THISDAY, 07 JUNE, 2011

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~MA Alerts on Heavy Rainfall, Threat to iJtionnl Emergency Marmgemenl Agency . (NEMA) h."lS \\'3ITJed food cropsandrulimallru.sbanay r.~ of d:trl~ posed by flooding Ih:II ma)' cause ~ ~. and ro::Iuction of the yields of foods or dr:ath of Mi·



"d " rom egu!, K'oJu ell S


,. &iwJ,; crops and liYC:Stodc: Ihrough the prm'islon of varioos pre'o'c:nlh-c and mitigaling tools in agricullurill flood mcdI:tnism. man.1gtmenl

::~~o~~~~ Sidi NEI>'t..Z.::f~-=~ ~ all the si:.. NEMA

hoIdos on hiW' risk Ihrea1s of

t.::Ivy rainfall III I'jew of die JRdictions of the Nigeria Meteorological Agency (NIMEl) th:Jt the nabon may wilncS5 unprecedc::nlM heavy rainfuJlthisyear. Accortfing to n Press release

~~~---------------------CT~u~.,~d~.~y~ , J~U~n~'~7~,~2~O""1

Food Security ~~a;&.7:;

l"derinaryandcmpOfficerslObc lit hand 10 Irenl affected and provilk .cc:hnial ~ 10 farmas at the cnriaI times they are TlC.'Cdcd. He idmirled Cft1JS su::h.., Pearl t.tillet popul3fly called "Diamorxi in !he Rough". rice,


nut which ~ one of the st.1pic roach in the ccuntry. Ihese crops dri\~ I:x':tIt:r IO.idl minimal :ud ~gulakd ninfali for optimal yields I:ut these INI)' be tIIlder serious dlre3l of the dfe=l5 of heavy rainrall if necessary actions

seriousrtm:at ronon-loIcmnt~ ~ that ~ mutlybeing IISI:d

for foreswion purposes which may die rmm.suffocation: tJEn:r~ . "''C rrrd 10 be COI15cious of the grral thmns 10 naOonaf food xcurityifthepm:hctioncanposs

as prmicted.

::1::'.,!' O::-=ACJ~ Gaidam: Why Education's Critical for National Devt Ibrahim Gaidam gol'emmcnt has bttn pursuing ""00". year • strategy of interYobe Stale has said that year, we comph::!ed rtnOl'ating I'enlion' in key segments of the . administr.l1ion places nine secondary schools tducatioo as a means of del ill' the highest pmnium on billion. expending ollCr World Environmental Day: Ministry edUl;ation because it is the ering quality education to Yobc's sons and daughlers and lltc stale government also {ll'Ys • of attaining sus-

It.: C'IJlIfIII'y. Na tA has also implomJ gm-muncrl and lb!or agcncic:s to assisz fannm; in s:lfcguarding

zonal oft"lCeS in the coonuy 10 begin sensitizatioo of aU suke-

Farinlo)"e mel made: available: 10 TH1SDAY Monday.lhc Din::cIor Gcn:r.aI p:aticul:uty called upon

Tasks Nigerians on Forest Protection the world t'C1dr.ucs world et1nronmental day. the Minislr)' of Enllironment chargc.l Nigerians to protect the ('Illlironmet1t by cmbr:Jcing the irnpJn;Iroce of furCSlIO man, and by exemion. ~



llle MinisIcf of Er,..irool11ent, ~byr"ak:r.lJ Controller

o( EllI'ironment. I...1g05 Zonal

orra. fllgr,A. I,AdefulC". in his ~ insistrd that fa-C'tty b'Oe

cut dovo"TI, tvo'O stwlll be n:piaccd in adcr to al'Crt !he gr.11't: effect dc:fon:staoon has and wiU h~I'C in


Adc:fuJe who SL'lted Ihis yes-

=id~~~ Day. proclaimed th3. the ImpoI'tJnce 0( ~ to man cannol be

By S ill/day Oko"; over emptmiscd hence. !he day has been set Midc 10 cnlighlen Ni~ flO( ooly on the negative cITed cI def~. hit also on the $OdaI arIl ClWI'OTIic

""'~ With th is


theme: T'OI$; Na~ljt Your Service", tile ministry highlighled global warming. constant ~1ea5e of harmful gases like CubordKWde . gully erosion, dcscn eh........lul ..... as naruraI mrnUes endangering m;m 's exlsICOCC ~Jting fTOm ncgkct 01 ti le fon:st. . Ac:coruing 10 him. "DcspiIC all Ihcsc eff«15 and bax:flls. forestS ~ still ilisaJ~g at an aJann.. ing r.W:. htnoc the dr:dar.!Iion of

of fOl!S$ 10 highlight the need for urgent action to preser...e fnre:sl5 \hrooghout the world. This is rur cuIkcti~'C re:spcmibility. ;nj to achie\'C this. \\~ must change c:ulife :IIyles. 201 1. as iruem.1tionaI


PMS from the South· !iOIiIh cxllXtia1 in United Kingdom lIkb'1tE WTUcUa of South -South People As<artJIy. SSPA ~ (UK) CbaptCT has cx~ delight tow,uds the b®.~ In which the IIC\\I


cabirEl will be formed under ~idr:nI Goodludt Joo.,than zlminisuation. saying that it shows a glin~ cI puniY: an:!

. ""-""". -. IS o..n~ ,


tb.bk:s as d~ Omlmm of tile FcdcrnI Ciovmunent Job

Commiuce has additional I S!o) \\urtf~ to dTectil'Ciy man the new SJll)truc':I3. lnc:n fordislri · bution cI Danger C".nnctL Two stalT aTe ntt.1Chcd to a IJUCk, c.~ch~in!l tlledril'rf. Dalp Ccnr:nt is iliady 1lIk· ing dchl'ny 0{ SOOJ ttueb ;nI 100 brand new bulk cemenl alXm to imprtr.'C its distribution ndwak at'IO$S ItE IJOfi;Jn. The new IJUCks and bulk t'Cl"l101I t:ulkm.....-hidJ \\i ll be depbttI fur the Inl. of t'Cl"l101I fmm its fact0ric5 and ~ batging pbnts. is c... ~ 10 signii'lCreation


candy ~ the tiloe lag between pmWct:ion alld dcIil'Cf)' todislOO-

The: new vchicles ~ IXlI'l of mc.15W'C5 inlIOdlK'Cd by the Mim's fomrou CCI'Ila'f tn.1rlUfacrun:r 10 cr.!SIl the h4jl rranspo:tIticn costS, \\-hidl to; J01Iy respoosIb6e kr the inaeaSIe in ccrncnt piccs,.cro!lS the lniI1try. A SI:lIal1CIlt from lIE O'lI'I'IfOly explained that tile intmWction rl dx: tnx:ks:nl bulk CCfIDJlIaflkefs \\'111 Q'le tile distribution S)'gCI/1 and :dI1O the savb:s being 1mcrnd byexisting I1ect. "'The tnrl.~ shall be usa! 10 IIlIgment our existing I1rec for dUro inler.'e1\ion in tI~ trnnsport ~,while the bulk lankos ";11 be pL-ad :l tile ~ 0{ the a:nsrruction Q)rT)J01ES fur direct


College/CUNY. USA, "the thme-day il1:,emitional "".lfercoce. SCfVlng .~ • bndge between praclllJonen and scholars. gathcB speakcn from industry and unillCfSities from ~ the; globe in a ool~gial enllJ[onmenl to exChange KIeas Md infonnation on relevant issues f~i ~g the ~te communlca!1On profcssJOfl. 1ltis year's conference will focus on i s.~ues such as communicating through crisis and change management. corporate communication policy and str.lle!),. CTOS5 culluml communlcat· and takeholdcr Ia. IOn 5 .re ~lonS. ~ol'e!,"lUent rt:iatlo,ns, Image. Hlcnmy, and ~pulDilon management. str:Itegic public relatioos and evolving pnICticc5



and this

N I.4


tainabk: dc\'tlopmenl. 1111:: governor spoke )'CSIer· day at the lnstitulC for Security Studks. Bwan Abuja during ~ lectu~ he dclil'e!l:d entitled: 'Education for National DeI'e1opment: lbc Yobe State per.;pedil'e'. Gaidam noted that the state

By Summy Oko"; Speaking on behalf of the poop in a rCIcn<c: issued )'I:Sk:nby. ttx: Acting Pn:sidm. lIIn \bo Uwabor-CU!ley. \\~1COnX:tJ Gooldluck Jorn!h;m's to\\·:vt!s fonning his new cabiJEt as $lie stalrd tIl3l such elTon is cbJc 10 n:sICR the loR mU.defa il Nigcri:m "lJtDer the new Ptcsidert "'I: em .. bs look fmo...w 10 an ern when !tIC basi!! for being sda;1o:I for tile cabinet is jXinwily Inscd Of! professioo.'lI and Iedlnical ~ ID.1 pm:n:Ii inIesriPresident



Mn CUlley affimlt.'d that the rejcaion of ~~ ~'Cd I.'i only intm:sIed in fllllling positkru foc farruly members ;ad othm tt1OI'C inlO1:Sll.'d in sdf.f3lTilly and

ensuring an enllironment that l1\3l:es leaching and leaming conduei \~ .

Pan of thi! strategy. the gOIlernor nokd, entails systematic rchabililDtion ofthc state's education inf!1lStnlCturc including the ~nol'ation of nine sec· oodary schools and !i l primary

tribal mrictunmI and what tllCY can lake fTOm tile S)'SIrnI is a wdaJfT'C de\~ in ~ s),sllem dcs:ribing it as "a new dao.\n in N'tp:ria.•. Aa:ordiJJg 10 her "NiF !)as It3dx:d lIE S\.'lgC "'here It was at last mitring a perio;I 0( ~ political rmrurity IrId necmI COl=,~.s~Out. rather than macly

.eacrn'l: Ieidaship.

''(httllE yen,"~ haI~ Ia!gc-


"ro in~~ in projects to baJd'1I thCITl';rn'l:S rad.:r than to mri'iI

"""" .,...'" ..,.,. """ . all.


Jcadefs wm


an ad mansions fa- ih:msdvcs y,hiblltri ~ half-st;Jr,'Cd ard ICrllained in i This situalion CIIl IICYer ~ to rttlDn again."

for all cxtemal .:Jtainin:tlJons including WAEC. NECO and NABTEB e\'Cn lIS ""= encourage students to prepare and sit for these examinations. We also run seven Business. Engineering and Skills Tnining (BEST) centers to caler for the ..-ocauonaI needs of ()tIr studcnts Gaidam said. Spcakin~ on the effort of his administralion lit toroUfOIging ter1iary lellcl education in Yobc Slate,Gaidam said Ol'tr N2 bilhon WIS spent from 20 10 to dale 10 upgrade the sate uni~ \-mity. Bukll' Abba Ibrahim Unil'CJSity. Damaturu , H~ said this in\'CStmtnt ha~ mMlc it possible for the university to commence degree pro-gr.unmcs in 19 differenl 0IC0IlJe. mic: disciplines. Gaidam said Ih.-u 5 1110e the Inception of the adminJ51r.uion from 2001. OI'CT N900 million was spent on the payment of Studclll schol:uships and bursaries. He said other institutiom or higher Jcaming in the Slate hallC also ~ 5lIpportcd in vari()t15. ways to rJErt the accreditation requirements of their relellant n::gulatOt)' or supervisory bod· N


FC Urged to Review Local Content Fund _ Executive Direaorofthe iEerian Content Mnrogenlent Board. Engr. Ernest Nwapa has made a pASSion.-w:: appeal 10 the r'Cdernl Go\'emment to inrn:ao;e the fund al-aiJabk, 10 indigcnou:s contmct0r5 in the Niger Oclm. Mr Nwapa who spoke at the launching 0{ tile SheD ~­ ten fund. dubbed KOBO Fund dtring the weekend cxpalincd th:lttheSI50 mil1ionannual fund ..-croing 10 the board fer local content development is not CRllIgh for an holistie ~l to the is&Je of funding local cooIrodcn in the region. I\lso S(X3kjn1! at the occassian, !he 'Mana!" Dirtttor 0{


From Mulrammad Bello


Issa-OI1ilu to Present Paper on Reputation ManagelIlent in US hief E.\ecutive OfflCCf of Mtdia and Marketing Communication Company (MMCC GROUP). I'>k LID~ Issa-Onllu, will pmlent a I~per on RelaTional Risk and lcpulational Management on une. 9. at the Conference on Corpor1Ite Communintion 2(H I. aI the Baruch College, City Unil'mity of New Yorl:: , CUNY, The paper, co-a~tl~ with Dr. Ibralmn Ismall, Director, Executive. Trninmj ~t MlIIC;:C GROUP. IS ~ Re atJonal Risk and Reputa!ionaI Managemenl; 1111:: Case .of PfI7J:~ and Trovan Drug test In N.gena. Accon1ing to a statement issued by the organ;scr. Corporate Communication International. (ecl). Baruch


'New Cabinet, Ray of Hope'

""'" New Dangote Launches 5,000 Trucks, Creates 15,000 Jobs T\1haji Alike




in media relations, perforrnance mcasuru for corporate communication, public diplomacy and business among Olhm. • CeI's confercna: will ex pkn ''new nrnMices. rela. ,---_. tionships. thinking. and alti· tudes ~ed by the shifting

~ e~~"i~~~or e':~~


hold between June 1-and



Shcll - .

Company (SPOC). Mr t.futiu SIirIIOOflLl al'efTtd [hal.. "funding has a1Wl1}'5 betn a challenge to OJ!' contradOrS, We have made I'lIrious alltI!'fU in the past 10 soh-e this challenge. UnfortunaliCly. most of It1C'iC initialil'C5 did I1CJ( I3fgct the smaU ctMnmunity COfltrnctOl1i, who \\I:II1ted easy-Io-rt,'w:h fuOOs, at a


(JlII1he COIllllicationsci coIlaleraI ;nj extended adminlstratil~


He expressed optimism that the brutks that provXIed N1 billioo toOOnkroU the KO IlO initi~­ tive, namr:ly, FiISl Ilank. Nigcri:l, Zenith Bank and USA. "ill n::1M the coUataai securit)' n:quirement. n::ducc processing time

and lower interest f:1te 10 tn:ible the small rontr.lCt(Jf"; to have competitive :KIvantage and ~ global playm in good


In his 1"trI13Ib, Bisi Onasanya, the Group Managing Director 0( First Bank praised the effon made by SlEII to improl'e grass. roou dc:~'l:lopment through suc::h Oi.IlSWlding inlCl"" said .. (lUI' ~ in thIS rcgaro is drh'tn by paUIOn fa- f~g rm;vw;iaJ inclllSion amongst the rx,llllllCC. M


I '


This is notify all prospective land owners who have applied for land in Diamond Estate located at Ijere-Ibafo in Obafemi Owode Local Government Area of Ogun Stale through the named company to urgently contact TAFIDA08030508667. 111is notice shou ld be of particular interest to sta ff of Sterling Bank, Skye Bank, FinBank. Oceanic Bank. ETB and EcoBank. Please.

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Ah~mntd i WlltHIl}'tn! y,i!h good infornvtion y,-hich IN)'I!-Jd tolhum· pc-d·:;ws.lNnb


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