FRIDAY, JL!LY 29. 20 11
201 Jl election, boost to Nigeria's agric sector UTA layl Adelove
Di n~ctor-Ge l1 e ral.
Inlemalional Institute of Tro pical !\gricul!ure. Dr. Peler Har lmarm. has said lhal lhe 201 1 election was a big boosl to the agricultural secto r.
"ccording to him, the sector nOVJ appears to be ge l li ng more attentio n .
conside ring th e peop le lIppo in ted to d nve the
seclor a nd the economy a l iarge. Hartmann, who gave Ihis position in a statement made available to our COi l espoi.de11 in l..iq:ls on Wednesday, said. "Recent efforts to develop Nigeria's agricultural sector have sparlIeda Ti'I'J ofhope\~th the country's renewed attention 10 good governance. infrastructure and human resource deve lopment.
'CQ搂t of wheat increa搂ed by 100% in 2010' Ronll'.e Badmus
HE Ch ief becut ive O ffi cer. Honeywell Flo u r Mi ll s Pic . Mr Babatunde Odunayo . has said that the price of wheal. which increased by lOO per cen t. drive lip the company's cost of production in 2010 Odunayo. whol~alsotbe executive vice-..:halrman of the compan~'. lamented the \Infavourable operating efWlronm ent as a result of bad infra~ tructure He was quoted to have s<,id this ~t the compclilY's Annual Customers' Forum held recently. He ~.,id. uU is evident that \.\,Ie z.11 went through the same experiences of high input cost. riSing enetg~' costs and other inffCislructural challenges i n 2010 / 20 1 1 y ear. And co upled With the pec uliar cha ll enges o f doing business in Apapa, La~. OU I achievement in 20 10 '2011 could only have bee n described as a miracle . with wheat purchase til 2010120 11 financi al year going up by almost l OOper cent. ~ He lamented that wheat cos t accoun ted for over 90 per cen t of th e firm 's raw material costs . adding tha t th e compco.nv had to absorb most of the cost mcreases as it was practically not feasible to pass such a huge increase. through its range of produd prices,
to customers. The Honeywell boss noted that the company was hopdul t ha t the economic and fi nancial po li Cies being p ut in place by gove rnment wou ld y ield pos it ive results and make business env i ro nm e nt more fa vo urabl e in the new financial year Based on t he expectation of improved business environment . Odu nayo sai d the finn ha d comme n ced an e x pa n sion t)roject to increase its mill -capacity by 1m a dditional 1,000 metric lonnes per day. The project. according 10 him. is expected to be fully inaugurated before the e nd of 2012. saying upon complet ion . the co mpany would be able to provide its customers more of its products so that they could grow their respective businesses and make more profit. On pla ns for ils distributors. he assu red th e c u s tomer s o f its commitment to continually producing superior quality produ c ts whic h meet internatio nal standards He noted that the company would continue to pl'Ovide customers with hol istic support. including the best supply chain management that enSUIed o rders were de li v ered promptly alongside committed sales personnel to a ttend to their needs on the field.
""""" oIhm. ~Th e elections were a milestone. anJ agricullure appears to be getting t he allention it m er its. especially with the calibre o f peop l e ap p o int e d
to drive t h e see lo r a nd o ther segments of govern menl.'路 According to him,
the Federa l Execlltive Cou n ci l' s sp o tlight Oil investmenl-driven activities
to aUrael investors and its impact on the economy is
commendable On the growing youth populatio n a nd the high
u nem ployment rate in will soon enter the labour the count ry. Hartmann markel. - he lamented. described Nigeria as is Hartmann quoted the young cO\lntry. going by Minister of Agnculture. Mr Akin Adesina. as saYing the age of its population. He added thai this tha t th ere were d ea l you thful potential co uld views o n the link between be a powerful instrument agriculture and the youth. He said investments for driving grow th a nd in the a gricultural sector development. He . however, said and infr as tru c tur e , if the poten tial was not including e nergy and transpor t (in particular productive ly engaged. it could pose co mplex ' rait. rural r oads and Internet ba nd widt hl by challenges. ~ T h e rat e o f the government cou ld une mp loyment among prov ide a ca ta lys t fo r th e you th in Nigeria is youth employmen t a nd high , a nd millions more economic development .
According to him , the President of Nigena. Dr. Goodluck Jonathan. and the Minister of Agriculture's pursuit of job creation has been commendable. He said. "Every citizen can find his place in this pursuit. includ ing the youth. fi nanciers. fanner.>. traders. food processors. e du cato rs. advertisers. transporters, consumers a nd many of who m s pend a large a mount of Iheir income o n food, among others The stars are aligning up nicely for Nlgena.~
~ Nestle
Nestle Nigeria PLC Re'''' 1
The Board of Directors o f Nestle Nigeria PLC hereby announce the fallowi ng proviSional and unaudited results forthe half-year ended 30June 20 11 . Jan - June Jan - June %C h ange
Turnover Profit Before Tax Estimated Ta xes Profit After Ta x
2011 1'1 '000
2010 1'1路000
37,761 ,617
9,035,488 (2,777,670) 6,257,818
:!: +1 89%
9,173.588 (3 ,137,297)
1 5% - 115%
6.036 .29 1
+ 37%
aWe are satisfied with the results achieved for the first half of the year ended 30 June 20 11 Subject to favourable business environment, we are confident that our result oriented strategies Wi n enable us to achieve ourlargets for 20 11 ~
Dated this 22nd day of July 20 11 By Order of Ihe Board
BODE B. AYEKU , ESQ Company Secretary/Legal Manager Nestle Nigeria Pic 22-24 , Industrial Avenue. lIupeJu , Lagos
~ Nestle Good FOOd. Good Life