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Global warming cause of glacial melting, floods e Envtronment The report undertines a global trend, observed over many decades now in some parts of the globe, which has short and long-term implications for considerable numbers of people in terms of water supplies and vulnerability


19. Lagos. 2 Nos 4 N40m. BIR Duplex ali room ensuft CII Dada Street, ogba 20. BIR nat plus 6 rooms on two plots @I Ogudu (R.CI N16m 21 Hectares of I;ond @I Mobelall Johnson Way. Alsusa.


TO LET ISLAND 22. 213 Bedroom Apartment@ 1004 Estate call fOr price 23. 4 bedroom Terraces hOuses CI! Regal Sea VIew by Goshen Estale. Lekkl N3m PIA 24. Shop spaces CII City Man. Onlkan 25. 6 No 3 bedroom terraced house CII Ulwry Close, Off Idejo, V.I $6S.000/Annum wHh N1.BIn nrvice charge. 26. 2 Nos 4 Bedroom Duplex@ Akln-olugbade VI ISland 27. 3 bedroom unfurnished apartment C111004 Esta! 28. 9 Nos 3 bedroofn nats an room en-suite (SWimming Pool & Gym) @ Lekkl Phase 1 H4mlAnnum 29. 3 bedroom duple~ CII Lekkl2nd Roundabout N5m/Annum 30. 8 Nos 2 Bedroom flats wRh an attached B. Q CIIlgbO Efon call for price 31. 3 Bedroom terraced house CII Lekkl County Esta!e N1.6mIAnnum. n 3 bedroom furnIShed apartment C111004 Estate (a).' Bedroom wmg 01 duple.' 1 Room S (b).5 Bedroom detached NSmlAnnum hoo$8+- 2 Room eo 33. 3 bedroom duplex" BO CII Onlru NflmlAnnum. Bedroom wing of duplex +eQ 34. 3 bedroom @MaylslrGa,den + BQ Him Asking. IIMAG.oDC) S,iA~iGiiiHA;: (a) 4 Bedroom wing of duptex .. SO (b).3Bedroom Flat for CorPon'ItA Tenant 35. 3 Units 4 bedroom semi-detached CII Ottersuna Estate (a).5 Bedroom detached hOuse on elarge ground Onlru + 80 N5mlAnnum. MAINLAND IIA!~~~.~;:;~;~;;,;;~=~:nat + SO (c)A Bedroom wing of duplex *1 Room BO ofrlCe aecOInmodaUon 36. 5 bedroom Terrace house with e SO @ Maripex, Estate. II • lkeja ORA N2.6m PIA 11~'::~~:~~~~~l.~~ Bedroom duplex+- SO II Bolek of 6 Nos 3 8JR flat for Corporate Tenant. 37 2 UnKs of ~BedrOQm CII OGD Ealate Phase II Opp. MFM (b).3!)1S FIB' with STall. 38. 4 Bedroom detached holt5e @ Off Allen N2m At DaHlel Realtors and invcstmment Comp::my Ltd 39.8 Bedroom detached house @ Kofoworola Street. Off SUite one Flr~t floor, 4 Itewole Avrnllle O~'cbl lkep lagos Awolowo Way. Ikeja. Tel 08033001165 018962083 . ~O. An Office Space of 30m2, 50m2. 70m2, on Allen. lIIeja,




Akinbobo!a Tomt!ola Aanuo!uwapo Jolayemt



07028070275 07025906168

07029'110860 07029110861



'These alarming findings on melting glaciers underlirie the importance of combating c1i· mate change globally.ltsends a strong message to us as politiT)EOPIE in the Himalayas and cians and climate negotiators; othermountainareasmustpre- said Norway's Minister of the and pare lOra tough and unpredict!ble Environment future due to the IOpkrmelting of International Development Erik Solheim. glade!> caused by cIlmate change, Mr Solheim announced in arcordingtoanewUN report. Glaciers in Patagonia and in Cancun that Norway will fully fund. with more than $u milAlaska have been lOSing mass faster and for longer than gla- lion, the five year Hindu Kush· Himalayas Climate Impact ciers in other parts of the world. according to the new Adaptation and Assessment (HICIA) Programme from 2011. report compiled by the UN Environment Programmed The initiative will be cattied (UNEP) in (l<lrtnership with sci- out by the Centre for entists world-wide induding at International Climate and the Norwegian Polar Institute Environmental Research, ICIMOD and UNEP-Grid Arendal and No rut Alta. The third fastest rate of loss is The Norwegian Minister among lPaciers In the North added: "People in the West Umted States and South Himalayas must prepare for a West Canada followed by ones tough and unpredictable in the high mountains of Asia future. They need our commitincluding the Hindu Kush of ted support. Therefore, Norway the Himalayas, the Arctic and will fully fund the brand new sthe Andes Overall Europe's gla- year programme. We see this ciers have been putting on programme as a potent mix of mass since the ffild-1970S but solid climate science. promisthis trend switched in around ing intra-regional cooperation theyear2000. While the overall and concrete adaptation projtrend is down. higher levels of ects on the ground. We support precipitation in some places the programme with great has increased the mass and in enthusiasm and look forward some cases the size of glaciers to continued dose cooperation including in western Norway, with the program partners "ICIMOD is indeed very New Zealand's South Island and parts of the Tierra del pleased to acknowledge the generous announcement by Fuego in South AmeI1ca. Royal Norwegian Gracier rumulative mass bal- the ance. Most mountain glaciers Government in taking a major and timely action by announc· are losing mass, and the overall rate of mass loss has increased ing a fresli and substantial support in launching HICIA proin the last decade. For the last decade the highest mass loss gramme; said Dr KarId. per unit area has been Key6n~ observed in the European AlIls. Melting glaciers could. in some Patagoma. Alaska, and north- places and perhaps in a matter westem USA/south-western of a few decades. cause a reduction in water availability in Canada Some mountain ranges are some dry areas, such as in Central Asia and parts of the expeI1enclng apparently contradictory effects. In smaller Andes. says the report High areas of the· KarakoIOm range Mountain GJaders and Climate in Asia. for example advancing Change -Challenges toHuml1ti'l'.'··' glaciers have even over·ridden livelihoods and Adaptation. In areas that have been ice-free for dry regions of Central Asia, Chile. Argentina and Peru, some 50 years. Meanwhile, in northern areas where there is little rainfall and ' of the Karakoram and the precipitation, receding gla· majority of Tibet. Tian Shan ciers will have much more and Himalayas. glaciers are in impact on the seasonal water fact receding - and some rapid- availability than in Europe or ly. "Accumulation of science in parts of Asia. where mono shows us a clear general trend soon rains playa much more of melting glaCiers linked to a prominent role in the water warming climate and perhaps cycle. The report says that other impacts. such as the many glaciers may take cendeposit of soot reducing the turies to fully disappear. But reflection of heat back into underlines that many lowspace", says UN Under- Iymg. smaller glaCiers, which Secretary-General and UNEP are often crucial water sources Executive Director Achim in dry lands are melting much Steiner. '11:Iis report underlines faster. "When glaciers disappear. a global trend. observed overmany decades now in some people. livestock, birds and animals will be forced to move; parts of the globe, which has short and long term implica- says Christian Nellemann of UNEP-GRID Arendal tions for conSiderable num- the bers of people in tenns of water research centre in Norway. "But ironically, a lot of people supplies and vulnerability." Without doubt the main driv- die in deserts also from drowning force behind the rapid ing. when increasingly unpremelting of HImalayan glaciers dictable rains cause flash and formation of the cata- Ooods." strophic Glacial Lake OUtburst


ISlAND 1. 5 SIR (2 Sdtlng Room) Detached House wah 2BIR BO CIIVGC N140m 2. A Shopping Plaza CI! 8alogun H850m 3. 415/6 SIR Houses CII Lekky County Estale N3Sm-N70m Respectively. 4. 2 Nos. 4 BIR SIOetached @ Crown Estates N40m each, 5. 3 Bedroom + BQ CII May"''' Garden N17m e. 10 Hectares 01 land by Victory Park Lekki. 7. 30 Hectares land Opposite Crown Ealate. 8. 400 Hectares of land by Crown Estate. 9.213 bedroom flats wnh Swimming Pool, Gym and Club house @Admiralty. Lekki N47mllBln MAINLAND 10. 2 Nos Semi detached flats wilh • Penthouse @ Ope If. Street, Anthony VlRage N10m 11. 3BR flataH roomsen-sufte@KlngsCourtShasaN12m 12. 2 Storey Bundin!,!@ Ikorodu Road Lagos. flI60m 13. 5 Bedroom lWln Duplex with 2 No $Ittlng Room @ Ire Akarl. Isolo. N38m 14. 925.989Sqm plot of land @RemlFanlkayode ORA Ikeja. N80m 15. 1846.510 m2land @Oregun N200m 16. 4 Bedroom duplex with 3 No 2 Bedroom and 5 Shops CII Opebl, Ike]a Lago, N38m 17. 2% plots corner piece lend CIIlre Akarl N200m C of 0 Asking. 18. 3 Bedroom Flat@ Oko Oba Scheme II N1Sm

Floods (GLOFs) is warming due to climate change. The risk to lives and livelihoods in the fragile Hindu Kush Himalayan region is high and getting higher. Immediate action by global community for launcliing long·tenn adaptation and resilience building programme is urgently needed," said Madhav KarId. Deputy Director General. International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICI-

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