l'flgerlllD Tribune Thumday. 29 MM.h. 2012
Come and clear our refuse, Agbowo residents cry out 8 y Ebener:eT Ad woldy.
Agbow'J. Ibadan. Sta Ie. are now living In grellt fear as mounds of Tf' fu8t' have
taken over almost every nook and cra...1ny of the area. owing to neglect of the area by Ow ~ State refuse: conectot s. ~
w("cks ago.
rcskk:nt5. espeo:lally lho6e lMng aJmg thc IJ.I-~ ~road.PCh~y
woke up early In the momLng to c1enn their guUeflII and SlL'TolUldings
and statJoncd tile heaps d
refuse alo ng the road. awnittng n:fWE rucks only roc UlC refuse C'"lIl~ to shun the arQ. Ac cord ing to Investgatlc;!m. I h.' people wal: yet disaPinh Ited last week Thursday when after rigorous ly golJ1 '~ through
s anitation
process. the lIUck! ~ no where: to be 10uod .. a sltuaUon t ha t has ldt roadsides III some
Instances IIllered With garbage and some
residents resorting to ~
.>=by polluting U~ environment. MJso; Oladoytn AUlogun. a teadlC:r In onc of the prf¥<Uc 8ChooIs in the area. berated the Oro Stalc rdUsc: coDectors for daring outbreak d epidemic In the area. 6A.re theae people concerned about us al all7 Sec how lhcy have refused to CXll1lC to colkcl refU9C lOr" the past two wuks? Do they want to kill us , especially when c verywher-e Is now experiendDg heat from lhc sunT she quc:rrtm.
refuse managers. "They enc:oumgcd us to clean our environment; they asked us to shun ruth; we: thought a new era has axne: Indeed. butrrom what
we: can XC: now, ooIy God can help us. ~ she said. adding U13t Ute heaps of reruse bad marred the aesUleOc look or the area and the people have: been portJllyed as filthy people who do not want change: bttause: d UK lIttertng 01 garbage all around the streets.
However, Commuty lfnve was loki that getttng rkI of from the ~ nowadays has become extremely difficult as lJOllleltmes U'IC:)' v.''Oldd 9C:e 5OmC: or the trucIts passing by lhlnklng they were there to pack muse only for them do zoom orr. whereas stench emitting frcm the heaps of refuse: nows sends road users walking orr bmkly and covertng their- noses lO safeguard thdr health. -We an:: ~ of Ul(:se
people. Maybe have to resume throwing ou r ga.rbage Into drainages since: U,e rains are fast approachb~ now and Ule government appears 1ncapObk: of managing the environment for the common people. For goodness sake. tftheycan't glve us plpebom waler and constant e:ICCtJ1dty. can't they keep OIths far away frolll us by rnana.glng our muse?- angry Tolulope Ajayl, an WldcrgnldWlle: of U.I. noting that Ilood or no
Oood..they must Rnd an a1lemallve to disposing 0(
Meanwhile. checks by Commwtfty News dwing last weekend and Monday. showed lhal a potpourrt heaps 0( refuse stocked In sacks and different conratners now dot every avaUabJe space along the: UJ - AfPJwo Elqnss n:ad as weU 118 gutters, while some were returned by their owners to their compounds not minding the auendant haz:anIs.
A lmt1e.-besldeTanlmola Bus Stop, Al.haja Mosurat Kablru , who sells h o usehold ilems, while speakJng ..1th O::Imnwnlty News In Yoruba. srud the In lUal enthusiasm they had when the Thursday sanitation exercise commenced after last yea r's Oood, had wlttled down becaulle of the unfaithfullll::sll of the
STAC charges ogun govt on child rights law Olayla." Ohll~oya, Abeoll:uta
c ommu.,lty based n u n · gov ern menta! organisa ti o n, Sa ve the Mrlcan Child Initiative (STAC). on , u e sday , charged the Ogun Slate govenllnenl on the need to Include the chi d nghl law to Its poIlCI~ . The organisation staled this at event title d -Stak e holders meeung on Inl Ualive In· duslve Policies I.e Ogun Slate. - as part of 8CUvt· ties to mark the STAC day forchl1dren w-th disability. TIle child r ight law caters for the \l'ell-being of people livtng with disabilities and p mvldes adequate poll C'le~ that protect them fr om dls cnminatlon. In his addrtn, the Co· ordlnato r . Sa "e the Arrlcan child (STAC). Olowookere Opt'yeml. emphasised on tile mission In supporting othlCl' organisations ""orklng towards the prolC1:Uon of right and wdfllle )f disabled chlldren. He further explained the ordeal faced by pe.-. sons wtth disabilities . aay1ng a pol1cy should be employed In which children with disab ilities would have acass to essential amenlUes In the !ltate. In his speec h . the State Se c retary, Joint AIISOClation of Person.s living with Disabilities.
Ogun State chapter, MlcheaJ Ebonhor. main· talned that people with disabilities were denied access to educaUon. em· ployment, medical ser· vices and transportation, among olbertl. He noted thai the prt'sent admlnlstrallon In the state promised to employ 107 people wtth disabilities In Ils first phase of employment generation , saying that many were yet to be given letters of appoinUOenL A representative of the Slale Ministry of Jus· tlce. Barrister Adeyeml Omotola . said the law was nrst domesticated In ogun State, contending that life Issues upon which It was hinged. was omitted thereby makJng It faulty.
health (lftd plannIng from Ute SfqJJ of Nigerian Urban. organlsadOIl promoting fam.Uy p lanning oduocucy in the country. Pkoto: Seye AcUnfyl
Akwa Thom community invests N200m on agric UdeP1e uUp. UJO
Cbainnan. HIXl ldonge:slt
Its bid to oompkmc::nt the StaiJ: government's ngolng Integrated Fanners Scheme bl Akwa [born_State. ltu Local Goo.-ernmenl Area has strategl:ted modalLty to boost Its grassroots awtru1. twaI I!IChe:me: willi the: sum 0( N200 mUllan wlUlin a span or b.1r year.JDl5closlng thJs dunng the flag off d grassroots integrated I'anne:n scheme In the area on Thesday, the TranslUon Committee
ltuc:n said the: scheme: W'dS to a!I6lst the pe:q* 10 cane: DUld povc::rt.yaoocmbilrlt (WI e:ndmVOllB that could I;rnno}IOnn them to ~ d labow' to 111C: nc:an:st futun:. Ituen saki the: ICS8ICflCe d such a 8chm1C: was 10 ~ aUzc: his dream of making the kJcaI ~t area the: bid basket or the: C:Il~ slate: and the country at Jarge. rc:c:aIling Ulat agrtcuJtuR:: was the country's major .!OUn.'IC d tncomC: be-fore the: advent d oudc otI.
hence: the: need to WJ back to basics to dJverslfy Ule
nauon's SOUl"aS or tncomc::. TIle chalmlIUl said his: dectslon to take up such wdghty prqect notwithstanding hb tcnpornry SUly in omce as a translllon committee chalnnan . ste:mmeds rrom his knowledge: or the: lC:YC:I d JIOV'CI'tY In the: ruraJ amlS and his burning desire to remt'dy the situation even as private bJdMdual. saytng hb appotntment was an added 1Kh'aJltage, adding UJat he
20 FADAMA groups get NlOOm grant in Kogi Yek.lnJ Jbnob. LolI:oJa N Kogi State , the Fadama III project has dlsbufl'lI::d over N I 00 million to 20 Fadama community as· soclaUons for the Implementation of sub proJects under the ongo.Ing Fadama III proJecL Dl5bUl'Stng cheques to the benenclanes at the Government House In LokoJa, the State Governor, captain ldrts Wada. said credit (aCUlUes were a veritable tools which the government relied upon lO achieve rood sufOdency In the state.
He said the stale government has 80 for expended NSOO mIllion on Fildama projects, saytng Ihat his administration would continue to pay Its counterpart fund of the projeci a!! It was de · Signed to ensuntrannlng all round the year He appealed to the World Bank and other donor agencies to partner with the state In Ils efforts to create employment rorthe youths, addIng the government would conUnue to support the project ror the overall beneRt or agriculture In the state.
Earlier. the Commissioner of AgrIculture and Natural Resources, Joseph Fanly!. saki a total of 46 Fadama community associations had so far assessed N 170 milliOn from grant for the Implementation of tncome generating sub-- projects by both Fadama commu ruty assoclaUoIl8 as well as their constlluent Fadama user groups . acros.s the state. "The projecl COYers rehabilitation. conslruclion of Fadama access road, culvert. potable water supply, market infrastructures among othel"!l
has set au t modallUt:S to ensure: conLinully of the schc:me even after hb stay In oiII<%.
EJ:plalnlng how the schc:mc Is Intended to run. the coundl boss saki the flBt phase Is expected to admit ill kast 100 be:ne:ftdark:s with tnkeotr grant d N250, 000 each. The cash. he said wtJI be rdcased In batches. flrst after the: 1nlIntng and balance after in· spectkXlls carried out at the: slle 01' the lndMduals' plots or operation.
the oe--
caston. UH: Cornm1ssJone.lOr ~ture. Obong Eno
at community level. 11 III supporting acqulstlon of assets for production of the Integrated rllJ"fJ1eB and value addlUOn pur- scheme to lake their poses thai would enable tra.lntngs s:c::nously as no government to adopt bcst one: wID bc~wIlh- practices such as im - out proper traJ.ntng. 1IS6Uf"proved producUOn prac- tng Ulat the slale governtices and proceslling ment w1I.I support the bentechnique resulting In eOctarles to enable them high output and In - ,land linn. It will be recalled Utat cre:as:c::d tncome. - he s:aJd. He urged beneRCIar1es U1C Akv.-a Ibom Slate:~ of the fu n d to use lhe ernment has tn the past money judldously so as thl'ft JUn. Invested bII· lions or nalra to over 3 ,000 to achieve the project be:ne:6dane:s of Ule state's development obJecUve or Increased Income: Int£Waled rarmer's achcme. through valuctl addlUon with youths and women for agrtcultural products from the slate receJvtng pus NSOO. 000.00 af· In the Stat':,_