI8 ~ up now. In his wo rd •. "our people should be wary of people who aut dcsplntlc and In need 0( money. ~ tng round 10 tclI people to • It conwe to ~r aquaeu ~ Of' fishery achoots or colWe have: been n:Iid.
f"armmI. He lasked members ci • __ ~ . _~~ .... . . . . . - . . ~.1 u......., who~~to becom-
Ing o n pages o r .arne nC'W'S ... .-nI as well as . -.. _
bcar1Dg It over the radkt how .amc peopleVl'U'e ad·
w:rtt.slng lbdr aquacul. tun or fbhcry school •. ~ need to vecIfy the authcnUctty ~ these Dshcrycollcgt:sbecoWiCmany .'them ar, fake n a h rannlng cxperls. People !IboWd be can:ful not to r_" \~_ " '-_ ad\1Kd. ...... ........ _ .... Speaking further. he said. "lnlttcsted and InIUdrCIW1 liumcnstnUd IDJ 0Ul wht:thcJ' IhOeoI: lat·
ery II:MHtutes/~ ~ (he _ _ d the -un_~ _. moll or appropriate au -