lHEGU>\RD!AN, Thuooay.June 23,20IJ
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"FAD embarks on capacity building scheme for agric sector "T'he Imernational Fund for J Agrlcultu~1 Develo pment (IFAD) will inject S75 million into the new Va lue Chain Development rrogramme, which is now in its final d~ign $Iages. an official said. The programme will essentially, enhance caraClt y building in the narion sagncultural sector. The IFAD Country Progumme Manager, Abdou l Barry. made the disclosure io an interview with Ihe News Age ncy of Nigeria (NAN) In Ahuja on yesterday. Barry said that the programme. which (argeu Nigeria's [\VO major naplescassava and rl ce- ~merged from the UN agency's Country Strategic OpporrunLties Programme (COSOP) a pproved by IFAD's E.xecUlive Bo,ud in April 2010. He s<l id tha t the prog rilmm e targeted smallholder farmers, including women, youths and men aClively involved In agriculture and would be imple· mented through the Communlty·Driven Devdopment approach. He WId berore the COIll' mencement of full implememation of th e pro· gramme, farmers and farmer organisat ions would be se nsitised while the National MOnitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system would also be strengthened. Barry said that S500.000 had 1>«n earmarked for the [WO activi ties wLth ~oo,ooo dolla rs budgeued for sensltisation and 100,000 dollars
(or strengthening monitoring and eva luation. On the issue of possible cofinanCing of the prog ramm e, the Country Programme ""anager said lFAD wu willing to collaborate with tfie African Development Bank (ArDB) and the Alliance for a Green Revolution In Africa (AGRA~ He up ialned that IFAD had approached AIDB for possible collaboration on the new plan and Ihat the bank could only decide where to invest its resources when liS Counlry Strategy Programme for Nigeria was ready. 4The IFAD-funded Value Chain Programme cannol undertake all act iviti es along the value chain. We wilt have to collabor,lte with certain donor-funded programmes. - We have al ready approached the AIDB to try to co-finance the cu rrenl programme. AIDB is about tosr.m th e CoumryStratep'Y Programme for Nigena. When they do, arou nd November-December, th ey will know u.actly where to inveSL 4But the ADBls \~ry good ilt funding activities related to Infrastructure," he said. Barry explained Ihat IFAD was good in training and mobilising communities but would n«d 10 panner with organisations good In th e area o f providing p~ cessi ng te chnologies and Infrastructu re. A wrap up meeting on the FGN/IFAD Value Chain
Design Miss ion held in Ahuja. anracled agricultural stakeholders from public and private Institutions, Including banks, for the pres· enutlon of the Aide Memolre of th e programme. The first d esign mission for the programme was held In October 2010, while the sec·
By IWeFanimo ~CouncII,J..agosCityPol~ ~lr. a.barundeOdutuwa,1u:s
mem {O taekle unemployment In
preneuriaJ !ki11s in rmlaryinstltutions. Odufuwa, who spoke at the end of a rwcw.'l't!k Eno-epreneurial
HeadmowledRdvarious altempts madC'by the government (() Introduce en~ skWs InlOschooIcunirulum,bulsald theefforu:h.ld yielded noapp~ bleresul1golngbythefactthat )OUths still roam the sums search!ns: I'orjobs, Inst~ ol Cl"eiLting jobs foi the:mseI~ 5mssing that rontinucd joblessness among)'OUths will spell doom forsodal, economic and poIitk:al
"~rkshop~bytht:t..agos lifeinNI2efl,a,becalledon~m-
City PoI)'tMulic for its srudenlS, Luneued dw lTWIy Higman ~~teS ~~ Idling away or ro.unlng the streetS 6ecause their ~ Schools failed to INCh them ~ entrepm\t!Urial skills that cou1d gmeriltegJinfui self·
menr: and re~t aGIdemk: instiMiens 10 lake the Im~tion of
en~reneurtaI skill5 Seriously iI.S iI panacea to joblessness among: the youth. Using the L1gos aty PoIytuhok as an example, he said ilie Instilll-
employment. non txpnistd en~p -II IS Qd that a large percenCl~ workshop every semester, free of 01 ~ths,gr.ldUil(es from various charge.for it:5 students to ~ instirutions an! siltlllJ.u harne, doingnothing,due lO unemployrner'lL SOme havt been sitting ar home in the past five.<en years,
them lO various ~ they
couId.doafretw:adtution. "WII!' JUSt coocfuded 0I1WO-Wl"ek
Enlrepm'\ewial v-.rorkshop forthls looIdngfor}Obstlwarenot~ semestetlhoogh.LagosCir:y",lany have Bone into \-arious ftlIytechnlc Isessentbllv a ~ crimes to surviYII!', induding based instirute, thai did'noI ~ us armed ~a1I beausethey £rom bringlnglnexpert:s in whloo cannot find jobs aocl theydon'i design,soap.riuking,fish IMming, ha~ the needed skills loempkJy candJe-rruklng. among ~ lO dtmutMs. teac:hourstudencsskillsthalcan "k isa sad situation because the make them self.emplo)'t'd in the youth, whoiresup~toCOIl- 1Urure,"hesaid stirute the virile ...miid'O((.ll!' for the Odufuwa said lhemrreprmeurial r.lpid dfMk)pLlient of thr, counU)! 'N000h0p had be-en on for man~ as It Is in ChIna Mld other flSl)'NI"S and had helped many pode\'doping couornes,are at home ares from the schOOl roengage Idling ilWiy\vhlle!he elderly and themselves in various busfnisses. agedholdsv-:ayln thecouoU)!" he: ~should not:oondnue':O be lamenttd rigzd;you can study an en~·
Management Programme (CBNRMP) In the IlLne Niger Dell.. states and the Communlty·Based Ag ri cultural Development Programme (CBARDP) In seven states In the nonhem fl-iin o fthecounny. SInce it commence acth'i· lies in Nigeria 10 1985, IFAD
has contributed to financi ng nine projects/programmes i n the co untry. The total coS! of these inter· veollolls IS approximat ely S642 million. Including co umerpan funding and cofinancing. Of this amount,lFAD loans aceouLll for 187.'1 mill io n dol -
Chief Tea.notorY Omcer. MOIIM$ Umlred. Ayo holrln (tart); Manadnl Oiraclor. Tacil Pte.Sinpllore. Havre! SlnJh; Chi,f Faml Dloll8d'; and Mana,,"1 Dlreclor. Maevts Umlled. Mr. lunde Falbemi. dlninl_ vlsil by Itle Maevis's learn 10 me Headqull1us 01 11&11. lis Ied!nlcal parlncr on M-CGnunerce, in Sinlapor., rectilll~.
Odufuwa seeks introduction of entrepreneurial skills in schools 'THEOuirman, Goveming
ond m iSSion held between May n and June 9_ Implemental ion of the programme is eXpe<:ted to commence by l'ebruary 2012, afre'f approva f bythe IFADHoard In December. IFAD is curTC'ntJy funding Ihe Communlty·Hased Natural Resource'
ingcoursebut end up betnga !ish W'mer. EV(>f'L ir)VU are a pr.IClisingengineer, doctoI; te.lChet;Journalistorwhathaveyou,youcan sti1lawna bUeryor a fish {ann," heillMsed. He identi6C'd the bckof take-oIf lUnd as theonJychaUen~thata )OWlg emRprmeurml~1 faa, dting one of his Instiru~'s Dadu. all!, who could make liquklilr hsher; but lacked (he lake-off capitailOdevelopthebusiness.. To tackle the challenge, he said. "I IMJmmend tha{~t should set aside fund forgraduales IOswt dM!lrawn buSinc:s.s.. The lUnd should be managed by the B.uU: ollndlJ.Sq which wiIf diIDurse the funds lO benefidarIes through cornmcrd.iI' banks.· Odufuwa adl'lsed NIgerians, par· ticu/artv the youth 10 CuldvaU! and imbibe the ~lrIl of entrqRnewship.~ng: Ir~areadoc.
lO(a qualified one, Lt does not: nop}'OO from learning any other sIdD.Whkh~willlat.ercom-
mm:Lilise 10comp!cment your income.
"Toyoutlu,e5PCdallvsrudents,, 1 wtJlgy~Oe Is ci'lenled, but talent will not QkiI!' you to any
whereif}Wdon't ~tht~
toSllCCell!'d. Foryou to succeed,
~must haveihebumingdesir!:
inside you to cross the bol'ilerline. 5rurMn2 chemical engineeringin.scftoiil does flO( mwl you must become in engineer; you can enter Illloanyventure that YOUiLreSuriwili make.,oo cross ihe bridge 10 your desrinatJon.-
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