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21 Nigerian Tribune

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Institute to train farmers on fishery 5tori~b)

AJOmIdc O..-oultl,



a way cf Jtlvlng

back t, oclety


and 5u.talnlng food production In the country. nuh health

management "1Iperls have canvus.!ed for stakeholder"!'! t 'J focus more on fOOod ,s"cunly.

Speaking [n Lagos. lhe NaUonal PI caldent of lhe fisheries Society of Nigeria [rIS )NI, Dr Aba Abdullah. said that un(ortunatdy. some fish farmer I are unaware of safe pnctlccs rrql Ired to maintain he,ll thy stock of farmed O,h. adding that that lhe: a buse of drugs by r~rners In treating sick flah 15 alannlng. MOrugs suc l , as antibiotics alc used Indlscrlml".' ~ Iy In

sonIc quartrrs wllhout rccomrncndallo'1 and guidance .

MWhllc (allll'



turning In ff!lrorts of

fish losses or farms. there Is nu (lata on possible caliSes of the mortality . Blo,tCUrlly measures a路e not adopted In rna I)' small holder farms and Information concerntng US" 'Jf probiotic Is lac"lng.Abdullah said Giving hll!hllghts on a workshop talg.路ted at training 'armers Including ve ter n -:u lans. aquaculturr s"''''nUsls

In Institutes and universities. top level agriculture extension workers . centre manager5 of aquaculture units In the country on rundamental allitudes lhat orrer the right kind or education and Intervention to farmen. Abbdullahl said lhat the goal of the workshop was to lraln all health nsh health desk officers In the Industry and provide them with the necessary tools to monitor the health or ranned Osh. -A n::porung sY51.em will also be developed to ensure that a link 15 malnlalned between farmers and extension officers who should also be able IQ IralD the farmen on fish handling and management techniques. This will go a long ...ay In sustaining the Industry. - Abdullah stated

-From left. Emeko Oparo.h. Director. Corporate Communic:o.Hons and CSR; Deepak SriP05tatl(l. Ch.ief OperoJing Officer/Executive Director and Boyo Osinowo, Logos Reglonal Director. all of AU-tel Nigeria. ot t h e la unch of Alrlel'. el.e c:tronic recharge card poucher In Logos, recently.

Golden Penny focuses on parent, children education A s

a way of boo.stlng productivity and also meeting the necd.s of 1t5 con.sumers. Flour Mills or Nigeria Pic . makers of Golden Penny Noodle5. has repackaged the product In new attracLive colours and also organised what It rlbes as 'adventure

squad', which seeks to teach childre n 路 general knowledge and 81so to sharpen their writing skills According 10 a 5talement. the nrm said that It became Imperative 10 repackage the product In new pack designs as pori of Its brand adve-nlurc proposition

Curre-nlly. the- brand has adve-nture squads In .some parts of the country which educate children In general knowledge through Interactive radio programme.s, While also encouraging children's wrttlng skills Ihrough a writing competition Under the scheme. It

said children who responded mer1tonou.sly were awarded with either Inslanl gifts or treated to an adventure U1p Colden Penny also said thai as part of Its corporate social responslblilly . II n:cognlsed the Importance of mother and child bonding and will ensure that most of lis acllvltles arc designed In a manner In which parental

assistance arc required. -The quest ror adventure and tnnovallon docs not end with the Innovi\t1on of the new packs or the current brond communication acllvltles The brand has some more advenlures up lis sleeves ready to be shared with 115 growing consumer base. - the statement added

Entel1lrise Bank upgrades infonnation system for efficient service delivery Lafarge pledges more OdidisOD Oma.aJr.bao.lea, La,os



- ------

pUrt o( Its strategic::! to be the p referred bank (or valut' creation and service llellvery. Enterprtse B Hlk has completely rell路o ed and upgraded lis InfonnaUon Tec hnology [IT) system A statemenl from the bank signed hy Head. Co r p o r a l e Co m m u n IC:lllons. Olu.sola ..... onge Okenlmkpe. made available 10 Nige r-fon Tribune lndlc It ed that the thrust Itf thesystems upgril ,Jc' was to Improve .servlcl: .Iellvery and make Its (Ufltomers


lruly happy Accord!n ~ to the .statement , olle of the

key Items In the retooling exercise Is the replacement of the (ormer e -mail .system with the more aud resUlent M!crosoft Exchange. which has slgnlrtcanUy Improved Internal aod external communications a5 well as starr producUvlty . It noted that as a corollary 10 Ih' Improv , d commun ication process. a credit risk managemenl sy.stem solullon. Enterprise CRIM. has been developed and equally. successfully , implemented, ensuring an Improvement of the credit approval process' lurn-around-Umt. ~There ha.s also been a thorough revamp

of the bank's dala cenlre and an extension to conform to Industry standard5. a5 well as provide the right environment to protect our IT Investments -In addlUon, t he old servers In the system have been replaced by much more modem IBM Power 7 servers while Ihe bank migrated to a higher and more robust version of Flrhtcle In order 10 boost opera lions across the branch network and achieve optima l pcrfonnance of the core banking appllcatlon , the statement read In part. Enterprise lJank has also launched a new website from where. apan from product Information . the bank

will continue 10 feed stakeholden wllh developments In the emerging finanCial Institution To deepen Its platform for the Ca5hllle Initiative. Enterprise Bank has Increased Its Automated Teller Machines (ATMs) deployment b y about 100 per cent. making It pOSSible for Its custome rs and members of the public to draw cash practically (rom all Its branches nationwide. Adding this to lis newl)' revamped Intemet banktng solution and a vastly Increased POint-Of-Sale (POSI network . the emerging bank Is on lis way to creating value for Its var10us stakeholdertl.

support for CSR


E management of Lafarge Cement WAPCO has assured Its host communities or more positive Impact on lhe llves of the people. According to the Head of CommunleaUons of the company. Mrs Tope Oguntokun. there Is need for Increa.sed participation between lhe community and companies operating there. -I Will not want to say categorically that the community .should be the ones to speak for us. but Importantly. It will spur us to do more. It encourages us to do more because we bave .seen that what we are doing Is being

appreciated, so we can only continue to do more. -We also appreciate the ract that the community recogniSes u.s beeause on our own, we cannot recognise ourselves. -ror us at Lafarge WAPCO. It Is all about good neighbourliness . We have deliberate policies tailored to make sure that we take care of our communities and other stakeholders. We do It with joy. we are glad to do It; It Is not that we are compelled to do It. Voluntarily. we try as much as pOSSible to caler for our host eommunltles.Oguntokun said

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