e(--.~ ....
0 n0
Pa ges: 22., 23
nl\/ I _Mon------:C)'=---=--'.8.05____ ' 20 & 24
P"0"""' 5, 26, 27,28,30,3 '
SEC DG spent N30m on hotel bills in AIU~b, e· ht th R n "'" "'''''''' 19 mon s - eps Jolm
SECfrom the bank.
00 'V.""",,), ..
I lht !louse of ~11!!!!n'atM!s lhat the Dilfttor--Geternl, ~~urll)e5 and
Exchan&e CommlsslOfl. Ms. Arunffil OIdi, allegedly spent ~ Jom on hotel bilb in eight months foI ~ her" appointment in JanuiU}' lOtO Inone'dayalonesbe ,~spent NSSO,ooo on while :In anothl!!" day, 5~ 1000lrmJ addJtJ;Jn.1I NBs,ooo expI!R51!:5 U1 the AIl"le h"lI.flliJr which SEC'ucroumwasdt-biltd. 1\11'0 Ams Bavi I k m1~ wrre aha said to have ~n hind as Idvtsm wOldt. !hI!' two empio;.ees, Mr. Owles Ughcli Ind Mr Titi 'lb Wy1. \I'm! reporttdJy e~~1 In 2-)1" In hrudt or due proa!5S and ap:1l5I the advicf: orboth the 1qaIlfkJ hl m..n reouIU: drpa.rtmmtsof SEC. SEC is the rqulalorY "uthonty of the Nilfriarl capital nwla!l. \I'here Aa:eI!I B.1nk ill kf'\I p1an.r Tht two oIficm we I!' .aid 10 still mlill thetr Ippointtnen 5 vith N:oess Bank but ~ being IX id 1Il0wances equivalent to tlmt of a llin<lor in the Federal (l..;] Senice "Ill!tevef Ihey In\-elledoutofAbuj.1. The disdosull5 camo! 0 the r~ as the 1l0US11! Ii R 'P'eaeJtatM!:!i Committl!e on Capital I II. krt IooIcl!d inlo the t'Om~K:t 01 SEC 10 I(\f(IUDIe!y ~Ie Lhl!' mnket in the IWII of lhe crises that hac be3eYllled the market latelv. nleo:ttnrnitteesultl etnr,agement
Exdw!ge. An aUempl to lind out SEC! decision on 1M shans of Industrial and GeneralI~ and Globe Rsl, among other 6nns lhat had CJSeS ...ith SEC did not yield much resul.l OI.dJ ~ thai some r.l the c:ase! predated htr, while others "'''m! before tile In\'e5tJnent and Securities Tribunal. The t<JmmiUee also produced I letter aUq,edIy wriUen by Oteb s10ppilll an idministntl\"t pl1lCeedilll mto the sUite of the live nationaliMI banks, I decision it said was ·unjustifiablt-· lIowe.-er.lhe SEC DC III 1 rt'3d.1OIl by his spolespmon. Mr. Obi Adindu, said, "On h()(ehccommooation..... she was headhunled from her- former job as Vlt'e-Pruidftll of the Afrir2n DrYeIopmenl Bank, w was pven the opOOn or I:h005111& I9lher a furmshed acmmmod~tlOll Of receiving aV. in lieu. "She ruO!le lht 1Ormer. When It .....U not forthcomlU&. she ....115 offmd botel acmmmociatJon in hlle with the rules guiding the public sernce. She did IlOI violate any rWea whal!ioeW:rby staym, In the hold: On the enpgemt'nl or lhe I+.ca:!ss Bank mlPIo)ftli. Adlndu said the OG did noI rompromi.st on an)1hin&. as she used her personal gorxhoillio ltuad~ people on seoondment 10
r~IOB, $be said.
HO\I"e\w, w!wJ asked whether this had been a prmXz in ~EC, ~ human ~rtt mill1l1ger repliOO, -It 15 strange mmYOP11UOll.asweha\'e~~ Ihll before.' . Thecolllmit~l1e()bser\'ed that Oleh's rlilun! to seta Unkbm-'ml ~1ICtIo1l5 InmauontotheAa:essBankemployes and.the mIrit of the IXlIIUl1ission questlOnai ....... (JJ[fIpeleoce u tile dut!ctor-gcneral. iookinto)Wrrompttetx:l!; as OG of SEC. You will bnn& III your cmiflClltea thai qualified )'OIl lOr this job tomorrow and the letterol request 10 AIx:esI Bank rur Ihese em~ and their sc:haiule of dirty: tlembe dlI'Klei Oteb did not respond 10 the aIIqatlon ~t sill! speDt NJOmoo bote! ICUImmodation and boughl N8SO,ooo food 00 a partJcularday. On~ocasions,there ....'m;bot e:<chang~ or wonts bet....-een Oteh and membtn oftheamurultee, u the latter COOSIStenlly qU!ritd her uanagcriaJ caplbiliues.. A membet- 01 the tOmmitt!e, Mr Olabtyl Q)Uola. tned to lind OUI the 5tatu5of Access Bankand UBAstoc:ksin the capItal mltUt. but Ule DG said she rould nOl ansv."!f the question ....,thout bein& bner~ by the conuUlssioo's su ....1!illanccleamontlleN"tgenanStock
"'' twill
II, ..... .",., (""'" ""'" employees) work In bmoo oommunations suppor1 and project ~I pmnI!e5 rmmlenance, two anas in ...1ucb SEC was, and still is de6omt. and ...itid\ are absolutely unmated 10 the ~tory mandatesl rote:s of SEC. Ibm: is. lilerefCR, absolutely no ronfhd of in\ms In\'OMd in the malter. '"They wtrl; pro bono. i.e. withoU1 elIllllI1I: any saWy at SEC. They are DOl ~ 01 SEC and have no mlenllOlloftakiDt;cmploymmtatSEC. The DG of SEC sbouId be CDI11Il1mdId fur~hf'rl!oodwilltolttrld thenal no t'OSI to tbecomlYU5SlOll.· The President Chanere:1 Insutule of 5tockhrokm, ~lr. MidtaeJ ItigboJe, who also addressed the amunitlee, lamented ilial many of the institute's tneIIlbmwereoulofbuulWSl"bet:ause tbemuUtisalitskJwestebblociay.fie informed the panel thai people they had advised in the past 10 buy sham lost their in\'l!Slmm1S and DO Ioo&er had tOnficltnc:f' in muming to the mmut. "Many of our memben ha\1! died of heartfailure,"hl!'said. Ittgbo;e suggested the enactment of a law making il mandatory Cor aU fum&n Q)IIlpanjes dotlll busmess In Nigeria 10 be listed 00 the NSE. lie held the \WI' thllthe presence of Il1Im! foretgn tiTm!! on the Exchange coukl help in restoring investCKS'
, ,',
1~ .55.1515.20(5fF-olI.19.f5r.;...I.
11.25. IJ.J5; 16,2Sfhb) .-.....: 11411 (Mat-hI)/SIJI a.- -Au:: 111.35 (MoHII)lS,... ~s.: 09.35 (fIb), 1010 lhi).
11.20 (WEB'SI»I)
! ... Au:
11,J5 (t.bo). 12.00(r.). 13.:20 (Wm'SuM)
...... ...... ....... ,,".""
....... ...... lDe·AII:
....'" A... 1u:
----- ---
was III infraction ~t 1X)",Jd ap\aill wby the cumnussilln haol teen unable 10 SlllIIll' it anthon!) m protecting
Au-lM:: 07.20. 09.36. lJ1I5 1440, \1.0 (MClt-hl) 13M. tlOO{S",iSYIl .... ~ OliO, tt-I.-: 1125{.....fII/SI,'!Suoj
and tompetaKr: wwld I"! laistd ",-hen
a rcplbtor~ to cmplo) ~ of oneofthelzeocicsd Wire ~~tm&-
nle Oairman or tI,1!' committee. Mr, Umnan UellLbe IItlled that
"'Alull:lt~ t.-U'ra;:09:.f5~
qucsbons bearing on in\.-g]lty. honesty
lie stated,
tmp~ ~
15"00 (Mot-flll'SuiSYI)
'tiJI. these
still \lUicr· of N:I:er.s Bank. They are paid SllII!!if' b)' Aa:ess ~nk. but for SEC. i1lisSfn.1l.'k:sof plell\ fr ,udand the rqulatlO/\ bv SEC II!- iml4l"tCi by bias
.....·lI.: 11.lO. J 45, • C5 rMc.-f.J; 12:00 14.30 (50" , SuI) u..l-. 615 (1obt-F!1t); 1630 ,s.., , Su.}
and inatmpt1cnoe.~ Commissioner. EnfrNC'I9lI~llnd ~~ Mr. CItarles Ahamefula. lob IIlhtrilt~ on oath ttyt the IWI'! ClpI ')«5 were llired 011 the din!cti-.\, Off 'If It. While Ughcli b TI-!Sll;Mled as "Project A,h-iser: Olulr., str\'C5 u "CommunDtionsAthi!t'r Oteh. ~. luld the rol1lmitt~ that the ISSignmmt uf tl C WI) did 1XIt conflict v.ith the a:n T1l.l1ll'.1U> of SEC 15 the rq,uIatOfoftllE' ca ItJ market. She ~bined lhal I'gldi, fOl' example, \QS a project R<j~ISer.....-hose duo.. W3S to assisl tile (>H1 mission in 'J
expandin~ it5 officr accomrkldation in
Makiugun and Po!t IIAIT 'lin. Whm asked I'Itll!ther S:.c did not h.1\,. !hI!' ca~ til hi"'!! Of I15f' lIS a....ll cmpi0ra5 lOr qJdt ddties. Oteh dlimed lhat the wrnm'iSI"fI did nat \a\"tuJt!taparit\'
07 30 11obt-f1I}.
IUD (So"
Re:5ou.n'f', SEC. Mr, lheni Dilll'1a and the nit Director, UUJIl.m
t7.2O tl.30( .....f....s.tISuol,IOO.1240: 1310,20 OO{h\) ~I.a; 07.00, 09.30, 10.30 II 15. 1615 1~15. 19;25; 19.3!i;(~11StJ,)
AI'qULstriOll ('llItf .E:.xeeutlL'e find
the Il\I'VfTllUrion Value Cham Fol'IJrn
~~~~~~i;~,~~j~~~~~:;~;~~;?~~~:~!'~j; ,.... Logos __ I
N50bn a gric le nding guarantee fund comme nces La}; Addoye
rrtlE Ni,tria Incmli\'~.. Based Risk 1 Shllrin, ~"SIem for Agriruhural Lmdh,u ~ aniniliam~ftheCenlr.llRank ofNigeria,uleBankers'Commrtteetnd 1M FMeraI ~Imisttyof AgricuIturt and Rural ~t fur the putpoR of de-nslani the Jllricullure \u.c chilli, ,,'ill hepn lheopenlionof I spedaI nsk shan"" fund ",itb N""""" seed caplUlI ....
initial carulal is expected to rormally tnakfo opm.tional
RlsIt Guarantee and IDler5/. J)m.iladt Fund, ....-hkh is mmtl 10 restructure the risks of ltndinr, 10 the Nigt.'nan agrb1l1urt'\-alUf' chain. 11'15 lhau mean to cocounge in\'C5lIIleJlts in tiM! sector by way of effecti\-e ilKCOliYcs and adequlll!' ~tee on tmlits 10 sector opcn:tJon!T and opcnttn. A CBN document made ..."aibble t _~1- __ I . 0 our """'=t.... """,! aal.tsr\"",. on
ImPemcntation oIfioI! within ~ .~ bank's ~mml rtnana' Department, came into being through tilt inputs of numerous sWtdxtkJers, 1,,,,,I"';ng Iiumer groups; miniWies,
'-" .".
CBN (M.wIoo 1 • 2012)
,- """ ,,• "" WAUA
""23" 170215!
"'" "'
""'" "" 171 )12t!
GoYemtnent: ~ dviJ society
POOl» and IinanaaI ~iccs prtl\iden. Tht NIRSAL Risk Sharing Fun:! pnma:riJy romprises of I N4sbn c:rMit os ptannteeOO\'efll!&ktascsonbM contractu~_speaw:~Uon; and I
"-'d'~~'~' _~~;~~m~'!-~~r::~~;:~~'~~~26~~~-oJ"~_ m1SU;~f~~"~~~~~-~';r;t;~;'~·:;;;~~"""'j~~·~·:"~~~~~"~"~·~·~;·~' his tht NlRSAL Fund. al!ll known as the NIRSAL.
"Unlte!i \t1%ss BankislISonproJectfl' I
OIlt its p.ildeJines..
$125.08 $105.60
_1'14 -I 1 I