rage 38, THISDAY, Vol. 17, No. 6142
Thursday, February 16, 20U
Developing Ogun through Agriculture OgLln State Governlllel/t has shifted its developmental col/centration to the agricultllrnl sec/or with the aim of reducing poverty on one hand, and enhancing wealth creation and eI11ploymellt generation, Sheriff Balogun writes Aer u.bng 1!=fiwItunI devdopmm one. of iIs ardinIl pop1IQ1Il1CS.1he Ogun Stale: GowaNncnI hat continued 10 en5lft .... rruim.am *ICI'Uon Is rocu.d on apicuItIft 10 ~ ~
in tbeswe.
The IUIIC JOYmlI11'!nt !a'pd dc:¥clopill! ~ seaor 10 r it :WIk:d, ·ow 'Io'rlIllh m:mon and emp10ymmt g~ !ilrIII:X)' i~ hmpi on IIgriculnmll deY.::1opmeo1, agricultwlll pmduruon CllfWtsKn am inWsuWi.5IIlion of !be ~.8Idt 10 !he BasL.... In booIItmg ~llmll..-l nnI ~lfnenI in lhe SlIIIe, CioYemor n:Yarnp the COlOOIll)
IbikunIe AtnouIn's dI!1II1rJtr3rion
t.a in
..iwt wotcd in the ,-. m. a;JUld be.Japa;lm IhemnlEXl oftbe tw-
Ik sud agJEUIrurnI dr:.'eIcptnerl can end pcI¥MY tnd abo nU.t: •
SltpllIica OOlllribull'l1l 10 the elTat 10 IIr:kJc pcl'\oty. gymg "it ~idcI
I financill C1I!Jjon wit!'! wtuch • tktsInea an be: n:¥UliJcd,1Uld pmvide! apilallo 510cminw hopdc=- pt'OPIe m:p.nnIlA 1fljCCbOn of sma!I
atpIlII .~
In m.. n=pd. d Tora lm\1e bem male II) ~ food po:b;tion .:tJVibcs Itwtqh 1110:. ntUlt!plical!on and distribution of hi&ltyltldi",
and en- JeOII5lII11 scxb IIDd xcdlmp ofbod! cash and roOO cropIlo fmllM .1C:tiOMb~. pritts. Arrqun,m.--.s;ud'1he monumental ~ of 1ale0Uef ObIfani Awolowo ldInini5lnIlim W\Tt funded from !he ~ d qnculttft II. • tunc oil hid not .umcd any Jiplic:d position in the -----
-..;. .,....•
'~i5 Ittill ros.er ~"th in the -r;nr:: RJb.-1CCIOr oi the . . ec:onomy and abo ~ ~ 10 .x:ess otb::f !eM raciliries for !he JlIIe.. 1M 10m !houId lIS such not be IC!Cfl lIS lqesse from !he FedenI GlMmmall". 0Iubcn QlDOrJCId..