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4 Nigerian Tribune


Mond.y, 22 Auaus~ 2'tt

Jonathan appoints Adarnu as acting PCA was ~tt.,still"hkh,.t tho t;m., !FAD wants FG to increase agn'cbudget berore superior (Continued from page 2) According to Daudu, he hOld ccnveyed the prugrnmme or this year's NBAcoofencnceacrosslo the CjN. even as the setling of the date fo r the sweari ng·in of new SANs for Seplembcrhadbecome publicknowlcdge, adding thallhe sudden ch:mge of the da te to ( oindde with the closing «remo ny of the NI}A conference was unacce ptable "NEC he~ce decided Ihal the bnr shAll ooycoll tJ,e ceremony and all its members have been advised lostay awolY, induding those to be conferred with the ",,,k of SAN. It

WlIS resolved thai any Ie-. ga l practitioner that atIcndslheceremonywould not be n!:ferred toby membl!rso( lheNBAwilh any rank he possesses. "Similarly, if tile person is in any NBA body SUdl as the Body ofBencheTS.he would lose all privileg~ and be stripped or membership o f any committee or body that the NOA p.u tici p;II tes in. The NOA, therefore urges the Chief Justice of Nigeria 10 shirt Iheccremony to the earlier Septembe r 19 date," he said . On the recommend alion of the NJC (or the SU5pension of Justitt' Salami.


N BA Crowned on the a rbi- court of reco rd. Irariness or the commis"Ills a mauer-of sha~ sian in its decision on a and rcgm that a judicial ma tter still pending in organisation of the caJibre cowt.adding thal ilwould of the NJC can rid e not fold its arms. watching roughshod over the produe process oppl"l"SSed. cess of it court of law, the " I recommend the NEe implica tion for Nigerian 10 condemn Ihe actlon of jud lea l process is ca ta the NJC in going intltaI stroPhJc... Daud u said. t AI

p resident ol lhe International Fund lot' Agricultural ~ velopment (If AD). Dr Kanil)'oNwanz.e. hasurgrd tloe r~ ~mment to increase its agrirultu~ budg~ beyond the 10 per c.!nt recommended by the M;,pulo Declaration.

RES IDE NT Goo diu c k Jo nathan has been urged to hAlt the sale ofproperbesoflheNigena ~~ ~t~l~?~(NPA) in !no_om. . SeniorStaff.~t.lon of CommUnications,

tK:kJe the eptleptic power supply headlong. II sa id withoul adequate power generation and cons lanl suppl y of e lectrici ty, the country cou ld nol progress economkally. l1te communique Aid

FG urged to


n: .

· ndDantoog corporaF"rnmo mayhitPlateauNorIhooonTraL~/or

sale 0f NP'J'l S property'ill UK ' .

tlo ns (SSACTAC), NPA branch, made the call at the end of its meeting in Abeokula, Ogun Slate. on SU"l1day . ' .1_ f" . ~ presa....,.,l ~ u..... as5(K'Ialion.t-.'IrOmeizaU~, ~ho read a commumque issuedat tI'1f'mdof lhemeet-

Nwanzc made the call while fielding qunlions whmhefealuredatal'orum ol~ ~~""&encJ'oIl'Vi&e­ n. {NANJ in~onSun-

day. He f'l'CaUed m2003, tllCmeetingofAfriam hmds o f sta te held in ~'iapUIO, M07.a.mbique, adopted the Maputo Declaration, in which tlte),1tgn.-ed 10 put IO percenloftl-erarulualbudg1!tS into agriallture. According to him, only IOcoWltriesh.ldmcttl,istarget and NigeriAwas not one oCtile!1\. He noled IhAI Nigeria was currently investing between fj \'E' and seven per cent in agricultu re.. which,.

~I~a~o;: ;:v~~ ~ri::~:,.en~~~aie!,:e~ since he said, was inadequale, Ihe count ry had the try If the properties re- and the han ing over of O1padly 10 f~ the entire HE In«'SSIlnt attacks r,lanted early in the yea r "Nigeria is not tloe onJy rnained umold. dodtyard training Khool to Wesl AfriaL by wUmown pet:son! lad "gone yellow," be- country wlle~ nisi!; hap"Earlier moves 10 sell a third party should be reo " We afl!' investing beon ,Jltlleau North Glusethefanners werc"too pens.1n London. recently. thesehouses \o\'ft't' stopped versed. tween (hoe and 5e'\'en per a:mmulll6es llave. made it sc:ared"' togoouilomnove tltere were all mallnen: of by ~ go~~ AaDJding 10 the ~ Mlt of our budget in agriimpossible to farm a nd \\-eed or apply fertiliser. crises,. butlhe authorities because the prOCffds tion. altering re«iver of cult~yftweha\'ctheabi1Senator Gyn ng Danlong Heexpre;sOO regt1!ts thai quickly arTe5lcd ~ reo would go as mmrnissions ocean-going \'e!i1SIl'ful jrtties ity 10 feed Wei Africa; so tlli'll famine wili hit tloe Ihe Derom race was being sponsib~ and jailed thcml and laxes to the lawyers would bring down the re\'- our budgel to agricullu~ area tI,ls ymr. ~gradua lly an nihilated" aflCfaspt'cdy tria~" hesaid. and UK govemmenl ('flue of the concesskJnaires nJust be mo re tllo1Jl to per Danlong. when he vis- and expressed shock that He lamented tI'IiIl perpe"Only 40 per cent will "Consequenlly, it will cent. ~ he said. itcd the Heipang commu· senuil)' agenli wete doing trat<n'~ houtIIy l\l'It'Sb!d come to the ownCf of the bring down the revenue The [fAD president unruly, near Jos. 10 commiser- nothing to check the trend. inN'~addingthatwfue propcrtiea. We wan I the gener;ttkmofNPA toa\"eJ)' dersam!dtheimportanceof ale wllh them ove:r rt!'Cent Senalor Dantong won- tll@)"~nmslal.theywere presidenllo be very vigi- drnstic.level; th~ worken: inslalling policies whIch attacks,. 0 11 Sunda y, said dered why Heipang. hith- not e\'81 puniS:1ed. lantifhiseconomtcpolides aresaylng no. It 15 not part created tile enabling envi"many people have been eno one of the m05t peaceIn his ~. the dis- must succeed." iI. said. ofthe ag~ lin rcfo~- tOIlmenl to attract !he pnkilled r1J!,hl on tI,cir farms. lui communities in Plateau. lriet head of 1·lcipang. Mr TI,e commumque also ing the Nlgemm ports, It vate·sector into financing SO peopTe lire afraid to go would be the target of nl- Fel ix Pam 1'0k,. Ihilnked called 011 tile president to stated. agriculture. the mnns.As ilis, tl1E'.tewilJ lacks by anyone, adding Dilntongfortl.c visitnnddeIlAT 1..." ..J...-..: • I ""ru't~t~lood""l!:..r,_~lI! COITUnU- thai tile "unabated lcilUngs scribed the ilt~ iIS "mys~~ ..... of innaanl persons had lerious," since no one had TIlt!: attllcks. CIIJ1ic!d out gone on for too long." beenarrestedO\-erthern. YeIdnI Jimoh. Lokoja scribed as the riKht choice.. not 10 drop his running in themldni(i.hlonA ugust He challenged Nigeria's "Wedonotknowwhois T H E choice of Dr A chieftainollheAdion mate. sayingtlVlthisloyalty 15, on Hdpal1g. Form and leaders to learn a lesson attacking lIIIt- but Wl! ec:ped Moses Wokili as the ~ress of Nigeria (AQ.J) au him when sh~ dw: duo Korlu communities. left from thehandlingoftheyjo- those saddled " 'itl, the job running male of in t ,e slate-, Hono urable W\'te~oftheAllNtmore tJWl 12 pt'Opk! dead. k!ncetlllltrockedsomepart! ofpmtecling lives and prop- Prince: Abubakar Audu for Hltm7,a Sherrif Aliyu. said gcria I\!opk!s Party (ANP'P) """"'ina to ·...J i~ reports. or United Kingdom (UK) _ t -k -~ , __ Ihe governorship race in Ihis while speaking with before fusing into ACN, was Dantong "";'a id crops two weeks ago. ;;'~tI~~lu~~id: Kogi Slate has been de- newsmenontlle chancesof commendable. the party in the (orthcoming Honourable A1i)'u noted YU W ....

,;)tI kI



"O.N11 SUlUlce as runrung mate

goodforA d _ U U

rnPP writes Jonathan. urges him not to retire Salami gu~s!.,~~td'..~- t: ;:;Iy~:"'''":d,~~ ~~~~ '~-'''I ''''''t-''''


E Confurence ofNigerian Political Parties (OIPP) has wri t· ten a le tter to President Goodlud<. Jonatl\al\ WSlng him not 10 all IW himself to be lured Into removing the president uf the Court of Appeal. lU.OIlie A)-'OSalami. from ofRc.!, Th e ca it LAme Oil th e heels of the fuspcnsion of Salami and recommendation by the Nation.l.IJudidal Commission (NJq for rus sack by PmidenlJonathan. In a let~ d llted August 21.2011 and signed by its nalional dllll""an. Alhaji Baillrabe Musa., CNrP said it ,would be , ..tong (oc tI.c president to dis miss Sa1aml. since, according to it. the handlirg of the matterb)· tlte NJC was &ess than transpan!fll l 11eCNPP "l'Iid 11.c president should nlso nOle thai the mailer \"as in courl. while tilt!: i m.~ol d lecoun­ try WM..,t sl"\ e. TIll! group wanted Ihal authQrll>lng the retirement o r dismis~al of Justice Sal,'1II11 \:Iy Preside nt JOllilthnn wilhoul l'l'COlIr5e to~tlon 242. with tI.c mat-


lerslillincourt.willportr.ay Ihe president as partisan.

partisan comments from politicians and their "actlv-

tho"""tBu_br"""'ing Ihal ~ I;IImi escaped punishment prescn'bed b)'

the NJC

:",.a:~;;:::u~:~ :::=:l:p':'!.=~

deputySO''ef1lO[. He advised PriI'lO! Audu


must be on deck 10 aduali5e the dream.

~:W=~~a~ violator :i,~~t;n~':e~1~i~~!!l QlrnmQ, Madaki amdemn OBJ/ffiB face-off

Meanwh ile. an Abujabased non-go\'ernm(>nlal organisation.theSociet)'for Rule of 13w in Nigeria (SRLN), has berated the Action Congn'S5af NigE!riil (ACN) and theCongress for Progressive Olo1Jlge (O'C) fa! their comrncnls on tile suspension o f Justice Salami by the NJC n,e group said "ACN and CI'C IlaW' show" tI",t they have interests olher Ihan the much needed sanilis.ation of the judidary in tile Salami saga. because in a Solon dime. no poIitical party would take side on issue like this. not even when tile CI'C has a pending C.lse before Jus tice Salami .md ACN is known to beCPC ally." SRI..J\I, in 11 statement i5sued by its coordinatur, o,ima Ubeku. said tl leNJC had performed ils oonstilutional duty an tile Salami issue, adding tllat anyone that was not pleased could approach the court. 11le group urged P'-e:5iJ~\! Jonillhan to ignore the

had, in tile pout. hem part of NJC meetings wl101!' dedsion to suspend judg~ were laken and IlCa\'CO did not rail then." Also, the Good Governance Group (GGG), 0 politieal group sseki n~ to cotrench i.uslice, eqUIty And (airness in Nigeria, has urged Presidenl Jonatllan, the N,C and tile National Assembly to remain rt5Olute in upholdin~ tile ronstilution whid, they swore to protect. In a (our-paragraph statement signed by its roordinator, Kola Adegoke. tllegrouP$lkt ilSalamiwas Icftofftllehookforwhlt~'ft

reason. OJ bad precroenl would have lJec:n set and NJC or tile judiciary would h.we lost mornl ri&ll110 punish anyone in sun llar situalion.

The group chided ci" jJ society groops and human righ ts communily fur keeping quiet. while apologisl!'l of Justke 5.-IIIImi ill lile media and at tlte />.1r wert' emplaying aU meanstosubvell


HE Cillholic Archbishop of Lagos. AnT thony Cardina l Okogie and a former- military governor of Katsinn Stole. Colonel John Madaki (retd). hAvccondemned tile f", ce-ol! between two former Nigerian leaders.. News Agency ofNigerU (NAN) reported Ihal o,ief Oluscgun Obasanjo, a former military head of stal(' and dvilian president (rom 1999 to 2fXJl and General Ibrahim Babangida, mililat). president between 1985 _nd 1993 h.d beat engaged in acrusations and C'OlInter"iK'C\l$ltions in lhe media since IaV week. In a stntement. on Sunday, Okogie said such public o utbursls by the two fanner leaders were uncomplim(>n ta ry and deIT\t!aning. capable of healing up the polity. '" was Cluite shocked to read un tile pages of 1lt'\\ISpnpC!rs the rather unrul y cormnents credited to e:tdl oftl,e men.

" II is quite unfortun"le and scandalous that Chief Obasan;o and 8abangida have decided to wash their dirty linen in the public. "It iseven moredisheart· ening 10 know Ihnt such drama is hl'Ippening III tl1e wake of 180's 70Ih birthd ay. "Ordi llarily. one e,xpeets lOB to use the 0CC'i\sion to thank God (or seeing him th us far li nd 10 make IJCatt' with Him." thr:! release. Signed by the Director of Social Communicalions, Catholic Archdiocese of Lagos. Monsignor Gabriel Osu. stated. Okogie said as elder slatesmen, both were expecled 10 be men or honour and repository or knowled ge o f how Ihe na l,on should move forward and nol the kind o ( ridicule fo is ted o n the n ... tion tllrough their mediil WM. III his reaction. Ml1dakl appel'lled to tile two funner leaders to tone down their wilr of words. in 11'lC O\'er-

all interest of pe;ll[e and unity 01 tile country. Madaki. In _,., interview at the MUr!illa Mul",tnI1'Il!d I nlernatlonl~1 Ai rpo rl, Lngos, said he was dis· lurbed by the quarrel o f "two gentlemen. who have devoted the besl years of tI,cir 1ive5 to tile snvicr of Nigeri;ll. "I beg them in the name o( God to sheathe their swords. II Is nol unusual to disagree bot the polemical woros coming from our hvu (onner ie.'<Im are Dpable ofheati ng up the polity 10;11 boiling point" He wgcd tile two (anner leaders to join hands wilh Presiden t Good luck Jonathan and build a \'irile nalion that Nigerians deserved. Madaki. a fo rmer Commander, GUArds Brigade of Nigerian ArrllY, also expressed coneem Ihal the war of tlll~ generals rould mrther denl Nigeria's image In th l! cnmity of nalions_

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