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Agric firms renew efforts to tackle productivity and diseases are slill a Layi Adeloye constraints A golden opportunity and sure investment in good locality. BUILDINGS AND LANDED PROPERTY AN ESTATE COMPRISING OF LAND , BUILDINGS AND APPURTENANCES situated at No 5, NVII<e (Udenwa) Close. Off RD (Nvike) Road, Off Okporo Road, Rumllodara. Port Harcourt BEING PROPERTY MORTGAGED MESSRS SAKA BAYO and JOHN T. IRISOMINABO (LICENSED AUCTIONEERS) have been hOnoured with Instructions by the Mortgagee: UNITY BANK PLC (FORMERLY BANK OF THE NORTH LTD) TO SELLAND WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION On Thursday 7th April, 201 1 at lOam prompt on the spot. all that desirable ESTATE COMPRISING OF LAND. BUILDINGS AND APPURTENANCES situated at No 5, Nvike (Udenwa) Close. Of! RD (Nvike) Road, Of! Okporo Road. Rumuodara. Port Harcourt. and Registered as No. 80 at page 80 in volume 120 of LandslDeed Registry Port Harcourt. Rivers State IS TO BE SOLD AS PER BOUNDARY CONDITIONS OF SALE :· 1 The highest bidder shall be the purchaser. 2 Upon lhe fall of the Gavellhe purchaser shall sign lhe Auctioneers' Book. 3. Deposit of 50% percent of the purchase money is to be paid to the Auctioneer Immediately after the sale and the balance within seven (7) days. And such 50% percent depoSit should be paid by a certified Bank DrafllCheque drawn in favour of Unity Bank Pic. 4 . In default 01 payment by the purchaser as stated above . the property Will be re sold at the risk of the purchaser either private treaty and public auction and any deficiency With expenses attending such resale Will be made good by the defaultee If any dispute shall arise as to the highest bidder the Auctioneer shall be Ule sole 5 arbitrator. 6. Deed of Transfer of legal interest to the purchaser shall be at purchaser's expense. 7 The signature of the purchaser for these properties In any place other than on the spot of sale is equally binding with all conditions 8. Sale is subject to the consideration and approval of the mortgagee at its absolule discretion. FOR FURTHER DETAILS PLEASE CONTACT AUCTIONEER SAKA BAYO AUCTIONEER JOHN T. IRISOMINABO (MEMBERS NIG ASS. OF AUCTIONEERS) 18ANDONI STREET. PORT HARCOURT TEL: 08184080111; 08056337369 OR GRANVILLE ABIBO & CO (LEGAL PRACTITIONERS fNOTARY PUBLIC) 1. ODUAL ROAD. PORT HARCOURT TEL: 08033414219. 08036502137

1\ GRICULTURAL giants. l \ swiss Biostadt and Syngenta. have joined forces in seeking fresh options Ihal will boost farmers' productivity. improve

zones with a view 10 understanding emerging challenges faced by farmers. Syngenla's Head of North and West Africa. Mr Patrick Mirbey, said In a

Incomes and guarantee food security The two firms were said to have made a survey of the Nigerian agro·ecological

statement made available to OUT correspondent in Lagos on Wednesday, "It became clear to us during the visits to farmers' fields that pest

Cement dealers get lifelines Sunday Aborisad e, Akure


HE story of Mr Atinsola Abidemi was a strange but encouraging one. It was a story of a man. who had gone through th ick and thin. moving from one street of Lagos to another in search of Jobs, which never came However. in 1998. he came in contact with Lafarge Wapco's distribulion chain and hiS life changed. What he did was to approach a friend for a loan 10 enable him to start a small business. His friend . after much persuasion, gave him a loan of N100.000, but with a caution that the money was not a gift: it was to be repaid after a certain period of time agreed upon by both parties. With the loan, Alinsota approached one of the big· time dealers of Lafarge and bought five tonnes of cement 1100 bags). He sold them within few days and rushed back to buy more. until he

paid back his loan Atinsola. who told his story to our correspondent at the Annual Customers Award of Lafarge Cement in Akure on Thursday. said he started buying a trailer load, which was about 30 tonnes. within few months after The cement dealer. who had won the Lafarge awards for five consecu tive times, also explained that the company had sponsored him on an all expenses paid trip abroad before and had won several prizes for being one of Its loyal customers As at today, Atinsola said his capital investment had risen to about N500m and that he had expanded his business , having offices. across many states III the counlry. Mrs Bernice Ipadeola . who was se lling drums at the Ewekoro area of Ogun State, was aboul folding up her business, due to poor sales. some years ago before somebody introduced her to the cement business. which she started With N6.000

major challenge. Another is weeds and Iowan-farm productiVity ... He was quoted to have stated this during a training meeting with Biostadt al the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture. Ibadan Across Africa. farmers suffer low productivity due to a plethora of problems thai include Inadequale availability of inputs such as pestiCIdes. herbiCIdes. fertilisers and poor extension services. among others In some cases (where inputs are available) . which is usually not the case. misapplication due to poor knowledge frustrates Yields and makes farmers poor According to the statement. Swiss Biostadt and Syngenta have. over the years. been proViding crop improvement solutions by way of improved seeds. pesticides. and Ihe training of farmers on improved agronomic practices Mirbey added. "No doubt. this strategy has yielded resull and we are reviewing how best farmers can access and adopt our new Innovations and services." The training. which was allended by delivery specialists, agronomists and other company experts. reViewed bOlllenecks In the agricullural value chain and also marshaled oul plans for a way fOT\vard

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l!Jlnt MaUonal AssoclaJlon 01 Persons With Disabllllles Slllel~'"

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YOUI EXl.dlftncy, Sir

URGENT APPEAL TO SIGN THE NATIONAL DI SABILITY BILL On tho 2ith of September. 2010. at the Banquet H<'lll of the Presidential Vila {,buja the Joint Nation31 A ssociatio n of Persons with Disabilities (JONAPWD). Ine umbrella body of and for persons with d,sablHres. along with other vulnerable and margln3'ised groups In the country interacted WIth Your Excel1'!Il{.,Y


An'K"fl!1 o;r.vcrill rssuf>S I)ut forN<)rd. rho Issue of ao;scnllnq to the NalJOna\ Disabilly mil '('(".{!".. cd favourable ;:It1Oluion a f VOllr Excellency

Sir. Wiltl duE' respect you assured aUf community Ihat as soon as If's 8111 reached your table from the Natlonal",ssE'rnbly. you wovld give It speedy as~enl We are a Nme that thelbl;1 IS now before your Exco11ancis '<tb!e In Ihis req;:)rd we nre humbly appealing 10 Your Excol!t:mcy to refer to our Interactive m(.l(!ting of 27th September 201 0 and klndlyfUlhll assurance made 10 Ihe dlsablhtycommumt}' to assent to the bill Aslhe gl(1nl on the continent 01 Afpca we want to see Nigeria taking a leading role In disability m;\tters Assenting to the bill and giving Nlgenans "':llh disabilities proper recogni!ton and 8 place ill the society Will be a first step towards Ihls lead (ole. A population of wall over 20 million should not be too eaSily ignored and considering t1'c potcnllal voling capaCIty of our population. we belieye 'hal we can mak.e a huge difference In shaping the affairs of the


Our daron call IS for YOl,r Excellency 10 assenl to the bill Ifllfnedl3lely and place us at par WIth our colleagues 'n ItieAfrican conllnent and the rest oftlle world

Yours fa'!hful'y<


Ekaotc Judith Umoh

Foeh bltl nlllS! be in OIul1illle of loll. OIJO suhjccttll a minimuOi of :0..111. 000. \utliori7ed Market Dealers orr allollcllio \ubmilnlllltipic hids. Abid lI1a~ hi' for :tllihoriled ~Ionrl' ~l:lr~el Dealers olin acroun!. '101) - \IoncI \hrket Dealers or interested IIlcmhm of the puhlir. The rcsult of the auction 1I0uhl he a~nuuneed hI 11..10 a.m. on W.dlleldill. 1.1.'0312011. rhe Rank resenes (hrrieht 10 rejcci ao~ hid. . . ,\lIotmentlctlrrs I\ould be i'llll'd fonomssflll hills on 'l hmdal.14Il.1'11i11. IIhilc payment fnr (he sum~l rul hids sllOtiltl be made to lour account \I ilh Cenlral Bank of 'iigeriR not Inter than 1I.00nm on Thorsdnl.14103,~OII.

Thank you

DavldOkon Anthonia Isiguzo Abdulnaslr Argungu Evang. Olukayode Obi Ononogwu Shehu Abdullahl Fada

\11 ~ I onr) ~Iarkrt Ilralm Iholi id luhmil bids Ihrotluh lhe ('11:-' n: m: ~os 1\ 1'[R:ifT B\ ~KI NG brhlrcn 9.nOa.m and 11.00 a.m. on \\'rdlh~lda). 2.l:0Ji2011.


Sir. RS a hlfher find leader we \Nallt to be re- assured Ihal ~OIl·hj!1 do ever~hln9 possible 10 ass""n! to the bill Within the next two weeks as Ihe disability community already feels bitterly 899f1eved and marginahsed by the govornmc-nl of the day

Barr Dartlami Basharu National President 0802·3051705

Notice is hereby given by the Central Bank of Nigeria on behalf of DMO that the Federal Government of Nigeria Treasury Bills of 91 and 182-day tenors amounting to N37 ,489,756.000 and N40,000 000.000 respectively would be Issued by Dutch auction on Thursday. 24/03/2011

Hon Oandesol'1 N Halt

National Secretary-General 0608·4927630

t I'IIe Bank merles Ih e rl~ht to \ 1Ir)lhc nnlllnni on offrr in lioe 1\ ith market mlities prcl'ailing as nl lhr period of auction or the "i2crian I realur) hilll.

Nat. Pres., NlgorlaAssoc. of tho Blind Nat. Pros ., Nigerian Nat. Assoc. of the Deaf Nat. Pres , Nat. Assoc . of Persons with Physical D!sabilities Nat. Pres., Nat. A ssoc. of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities Nat. Pres .• Spinal Cord Injuries A ssoc. of Nigeria Nal Pres., Nal. Assoc. of Persons Affected by Leprosy (IDEA) Nat Womon Leader

COn:RI\\IE:"-lT SEC LRI I'I F.S OHIt f C....frRAL B\1"11. OF 'IIGFRI \ ABUJ \.

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