THE GUARDIAN, Frida~ July 8, 2011
Bauchi plans earth dam in 20 councils
Osun seeks partnership with China on agric, others A rAATNER.51I1r Is In th~off· IlIng bf'twttn t h ~ Osun State gO\'rmmenl and China In crillcal areas of develo p. ment as Governor Rauf Angbtsola begins a working visit to th~ count!)!. According 10 a SUlcmem, major .Ul!d$ of Imer~n in the emerging cooperation are agriculture and fann promice p roc~s~ing. ~ucation .:and cultural exchang~s dim«i at booSiing the l'conomyofOsun Slale. Ih~ governor Is ~I>ect~d to pres~nl th~ Osun Stat~ Economic Ikvclopment Agenda to a galh~ring of Chin~~ inv~tors and gOvtmm~nt om·
dabilt a seminar facilitaled by Ihe AIIGina Fede~tlon of T~de Unions (ACFlU). Th~ ACFlU seeks massive InV!!Hments In (fltiul areas in Nig~r1i1 with a special altentlon on Osun ScatI'. l a lold the Chln~e Xinhud on Friday that"We are keen on agricu!tural p~o grammesand prolKtS. paniC' ularly food. So wra~ going to explore possibility orcngag~ m~nt In (ood production programmes and activities. We ar~ equally keen 0 11 logistics. 1lI00'rment of agricul tu ra l produce from our remotely loCated state to liIgos when! the market is~. he added. 5
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Governor Aregbc-sola added that he would also explore tht posslbHity of having In· vestment III 'heaV)' agricultural equlpmenl. Osun Stilte Is blessed with v.ut mineral resources. in· elud ing gold, clay, limestone, kaolin and granile. The state Is also blessed with dbundam tou rist centres. Artgbtsola wrlcomes the alinese invntorsto lap the burgeoning industl)t ·•...ou 1v111be ahle to access the entire Nig~ rlan space wilh ease fromOsunSlatethat isa major advantage. Cultura lly. Osun is r~puted to Ix Ihe home of the ]] million
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Edo lawmakers seek govt's assistance to check erosion, flood From 'V._ Odoiu.dhand rllw86hdamotlBerll" DO State House of Assem· bly on Wednesday urged the Federal Government, to as a I11.ltter of urgency, release the stale's share of the ecological fund to curb the effecl of flooding a nd erosion in the st.lte. which has led to loss of lil'es and property .....onh millions o( naira. The House Solid Ihe stale has
not recel\-ed its shaft' of the fund In the past four~ars. Moving a motion on Wednes day ouring a plenary session. the memlxr representing Esan-Central Constituency, Victor Edoror. said the r.eople of the Stale we r~ UII{ ergolng serious en· vlronmental cha llenges. which have also led to Insecurity of live-s as a rn:u lt of erosion thaI has seclud~
",m, roans of the stale from
theot lers. Edoror said Ixsides the gu lly. whic h has cut the Btnln-Allchi·!\buja rtNd into two In Jattu lunctlon. Alichi. Euako-Wesl locill Coun· cli. the prople of Ewu and lbore In hiS constituency, were going th rollgh hard times as a result onhe e rosion. which forced them to
Yoruba In Nigeria that Is the origin of all Yoruf);l·spt'a ki ng pt{Ipie In the wo rld. That gives It a cultural adya ntilge over and a~ any other lOcation in Nigeria~. h~ said. JustlilSl week. Aregbcsola's goV!! mmelll signed a n MoU with the Korean comp;\ ny. Synctop Corporation limlied, in a $400 million (N(jO billion) invest ment deili lhat Is exptCtt'd to bring inlO Osu n SUle 127.000 lobs and boost massive food produc< tlon. The slilte Is illso e:J[pected 1"0 comm~nce.l ranspo!T.1tion of agricultural produce to lagos through an agreement wi th Ih~ Nigeria RailwayCor. poration In a scheme thai will see the cme rg~nce o( Osun food maru in all pans of lagos Slate.
Dolorunduro, among other s peakers. ad mitt~d !hat all over Ihe wo rld. governmenU a re not good Tn busl· ness management. Saruml nOled that in spite of ttll.- eI amour fot the prl... ate sector to help In the reptac~ment of aging and d~cayi llg facilities, Iflere Is nothing ~ nybody would do if th ~ polit ica l l~a def5 hl p does bellevl! In 1'1'1'. Hiswo rd s:~lfpolitlca ll ead.
ershlp dou not believe In rpr, it wlll amount to tlmew~ ting. rpl' will onlr.·work if yo u have Ih~ ri ~ht eildersh ip". Saruml Solid. He lauded fonn er rruident Olusegu n Dbasa njo forwhal h~ call~ Riant steps he took to br!ngaooUl prlvatisalion. which according to Sa rum l. brought about the e ncour· agement of the private sector In facili ty re newal. He, however, said that gOY' em mem must continue to build Infrastructure bu t to be managed by the private sector
Oklt! s upported the ideol that the government should lead in 'building fa· cil ltles. but quic kly pointed out tha t all over the world. governments are not "nown to manage them properly. lie advised the Nigerian government to concern It· sel f wi th the provision of wel(are ilnd providing the regulatory frolmeworTt (or the management of public facilities _ Okiti noted Ihat concessions, In most cases. had failed because the government fail~ to glV!! Ifle right jobs to the ri gfn people because of selnsh agenda. "When we do concessions. Ihe people lnvolvt'd are not credible 'nste;td of giving credible people concession jobs to do, it Is given to politicians and their cohons or prople who will shorlch;tnge the governmeO! and the people". he Solid.
Tribunal dismisses petition against Rivers' Rep Frum Ann Godwin. Port Harcourt 'T1-1ENational Assembly EkcI.tlon Petitions Tribunal in Pon Harcoun, Riven State capital, h;1S dismlsstti the case fil ed by Action Congrrss of Nlgeri~ ("CN) I-Iouse of R~p rescntallvt'.S
Mr. Opunabo Inko-Tariah. against Ihe victory O( Or. D.lwari George. Inko-Tarlah. who contested th e- Akllku·ToruJAs.:lri-Toru Fnlcral Constituency seat in theApril2011 polls, had uked Ihe coun to void the election
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8y Wall Sbdl,. 1E Federal Government has been advised 10.111011' prlv;ue sector operators take oV('r areas where they can dfecth'ely function and provide the needed In(ra· structure for the counl ry. Nigeria Is said to be curren tly uperlencing Infrastructure deOcil esti mated tolx In the reglonofN]trlllion illld there is the g~ n er.1 1 belief that the government does not have tfle resources to provtde all SOCial Speakin ~ at a forum on "rublic rn V3[e Partnership (I'pr)on infraSlructure Man· age ment in Nigeria". held at llioyl.lagos. former MilllagIng Director of Nig~rian Ports AUlhority(NrA ). Adebayo Sarunn; Ed itorial Board member. BusineuDdy. Dr. Ogho Okitl; Mallits;' ing Dlft'ctor, i\1aeVl.S Aviation Limited, Mr. Tunde Fagbeml;Genefil l Manager, rowe r .1111.1 Infras truclure, Zenith JU.nk, Dr. Wale
In Bauchi ~xce p t by this government undnrhe leadership of M~lIam lsa Yuguda". Yerima said. The perm~nent secretilry fu r· IhertlCpl~ ined tim the Jurara Dam w.:as designed to 1m· poundilboUl]O million litres of waler annually al Its full Cof· pacity. rerlm~ expressed optimism that the )0 million litres o( Walerll'ould meetlhe needs of lh~st()(k In the area for thecrlticdl s~n months period oflheytar. According to him. it was In view of Ihe mass concentra' tion of nomads in Ihe lanu'are Council that the government dedded to construct th!! earth dam .II Kwandawol VlllagC'. Yerima disclos~ thai Afijango International Company. whrch currently underl;lkes the construction of rtols/Gddau and Shira un h dams. IS also to constructlhe Jurara Dam. The Bauchl watC'r scribe o1lso disclosed Ih~1 conslruction of eanh dams In nnazo. Dan. Toroand Bauchll()(al councils, would soon begin.
ofGtorge on the platfonn of Peoples Dem()(f;1(lc Party (PDP)He argued that electoral procedure-s were liolated during th~ ~Iectlons leading to I11.lssi\'~ IrRgUlarities. At ils siuing on Tuesday. the tribunal's chillrman. lustice Ismail Sashlr. struck out the suit on ground of wilhdr.nval ohhe petition by the counsel ft'presenting the petitioner. Golden T.lmuno. George said the development is a victory (or democ· racy and thl! Pf'Ople of Akuku-Tonl/Asa rl-Toru Con· stiluency;
Experts task FG on infrastructure
r,om AI a.rlIa. Bauehl TN a moV!! 10 address the!.acute water shortage in Bauch! metropolis, the S t ilt~ government is to construct an earth dam In each of Ihe 20 local councils of the slate. The I'trmanent 5«retary In Ihe Ministry of Water Re-sources, "Ihali Yusu( "'erima. said Governor Isa Yuguda has dlready approl'~d !he con· struction of the eanh dams in [h~ council areas. renma, who did not ho\',~r, gl~ Iheoverall estfm~tedcost of the projects. said two eanh dams are to br constructed in Bauchl Loa I Council. making a total of 21 neweanhd.:ams for the Slate. K1cklng-off the construction of the d~m .11 Kwandaw.:l of ju· rara area in lama·areCouncii. the permanent secrelary uplained Ihill thewater project, which is one in Ihe series, is spectnca1Jy for nomadic communilles to meel Ihe acute water needs oflivest()(k in the rural areas of the n;lte. 'illis has never Ixtn contem' plated by any adminlsl ratlon
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