lliEGlIARDIAN. Tuesda)(January 24,2012
Ekiti to boost agric with Ntb loan facility menl hilS
lOur of thr agmda art' tied to the ;agrirultuRl SC'CIDC", hmce a
lk EucutlVe Dir«lor, Publk Sector{Soulh) ohl)e Arst Sank. Mr. Urum Ekt, WlO was on. coonesy all on th .. goYmlOr In Ado EkId. dlJchstd-lhal funds lOr the loan hiIYe !>een ~ ilnd Me awaiting dsbur~mtflt to bmdIttng f.tm'eI'S, streSSing the I'ftd ror both '.he nle po. emmenl md the 'wnk to r:xpe-
Responding. the state Govt:rnor, Dt:. Kayode Fay.:ml said the loan was a sign of good thingslocomelothestateevm as he was committed to rtlQd. emlslng the agric sector. ildding ilin ~ru~ was not only life mw.srau btnillsocritbf (0 Its ~mmt.u he Is
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1J!(IT1 State govt m
w Jd It hils ft'Cri~ Nlb;agric
spmaI f0CU5Ofl thc:seaor. loan fildlity Lw:lU r"illed by the He said the bank has put In Ccnrr;al bank or t igem (CBN) placr: l1!5OUn:es that the mle through the AI SI Bank ot gOYemmtflt could Glp Into to Ni~ PIc. (lr:veJop lhe agric sector imd The stilte gt1I'm men! had In olCtualise its Vision for it, adding D«embtr lasl 'JI ar signed a dial aside the ImoIYmlenr 0( Memorandum of the bank In N25 billion bond Understand~ whh the banks ls:sUilflCe,IIWilSJ'Ndytopilrtnef' to Mt~ the bn raciliry. the stale In a~.u of murual In~L
lO £iut~ ~_~~IO~"'::"'~":'":""':'Ie:from~~'::!=~S;=;~=~::==~::::::::::::::::::~~~==~=~
agricdtYriopmen Inwstiltr.. ditedToru on hou
ilnd thfy Me iI~ltng d~ mml to me Ixndldilrial Mor iI di5lrusskJn dlis morning with
the (ommiss'oner for Ag11cuIturt: just 01 undmcore the need for us 10 meM '1ft)' quickly on lhilt ,Jnd how to actr:lr:r'att:: ilgric dI!'/clopmcuin theSloilte-"
Eke f1O(ftt ih.Jt ~I nce the d2l1lpoInt,JgmdiI of the FiI~Aed ildmlnlstfillio n rtWdmaps meilns ID de\oeloJ EldtJ Slate.
NCCmoves against multiple taxations
- nions ~ of mulupko byservicr: JJlU"ideI In tJleCOUJ't~thr: ln ..:essaillcur:s
taI .•
Ihe Nige.nan CDmmunladons Commission ""'" UP'" Indu"",_ Group (IWG) (hill will medi.Ke bctv.ftn the oprRlors and fIN"
="""'The NCt InfonlCd thai the
Idr:rommuniatio.1flS Indumy h.u In the Lut Jitov. months WIt-
nessed ~ .2Se$ offorce-
ful ~ ci Bas'! 'Tt'iI:nscdYr:r SCations (BTS) sin'S In Vilrious
paruoftheCDl.lnuyby~r:J stOIIlts ilnd 001 ~meno
aUJetI ror fU!IOfU bonicring on llClfl-paymmt c:J spurious J.Mes
and tins.. Consliruong the board In Llgos «I (he wreund. Exr:ct.tdYr COtnmls5looo', f'n:. Mr; 0Ia:y ltilnyl noud dial In ,nost ases, these IMes .md I uces cooldn't find finn basi!; In rhe IiIwof the
ltanyi olrd $'JnlC of these
c.ues to Include, an attempt bv
PromotJon Commences on Nov 1. 2011
the ~ Munklpal eoUndl (AMMC) In Icri. ZOtl, to shut down MIN Communlatlons ltd slt~ wilhin the r<:r lOr refusal 10 pay yearly (harge lotilling N257 mlJUon. final demand notice from lmo State Envlronmeru li"arufonnalkin Commission (ENllU£O) lOr Aind ~ ltd to pay the sum or N2ti1.t mlfllon Q PesIJVe.ctoc ContrOl fees ilnd FumipUon 0liI~ for the ~ar 2008 to lOll , demand notic~ fro'n Dodo Stiltc
Offer valid till stocks last
AIltel 3G Broadband Modem + 3 Monlhs SubscrlpUon
Pilon. + 5 Monlhs Alltal Talk TIme Bur P - * LCO~ 121nct-. . . . . lZC3 . ' ModeIl2C22 ...., OET FRE£Ptu. Mod.t 1&1' 1«8O~ _ _INNlTWII T1mt •
S1gt'1i1gt .mel ~~menl
"'IflKY ror .n nt'work seMcr
~:-~~ ~"";:l hoisted ill sittslntheSQ~
He noe:a1 th II all miltlen: rt:IiIU"I to post. Idcgnphs ilnd ItlephOnes art on me- 1lm1 46of 1M EXdusM! lqislimve Ust or the ConWtution r:ilhc FedeRI """,blk of .,..", 1999 .00 lhus outsldr the legls~tlYe com~ma of my stile, kx:aI gavemmellora,~ merropoIitonooundl.
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