FRJII'''. MARCil 16. 2012
industLY AIDB approves $63m facility for agric research LayiAddO)"e
De\-dopn.,nt Bank has appnM!d • $t>J.24m fundinl roac:bIe f,. lht' I",~I'lio.. fif a ~~r agric ~rch roroject. ~ l'ro:Je1. dubbed, SUI"lJOrt 10 Apirultural ~rch f<'lf De\d- OPlll'!nt
d Strategic ~ops m Africa', ICcorom,lotMlnt''!1U1bonal lnstltut~ fa TropICIl ~tUI'l'. ill ,on mlIiI mlf'ftlet1l n~ availabk hI nur ~p'..t1d 'fit on
wtdt1e'lday, aid SAR..O-SC meanl lu ftllUlllO!' lhe productIOn ol sI~e food
1~ SARI>-SC Ilj; • !ldmtiflC and tf'chrdJp:a1 ~t reean:h initatr.'e lilnl!d It enhandn& tM productn1ty and incom~ dtrMd from c:M5IV3. m.1izt.. I"ice. and wh~al - four af the stx commoWtJe!l that Afncan lleads of Sto.tes, through 1M Coml'rmenst\'e Arncan
Protr;ramn"'. ha\'e defined as stral~ crut)5 for
1m MeM IIT.\ Ilj; abo Ihr Uf'at11n& Almcv of tl1r' proJ<C<
the Du1'Clor. .Gen~nt1. IITA. I)r Nlerall\'lt Sanpnp. h:ttl on March 2, 51pKd by
Anothtor CGlAR CmItT. It... International Food Policy Reo;earch j nstitule, I 5p('CIaliMd Itdlnieal qt'IlC)', 1:'1 expected 10 sullJXll1 the Ihrt'r' centres. ac:conlin& 10 the ~lt'I'nI'Ol 11lf' notKT of &"Int al"lf'O'\'Il was ~ b)'
Doup Kelta. Pob.~ of Ihf. Aylcuituno and AgroIndll.ry D,,'i!;;on 2 of the ...k The SARD-SC I~ is conllill II I an opportune lime. ,..I"'n rood ser:urily Ind nUlnllOlllno h1&h on Ult' 11a0000glagcnda 01"Ult' bank's
rq,tONIl nlt'mm counlnes, (ood pnao:s push milltorul of peqik Into t'Dmnt' hun,,... and lX1\'ertl 1be SARI>-SC for 1M first 11IIlt' ~, in a 51"&~ IK"OJt"Cl - a contlnet1a1 C'O\'ft1II&t' of the food III!'CUrity chaUt:nAes III Africa lIS 0\'ft1II11 pi is 10 mhance food Ind "lItnlion RClInty Ind contnbul~ 10 .., nSIIl'
lX1\'t'I1y mluction In U1t' Bank's fow-moof1lt' RMC&. Its laflt'l bmdicianes ,no mdMdl1ll lamlt'l"S and c:'OmUmns. l"a1l1lf'n' PVUPS Includinu'Oulh and women, pobc)' n1.1kn"ll, 1lJ1''ltle!lfd.or opn1ItDrS, "\IIrk~nsl lraders. lraOSlXlrt~ small·
ecaH:- agricuhural madl1l1t'1Y mlU1ufaccurns. and II1slllut1(lh5..
1be f,,~ymr pro;m ...ill be- !'(»iml~led by t.tuu Msic::I. based (t'DlJ'e5 u~
\\'[I.COM I
thr Con~ultatnT Group on Inlt'mahonal Agricultu",1 Receardt including the IITA. Afnca Rn Cenlt'!'. and Ihe inlmlational Center for A&rieuitural Research III
Stakeholders move to ."evamp fashion, textile sec-1:or V El' . J'''Tmmmt l'\..mm1S1~ .'It'ftOt:I Ind ~tals I· I\~ III lin alJPllml' ilispllY' .( J"'iriotiC' Jal. I~ 10 l!!'.Om up Wllh Ihfo 1'fMIle sector 10 te\"3mp I.... lilinl Ni@er1. n fa,41fJ1, lIK1ustrv In lint Wllh lilt' Fedenl l~lII.. nl(lildli ... ·f1l1istn· 0( Tradr I"d In.oe,tnJet1t"s f'ft"f'fIl push in tin d,mctJon. tilt' Mm~t'f.,( -mdfo and In\'f"\tJTlf'!lI. I lr_ (IU!Jt'KUII has b"t'tl d~ as tJ.o Oliff II ..." c· lilt' First ~np.
Phlllnn1&. Dr Sh.irmu&:ken Usman. IS the Olaimun 0( the occasion. has also ht\otl 'iChrdultd 10 dclJ'''er a kcynoce ~ms on 'l'ubl.~ Pm'all' l'lIrtnmKUJlL'i & Inl"r Imn tstetia1 Sy"t'I1J in NIJ,I'N s Fashion & Textile Sector'. while the Minister of Stale for Ag.ricultuno. Alh:tJI Subr Tip"'. would ~"lton TheCotlonVlltle Chain. th~Tnlilf' & FashIOn I ...lustry Ind the Counll'}'"s Enloomll' Growth
BUA's $50m -pasta plant to begin production
FlUhion Ind lh:tllt' ndustry StalI'floldI"I"S Fonllll. ..Iwdukd 10 h'Jlkl in 1M first
wt'ekof ~JriJ
AcXr>rdln! 0 1I ~:o.It:mcnl ton \\'roned.1j b) Bt~ O(lIlt' Wadd. II", f(lnm -5 ~dll1A J1IU1'notU,Af!..1~ ,ho~\'e
an indialJOlI If J '15 ull~ 10 r!"'r''e tht d. If It I I'"I'l'ftrt ,isli 10 hl-; • .fficr bv 'ItaUhoIden UI tLt ' """ftlall If'XIlksandfaduC'itlUSll'It'S., "'111 ddJ\1!I" I ke\1101e 1I,1d~ fIC :G"- ""l!lI'!nl Intt'f\'ell\}Ol'I Pbp lhe MnU,~1".f 'la1KlI1.11
·t· R: Morta91ll9 Drrmor, Rock of Agft PfJarmacy, £nugu. Mr_ U<kh Charles; ~I Ma~. 1\"orid-u.'Hk O",,,,If'Fria/l-..,,Nres. Mr_ Shaifffl(/ro SlKmoo; Marmging Ofrt'rfor, PjizDs 5p«:toh~ N"lgtrla Lmllltd. lUr Ennea Llggn1. MUI/lJfIm9 Dtl?dor, Su~u. PhnnIJ(Jey. Mr_ Sebast"'~ IJgwuorlo. Maffl'l9"'9 Dtl?dor. (7N:rnplll' PhUr'I'I1OCY lU" ",,,/mllel/a ChukwulUo. alld MarlO91119 Dtl?dor. Fir5l Mvoolltile N~ Lm",td, Mr Sum/ Gup'~, 01 t~ I\"W"('\' arid Pj"i.,- A".~ Dt>-tribeJton IIIff(lI'Ig arid prw> prttvltatlOJl m l..ogof. 011 Thursday Stgun BaIrn!?
1..a)iAdduye B
tJA lnlt'nllllOllaIGn)1.III. "Ill' IIf 1Itt" lfoad1n! lexal con~lom""l1le\, i!l5t't 10 JOIn tht' lea&11e 0( majOr IJaStI
pt"f"llIn'"I"'J m 1M counln., fonow,"" I $5Om (NR Ibnl m\"r.Qmenl III Its productIOn pbnt.. 111t'GroopOtidOpenIIll" 0fTKft", BUA Group. loIr (1l11n~o'" MaduM. ,..ho oonhmlf"l lilt' d~lopnll'lIl on Wednesday. Slid tilt' n"'o )lastl pbnl would ~
m;JultUl1llled b~' tht' nJd of Marcil. adtlm& thai tM plant "'1I:lI aIm. . l'OIl1llktecl.. Acn.,d\ll~ 10 hlln. tlw" II111UAUl'1Ihon of 1M punl ...ill be don .. b)' tI~ end n( first qu~rtt"f this )TaI" Gn1n~ drtalls of I~ ~ m\'e!lln)f"nl 111 tht Pasta Mal1l, the Group loo saKi. --rt1t' faccOf"\' ~ands on a 15 heture i.lld <;~ and COtlllllltS n( I 'jOQO 10llllt'5 wheat <;110 10 prod~
M'lIIolilll II
BATN donates pOulb"y farms to NDE SlIndl} Abo-:lSa(le. Akllre
ilE BAnI ncbtJon hal do~.t.... 1 poultr)" fam.. worth nl n<lOS ~ nlll'1IIo tbt' OtPdo '.t,; ~p oCrla' n{ tht' N:tII(){~11 lotltc1Of'1lf' flf Eml""~ II n ImaJon '1lbv. n<'Hr e. f'<x- Ihe
traulInA.nd mp~.ml1Cnl r,(\'OI..II!ts..
ll1t fan~ ,/Ould be Mlpen1Md ~ KI. nanaAM Ilil'Nti), b} I~ Rural Of· 'eoopn1t'fll Alncultuno Tnulll'll Sdfemo· of the NDE. Tbe Exee\;t". OtrecIor of BATN rotlOci,tion. Mr (;benp lbikllru. handed O\'f"f" tht' pnlJl!"1 t'ltl~ NDE ()II'f'('1or of SI <til Solie F.nt~. a,. of Ku nlfo Ob.yan, ....he: ""p'l'Mtlled Itwo Dln!'C."Ior (~'rnl of tilt' IJ;t"OCV. Mal~'m Abubakar
TIlt' WIle Coonhnalor ol 1M NnE, Mr Jostph Ob~inka amidst topofflCUls dthe Rgi':nc)". tq'lfaelltaln'e'l' of UIt' stale "O\wTUtlenl. kd bv Ihf. ~Iale Commis.wlnf'l" f.... .",ncuIIUll'. Mr Adf'mob OIHrunfellli. and ti~ peopko of til~ l'OIl'Imuntly alw ...,llJessoo thrt'l't'lli. 011 U~ occa.sKJn, IlATN' Iiso pr~ntoo N'Jm 10 20 PU"It"\ af the !d1erne to eUlble them to start tht Ir awn pouIl1y husme5S, wtlile addllJOnaI N3111 W115 prnetIled to the NOE 10 ft\.ahle II to ~ and. run U1t' proJt'd on I su.stama~
IhikUl11e explaIned thai tlw" projm, wIllen was 11!?ad)' fllllC\)()fllOI and had ~M'I"lI tl'l.l ~ {rom Its OI)f'nlioJII. C'OflSISted a( thrft b~ poollry pens. &;f'I1t'I'1Itors.
dtTp ...dl. 5Con~t' tanks anJ other ~Ulrmenl I1!'OOed £or the llIJt'n1tlon of a >ruccessful poultrvbuslI~
JIt'I" da\, ,..hile Ihe p.bllt production "l3nl has a ClIJaCit\- af 240 MT per dII)", "It'no is also I 1tlaSSI'l! "'1I:1M" treatm~nl rbnl to supply Ihe t'lltire factO!')' ...ithpllnfwdl"d~ walUloensunoltlat tilt'food IJI"Oducts met'! aU national and mt~1JoNJ food safety standards." lie noted thai 1M plant ... oold bt supported by UIt' ooml)l")"S flour millmg plants in U.&te Ind Kano, ....ilheadl l,,1vinl~pnxhk1ion CIIJ»CII\- 01 500 mdnc lonnt'S per day. lie Iddcd lIlal the Ka1l0 Ilourfunl was culTt"lltly brll1l. uJJVld«lIO prodlft l.soo ~rr per dav, whilt< efforts 'fI't'Il.' beinS
made 10 consistmlly expand lilt' l'fUductinn OII»cititos ol both ('OIlll).'lnM'S. Ill' 1I0tf'd Ih31 UIt' prop1 ~~ "'1thin tilt" 1,,"1n."lf'W af tJ.o Olollmlan. Alhaji AbduNmld Rabiu'~ 'UKJn to build I proudly N~I'I manufactUfllll 1XIf1&Ion1t'l111f:. "'"l1Jt' "::Crall,,'e Ot31rma.n. AlhaJI AIxIuhanad Rabiu ha'1nl mtlfll'd tht' IIlS1nll1)t'litalily 0( pas11 IU. food liMY! \11 the fight Ig.alllst U~ XOUII~of hlllller rorrel1U} """"1&1"& tiw" &lobe. has 1I1\'~ed O\Tr Ssom 10 sri up UIt' 1.0 planl· n", piant. wtuch IS Iocalrd III the KiriKiri .Ift of "Papa, I..qos. acronIins
Halogen lUlfolds agend., for improved national security
Compal1~' l..amIlOO. a lead,"~ Inlevaloo securily Jlnd rI!:'t noduc:uon !kIlullon..~
firm III Ni&e:ria, has t'.tllr"t"lM'd ....orry 0\'t'I" the drochllln& S«1Itit, siluallOfl In Ihe COtI1lIl') In II.. po5I
e'\~nl 1?\1l'W
on tilt' JU."I ronduded Intemattonai . Fino and
Conft'f't'lJa', In Lap. tI~ compan)'s Mana&in,
IJ'Il?CIor and Chid f.x«tlll\'!' OfflCt'r, Mr walt- ~, said U~ ~li.>g lion 0( thf' l'OIlIjHex S«"Urit) situalion in Iht' counlry "''lIS the ullderhninA f;tclor for Its
conhnUOWi III1J1fO''emt'I'lt and df'vot:lojllllenl in lhe lmi! of hum.1J1.~:JCS and ..... Ift UIl&I1IIdt': lie gid lht' coml),1ny ...-as deb&llted .1 lilt' 1e\~1 of mdllSlry f'ndorxmenl of Its Intelltvnl and premIUm .t'ec:tInty M'I"'-tces b} nUfllI"rous COflJOI'Ite Ilf"05JJf'ClS Ind &O\TrTlm~nl I1Ist1lulJONl thai ~1Sited its sund at Ihe 6hlblhoo. I leAKI..·Weln~ lilt' O\~f1t'lming ICUplaIIa' af Olf"IXX'3te
Wl lh
IIK1 uiSllluti()Jnal partners I'f'UJtded. by our company al the Just concluded LFSI-:C West Afnca e:dtibuons.
the sec:unty lIlftOYallons thai WI!' tlaYt' mamp.onedmtiusmal"kd._
ano 1II0rel\!ll5tlred of'ti~5Iron& footh!:,ld Ihat will a:JutinUt' 10 suptXJJt the dr.~c:orporal~.
indj\' and pubbc ~or cbrnts UUlI WI!' lJI!n'e III their various buD~·
On the~lofilsstandard and pnopano<iflt'Sl.. Ola(l\'e said. -Just to IT1t'nlion a f~. our mnClVltl"" off~rin&5 10 our markt:t Indude the Ilarm !I)'Iil~mJ" panic Ind inlnlsion complele ...;th Imled ~POll5t' support. securilyeK'Of1. Ind protocol 5rf1;ces, bacqround
10 Madukwoto. rorrenlly IJCOVKinI empl....ymenl fnr O\~ sao wor\l~ lit: saKI. on oomrietlOll f:i tM plant Cb)' thf' end fA March). ~ ",oukl ~ dll'!'d t'lnllkJo.·rnent ol ~ 1.000 ,:«opioo. ranPJII from tndt dm'en 10 Ic.drn Ind dllltn"hutoni amoopt
In MkbbOn. M §IU(\ the
new pbnl WI)tIId lis, pt"Il'V 1I1chrm t'l111"O\1llCllt !"or IholiSilntls., II~ Sif'f'Oll& et'OnOmlC KlJ...,tJeli
less than 50,000 ~ mcludill& Ii:ood \"eIdnts Ind othu ancillary "!rf"\"1CC!i pro",,,", To ens,",no unintenupttd power ~, U1t' COf1'11lUIy uJStaIJed fou, powr'I" plants fiml WIth nalural ps. TIus ..,'al11;t'fl1t'I\l. hto Mad~ sud, -w,ll msuno that the pLml doeI not ck-pend 00 PI 101 du"", "roduction.· !iUA 15 notrd forl(JflqlUlilt, JlfOllucts both III mnent and in Ihe PL~ M0\1"! Comuml!f' Gootb; c:alerpry Aoo, In th~ FMCG R<1or o( manllfactunn", BUAsupr, Rourandtdihle 011 Ire I'lIlni h,«h In qWlhry Mldukw.! ootnl Ihal 1M pallia planl WItS built to mainlaln the Amf' quality and Good Manufactunn& Pl'lIctica ~uinod b)' Naliollli A&~"l')' for Food Dru! Adminisl rallon Ind Controbnd tl~ Stlndards OrpmSlllon ofNIAeril