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Organic foods: Are they safer? More nutritious? 0

ISCaVER the reAl difference between orgil"IC food~ Ind their IlIldillon.lly grown counlerpouu when It comes lonutnbOl\.AfelY and pna! ~ found only in heillth food Storel, orgllflK food IS now .. regular fe.alure OI l moSI lupermlrkels. And lluIt's creAted .. bit of .. d ilemmA In the prod~ I,sle. On one hand, you h.vlI! a conveouonlUy s rown apple On the other, you hiIove one th.Il's organIC. Both loppies .re firm, shiny and reCt 80th provide vilamuu a nd libel-, ilnd both are frft 01 fil l, sodi um And cholestero l


n.tuul ferllHzen, .sUCh as manure or compost. to feed iOiland plants.

Cooycoliooa l "


Wmin& l1le word "orgAlUC" refl!f'I 10 the w.y filnTlft!; grow and plOCeSli agnculturaJ product:.. such .u 1ruIIS, vegetAbles. gfilms, dairy prooucu .nd meat Orpnk famuns p~ beeS &f"C .~e


sod and

10 ercour-

Will~ ronserYiI-

lion i1nd reduce pollullon fumers who grow o~ilmc produce and I1'lNt don I we ('Of\Vft'llJOI\oIJ mHhods to ferubu, control weeds or prevenllJve!ilOd,;~. For 0 Imple. nther Ihln using chei1ucaI weedlolkn, orgill\lC fannen; lI\oIy conduct ~!II> phbtnted aop rotUlOf\S and spread mulch or IfI.Inure 10 keep WC"t'ds al biroy po ' pt!ilni( ,nd ' pjlluol' mUD the WIle thiD,? No. WNi turaj " and ~ are nOI Inlerch,ngelblew tenN. You lI\oIy ~ ·nalunl and other" terms lioch iUi "aU Dltural," "fr~-rlnge" or

• Spr., imecllci(ies to reduce rats and d~

• ROlate crrgs' till, hand or mu to manage

lJ. herbicide:. manap;weecis

• G ive anmul orgamc

• Coho arumals antiblGrowth hormones and 1-ICItiOCU 10 prevent d .se.ase lind spur gro"l'ti

birds, mol~ dls-rupo r trap' to lICE' pests :md iseil wi!ftJ


feed olnd illllow them acrr5i


to Ihe outdoors. VenlI\emeasuresas rotitllonal grazlflg. a bal~ dIet And dean housIng - to help mmimiSf' dIS-

• orvruc

' O".Inl, food "horm~free" on food 101bds The5e deicnpbOnl must be truthful but don' t confuse them WIth thr tenn ..0I'pflIC" Only foods are grown and prtX'l:5St'd acmrdmg to USDA orglmc s tandards cl n be labeled orgilOlc. The ~ lSO' t yet d6u A teCft\ 1 51udy eummed the ~ 50 yean' worth of SOt'Iltine artlC~ .bool the nutnenl content of organtc and convenliONI foods 1he resurchers cooduJed that 01'garucally and convenuonally produced I'oodstuffs are rompuable m the, nulnml contenl. ~tch m thiS area Ii ongOUlg

Onzillic food· Other roasid-


MMly facton mfluence the dec"Ion 10 choose orSanlC food Some people choo6e or-

""'" food _

.... ...,.


fer the taste. Yet others opt for ~: bec.;lUse of concems PestICides Convenllonal pesucic:Ies to

grow~fi L*


teet ther crops from meNds. Insects and dlSNSoCS. When fllTI1lel'5 spray pesbOdes. this can !eave n!Sidue on producr Some people buy o rsamc food to limit thelT exposure to thbe residues. Accordms 10 the USDA.~producr , .. rrues slgnlflciintly fewer pesbOde ~duel than does conventioNI produce !-low· ever. resadues on most products - both orga ntc and nanorgamc - don't exceed government safel Y fhresholds.Pood .dditlves Ors"RlC regulatiOns billn or severely restrict the use of food .dd lh ves, proces5mg

a.tds (5Ubstanoes Used du~ pTOCl'Wllg, but flOC added dlfectly 10 food) and fOrtlfymg age-nlJ commonly used In nooorsaniC foods.. u'!eluding pre;ernlIVei" artIficW sweet;t'ne rs. colonngs .nd fbvonngs. and mOnosodIUm glutamale EnVlronmenl Some pt'Optt' buy o rganIC food for envlronmenl..l tHsons. Orgaruc famung p~11'-"5 .. re dt!SIgned 10 benefil

the enV11'OIUJ'Ii!Il1 by rOOlJClIlg poIlubo'l and ronsevmg water and soU quahty~ there downSides to bUying orSol!l"7 One common conct'Tn With

orgiUUC food is



lin \- ntiflnal Apply dtenti':.oll fer· tiliun to promote pl .. nt g ro wdt


• Use beneficial H\sects

~nd tlOfl

Wlu<h """'" yougrown """"""proConvenblJl'Wly duce genenlly COAs ~ but foOd sakr ex man!

nutnboUS1Get the Qm before you shop


~ Apply

foods typtc;illy ~ more than do their convenhonal counter"P'lTts IIIsher prices are d~ III part. to more expensn.e fanTung ~ 8«aLbe orgillUC ffUlts and vtogetables aren'l trea ted WIth WlUes or p~..lIves. they lI\oIy spot! fasler Also, some organIC produce may loo~




less 11..Jn perfKI - odd shillpl$ varying colors or sm.T er IIZes. 11owner. organ" hlQlCts mllSI meet Ihe Sillmt' lua lllY and liaft'ly sl"n,J.J. d5 u those of convent 01 al food:. IIJIcJfto-r



Board restates commitment 10 training


reduct' under-five mon"hty lind Improve m.ternilll he.Jlth. Ihe ugos Sia le Tr.Jdilional MedICine BO.Jrd (LSTMB), has resta ted liS commllmc:nt to cillpaCity bu ddin g In Tr.Jdllion.Jl Birth Allendillnls (TBAs). ilImong o lhers According to its Cha lTman, Dr Bunml OmOkIndemi. lhe tr.unlflg of the pr.ctitloners win help the country: uhleve lhe Millennium Deve lopment GOoJI!. (M DCIiI Four lind F;ve Qmosemdeml. who 5pO~e a l the presenlalion of cerhfiutes 10 Ihe iluendants m I~ql, .wlld the country lacu

By Wa" Adepoju

Ihe CilipOllCIly In the hullh sector 10 meet lhe yearnings oJ iMhe nts. nus. he said. was why the board m.Jde Ihl! Irammg of THAs. illmong o lhen. a pnonly. 10 stn!nglhen the seclor So f.Jr . llie boud h.J5 tra,N!d I,264THAs, heoJdded We are In . country whef"e there Art' very low resources for htiliith Gift': The (ountry hAS .Jbool 30 doctors 10 100, 000 p;!IlIenl» .nd one nurse 10 100 pa llen IS. Tner~ a re .1310 I hr~ 1&bon1Dl) suenIISIS to 100, 000 paUt'fIIS. iIII\d lo.'SI IhiIIn 20 pharmillCllib to 100. 000 paUetllS With " SlatlstlCS, you Will re"lase

tha t w howe l~lUIte refor health care," ht' addt-d 1-1. u ld the prillCl1l1o nefl wer.· useful b.!c.ause m lhe cou 1I y, mOil blllhs 100" plaa .1 home. Yymg II un· der"'" red lhe need rOT yfe moth. rh\lud .nd family pia, nmg programmes 1l\ey p'fOInt te hrarih .Jnd prevenl ,Il-heilllth oi mOlher unborn baby and newborn. Om:;».·lnJt;ml added II ~ I o!.:>Cd the Llg06 Stale enmeu for th.o pasAge lInd ,,"plt'ment.. tlon of llit' Lofo Stille lIealth Sector Re )nn l.Iw (LSHSRl) 200b wh .ch. ht' added. created room for lIaJIlional medl Cln~ ,.., operilllt'



Your Sexual Health & You: Novelty Tips, Questions & Answers .m w«ried by the way my husband s'.r.s . t o,her wom.n. Only God .nows wh.t 'h. man Is ,hinlling and h ups.' s m • . Pleu. how c.n • wom.n slop a m.n from chNtinfl? Hel.n Dear t-MMen. INhaI you have observed II very common among men atthough some of us by our besl not 10 lo0Io. aomelImes Bot yes men do take noUce of the \IIo'Omen al'OlM1d them espeaaIy K they are beaulilul. II IS ill normal lOSbnct/Ve male reaction But h does not fTWiart he is gGII'Ig to have an .ttaW' Your hUsband trighllldnWe other women end even desJ(e them ewwy !"lOW' and then but it does "'" aulOmabCaly rrtNn ~ will ad on it So relax and don't go worry;ng thai he wiII ....p WIth every woman M looks al As for how to 5IOp a man from ttaWlg an aft... !her. Is no parbcular way of doing thaI. Nobody knows for lUre what anybody is thInIUng or what they might do tomorrow As much as possibMt, Slay oonneded 10 youhusband and do your best 10 Uti5ty !*n. If he IS hippy and s.llISfled, It IS leu Iik.1y IIlat he d cheal Uche


lNhet /;.Jus .. 'hi s dis .... of prwma,ure and how can II ". cur«J? I cannot go mont ,han two minutes before .jKUMtlng and .ven 10 fl.' another ereclJon aher th.t ,.bs .IoOQ tim. plus Ih. tlredne... h Is so #ruSIT.Jlinfi .nd myglrlcan.b.ndonme Hee'", Dear Hector. tadOni SUCh as aruuely, hefed"ltary. masturbation and 5enlitMly of the male organ are some of !he main caUHS 01 pramatut8 ejarulalion. Premature If8CUlatlon is no! a dlsea58 and cbng rout PE enrc!,,1 Will help you with -.aaAatoty con&rot in the long letm But to W8l1 1a5bng longer inslantly. you 'Nil need 10 use certain oinlmenls and sleeves dunng inlen:o.KSe. Delayer.arm; such n Prolong Plus DIllY and Rock Hlrd DIllY Crtam wi( hetp you IeIt Iongef The use 01 Penle Sleeves such 8S the Stud blinder Of futu(olic Ellaodtr Instead of conooms wiI also hetp reduce penile sensllIvlly and enable you IaSI longer. II is iYso norrneJ tOf ~ body 10 take some III'IW 10 gel anocher erecbon aftef the rnt trlt8fCOUr$l BUI tOf some people. It takes too long if yoo

want k) shonen the lime illakes 10 ge l a second llediOn and get stanuna as well, then you wtI need ertICI.on .nhancIng supplemenlS such as Ubig[QW. ~Of EmY1t They work 'IIlIOfldars for your performance by gMnQ you belief and harder e reclions. stamina and a shorItIf f8COVef)' lime between


Good day sIT. 1'ook ~~~'iI'nt u recommended. I h.d rmn.r erw:tJons .nd 1 was 'Vaf'I able to h.v. inten:oursa twice lUi night- Pleue how long will ''''' ,his good1t=.m1 ~ F.mI. ~ Is a dally IUppIement tor men Eech ta blet wor1ts In your body for 24 houri. s-ft8f which yoo will take another tablet k) keep the pertormance gotng-lk::he Z_ Vlrtu.1 Medi• • I go, m.rried lu, wee. and my

husband and I are preparing for our honey moon. A friend recomm.nded your_bsi ... which Is fantastic. Bul 'here/s 50 much to choos, trom. Please recommend some nlc. Ih/ngsf",newfyweds. Thanks Ugochl Congratulations IJgoc:N We wtSh you • happy manied Si'e Her• • an idea at things ~ can find in a typk:eI honey moon hal1'tj)er Afitmoon PeUghl Gam • • Pbtromont MIlSap, QU, Diamond Sedyction Baby Doll (1Ing&ri8). Crolchl.n Ribbon Shorts (panties). 1Jgukl.Su- (orgasm IubricIInl). Bu!torfJy Cllmlnl Rabbll (Vlbralor). ~p1Qsiyt Sf!( (book). SexUAl Ttchnlaull for LOVIn (educational Nm). Ubla.W libido Shot (female libido booslot) lind lIblqrow Libido .s.bmI (petfotmance enhancing drink fot"mtn).. ThIs set has .....wything you need l.k:he Adults In need of these novahleI and ltftalments can eel us on D8tl5Ht2415t. 08027901621 or any od'1ef f'IUmt*' here 10 order Of" they c;an ordef online It www.u.ylrtu.Imt4la cpm. We deWer 10 you wherever you ani In Nigeria FOf" enqut1es emaW us al custJlry@ztlv jrtLt.!m.dil com - ~ Edqchkl, YO let VirtutiMed/i

ZEE VIRTUAL MEDIA LOVE AND SEX PRODUCTS ForWKlM, • ..., . . . ....a...,. '" ~~ CtdM bMI EruptShootm, VdlI.~ ~Jll" enmtCtpwlH,

f_ _ _



SUI R~ PWnI DwtIopt[ru-....IlsI BanI ~ 'u.~ WIdItI~.. Too.y~",~~,.



I.utlltc.dlIor Na: ~LIIItUP.X_wwm I Sp In.

Teo rudI...-, Ilk lor Homr M!ny AtpuW ~.ll.!f!!id St' W!rIgn!.

Yllrltotl Jot

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We . . UW~.,. ... loIdtf_.. IMIc.k,Nty, . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., WI uw I GMItt Jot~ MwIp 0Ia. c--.~.CcftdoaII,lon~l"""

T. . . . "' ...... u •. 111t1171101, 0IIQ7tCtt61'. 0115016451

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070JlI4.1Z6l: Of H lII, . . . ,, ~, tN, MIiM Of 111M acc..t. WI ........ 10 yo. ~ltJ

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