THISDAY, 07 JUNE, 2011

Page 1

i Page 40, THISDAY, Vol. 16, No. 5888

Tuesday, june 7, 20ll

BusinessWORLD FG Strengthens Food, Nutrition Security r'Cdaal


he Qao.'CffiIJlCI I[ of Nigeria ha<i ~iternlcd its commitmmt to stmlgthcning food :md nutrition )erurity for incre.:IsaI food proJuction, safety and xcurilY. The Minislef of AgricullUre and Rural Development. Prof. Sheikh Ahmed Abdu llah, d is:Joscd this in a keynote address 11 the May 2011 edition of !he: Open Forum on Agricullur.!I Biotechnology and ( .omnlissioning of !.he Jliol ~hoology Research ('enrre lit the N~ionaI Root Crops Research Centre ll\'RCRI), Umodikc, Abia Slllte. Prof. Alxlullah, in a stale· mtnt signed by Ibrahim Mahammai on behalf of the



Ass ista nt

Akillsuy; ...

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lamented that hu~ is '!he g~lc:st problem facing m<lnKioo today pankularly in Sub Saharan Africa where FAa ranked Nigeria 20th in the

global hungl:f indeJ: with about 65 per t'ef\1 of Nipans 11ICking ~ to adequate food for • healthy produt1ive life , 40 per ceTll of t'hilrlm! under \he age of (5) suffering from 5fUnI. ed gm'A"th. with O'W ~ per

cent being under. wci&hl. To address tllCSC" daunting challenges. the: Minislef stressed th::al Nigeria must

new bio-

National Assembly passed into

lechnologies tJw hI''!:; prtr.'ed

law. to provide policy and regulatory cnyironmenl for the

eAPIort< and


to be successful el scw~ and adapt such to ow local condilions fCK the coontty to attain self 5lIfrlCienc:y in food production and food ~ri ly. To this end, he reitmled the Federal Govcrmtx:nt's strong resoh'e to improve CIIpKity for the domestication of bioIechnoIogy in Nigeria by coostnJt1inS additional laboratories and building capacity of pn!OOfIel to conduct ~ in ~ic m,inemn.. Prof. Abdullah abo e.'I:plainro Ihat !he FcdcrnI Ministry of Agricuhure and Rum! De\'l:lopmenl is desirous of ~ in, the National BiosaJcty Bill bcr~ the

prac:tice of agricultural biOltthnoIogy. In hill remarks earlier. the Ex ecuti ve

Director of the

Natiooal Root Crops Research. lnslilUte. Dr. Kmntth Nwosu , said thr: J ~tuIC has !he national mandate 10 condud ~h into genetic impnr."I:mCtll. produdion. processi",. slan:c, utilisation and nwtcling of roru and Iuber crops of ceo. nomic ifllJl'Of1:ll1C' as well as improring lhc fanning S)'S'C1m in Ihe South EasI Agro-croloa' icaI zone ofNiama. The NReRl Executive Direclor aOO lisICd thr: ~.

ments recorded by the institute in the last len )'UI"S to include the dc\-elopmcm and release of 16 \-arieties of cassa\'lI. IS varidies of yam and most import:lI1tJy the fact that l'iRCRI Yr.IS the lim insti tute in the country 10 conduct rc:searrl\ in biotechnology by the establishment of CUIM1: LaboralOfy in 1990 and the setting up of D

• nssue

Molecular Biology platfonn for molecular bm:ding of root and tuber crnp5 ,

In his contribution, Diltdor General of the N;uional BioIechnololY Del-elopmeru (N'AB DA), I"mf. Bamidcle Solomon, said the Open mum on Agricultural Biokchnology is • communi-


agnc c:arion initiath-e of the Nairobi, Kenya-bMc:d


Agricultural T« hnology Founda[ion "The inili:lli\~. he said, is meant to rcw;h out 10 critical segments of !he populace like the policy make-s, media practltioncrs.civil wcieties, f3l'TTleTS lind NGOs [0 discuss the impcralila of !he application of the techniques of biotech- • nology to boost food produclion in [he Nigeria, Prof. Solomon comnw:ndcd the NRCRJ for its cum::nt efforu to introduce an impwo'Cd variety taSSal'l


known as Biocas.sava plus (BC+) IhaI will ha\'e the: rombined benefits of i~ yield, c:nridlCd mnrition:" content and low in tyanidc:, which has beI:n I major dmoo'back of the local variety.

WAMCO Nigeria Celebrates World Milk Day


ricslandCanllilla WM ICO Nigma PLC, makas of Peak joined the ~ 0( !he wOOd 10 cc~ !he World ,IllkDay, 1he comp:a1)' said in a SUfe·nern issued and telU 10 nus. DAY !hat !he World M.ilk Day dds e'\"ef)' 151. 0{ June. adding hat r-ricsbndCampina and its tffili:ucs gkJbally .....iIl be !alOng .M in the ceklr.ltions hence-


1he oornpMy W:I each ye:r. nilk and all the goodness of nilk. as well as its role as an :mportant S(JIIJtt of nutrition hrrughout Ihe world ~ cct1I~ :tagc: in a ~ ntl~of coun­ .tics. ''11Iis initi:uh~ ll'aS ~ ished to 2001 by r'OOd :m -\gricu~ 0rpIis:b:ln of !he J niled Nations(FAO) 10 prmide 10 opponunil)' for ~ cornpatics 10 spOOight N1lI focus 311mion on milk:- it~. WAMCO said thnt as !he ndustry bdcr in the dairy secor, Frie5J3I"dCan~1lII suworts he import:ulC'e of WCI'Id Milk 0ay and all die g~ of ni lk, • ''Our CIJfI1J3OY sees Ihis "spe.:iaI day as an opportunity 10 pronoIe its kntf,vkdge on milk and o emphasise the: ill1JXXW1C'C of his key!lO.lltto( 1'lJfri1ion. tl- lilk ::onuins ~ Ihru contribute o dlC grtlII'Ih . del'Clopmcnt and -roIo::tion of the: human body; tnd therdOf'C. nutritionists IItlUOd Ihe ....aid a:'C uniltd in JroInoting the: cooswnpOOn of nilk as an irrl\:onant SOlDtlC d IUtrition:- WAMCO said, 'il\is )tIr, .....e ccld:rale the ..arid milk day with our

BJ' Cnuoe Osagie cmpIo)ttS, who


as Milk

Ambassadors, as .....e firmly belr--'C 1M Charity begins Irom homt: , A~ Jm of OirCOOtr'l'bJlion 10 die .social deI'Clopmerd of Nigeria.....-e ha\~ donaIed .se'\W·

al C3ftOOS or ~ Milk [0 Twcnty-fT,~ (25) Charity hom:5

and Cl!phan.:lgo across NiP1:'

it ftddcd. WAMCO ~trt:ssed thaI as milk expens drh'al by the fascin:nion die goodness of milk, it c:ndor5c:s milk and SlriI'l:S to help people nllJI,e fOl'l'-'3!d in life ",ilh n.1lumJ dairy nutrition, "\Vilh milk. FricslandCampina WM'ICO Cln ~ 10 the: g~'ing ckmand for healthy food th:U has been produced in a sustainable way:' WA~ I CO



Aa:o«Iing 10 !he organisation, II great deal of knowledge about the nutritional l'3lue of milk M; been gathcmt. from .. meh its Wliqucness and goodness clearly emerged, 1llr: rom· pany said milk contains valuabk nutricnt3. b.liJding bkx:ks and 1XIrnp<n:nlS fOf mainlaining I healthy body, saying this is why milk i.s an importmt. IlIIlUr.II food for el'eryday COf1SlIITlption and Jm of a healthy diet al l around the wood , ''The pov.u of milk pJO\' idc:s us ....-ilh c:ndlcss OAJOftUIlities. lt is one of \he ric:hr:st n3turoI soun:es of nutrition. We are conI'inccd !hat ~ is stiU I kit more 10 discoI'eI' about milk. ~ goodness of milk:' it OOdcd',

-L·R; StniorAd,isor, Rt tfJiU 1'r/ I'fJlt BOlllcing, Diamond Balik Pic; Atr GnTry Manh, C£O fMD, Toltn! Righr, Mrs Sable 8ndnlri nnJ PrinciPfll Par1ntr, Mokanjuoln Ojt ..-umi 01 Ca, (II,. MnktJlljuola Ojtw.,m;, fJI Iht D/fJm onJ 8D1lk UIII RusincJJXpusS Enttrprist sc",· Inar, htfJ QI Iht Jogor Ctnlrt, l bat/all, OpJ $ /alt .. Jtunll,

Bad Global Weather Blamed for Food Prices Hike he Gcnernl Manager




Company, Mr. YiZUlis Kauhichtis , has blamed [he hike in prices in the


· 'Investment, Good Policies Needed to Oleck Hunger'


IoIxtI dc:mand for major graim.sud1as maitt.rice. CId lltell. IS JlI' \Ii).. I inm:ase by nearly 48 pet"' , :rnt fl'OlTl 200)...2025 am by 10 I lCI'Ca1I bctI.IftTl 2(XX) CId 2OSO, ~ _l:'C'DI"ding 10 I'C'iIC3I'Ch ~ • . r; M:uic Roq:ram . .....ho del",,- . • ~1I1e Ag Eccoomic Forum i (qnoIe Wring the 2D 11 Ag t lI!JOI;1tion ShuIo-l:'lISt hdd in St. ot:-.{IUioI. ," Rosegmnl


dira:tor of

! ::)Mronrnent and ProdUC1fon ,-khr1oIoc' 31 !he Intamtional

bod ""icy Resem lngitulc. • IFPRJ). Per apila nYm cool umption will aho ~ in ~ ~'10)' de';eloping rqions fA !he ~ .aid and it will ~ dl3lt doti· ,k in Sub-Salw:tn Africa from , OOO-2DSO,leadinglOadoubiing f local nleOll COIJSUm(Xion by 050, the ~ shows. At the: unetime,the:grDlllh in produc-



tion o(!aapIc food.'! is expected 10 decline si~y in Il10Sl 0( \he world ifbUsiness continues as


''OimaI.: Ch:Ulgt:, high and YObtiIc food IUld c:ncf!Y prices, JlOPIImon IWld irw:anc grtJII'Ih , d13llging Wets. and increased urbanization will pu t intense piU5!.D'C on land anJ \\'2IIC!' and ~ g.IobaI food 51CCU1'iJ}' as neYer before:- SOlid Rosqrnnt. " If asriruJlUraI production anJ policyrll,mng contirJIICS dawn its CUlflIt , ~ ('QUid be comcqucnccs fCl' many poor p:oplr: in ~ng counIric:s:' Using sa:ne-.of-Ihc-art!!'COrunic moddling basal on aIlern:1tive future !IC.'CIl3rias for agricu~ supply and demar'!llhat ~ inlO account the ~ h:ifmful lmpat'l of eifl1llle change, IfPRI projects - crop yields. food prices, and child



malnutrition through 2050 and be)'OOd, E\'CfI w ithout eli:male change ,the prices of rice. rn:Wr. and whea[ are projected to increase by 2."i ~ cent, 48 per a:nt,and7.spercen[ , ~~

Iy. by 2OSO, in a ru;iness-asusual scenario, aim:uc d1lll1ge will further slow productivity gro..1h. inmasmg SI¥ food prices and tc:du::ing progR'!S5 00 food sentrlt)' and chikBJXd mal· nulrition, "Although the IIR:ats 10 fwl and nutrition security a'C 11:1')' re:tJ, these outcomes no: by no mcans il'lCl'il3blc," s.-Ud Rosqr.Di 'The myriad challenges W1derscurc lhe .mper· \l\nCC of ~. bc!tCf policies. new tcclmologic:s, .m SOI1iaI Tm'tStma1t5 to kaling !he wcri:rs l:u!gc:cning jq.J1alion while ~l1g critical nat· umi rc:souroes."

from }'em; Akins,,),; ;"



m..Jntry, on the unpra'ftJen t-

that the comp.'U1Y might likeIy inacao;e the price of thrir product this yex, Tn his words: ''TOY.'3tJs the lastquarlC2'of theYCll'(2010) \\~ w"C struggled to wrtail the price hike in \\'heaI produtts including w~ floor our major row m..mnl , bot ell'C cannot continue to wshion the dfc:d. of this hike in the prices of wnc:.. thus as a J1IOlongtd b.lltle we WCl'C forml to inacase the prices . of our products", ,

ed bali weat her mndi tions a:ross the ....UI·Id. He mainlninal that the long spel l or ulloontrullcd bush fil'C5 in Rus..,;a and Australia, adding to the nooding in the United States and Canada. hac; aided the hike in the price of wheal. which sUbsequcotly lal 10 the hyge rise. in tQllt of food The general mrumger: across the globe, o:plllincd thai in their bid nOl. , KalShicr:is, who S13ed this to destabi lise the marke:t I in Abuja at ,th e ''201 1 behtll'iour of the ronsumm , ! CustQmtt's forum of the Iheprierswo"Cdonein small: Goldin Pasta Company Lid inmmcrtt, OOding thai. lhe! and the Golden Noodles priers which could hal'e been Nigeria uti. s.'litl the rise in ;~ itt Dm!mbcr 2010 OOllt of whcJt nour, ..... hich is was not done till February 0 pasta's major rnw m:lmnl , 20 11. contributed to the il'lCl"l:'Ze in . \\!hile uTging their {\IS- _ the wier: of the 6roduct. tomen 10 bear \\itlJ. the hik~ef lie noIed .that-lhe price of in pri'9.,. he: hjntm that t lhei:t-produa w8s dtpmdanl <>qllllliS<tron was .ifl\'csting On the price or';','heat in the more in m.n:Cling in I international mM;d. hinting 20 11 finmal ye:.rr so as lo f

mnain in the right frame of

awamxss to the mnsumen. Katshictis fU llhe!' dis·

dosallhill the compmy II-M inoo''aling through ~ and dc:vdopi ng new prodocu, adding thai in a fC'>'l' months, it , was going to !dease .the produa into the mnC!. The occas ion, [~gtd 'Mutual Growth , Golden 11an.'CS1' and geanxI tov-'3Il.Is fC\.\-:nling their distributor.; nnd CJS [Oltlel' for their patronage in~lhe 20 10 fiIWl' cial }'1.'3', wi tnc:sscd tile pmsentaion or;a Iionela Civic I'chide [0 [!!tir best tlislributorof theY9lf' He fUI1he. urged lhe QIS_ lOmas to train their 0\111 struT so that they tan be loyal, rind who will hel'p keep thOr QIS_ 10fl'lCB happy in doing bus;ness \lith IlIOn, He said "we will continI«; 10 rely on ron5umCf insini.t and )'our feedback in ~tandine the needs thai. ~ll propel-us to gTClIcr heiglll.S".

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