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THE GUARDIAN, Monda)l August I, 200


I 21

500,000 farmers have insurance cover in Nigeria, says CBN I""\Nl't 500,000 fanners have Vi n$urancecoverin Nigeria,

Mr. l'3ul


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tor, Development Finance Depanmenl, Central Bank of Nigena (a'N~ has said. He disclosed this recently In Ahuja du ring a workshop on ·Clima t~ Change BaRd Inrurante In Nigerla-. NOting that the Nigeria Agricu ltural Insurance Corpor.Idon (NAIC) is the sole provider of agricultllr.ll insurana in Nlgert:l, tile dlrmor called for til e review of th e Act establishing the corporation, to allow lhepaltldpation o f pr lv.ale SeGor Insurance compani es in agricultural Insura nce. '1hls will Impl'tlVt effici ency and sp ur healtht com petition in the sector, Eluhaiwt! saki

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In his rema rks at th e occaslon. Mr. Ewah Eler!, the uerutl ve di recto r, ImelThl tio nal Ce ntre fo r Energy, Environmen t & Development (ICEEO), noted til;{t less than ant per cent of Nigerian farm· ers had acctSS to agricultural insura nce. Eltri also said that climate change presemed an ·u nprecedented- cha llenge to the growth and deo.'t:lopment or agriculture in Nigeria. He not~that the destruction of several farm lands by floods las t year. res ulted to food SCCIrcil)' "'1th the ~ I t­ ant increase in therost of agricultur.1I prod uct. Elerl \ViimOO that the expected flooding In lhe rounnythis ~ar wouJd exacerbate th e p li ght of fa rm ers.

addi ng that If the trend co ntinued, tlle country's efforts to ~ the MDGs might be Icol)ardlsed.. He noted that the nation's ;'t gricultural sector was vul nerablt! to clima te Vilnability since OYer 90 per ce nt of crop p rod uction In the co untry was dependent on rain-fed ilgriculture. lie Slid thalaccess to Insu rance would upand the lendIng sector .1nd guard agall\Sl. increasing unctnai nties ansing from CHlIlil[t change. According to him, discussion \va5 ongoing ~t t he UN framework Conve ntio n o n Citmare Ch;'tnge ta lks wilh a view to negotiating climatebased insurance ma1i;m ism toatklress the threat posed by climate ch.l nge to agricul ture

agalnstdirnaric disasters. l':artier in her renklrks. Mrs. Mar1a m Ibrahim.a represent .... tlve o f the All hnners t\ssodatton o r Ntgcna (AFAN), Stressed the nccil to provide

and othe r sectors.. He also uores.sed support fo r CBN's ef(oru 10 expa nd ~It to the agrlcultu~l $«' tor, Solylng tllat It would h ~l p build fanners' resilience

· ,Ill

Insurance cover for Nigerian fanners.. Shesaid lhatclimate change posed a serious th rtat' tofarmenasmore tha n90 per celli of them depended o n rainra tJ togmw IheirCTOps.





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ENTRY REQUlREMENT, "In addition to s ati!'; fying the Pos tgraduate Sch oo l admis.."ion requireme nts, the foll owing requirements would govern admissio n into the Progrumme: I. A candidate for admiss ion into the programme s hall be a gmdu8te of the University of rbadan or other approved universities who bave been admitted 10 the appropriate Degree of Bachelor. H o lders of Hi gher National Diploma (Upper C redit) or other rele vant p.rofessiooaJ qualifications who arc working in related fields shall a lso be considered (or admission.


l./·'" ,

A candidate w ho is a degree ho lder and who has worked for three years (excluding Notional Youth Service) or A candidate

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Omotayo O . lkotun

Iblional Fl esldenl. Pesl Con'roI Associalion 01 H1Jt1ria, Dr. Tollunbo Cokr:r. (Iefl): F"lNnI;illl Sett~I~ry/Tnta5urer. Kole Me.boy!!: and Gonelaf Seuelart. Cytil Idigo. duringlhe Nallonal Convenllcn 2011. In lagas ret:enll~.

Gndo pledges support for traders r OVERNOR Olusegun UMlm lko of Ondo Stale has ~IIeratal his administra· tion's romm itmmt 10 provid.Ing incentives for marke(men and women In the sta te. ,\Iimlko said th is recen tly in ~duringan unscheduled Inspect 1011 of tile ongoing chann elling br-hind the Cuing 1·lent NelghOOu rhood ",1arket. NEI'Aarea. /\ku rt. lie saki that the traders' welfare was ,mportallt to his administration in view of lheireronomlcandsoc!al con· mOOllom 10 tht stale. Tht gOYeflIOf Slid 11).11govem· mentwouldconlinueto buUd more markets forthe people to encourage entrepreneu ria l spirit In the area. He ~nled out tl).11 the purpose any respO'nsible govern· ment was to cater for Its peo(lIe and milkc life mort comfortlble for them. He adtJed:,,\Yhenwepromlsai to build this market mallypt()pie lhought we \..-ne going to give the !talls to agents to ,1110catt toyou whereYOUlvlllpay mu ltiple lents. "'Wives of many rich anlimnuential people in th e town wanted to acquire nall$, but we slood ou r ftet that we were onlygoing togn-ethemtoour genuine markd .....'OfTltn. -If you take a look al ou r schools today, you wi ll oIJsen--e that most oT th em a~ already dilapldaled 'nstead of )'l?u spending your money to take care 01yourselves. you still struggle to ~ur children to priv~te


- If p ubl ic prima ry schools were 1n good (o ndltlo" . the money p.lrents spend on pr!. I'ale schools would bt wed for mha purposes.. ' he mega schools we are

building In 1m Is for you r chil· dren. IIkeo.vlseinotherparuof d~ sUtt, they a~ ror Ihe chil· d ren of the masses. !'resldenl of the market women ....·Irs. Beatrice AdebM. than ked th e governor (or transformi ng their Ih-es. -espedally ror allevi,ltin,g our rufferIng thmugh provtSion of environments that are conducive 10 our bushleS5.-

For ·

She said that with Ihe bui lding of the ultril·modtm ITliIrket OYer (\'0'0 yeaf"\ ago. d Je,r 1M5 II4ld br"Cn c1).1nged for the belter. "Since\\-egotto this ne..... plJ.t:e. our bwlnc:sses have (onllnued 10 impf()I."e. We do not spend money on skkness. We nmy h.nre mooeylotakeGlrtorour chi ldren and then"' Is peace In our homes.· she said.

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1ft '0.1 .. winner ukn d . wl!t! undelOr;1bh: rt., ~I .... will .odd.ns I~~I IU"llo 01 nf'lOl l.loon" ...~ a. ~<t\I o~_1.IOC>O-ooIIt.;c.I.nd !!«Ina"", ,~~ n~ 10 he:Ol 11181 In IleI'lll.llloffl Tt." ~""bll! "Iemenl on wllldl Ihe su«eSi or flo .lme depends i.IiI 'le.., on (oonmunlailion. To n~oCl;II". In ..... is to



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