Consumer rights protection . agency endorses Airtel's bonanza "T1iE agency responsible for 1 the protection of consumers rights nationally, the Protection Consumer Council (CPC) has expressed satisfaction with the way a telecommunication service
provider, Airtel has conducted the ongoing the Airtel Feel Free Bonanza, Speaking at the prize presentation ceremony in Lagos, the head of the agency's Lagos operation, Mrs Ngozika Opidike said after subjecting the process of participation in the promo, selection of winners and prize redemption procedure to scrutiny, the Council was fully satisfied that the mobile operator has upheld the rights of consumers, The Council subseq uently endorsed the promo, Also, she commended Airtel for giving its customers the opportunity to participant in one of the two categories of the bonanza free of charjle by send ing the key word, Feel Free" to the shortcode, 333, Obidike said she was glad to see the winners of the free promo collecting the brand new Samsung LCD television sets, She then congratulated all the winners in the first two weeks of the promo, particularly those, WllO won NI, 000,000,00 cash prize each, counsell ing them to invest their winnings wisely. The CPC representative also enjoined Nigerian consumers to always feel free to report any abuse of their rights to the Council, pledging it is always ready and willing to rise in defence of
Petroleum marketers plan independent storage facility to ease distribution ~E
South-West Zone lof Independent Petroleum Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN) may soon acquire a storage facility, the SouthWest Chairman of the group, Mr Olumide Ogunmade, said, Ogunmade told the News Agencyo[Nigeria, in Lagos, yesterday, that the aim of IPMAN owning a facility was to reduce difficufties often encountered by members in times of fuel scarcity, He said the facility would enable IPMAN members to get petroleum products at cheaper prices considering that the zone consumed two thirds of the country's fuel supply. The chairman also said the faCility would safeguard constant petroleum products supply to the zone, "We want to set up a business committee that will be involved in importatio n of products and we have started discussing with some tank farm owners in the western states on the matter. "The essence of this is that the association doesn't want to be part of the factions that are fighting over pOSitions and selfish interest at the detriment of consumers and our members/' he said.
the rights of Nigerian consumers.
The Council counselled participants in promos to watch out for the activities of criminals, who are out to defraud them, Also speaking at the occasion, the Chief Marketing Officer of Airtel, George Andah said the company does not request for bank details or any financial transaction details of customers before they are allowed to redeem their winnings,
He disclosed that winners are usually notified of their winning through a voice call from a speCial Airtel number and not through SMS as often presumed by many participants, adding that they to be wary of people that request for recharge ' cards to be sent to them or for their financials, such as ATM card PIN number and bank account details, to be disclosed before they can collect their prizes. Winners from the first two
draws of the Airtel Free Feel
numerous prizes. There are
Bonanza. who are based in
NI,OOO,ooo,oo (one milLagos were rewarded at the lion naira) cash prizes, 72 ceremony, Those, who were brand new LCD television presented with their win- sets, 72 Blackberry smartnings included eight win- . phones, numerous data ners of the NI, 000,000,00 bundles, SMS bundle, and (one million . naira) cash ringtones yet to be won, prizes, seven winners of Airtel Feel Free Bonanza is brand new LCD television a two-pronged SMS promosets and six winners of tion, "Airte l Feel. Free," Blackberry smartphones, which allows customers to Andah said that every day send SMS free of char!?e to a between now and May 31, shorr code, 333, and 'Airtel 2011, Airtel customers will 2Good club" which requires have the opportunity to win customers to send the key
word to 444, Customers, who participate in the free promo (Airtel Feel Free Promo) have the opportunity to win LCD Television sers while those take part in the "Airtel2Good club promo will have the chance to win any of the cash prizes of NI,OOO,OOO.OO each, Blackberry smartphones, and dara bundle. Participation in 2Good dub attracts a daily charge of NIOO. .
Zamlaragovt distributesN26~~7m l~an~t() farmer~ .,
! rfromWlIlnb!M:Gu",," st~te , gQlIernment aug rllall$ing 'ommQA nation;!1 v I;l'1boost A. '-SS partfMming of.:.me.asu. . te.s.'. (a , M .... ,.•. ".,.... en.m ...u...m ...... D . e. e.1.o.,p.m ..... en.t. ' deve..Iopm.en. t .J.. agenda. activities' Goal~ (M,?G) prOject aUl~etl ,if; " . . . , , in ~he state, the Zamfara at.b?Ost!:Jl~ the faJ'mlng" ' {II! saldcaslUQan wdlbe , State gOllernment is- actlVltles In the state,. . dj~t:flbl!~ed to I,UQ fann~s i fributed 1\1'269.7 as . Accordiqgto him,tIJeioan wlUl~l1n0therlQ'OO you!hs,
, animairtacUQn a . m- was ~I~o under tll;e MDGs WIll. be g,vtm spraymg .' i.n g.. sP.lray.e rs loan t.o.. {lv.erCQn~.ltlo. na..l .gr.~nt. scheme eq. u,. Ipm. em un . de.r .. t.ne ~ two.· lbo.u. sand farmers. of Sl'eClallY. d.eSlgned .t.? t~et. YOU!)). s. con,t.r.a.,Ct. . Sp. raye-r : the state. , ... ,. . . yaut!ls apyoss the s~ttl. Sc.heme.~e said eae)) farmer , .Fl"gging ofnhe loan dis- , ThegoVernofUl:aUltalneq . "WIll bt: :gwen N"160,OOO for . tribution in.. GUS'ilU the ~hat urdllr th~ ~cheme.the Rr{l~UreJRe?,t -of tWQ ; state.'. ' Go.v ern. or Nhaji .g. ovellOITIen.ts. . !If/I wor.k.h._W . IS fO.r ~ldg.lnga. .nd. ... leVerage to addre.s.s . drawmg,t.arm . .~¥tS . '._ , . ' Mahm. ud Aliyu S. hin. .kaft sented b hi de utll . own. de ental J\lhajl Mahmud Shmkafi AI& . ~kMU. I<h. ral'jS Ah.1n¢1i COllcerns. W . Jth . '. C~JR . ' .•. ex.p.la.lIled.. .tbat .'I!llder._ the : Anka said the foanwas a ll11trnent king , ~e~9-nQ phase of the ,pr,o ' : joi~,t .~~r:i~I!, !>-=1:':".:~~,tlJ.ek prqgresson the MPGs and grilmme, 1.000 uneITIployed
re ·
Yotirhs have been Sel~c[eil ' bOiling' iP~ferials to rami:'
aC.~9l;s th.,e sta.te,!-nd.. WIll be . er.sgro..u.p. $... , '-i tramedon$praymgfor2011 ">, In hi~l ~ddress"the ~te! wets,eilso.n: ".... gov:erno,~ .s Spea~ ; Accordi'lgto him, each of :ASSlstan~O!l MDGS., Alha)I; thl\Yo,u ths Will be provided ¥ahaya : i!=hadoexplained; a blC}'de, ,spr.ayer, prpte<:tlVe , tJ.lat stat~.govemment prO' ; do. thmg, (a.m b09.,tS., ,h. an. d Vlded W. per ce!"lt ,of !h.e , g(o.. vesan.d!l'!ll ..~. sk. .' ' . " ~otal gr..il.ot out of W~ch.:, ' ThegoY~m<.>r Sind; "fur· 1,110 CQ~sal plough ndeT. th~.r collab0!'i!tionha~ also : were pcpcured att~e c~ of, been ,.ITIad",· berween the .1\1'333' mIllion, 82 · a~~ st~te " .gOVf!r.n men.t '.' and drawn .c.il.r. l:.l.atN3,..2,millio!-,. : MUGs for. t.h.e,:·su.pply o. f. post '.sprayer.'.s.;,.' .b. l~y~l!:.,s; . ral.n haNest ~qlilpment su!=h as . coa~, Pepfectlve r~SPU;[(O' s. mgle an.d.' .ITI .' u. ltlpl~.tlirash- , ry..gOggJ. ~,. hand g:lovesan(l: 'eFs. , grou!ld~ nut Oll.extrac. protective clothm~ _w ere tors imd Imllfoved nC 7par- . . procur~~at N23.5 mllholL
Our Client, a Marketing and sale~ multinational company is requesting application from suitable qualified candidates for the position of Head of Finance: . The Goals WiU independently carry out financial task within tbe Group'h)Ujdelines to ensure accuracy and accountahllity of .infolrnatiOJ~ , will provide technicru and managerial · ~l"Ipport for managers and other subordjuates in his team.
t. j Handle tax Lerums and rclatiom; \,,;r.h tax authorities and contributes to i
~" optimi:.::ing net income.
:c ~ Futther Requirements and Responsibilities
: , The Profile of the candidate:
;".{ Has a perfect} husincss-or.ie~ll"ated understanding of the economic pl!rfonuano:
Applicant must P5)SSCSS a minimum of Bachclors degree (a second class upper cb.ss.itica6on) jn tinancc from a r.eputable higher instttution to be eligible tor consideration. ~ • . .:\ POSt gt"'J.dmue degree (an MUr\) will be an added adv;tntage,
;, j of comm~~cial bus.iot;sses capablc .of identifying impo,rcanr rrends and
Candidatc should possess a minimum of 10 vears post qualification experience of which 5 years mllSt have been at managerlallevel. He/She should be a Chattered Accountant with membership of professional
bodies- leAN, ClBN,
t1 r. ~
Guarantees that market financial risk arc managed and hedged (foreign
i " ~. l .l~dvjses OD
High Credibility and integrity,; Diligent, independent ~nd systematic approach to work
degree of problem solving skills.
r' i.I '1 r,!Ensurc
Ability to prioritise \>;Iork flows. Team player \'Villinbrncss to work flexible hours. to
~ l Guarnntee the management of C.llstomcr risk and compliance with customer : [Credit rules. lOCo'Ll balance sheer lhtbiliries strucmre and a dividend payout policy ~.~ tor the company. f-1He or She ad\r1ses the company on the account and ftnancial consequence}; of operations for cffecQve decision making to maximi:.::e rc:turn on business. l Develop strategic fin:ancial iniriatiycs for [he organization in the mannCI [hac will 1·1 assist in ac;hicving the compnnv's objectives. \'Qock \Vjd~ other me~bers of ~he executive team to develop financial and t implcinent gr.owrh inirjative and objectives. thar (he annual accounts and stahltOrr report arc prepared omc1~'. ~ ~ccurately and in accord:ance with company, Nanonal and Inlernacionru standard.
Personal and Technical Competencies
t. ~ ls responsible for the production and submission of reports whiJe guarantccing j the supplied data. }I j Ensure r.hat rhe Company has the necessary financiaJ resources r.o ope:ratc and grow and that its cash tlow is cfficiently managed.
! 1exchange rate)
He/She will not be more than 45 years of :age,
i 1oppormnloes ge'Jred towards maXlmllm busmess eammgs.
dc-al with complex issues.
FuUy dedicarcd to the job.
Good knowledge of fi{S Office pRckabtes.
i.j Will bd~ charge of legal matters and w.ilI tcLue w.lrh the Beati of the Companv's 1,.J Legal Group iri the, Headquarters. . ~. j lnidate a~d coordinate the· fQt·mularioll .of business plans budgc{s and } j morufot progrcss towards their achievement,
Knowledge of French will be an advatUage,
Possess business devdopment skills, Highly skilled in tile lise of ADVANCE EXCElL,
l ~ I WjU function as the Scc.J:ctarv f.O r.he Board of Dirccr.ors. !.1.Con~()l ~h~ operating cxpen~es and capital eJOpendimH! progJ:amme to ensure
General Duties and Responsibilities;
J.n charge of the Finance Depanment of the Company
Responsible for the financial intebrrity and management of business, Oversees and monitors the procedures b'llarMltccing the. qualiry. fairness and cxha~sEvcncss of the published accounts in compliance with applicahle local l~\'s. regulations and consolidation norms as well as jn Hoe wi rh Company Group referenrial. Manages rdaoons with external. auditors and eosures mac the financial . commitmcnts made comply w.im C:rroups regulations.
l ~pen\tional performance efficiency.
;-·iWill h~vc a func~onal rdations~lip with Group Finance ·Body at the hcadqu<1ners land Will be re'luued to make mps abmad. [.jHe!She will repon to the Managing Director ofthe Company,
r·'!Rem~neration f !This is in line with conditions obtainable in the ·I\hrketing: and Sales TnduMrY
tJ in Nigeri~.
Qualified candidates should complete the table attached bereunder arid send ill their Curriculum Vitae with scanned copies of their credentials to the following E-mail address:personnelmaz@hotmail.com. not later that ONE week from the date of this publication,