WF.DNEStlAY, O<TOBERll. 21112
news Briefly ,
Mimiko's victory, hope for Nigeria's democracy - Me I:en d l\l aldnde, Ado- t i
T fo:GAJ.
IUmman', Chief
.l...h\{e Babalola (SAN), h!l..~
describnl the of Go\'emor
Mimiko of On<lo Stall' ruI a sipt of hope for the nat,ion's
d,,,,,,",,,, lie said this in Ado-Ekiti on Tumay at a -.eminar entitled 'Nigeria security: oonf1lci m:m.1&emenl pcTSpeCliv~' organised by the Me &b..llola UTlL\-er.iily, Ado-Ekili Babalola saKi Mimiko. who won the Octobrr 20 gO''eTTlOl''Ship poll in lhe state, was massi\-ely voted for by the electorate because of his perfonnllnce. Voting for Mlmiko, he said. had shown that NigPfians would \"OIe out offieto..holders ..... ho failed to perform
is a sign Ihal the c(llInlT) still hn... hopf'.l1IeSecrelaT)' tolheSlo1le (;o\'t'Tnmt'lIl. Dr. Rnlimi Adelola. who represenl('(\ Mimiko I)n Ihe OCClI5ion. in an interview wilh journalists. said there wns the need for voteredllcation to ensure belter elections in the rounlT)' in the future Adelola said, '!he electoratt' mtoo Go\'t'mor OlusegunMilllikobeomSt"of his JM'rfomlnnce. TIlevknew Ihat he had perfonned \'(!T)'
wellnndwt'reronfKlenlthal h!'would not disappoint and Ihat "'liS why Ih~ Illmed down those "ith rI('(,p pockt"ts nnd \'Ofed for 11K' man who has their inlert"";1 alllf'3rt: Meanwhile, Mimiko on Tuesday. I'romiSCd to render <Jl"1nt'!'5 ~nire 10 thepeople The g~mor. III R statemenl by his ChiefPre!I:'! SecretaT)'. Mr EniAkinsola. A3\'(' the assurance "hile f't'ceh';ng a fonner governor
ofOgun Stnlt'. (1liefGbenga nanie\. who visited him in AkllTe. Millliko dcscriil(!d Ihe people of Ondo Rnd Ogun states as propl~ wilh hi~h "It'rLSe of kin~llIp, pnnciplf'<; and belieflli. lIe plt'tlged 10 continue to lake dccisK)fIs dlllt would benefit the people of tl~ stale. particular]\' for their ullnlloyed SU]>pOrts to his administrntion Ue said. ~Ollr commilment 10 our peoplt'
t~ une<ltII~'OC<I1
nnd lotal. I
will nt"\'errompmmlco;eltwlr interesl "In 2007. UIf') <;loot]],,· us throughout dtr 22 months of Judicial adJU(]K:.1tion and M"('n 00\1. in spite of the ;t~ult from Ih" oppo!!itmn p.1rties.lheyslood hy II!" "II i.~ a chnllenge to ronlinue to 'lE'n-e tht'ir mlereo;t l)aniel romTllf'nded Mimiko for Ihe liclory and described Itw ~ov~mor as a child ofhistorv
farming Nwogu . lI o rin
TTWARA Stale Go\1!fllOr. ~haji Abdulfatah proml'll!'d
Tuesday. promote
monnga famllng in
state. In a stnl!'lIIenl byhisChief PressSt-rTelary. Abdulwallllb Oba.. the lI:O'o-emor 5:lid "'0"1190 had medicin.11 and economIC pott'ntial. He ~poke at a ronfewnre of Moringn I)eo.-elopment Association in 1I0rin lit" ~id IIIonnga rould boost «ooomJt' M'ti\1hcs throuKil marketing. h:lUl1gt' and sales. Altt'rtL1tl\'!' medicll1t' market. including moring.1, the gO'o'Cmor added. had n N25bn \'lIlue in Europe in
He. therefore, advi.<;('() me:mben of the association to emb.1rk on lnon!: \igorDlIS scientifK' research into th .. btonefils of moriog..1 in order to enhance its iK't"t'plDntt and t'rooomlt' \Ubility. Ill' al-.o iJ,S!;Ilre:d lhat his administration woukl enootlr3YO youths who are hf'ing groomed at it... YOllth F:lnn Centre in Malett'. in Man> Local (;o\'t1TIIlK'1I1 Area 10 SO into Ia~e-~Ie morifWI fannin", lie: added th.11 his ,Klmini.'ilratioll would work 01.11 a .system lh:lt will enSlIn! a\'lIilabilily of In'l'IXIrro famlland with irrigation system to enh.1noe morinAa and other fanning acti\ilJeli in lhe state.
examinations. The !!late Commissioner for Education. A1haji Muhammed Umnan. s.1id thi! in an interview with the Neil'S Agency of Nigeria in Kaduna. III.' said !.he amonnt was used to pay the fees for all candidatt!S in public and pm"iille:5Choobt in thcstate. NAN reporU that the examinations were IUl:heduled rotlowing the June 17 bomb attacks 0[1 churches in 7Aria and Kaduna. aod the reprisals that followed. which led 10 the imposition oC. curfew in the state.
D 00 StllteCOnunismner
K..1duna GcI\-emmenl
CP's rctirC111ent
Aluned hails
Tursdav said it paic) more Ihan NSs;m for ill' ~Iudenl$ that Silt for the rese~lIl00 2011/2012 National Jo:..uminalion CounCl1
Mimiko is II one-man riot squad who won the Just roocluded governorship ~ion based on hiol perfonnance. Dr. Mimiko did nol win becliuschisparty WlI.5 1)(Ilmlar or because he had strong p;1rty ~Dr Mimiko is ~nymous with the l...1bour !"arty. Thai sorne people can win on their own
NECOfees ilE
• Oglln Stott' GoIJt'n1orlbiirunie in Ado-Odo Oto Locuf GOI)E'I·"lIIent ..
during his visit to the arro
EFCC to amend charges against Ahmadu Ali's son Ad e Ad e.."iOm ojll
L' CONOM ICandFinancinl .l..:A;rimes Commission al a l...1gos High Court in tkeja. on TII("..daysolIghlloanM'IId the fut'] SIIbsid-.' rrnud eha~es il instituted lIg.1Inst Mamrn.1n Ali and his 00accllsed. Chrisllan Tavlm TI~ nmendnll'nt. act'OI'"ding to i']1{,:C, is to enable it to join allQtht'r accused pefXln. Semi Ogunb.1Il1bo, who is facing a 5epo1rnle subsidy chargt' before theSilmecourt. t.lalnmnn.sonofAllrnadu Ali. a fonllerChainnan ofllK' Peoples I>emocrntic Part)': Taylor. nnd their cornl).1ny. Nasaman Oil Services. Wl'fl' on ,Iuly 26. 2012 arrnigned before Ju.';tice' Adeniyi Onigbanjo on three coulltsof fuel ~h:;id)' fraud in\'Olving
N2..2Jbn 'TbeiTlnaJ was scheduled 10 ~in on Tut':.'ldllY bill il could not Pnlct't.'tl due to EFCC"s planned amendment
Counsel for EFCC. Mr Francis Usali. told the COllrt that rolkJwing the: agency's further invesrigntion. it was I'l!\"e:Jled Ihat Ogunblllllho pla}~ key roles in lhe three transaction! infonmng UM'
fresh dla~e. Usali saKI.. 11K' m.1ttcr ....OIS adjourned for
commelK't'Jllt'nl of lria\, but ] wish 10 inronll ),ollr Lnrdo;hip that we cannot proet"l"(l hecau~ bet ...."{"('11 the last ndjourned dale alld loda}. ~11ll' \"'T) important i...~. "hich "ill assist your Lordship 10 do just~ in Ihis charge have come lip ~We intend to join
in the c:h.1~t' TIle thret" IrnnS!lctions in\'Olvro in Ihis chnrge Wt'n! IK'lUally caT"riffi oul bv hifn and il will only be just for lL~ 10 add hlllL We did not h.1\'t' lilt' infonnahon hf'fore we file<llhe cha~t'. - Hefore thf' rK',Xt ad)Ourne<1 ct.1t!'. "'" would
lilt' IUlK'nded
CoullS('l for lllfO dCrl'nd.1nts. Mr Toyin I'inht'lm (SAN), did not 0Ppo!IC Ihf' propclI!«Il to anwnd thf' chargt' He then-fore conct'ded to nn adjournmenl till Nu\"('mber 12
Fannel'S fault WHO's pl"OPOSaJs on tobacco Akinwa le I\bolu wade. Iha d a n
Nigt'ria Tobncco
Indepelld<'lIt Association ha... appealf'(lto lhe Fool'ral G€n't'mmcnt 10 dlS~1rd 11K' World Health Organi~1tion· .. Frnml'work Con\'entioll on Tob..1ceo Control in Ihe interest ofilo; memben
Theproposals.acconling to Ihe<\SSOcilll ion,rooslitule a thrent to tht' livelihood or more Ihan 30 million loh,.,ttO Jv'owers and fann worker!' wl.lOdwldl'. The Cllain"",,", NrrA. Rasheed Bakatt'. in an address 10 rommemorale the World Tobaero Growers' Day in lseyin on Monday. urged Ihe Federal GO\-emmt'nt 10 gn""e members of IIssociation tht' oppot11lOity to contribute to
II~ growth
oflhe I"COnonl\ Bakan" >;aid. -rob."K'CO growers will nol ~Iand idh and walch as Ih!'1t f~les are .sealed. Ollr Am'emmelll must undt'r<;tand thaI lhese issues will han" consequt'nt'f"! not onlv for IL<; hut for tht' comffiunit}eol; we live rn ~ As wt' celt'hrate Iill' benefit or Ollt operations to our rommunities., wt" are also askin~ our If'adc.r< to stand b\- us. We ....ant IIlem to ht'f'd Ollr cries ;tnd gi\'t' 1I5 opjlOrtunily to work logether ~Should th~
measures hf'come law. they'll h;t\"(' dirf' imp:lI:ts on Ihe lh'elihood or It lolal 800 groWt'fS in Nigerin ami tltr O\'er N,soom WI!' rolltribule to the local econom) annllall}'_~
I-Ie- addt-d. -N ITA
In ~lIpport of Ihe origlllal mtenl~
Iht' Ir!':!t)'.
Arlirlt' 1whirh Imwitles tl't'hllicnl and finnnci31 assi~uml't' to aid Iht' t'C'Onom it I rn Mition of tobaC't'O grower.; and .....o rker<.Bakare strl"!'.'if.'tllhnt Iht" llroposals ....... r(' a departurf' from Ihe origlllal g()."\1 as -Ihl-'"'l' .seek III artificialh rrduce thf' SUPI)]y oflobacco ,,';thout providing ~rov.'t'rs any viahlt' allt'rnatwes to SIlPPOrt their Ih-es lind
fnmihesNITA had reported .. >;('nl a letter 10 Iht' Minister of AgriCllitun:' and Natural Resources. Dr Akinwumi Adesma. 10 initiate a pelition 10 oppose 'lOme nspects of tIlt" pml'o!'3l!' WIIO is mffiing in IWO ..... C'Cks in Seou\. South Korea to takt' R ~tand on the llroposal..
Police.. Mr_ Olayinlta
a.'loson, on Tuesday retired from the force. after 32 years of service. B..,Iogun, who has attained the mandatory relmneot age, was pulled oul Or.!Jl'!rv1ce in a rokJuri'ui ceremonyheldat\heSamuel Ogbemudia Stadium. SlAte deputy goo.'t"IllOr. I>T. Pius Odubu. who rq)fe!llrutro Gcl\lmIOI" AcbJfL'l Osruomhole on the occasion, laudt>d Balogun's t'!(Jort.! in re:dncinl; crimp in the state. Describing till" miring C1' as a gentlem.1n. Odubu saKi kidnap c:ases, armed robbery and otht'!r violent enlnes reduced. in the Slate dllring his reign lIS Ihe comlni-.sioner of police.
seWlJ~ or
of in
constltnl'T products and 6enices will be discu.55ed at the maiden Nigeria Quality
Summit organised by the Sland,1Ids of Ni!l:B'ia
Orvnisatjon in l..1!!u'i in
In aleueraeceptin,:. to be the le3dspe:akeratlheevent. the Managinjt Director of the swedish Standards Institute, C!1<1riotta NiJs..;on, said the S1lmmit woukl enable stakeholders to share \"1!luable upI'!I'ienc:es especiall)' on 51i1ndardisation.
lie said. -My sincere hapt'! is that wt" will make an important ronlribuhon and Matt' \..Iuable expI'!riences of the work with standards in Sweden nnd of OUrc:ooperalion with devdoping regions with the lim of prornolinll: a man:
robUSl standard culture, tradl'!
de\'t'lopmenl ~