Page 40, THISDAY, Vol. 16, No. 5946
Thursday, August 4, 2011
.. • Faile", oj 1111
IfllfU 1f1l1
dm"lfpour i ll UlltlS
I'IIOTO: M" .... r.I....
Strategising for Better Cities, Climate Change Fallout To help combat the issues of climate dlange in Nigeria, a plamung-strategy meeting for the Cities and Climate 01ill1ge Project was organised by the Climate Change Network (CCN) Nigelia, in Abuja. Abimbola Akosile captures the essence and outcome of the vital fOlum mecuns of the Oilll:ue Ol:ll~ Net\\'ork (a:N) Nigeria "'il.' hekll~call!)' in Ab.Ij:L The wjeeth~ oflhe mming WM 10~ li!). emle on ~ for ~ing runds Mel implcmenling the Cdies 3nd Oimoft; O13ngc £'m:tIxL 1'hr C\'CIl1 brooglll ~ nv:nJbm 0( the Board oCTru.'II~ of CCN Nigeria. members of the nclworio; llud ocher S!:tkclJoldcrs from \'i\rio.Js SI:!It$ of Nigeria. Ol'er SO l):IrhclptIlI" incllkling media per. «)I1nel attended the nEl..1.m8
~I int
tilt 'li !l1l: N:llil,,\.'tI Ccntlill:l!or. Oimllk' OI:UI~ Net\<oUrk Nigam. Mr. SurvC) iX Eli!.. '·.doomed ptrtic~l,'r"s hlll~ e\·Cllt. givlllS n kicf I'IIUlile "flhe 'k\W(·t1I:. whil:h '\1l'\ founded n1).U1 b> Nigcriancivil !iOCr· ~ grt('1'" im:n.-.;Ietl in promo!l1!l.' ~ ..:hm31C fri;:,xn~· Ni!,'CI'I.' IhruJ!! h :\ll1u!, -"C\.1Or.!I 'Pf"1X'1.-h,~knlt>-.!'f';/''Ph:r:nulY;,'JUI\nlO 1~5uF"I' ~
lie al .. , !!-n·· a Illudo"n
f'll'!/C'l-'b :md
of the:
Nc:!'wr l Itt"'! 11,·: fil~t CL'llllC'<y \.,,:,11011 the I'flho! Spl"Cial OUl1a!!: flun::: L'nillc;('Clf . and I": \hmSk'f of 1:';1\1"'-'flll1CIII.l\h Jrilll r",,-:. III \1"'1 Jll'1 B~ l:ka.'Iltl-et :lm.1IY raruk'l""hip "1111 dx: ~(1.1
h"'" h...... , ~1~1t'I1t.'\I. k'l.ling If1 ~1eT 1\"l~'Ut~lIl for lhe 1'1>1;.·.-1'0' II ',:cr.l\ In dilllaledt:.Ifl~ad'",lI~tlOf\ and nUllg:W1(ll'\ e"'1ft.~
ig3rim. tcchlloloj;y tmnsfer etc,. bul nn(nrtun:llel)' local
\\~ aiRnl 31 home
He eDnrncooed Ihe Nm\Ul( for pocuring a l'onSldlant')· on Ihe Citic:s ;n.I Oimale Otange Projec'l so that funds can be rai<.c:d 10 m..,kr tile Network'S irnJxtct felt at tI~ local bn. He 11IlICd!hat I I~ ~ of the Nation...1 Presidenl of ALGON wil l promolc quick btlY-111 for !he prop:! fmrn II~ loc:tI govcmn-.:nt ~)'SICt1I . lie ~ rnclI1bm 10 be: engaged witlt the Nt\SI'A (jltallqOO.'lfU/5 romillf lip ~ June 2110 "dee thcir OOol11 111pU1S. '11e N:il1Oll3l Pttsidentof ALGON. HoII. Ftli., '\11.'lg\\-e. L'\lkled t1~ Nch'ID fiX Iecog:nr.;ing ~'C glq' in diH1""cch:ln~ roIicy :lI1I:I :d,pta. liolllll d~ Iornl le\-et. nollrtg 111.11 II IS dr fnlPle and ~'o''-cr11l ncllt~:1I ~~ gr.~< 111:11 be"M d~ brunt III' chnlalCch.1fll,'e in~ . He c.~pm..'<'!1 f\LGQN', Ollll1llUIl'C!V r('ll,I/1abc'f<IIC 1\ ith CCN Ni~ Oil II~ pro-
"" proJl'.1
Tl'C PI\l}.'l1 Cl",!'ult:UlI. Mr. Kn1t:-<k) Q7..'}!bc. g:r.c a wmn~..' 1>1 II~ concept_ On lhe nk1huoology. h: <t1l,!!:t"<I~ 111::!I n\!.'mber '''},WliS::!lICll1$ .J1('Ilkl dlllhe llCtllaI iml'lc1\'~n1:11~JI1 .. hilelill: SCI,:m.lIl:ll \ll'!JkI o'l'n.lill~u lhe :!Lbliulisl1;lIl''C anJ rKkio.:ian :t"pe\-1.' (1/ dlC' ~l p.1. lk ~'11100 J f11,t>!o.'"II\."C Jhrnlgh " ~1l' Il.kntirlCrl the 1JrCrl,..u1ll ""'i!.\.<t.... ICU ill.llf'n' 111.11 ~Je projt\.1 .J1oJtild !I~lte' k'<~!he <'\I IIC'ed.
H":- ;n'i.Olll\!.'\J th:~ in the <;U1lC wnr. 11 mClIIl'er U!\!UlIL«ltMJn. the ~::k'"net" ,\ ,o;cxi:uiofl fLIf RcI~\.lbIe EncfP. {D.\RE'I. c."thibiled die' S~V E~I~'·.-e \\hil-h ~ ~"eI1 ra:l'llert"d tR tI~ l\ hnistn a<O un:: Ilf!hc:CD\ltOean o.:..'eloprtlC'nt \In:h.tni~nt Projects in Nip,. So r.,r. I"II1ncT'\hips h.,,'C heell fOlgcd "ilh El l Q5., I...oc;Jl GOWl1!rnenl.f\rnuwoOUo/in (OOth 111 Lago!il. Yenagoa and Ek('fCm1f (both in B ~~I .... Stale) :IS well :IS the As.<oci:uiou of 1..oc:11 (Joo.'alllr'll.'n1:i-of Ni!Cfi.1 (ALGON). while d~ ~ ongoing with Abuja ~ l lInrijnl CowlCtl IAMACI. The Nd\\'Of1r.:: W:JS a1sol1ppointal n-cmbcro(!he N;ttiooaI lnlCf"-minISIcri.,1 Committcc on Oun.11C Change and the National Technic:al ComrniltceOiI RED D+. TIIC NatioItaI civil sociely rorumnll REDo... ""-" ~'1bIistx:rJ in FdlMIy 20 11 :nJ CCN·Nip and Women Environment Progr.UllIl1C$ ("'EP) were ullilrumoo.~ly elcC1c:d COCllmrmIOlS.
He also infonncd d~"11 d~ nt'!\\0IJ.. h.15l:ftTllltvitailO make a~· "CIlI::!Iion :11 the Ecocit)' Wood Smnrmt in Cmada 11\ AuguS! and 6-lth }\nnu:tl UN DPliNGO Confcnn.:t' in 80m, in Scp4cmber 2IJ 11 . dm a .rcmb..-r of !he Net\lID (E\~ Habitat: Orpli'\;!\ion) had bo:n ,Iwrled ac; one of the Aflican ci\ iI ~y otpltla1ions 10 p:uucipate in Oinae I ~ Fumsmenrn!! in SoudlAfric:l in Jul)' 2011 Ralic:lIl:t1e for Ot:lnge l'nljtd TIle N31ional Corntin.1Ior noICd
the Ni2Crian Il:ltion h:lS so f:.-
arntro :l\11lIt'!1eS3 aI!he IWion;d Ie\t'I as well ~ i~1 :1llrllCl'rolKJn. aI
in1fX1Cl is yet lobe: felt ill dle!oc:tl b'Cl.hcnce II~ nero fill' a pro}C'Ct 1h.'1l build!! on the ~'CS.~periences;nl tl1f1O\lllinol~ of!;11J.S';IOOlli (X\'1JIe. inelurJil1!; local and n1l.ll1idl):ll gtJ\. m1111c:l11S TIle Citirs anU OlnlntC OLal1gc Prujet1 was Ihm:fore (.'t,n · cqoru.lIi<aJ as a l'UlOlll'up mfcr\'t'nbon 10 ,@C!'Cr.IIC ~(1lM for dimiue ctm~ :klaplatJon at tlv:: local itI"d . Prof. Enln,..JUeI OI:diro :I(:kno"!edged d'C initmtlle of die Coordinator m dri\'ing IIIe drerun u( a l~IcCIl\'I: actinn platform fOf Ni"cri;QI CSQ<; wor kin\! 011 climate' issucs, I k hQ\\'e>·tf ne'i(cd tl1.11 for ~~. N~twurl;. 10 be sustai'~lbIc. ill"LlOkJ nnl eonlinlJe 10 Ucp..'1ld ~ it~ IlO'5ll1l""~IlS.'Ilk," forwPfUt .1Ienct: theneaJ lOr:li'!e indcpcndcnl filmIn!. 11c ~ it ""as tal that Ihe:~ mcctin, W;t!.QJfIlIIJg 18 nlOJllh5 nfltfthe ~ t<tOl~OOi:'IObc:korrunding. lIe~ lh:u:ll \':IrlOUS inter_ 11.'IlH!ruI fonnll! l!'UCh a.~ Boon. Durlxln eIC) a:"N-Nigeri., had :lI,:hic:\ttI a highly \'isibJc profile in discu.'-'llons around :d;'1"llliun. mil·
NC'\'ds'\..~l 'l'l' 1 AIl'IIJI'~
d1.'I~I~,k ~!Ufx:tl hy ,,;mll'iJxull~
\ulllCr:lhilily til dUn;!Ie Ch::wlfC;II I.:oc:IIle\eIJ;; ]00,1 lcIel of \IW:lrelX'S' 00 clinl:lk! change at: IocaIlc\cls. poor S~l'CI!Y an1Ol1g SL.~ I:tck or COfluniUne'll! 10 <lql dowll Uder'ol·111ions. UlClwing poor mllni\(Irin~ ;nj e\'llI'~1IKJI\ 011 N~IIOI~tl A,-'<Cfllbly: lack of emblillg 1:\1\"Irc.g tI~ pending clin1."IIe change: commissiotl L 1W't. in5emiti-1ty and wrong p:n:q:rion of din1.'lle cha!lgc tMUeS; ~ 0( IocaIly-fOOlCd. policy-
rdC\<mt 1C'iC:IId1.;pj lnispI:tcetnent; 0{ priorities. 1hm: ~ abo d~ issues ufoon·i"·.-oh'CIltet\l of kr.IJ go'o'CfTUl'Clll ~l\~. e.g. f\LGON. in the dimnte p:>Itcy an:n" such a.'I th: Inter-minio;tennl CornmilU'C OIl Ollll::!lC a,;ulge (l(ientiflCd ~ an aU'ocxy issue tOr the pruJ:Q5c:d project): t.brth of furUs for inlerJ1.'1OOnal ~.:tOO c:apacity b"ikfing Thr:n:: WClt' I1lI:« ~ of po1Jf kJu.v1edgc ba<I:: wllhin the NOD C'OInlTlllnily. \VItae st.-.kdtoklm do nrc. t'tl!¥ 8O''CflIf1'CIlt ngt:IlCics frolll a po'iil ioll u( <;trengrh aIlll superior kr1O\1 ledge; :nI risk of (.'1)0 ~ by govanrl1C11\ (fop go"I'CfIlme1l1 functionaries h:n~ fomw:d II~lf 01'11 NGOs hcnc-c ~IC' f1C('\1 for ~is.'11Ol1 by J<'GOsI Others include poor C'OIllllllllnmt of rn;odia lO:d'oTCal:)' 01\ clint:IM: change: need fQl'stJ;Jtq!ies d1.'11 ernpIn;i..oc lCdwIic3I. r.JlIrT th.m 1i,13O' cta! collabor.ltion: :nomlabilily ~ widl;n Ovil Socicty/p"Cm' II'cnl agencies I'-hil.:h the projcl1 shoukl mke ""P'imnre nf: need IQ engage nudiences for Ixh;r.iour rroJiflCalJl)l'1. q;. ~'lr}' sctIOOI SI1.o:1'6: abst"ncc-of t.lataon the infonn3l5el:kJr. ~ u( clear de\'eloprrrnl pL'IIl5 ;d. stale :tOO local "='d~: atd abscoce of dlL, Of\ d imate dmtgc m'P'JCl5 .. 1ocnI1e\'e1~. O I2Ik'l1J;t'!'i Scen.- uio
Some ,>flhe ch"llen~ 'f!C'CirlC kl th: U)\cmf\tellI sySlcIII.:l'I
roil1led out by the AlGON Pte:sdenl ani odleT parDetpmlS. iochxk
JXlOI' btxJp:tillg IJroa'lJun: lin "hdl ('lilly C!l!pc1diture ligu~ art' room for inm:dudng flt'W prinfilies like elill1.1lc dklll£l:: :U!plallOII. for e.~al11ple Tn tl~ JXlI1icipn1us. ''Cnuncil 01.-llrmen are Jl(1( irdcpcnd,:nI: (ioInTlOIJIi vlolate.'cn:n)l!l:h l"l t'ClI~irutiomi It'Io of loc:tI ~o·fern· ~e.J!. dmlUghcarl'llJker almngrnrnts willeh fm..<tr:1le pL1IvlIng:nl m.lkc5 O ..... ICib i~ibIc: 10 UIC people. C'OIllr:ll) 10 rl~ I\bcIdmt A~II 011 dK' indepc1dctlt'C of thin! IJCf of gcr.\"I1Ut~1I1 to "hien Nigeri" i~ a !\lIty dlo1rl~ ~O!I ~-earl doe.<: oot b\~
" ~ Jnn.1I11.1n Ift%Iltly OCkJ1O\1 !edged die: contr.ldiction~ in II~ C'OI15lIIution.e.g.1he Joilll. Acmllnts Commince. which is joint 001)' m name rut is acttJ:llly run by ,!O"'I:nlOIS".1he forum 11OICd. Other challenges mclu&d lack of ~ and conIinuil). e.s lroo Stale "IIC~ the I\CYo gtJIl':IltOf has di...,;oIm:! elected COI.Incil~; h :1( of lI"1ll'Cllcs<Jwcak ('llpacil)~ kljlSl<.k:d re'>'t:I1UC 1I1kxrnl('llll formul:t; :J11I1 lUTllpom.e.g. tmSI.I!ie of ecoIo£j,:nJ runds by SI~ stnt<h:mgin~ tile loc:ll conncils.
Kry Cond usions II \1015 agrraI d1.11 11K' GtlC< anti Oimlle: c.1~U1gc l'm~ ~hl;1ukJ incorrnrolle tI'1C' folk...,.,\ inl!. goal . . ·\Ir.lIegies: . r.:ll';C :J\':m!fle:!:< 011 clmmlc ..:h:m!,'\! ill till! IocnI ",",'el.~nJa)' lta\'e 10 rmarne 1'1'0';"'\.110 rdk\.1. the f;ll.l IIPI nnf all k:c:Il ~J\cmlT'Clllli arecitie<: anJ hiIIe an i!I.I\'-'CIC) lTOltlfO' 1ICIIlIM ru*c-~ runllt' I""~ I rule ell'l",. 31 <uI"n.~lilntllCld, l1 tr rror--' WllS :t!". cnjr>ino.llr> :~J"'lOllc: ('If itnptl\ed :nd"IJ,(!I~ fl'" 10.:111 C'OlJlICiI". n;to;J.. and ~a1\l'-111e f,'If imp,'II,,_'ll I,,:m:I.\.-cllk:l\! fll ¢.'lk"l:!Il-al
a ",. . :\lIf 1M
mtcr'\~ne "" I\lr;~ "!!l'1I.111tIlralll'~liho; .wJ':I
r< ,jt<rt'T'''1InIt:Ik'h ~1'1f":1l't'll i~ dU'1.1r~ dl:U~~:
1I111.'T'o1.'llC' I'n CJmI CU~'111\ rnilqtl'~'"
~'-":II .... l\C'fI·H1I:fIb. ('"«".'.
':;'111\ m tho: :Yr-:t, uf l'!~.I1 '..-.IC"Il!\ .~.:ntl Pf rero.""~'1<! ~'f!:\ "",n.~I. "llICl". t>i\llll\erol[\<:ct..;i;':,·m dc' .. •. TI tere \\<IS:l c':l1I rolf !hc'ncc,J in I'O.lild ~":l{'OCil\ 111 1'100- mld !,!J:l" 1\1l~~ 11f\lU~: conUllCt~' on II11IXll1.- l.f dintdC d:anC\' ill ~Iect
c'\l LGAs ~ d'C North ;nl South of Nil~( Iltt'd In II'<! ~Ie' CCN' Ni~'~ 11C\\· \\"Cbst1C tt<an OId\l:IC:X) 1m k>rdle: l'n.opo5('d rmJ-'c!:an,J t(lII'lCOl1'Of'llte ~~ Ie:!mt frum the R>I C:unp;li~'11 in \\ him cj\'il ,,'Ct. 0:1)' en.\.'iI~ frOll1l1 km<\"Ied~able p..... llion. 111l "-"~' Warning
Alief a Il'CCIII Secwity C~n:il nlC"du,!; 00 clnnat:c: d1.'lllgl:. Unrtal
NatJOnS (UN) Sccmar)-Cercr.ll Ban Kj..rnoon decbrmllla. climate ch..1IIg(' is .... rrall tn-:M 10 mlCffi;llM)!1.ll pt:3C'C and security. Be u~ de\'l:1opcd cruntrie$ 10 lead the gklb:tl effon to lind WD~ rOl11iuJ;illeand lldnpI") n<ktnmenlnl effect'!. wlIhL'IlYl"ginga:onomlCS shouldering their fair ~ of IIIe resJXlmibili~·. "I!.,tren~ "'CiIlhn e'o\"l1l5 COOlUlllC 10 gnJI\' IIl'lIt' rlnfllClll ;nl li1ImSC in rid! and ptQ' C'OI.II1tIies ruiM'.11OI. only dc·';'\8.lil'cs.i;tn ru50 mfrnstrocture. mstltutiom. ~I\IJ ~ -:'Ill Imhol) Ittw "hictt can creale d'Ulgt1UllS ~ty 111I;IIUI\15:' SJid !\Ir Brul. <Jdlln$ Ilk Securir)' Council's dcba!e on Ihe Impact 1'1 dimrue clt.-uige Of\ inlcrT1.1· lIonal re:a and «<tJn~ . lie fIl'tt'd dlnlllk 111lCfT1.'aicm1community Inl nt::kle llOI'1r ~ lIuwgh :tpt'CIllC1tts ~ in Cop:nIta;en ...d C:l!taln in the ('tln!:.'r of the United N:lIlO1l5 Fr.:u11C"OIk Coml:fltintl un Oimale Cbiln~ (UNr<cq. DlkIll1!1 ~taI ~ pact< formed ~IC foundation ror I.:lion OIl mIocing ~ ga'I I:nlisslOl1.'!' and en.1bhng all cuuntries to
I k <aid dl!: Confereoce or ~ 10 l lNRXC III IJuroon. South J\1hca. in Ckccmm must n1.1kc a decisi-'C n1O\~ 1()\\1ltds achlCl • in!! thosC' !;ttI1s. "Omtan must pnn'ide Q clclIr step f()l'\l1U'd on llnlis." 101 cornmitment~ and action!; by:tll p;tn1C"l ....."C\JIIJin! to tIrir re.<ronSIllIllIIl'S and capabtlities.l)eo.t'ioprd cuunlric:s mu~ lead. \\hile:ll lhe same ume emerging. ecmomies nllm <houlder llrir foUr o;h;n- he
1be Sa~·-Gcncr:~ h:ts spc>keu "ell:tOO the OIl1to: i< Oil all q,1kehokler<.espccially rhe Fc;deraJ :tJld S!Me g<J'nnll~IIL~;n Nlgcri.l10 p:t Iheir acts together to liICkk II ~llllltrll;~'\" II i~ ~ kJ Ix: gmccful lo nature nnd rro!!"'~lIC;'!1 klC'illion for I"''' teCling ~~ rounuy from II~ 1t':ld1l$:nJ r.r.nges of 11."ItUr.lI d'~ lit..e hurricane and I)lJhoons. kIl the recenI IbxJjn~ in Lag<~ ~ :. <1.111 rcminder ofuIC ncgarh'e fIlliout of clim:tte dJ(lI1~'C. Thk wnmillg nM!
no' go unlrcdcd.