S lO& .lhqA es ~dHl' ~b;w2. Sunday Tribune. 29 Apt'il. 2012
Jigawa farmers must benefit from N85bn CBN loan, govt insists Ad&m.1I Am_du.. Dulse N line with the inslstem e of GovernO I Sule Lamido admlfllsLraUon's that Jlga\"la State farmers mU!lt benefit from the fl85blllion agricultural loan earmarked by the Centml Bank on Nigeria (CBN). Ltc stale goveroment In collaboration with CBN and Nigeria. Inceollve Base Risk 1.0an have organised a workshop and enli!hlenmenl campaign to pave waya
for fanners to access to the funds . This was dlsclosed by lhe state's Permanent Secretary In the MtnlslJ'y of Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Muhammad (drls Danzomo. speaking while opening lhe workshop at the Manpower Development Centre, Dutse, said that · Ule state 1.5
all out to jotn hands with co llaborators who expressed Intention or InlUate any program that could support our farmers enhance
the state.· The permanent secretary staled thatlhe one day workshop which had In attendance commercial banks In the state.
Kano to build two major termini at N19bn to decongest mark.ets Kola 0reh:re. KaDo
Kano State In Its effort 0 address the congr:sUlln In some markets In the: slale. has earmarlu-d II sum of NI9 bllUon IQ establish two major IntemaUona] termini. Just as the government \lOuld spent N 1 0 billion to duallse some rederal roads In the slale Making the assertlon al a press brienng. the state's Comol1ssloner of Land and Physical Planning. AlhaJI Muhammad Nadu Yahaya . s aid the present go~ment has determination to transfonn the stale to a greater height. Aa:ordlng 10 him, the ministry of land has a1so reaolved and detennlned to Increase the Inter-nally generated gove~o~ ~~~",,,,,",,"""~~~,"",,,,,,,,>]",,,,-,,,""",,,,,,",o;""rra~ revenue of the mlnl.5tJy to N 1.2 billion as gooernor. Alhaji Abba IIURl Riml. as pa" of m" p.runon disbursement sc:hem.e to former governors agalost N400 million and deputies. in Katsina. recently. generated by the previous govenlment. The: two major lennlnl geted revenue projection pay Ulelr taxes.Kola Olelen:, Ka.oo which would be located lion . orN1.5 billion due to the at NortJler" Terminus According to him . Alhajl Gaya. who InHE Kano State challenges. al Oawanu. Katslna when the present gov· formed pressmen. In Commissioner of He added that based road wi1l be built at a ernment look over. the Kano. however &aId: -We Finance. AlhaJI cost of Nl2 bUlion while Abdullahl Mah'mud on the prevailing secu- average revenue gee - lhank God we are !lUll the Southern TermlnU.!! Gaya. ha.!!! said the recenl rlly Um~:at then. lhe In- era lion was between within the targeted rev· will be built at KM 21. mayhem that engulred lemal revenue realised N300 million 10 N400 enue. because what we Zaria at a cost of N7 t hc state on January 20. wall N900 million as million. Immediately the ~re upecttng was about billion. 20 12. coupled with epl- against N 1.5 expected to government took over. N1.5 btJIlon monthly but He howe .. er hlnled lepUc power !lupply In have been generated. we were able to Jack It everybody knows the HI.5 words: -Due to lh~ that when these two the state. really hM devup to N 1.2 billion but situation In the slate. we tennlnl are built. they aslaUng effects on the prevailing .!Iltuallon as because of the current pray that things would would address pollution Internal revenue genera- per the Insecurlly situa- situation In lhe stale Improve and it has caused by hcaryvchlcles ;Uon . of Ute sjale. t!on faclng. ~h&~tale. a Iwhlch ever;ybody knows. slMted Impro~ng_gr:adu . In the main city as well 't ~lel lJ'sld· l.h!li"t fe"t sl'Ate 'b lot Of I'*Uple nnd II-dim· I am .!lure al lhe wd of ~IlYg.~m~'hA....a~~ee make. roads 1.0 be eMY for (:oul(l not meet the tar- CUll to acceSS the board lasl monthwc wti't able thin mptove ext commuters. of Internal revenue 10 to gr' ehou! NgQ() mll _ month. HE
Last mayhem in Kano affects revenue projection -Finance commissioner
technical state committee members. commcrclal and small scale fanners. processors and marketers In the agricultural !lector. was jOlnUy organlsed to brtng out I.he role of all the parUClpating bodies In how 10 Increase agricultural loan portfolio at commercIaJ banks and make It accessible to the fanners . AlhaJI Oanzomo maintained Ulal the CBN has dep03lted N85blllJon at commercial banks to encourage loan schemes to the farmers as a way of enhancing the agricultural sector and food security polk)' In lhe country.
Sharia council faults Kaduna peace committee HU".D Ibrahim.
KaduDa IE Supreme Council For Shartah In NlgerlalSCSNJ . Kaduna State Chapter and the Council for Imams and Ulama. at the weekend In Kaduna . faultcd the Peace and Reconciliation Committee sel up by the Kaduna State Government on the post clecUon crisis, Insisting that attention must be paid to the internally displaced persons al the pilgrim camp at Mando near Kaduna. The Muslim cJer1cs also urged the state government to release the while paper of the Judicial commission or Inqutry earlier set up by the stale government under Justice Mohammed Bello. In a communlqut signed by Ute Chalnnan of the: council. Sheikh Abu-Bakr Babantune and lS!lued to newsmen at lhe end of their meeting. they said II was Imporlant Ihal the Issue or the VicUms of Ole post. election crisis who were abandoned in various camp<!! across lhe state. be revisited. The communique saki the council received a report from the Muslim Community residing In Gadar Mallam Mamman. RIJana and Ooka along Kuduna- Abuja Road that tIle C(I,mmuqll\es M'Ve '-bong UlI'ea',c:ned by their ChrisUan neighbours.