THISDAY, 10 JUNE, 2012

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Sunday, June 10, 2012 · ntlSDAY, THE SUNDAY NEWSPAPER




TIlllgS Disrupt Eye Award

Only Anambra People Can Assess Me, Says Obi


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SIa.. ""'~nor, Mr Petei SilId he ha!; bud a


~ foundaum


m""fnimgrowth ror


01 a

zero Situatlon when he came on bo.mi six }'1!a1"i ago to ,.,-hal it is now slating rhat anh- Anambrol obm'ts can ~Lly Il<liie!iI5Ius per-



fonnancr WlUlU1the~. It was lOr this reason. he

said. he retentJy subjected his Mlmmistnthon to pubtic 'CUliny through the <;fail' peer review mechanism in the beiief thalli win enharKl'


and delhyry 01

demXr.Icy div;dends 10 the

~'f'Oke yemday at an




newsmen in his IOOg(' ,11 Awka. the state caPIto'll during wluch he reacted to ,. questaon put to tum 00 U'r i!.6ues raised by former MinJsUoor 0( Federal Capital

Agric Credit: CBN Disburses N189bn oventOf of Central "', nk of Nigenil, Mallam Si"tnu51

From James Emejo

Lamldo SanUSl, said

jOintly mganisrd by CBN and Umon Bank oIl-Jlgeria Pic. Saml'l;l <;oIid il nad become oilicai for the \'Jest Afncan "-'SKIn to recogni!'e agriculture 115 a serious buSIness enlerprlse wluch needed to be SCilJcd-tlp through lIlI"IO\'lItion and appbcation t>f technology U1 order 10 achIeve sustainable and 1I11::hlSl\~ growth m the ron-


Ogu Sues for Peace Ure

M1Sl5ion •

the sum etl NI8c:l294 t'orlliOll had '10 fur ':oeoen released to provide tundmg for agnculture along t11f' value cham. He ~lid the money, provided under the Commercia! A~ncuhurt" CJedil Scheme, which WasaellE'd m 2(XlQ to promote commcn.ial l!flterpri.'ie§ in the counll"\' was dlSbul'led to 2.lI ~K'iane"i including 2f1l pm'ale promott'A and JO Stale Governments whIm had iln'l"'wd NJ7 billion a!< at May JI. 2012. ~aking in Abup ye5lerday at the opemng cerem0ny' of a two-day African Rural Agncultural Credit ~






"""""" ""oohop """""", "bmaru:ing lhr> Agrictlltural Villue

Chain through which WaiS



in 11""ja

tlllenl Tht> OJN g~J\'emor was represented al illC'OC'Citsioo by deputy-governor (operahons), caN, Mr Suleman Barau He ..poke at the AFRACA workshop. HIS propoooal orne on a dol)' the group managmg director/chief executive, Umon BanI.. , Funke Osibodu, dl!lclosed the ~nk had currently ~vm out about N40 billion In agnculturnlloarlslo over 6O.0:0f~

FG Plans Pension Scheme for Migrant Workers From lames Emejo itlAbuja ~I 01 the country. He added thai

towards the

~I WiI!'i

am v.:orbng

10 ~ II saluatJon whm!t.tY m~ ('Of unskiDI!d worker; would t'C subimed 10 har;h woriJng oonditirom ~WIl'

tlw-yareTWlt frmlany el&v.d . <;peaking m Ahuja al the

~~oI. meehl'S

d Ihe Worktng group for \

Nigerians Yet to Forgive Us over Biafra - Igbo Group

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