THISDAY, 16 JUNE, 2011

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T hursday, Jun e 16, 2011

THIS DAY, Vol. 16, No. 5897, Page 47

8 BusinessWOFiliJ




"Our nation is blessed with very credible technocrats who can help steer the ship of this nation through the turbulent seas to the promise land. Nigerians are tired of stories, they want action. The days of rhetoric are over. AU the campaign promises made, have been compiled, and must be accounted for" • The Metropolitan Archbishop oj Lagos, His Eminence, Cardillal AllthollY Oillbllllmi Okogie, advising Presidellt Goodlllck Jonathan at the jormer's 751h birthday anniversary celebration in Lagos

Assist Graduates to Become Agric Entrepreneurs, FG Urged


rad~ of Uni\'dSiIid: of Agriculll.U1: can Ixcoolle mtrqnn.:urs in ~Ialcd \'ef\UJfCS if Ihe FUbaI ~cou1d pIO\idclhcrn wilh Ihe financial IiSSISIllfIi:I: 10 CfIgl1ge in apu business, the \ rKZ-cl'lallceLkx of Mithacl OkparJ UniYCr5ity of A~run: Umudike, Prof. Hilary &k:oga, has said. He ,,\/Ide the call PI a m:ellI mafia briefing to man: his 100 days UI office, nOOng!hal grddtiales in agriculII.~ \\'ef"I: llCluulJy stuullling Ihe fanns and going inu) OIher (IDfessions: hera the need b the fede:rnl govc:mma!I 10 SIq) in and ma:,z: Ihe trend. Pmf. Edcoga SII"C'SSof:d !he .-rl for ptIducls of agric: Uni\~ 10 go ioIO \-ari0u5 asperu of rarming iUCh as crop pnx!IJCOOn, fish farming, 3JUrlaI husbamry, among OOklS, adding Ih,1I such \mI~ \\'OUId jusUfY !he ~ of ~ Wlivcr.iilti of a.griruIwn: am also help in reducing Iht: rolU: of g.radua!e WICJllploymen.l. l-k said Ihw in lTUl CLSI:S graduates of UrUvasltics of Agri::ulr\.R shun farming eilher bnusc they tad: !he CJke.of funds or Ihcy were not well grounded in



-n..., ""'" """""".1",>, ""'" """" ........ ;mistanoe," be mid, adding t/13I funds should be


IKhWlCCd and lnonirored ""1 cvay 5l8gC' ofthe~ popcr ulilisaLion. On thel/"pan he said IhaI. the IlIm-mitiC's otagricuJlUre should intensify effans 10 IlOI only e'J(poiSC their students 10 pr:!CtiaLI Igrirulon bu. also inct..LIcalC: in 10 C'nSUIC

From Emmanuel UgwlI ill UnllltJlJia dlCfll~WUs.


R.cccntly die gmarmcnl ~ aU uni~IO<XlmfIlC:rI[X~aJUr;CSwith many ~"el"!i a/n:3dy ~ying widl t/13I the policy aimed III mating uniV(:l~IIY grddtlalCS entre~neuJS illSICad 01 the


aimed aI child Wl"yjl-a) and dcI'Clopmc:m ill line willi the. Millenniwll D:\"clopmcnt Goals (MDGs) wget. UI\d.:r !he agmcment.. the UNICEF has a,re.!d 10 contribule N205 million ...... hile: lhe Ondo Sm~ Gm'=lIllm! has rclcasc:d N391 mi llion t i Gm'Cl"TllllieTU Co.uIlerJXU1 Canribulion (GCCI for the project nullliog !i11 20J3. \\'hik Ckwc:mor OIuscpm Mimiko siplOO on bdi:Llf of the Ondo Sui!<: Govcnunenl. the UNIrn:" ~ Counuy R.eprtseluari\'e and 0!A:f of Utp QffKZ, Mn Sara IkysoIow-Nyami siancd ror dlC' Urtil4I Nations agel"q. The UNICEF llIp Office w\ws the silt Sooth West 0I~. Ogun. Oyo. Opm.. Ekili. Ondo, in lIddidon 10 &bard Odm in its prop;:._ AI a In:lCting with mr:dia ~ aflcrsigning the IIgI!lCITlC'Ill DcysoIow.YafIli said ICCCIlI ~ rcw;aIed IhaI. no f~'C'J than 9 million childten unicr Ihc ago::. of five, world-wide We auy ycarof dilfettnt ailmenlS such as malaria, diilnfloea. poeumon.ia among olhcr. The UNICEF Assislwu CourltIy Repr<!5C'l1lllIive !;unaW4i Ihal IlII dlC' diseases thai c:auscd death ror Ihe dlildml COlIId be IreaIabIc and prevcnl:IbIc idling ihPI ~ half of dlC IkaW OCOJI" in


C\·ek!pf1ll:1Il Ih:search and ProjcclS Cenlle

OJrbing nlalC:mal health pobk ms Ilid impoYing WOfIlC'n hc:aIth in dlC iWt. Progr:llllme OffICCf or the NGO, Alhaji AIxIulh;un!d loowol, mad.: Ihc call allhc: di>.scmination VWllO dlC SokoIO !iIaIC l-Iead of Savice. 11e said dlC' proja:t has the gool of crealing II Cldre of d~unpions for m;uern:ll heal th ruoong politicd. religious and k:adcrs UI die three pogrun staIt::S. Ao:oo:Iing 10 him, it is w{I1h suggesting !hat 3SpOCIS of bbship dc:\dopnltlll capacily OOilding ror the bias or all ClIegoOcs 5hooId be ooc: of Ille areas of COIICIallr.llion by tho: prt:§CIu IIdministr.llion ofdlC' SI:IIe. He InainIaincd thai ifdonc, ihis will ao I long way 10 uplifi, aboI.lC' ooas, the 5lD(11li of Sot()lO St;.!c iUTDlgsl northern stIUCS and help the administration 101) krep pao: ...·ith nlOtkm and Islamic sy~ms bdicvcd 10 be Ihc mo&I bene5ci:d 10 the peooplc".

ficr IUbsriruting her maiu. crop with cassava, Jemima Mueni has COOlIgh nnlC')' 10 pay school flXS (or IlcrchildrC'n iIIId CIlOllgh rood 10 las! wltil the end ofd)C'; yt:ar,dcspi~ IhcturrCfll drought- . - . Mucni stancd growing cassavaon a larger scale in 20 10 afIa- &he Ic:uru atu.u its brtnefil5 from I sclfhelp group she now bclangs 10. A./Ihough t:lISS3Ya is flO( a new crop in !he Iqion. !he I~ of the KituIWli F.umcrsSdr Hclp group ha\"e ~ ilS value. "We h3ve Icrm how 10 t:td;.lI!Id ex both CJ$Sa\"\l 1o:a'o'CS and I1.Ibers make Iloot from dried lubers for domestic IIlId ~nrncrcial ooruumplioo, snacb, lIIid ahps from dlC IlIbcrs." said the ffiDIhec of se\'efI. Mucni sad she IW always knc:M'Il t:lISS3va WoiS a awgtu-teSiSlaru crop, but rlte\'l:r bodieIaIlO grow it. As II resull of the 1llCfIIalliy, people ha\'e Ir.lditionally gm.m no ITUl:. Ihan 10 cassava pIanis !heirfanns. Mueni and her husband, S:mud Mukonza, ha\'e SlOpped growing maW: ror atn. dvee seasons in cnb-IO~ 00 CilSSiI\'a, v.1iich grows all)'ClU" round. 'So far, we ha\'e just one ac.n: under cassava, with 540 5lC'lTlS: said Mukooza.


The couple tkridcd 10 pin cassa'<1o l/ier they fuilcd IO~"CSI a singlcgrain of m:Ji2e II "II a acre piece: of1and rollowing II fierce droLIg!. II 20 10. According !o results from trials in dilTemv. '.LI1Irie:s in Africa oro abrtJad., cassava h.l5 prClI"eII 10 be a drwght.101cmn1 DqJ thai CIlfI5lI"Viv< in seven: clilTI.lIicanfuions. However. tho: idea of growina the oop ror tu'llIIlC'tCiaI f"lII"POSCS and as a crop for food ~ ;n ~ Kenya \\2> irmldua:d and popu1arUai b..' the Kc:nya AgricullIr.ll RCSC:lIth lrQiI:uiC (KARl), through II ~ Union (Ell) funded pro~ caIkd Kenya ArXI-and Semi And Land (KASAL)




managcnlC'nl. ('CormlC'rtiaI \.~"C'S' IS a coocrp: inill:lla.l by KASAL, oro is ~ of SC"o'ml crisring scMhdp groups whose ITlC'llU:ts h,l\"\: c:xpn::sscd all inIC'fs in~"3. farming.) 'MOOI'O Commercial Village' is one of the bencfic:i:Jnts of thc '= \1;1 axtlIllC'IriaIisation' pojo:cL The cooununlly-baso:! organis:uion consisls 01"20 sclr-ho=Jp ~.1!Ild has I I"I"IC'mbenihip of SW, nil fiorn MakllClli County in Easlt:m Kenya.

Zimbabwe: Banning Used Japanese Cars



Aa:uding 10 her tllC p:utncMip with !he goyann"IC'lll v.ouId also imd~ improving f.lmily and cunmunily c:;w ~ Ih:u in1plO 00 young dUki swvi1.-aI and dc:vcIopfTlC'Iu She added tllal !he pw1IlC'rShip \\'ItS also a.IxU ~in:xasing access 10, and use of, safe drin1:ing Vo'lIID and biAsk: i:1fIiIatioo and c:o>aing cvcty child with life-saving ~ in dcl:bst:d CfIlCtJOltics" .

DRPC Task Sokoto Govt on Maternal Health (DPRC) a noo gO\WIl/TleIlIaI organisation, has caIkd on .$ok()((J S1a1C govemmcnt 10 SU"englhell !he capac!)' of leaders ~ all caqories IOWards


Kenya: Cassava as Food Security

being job socker.;. The VC 01 MOUAU said !hal the ~ &nk 01 Nigeria (CAN) has SIq¥d in 10 DSSisI the insIinnioo by furKiing is~cenm: 10 the rune of N300 million... Edcoga, ...... 00 lOOk o\w the n:ins of pcl\\u- III MOUAU, said IhaI. he has SCI: in ITlOlion plans 10 cnhanoe the iruemally gcocr.ucd revenue or the inslinllion by going inIo oommcn:iaI fISh rarming. revival of moriOOnd ~Itry farm .CSUlb\ishing piggery rann ,~ of the ICfccrm and Wilding of commociaI 00sie:1s. He said dw wiahin his IirslIOOdays he 1m fasI~ approval for Wtwid BaN: worIc plan am lei" IllC' Iasi rour years the irnpon:Idon of ~ proa.rmneIll plan which led !he Waid Bank 10 secord ham CII"5 Dan Japan has I1lC3IIl thai issue MOUAU "no objeClh'C Icnc'"' dw. enabled can are no longer just ror die wcaIlhy in the release of funds fa lor (1nnID-alM oflQrnorZimbabwe, a COUllif)' whm WlC'mploymcm is row) ror!he aep-D project. as high as !oX) per o:nI.. The. VC also said plans ha~ bec:n ooOOudBuI!he high carbon C'I1IiWoos IlIld high accida!l ed 10 rcvi\'C the. SIalkd relationship belwcen raICS 01 Ihese used ClrS has led JO\'CmmCIl1 10 fo. IOUAU III1d the Worid Bank. lII1fIOUfICe a ban 00 funhcr ~ And I: has c:wscd uproar among 2Mmabwc:w, aa:ording to an lIVet Press 5crvU (IPS) Rpon in H I1f"Jre. Em.itonrmt minisIa, Fr.uicis "'lana. told IPS the ban ....oold WIEcI \IdW:b d13I: ore n"lOlC dian 1M: yc:an; old :ni Iho5o:: Ih:iI do flO( pass • SCI CiIIbln emissions dn-shoId. \\tudi his nllnlmy is yel 10 agree on. lie: Wd Zimbabwe had been l1IIDCId inlO a 5ub-Saharolll Africa. dumping sile for the sc:cmd hand C&l$ IiOmC (If ""The: sad pan is thai majori!)' oftlle:!oC' deaths arc which are mle:w 10)"CllfS old and !his had ~iIIive ~ 10 ~ aod b"ellIabIe C".IUliC5 such ItS cffccu on the Cfl\ironmcnt. dianhcca. pnC'l.llTlClniol, malaria. ma.lnunilMxl, AcalnIulg 10 the c:nvironnlC'nt minisoy, Japan, IlClIlWaI c:aus.:s and HlV/A.lDS. Lack of ponabIo! ..."him has wb carbon emissions b"~.I..:;" I,X3ICd \\"3ICr, hygiellC and sanic!Iion alio CUfIO"ibuIcd 10 a massh'C indusuy in iI;S.lQ(Jj hand car e:xpons 10 dc:oiIhs of dlikRn and !heir TnClIheB", BeysoIow- poor thin:I \\'Ortd COlInuics like ZiIJlbaby.'C., N)"oIJIIi lidded. Howe\"C'r, there are 110 official figun:s 10 iUll'OI"I She 5aid !he UNICEF crucn:d inIO p;Wlmhip p"Onmen!', dairn5 tku the used can ~ im'Oh~ with the p~ in cnb-IO wppan etr«ti\~ in a lIumber oiacciderils. ~~"iOIl Chid action 00 dlild suM\.-.iJ and dC'YeIopmen in the. Sup:rinIaidcIll AOOtew Phiri oouJd rot rwnW! IPS 3ICl of "bJiJding up high impJct hcIhh and nutriwith szaisIics. tion iIVc:rYcntions 10 ~ the rumbcrof neonatal and )"OUIII ctJikml's dcaIh fi"om pI"C'\"C:I1I:IbIc dis-

Child Devt UNICEF, Ondo Sign N5%m Pact he UfWd Nadons 0liIdr0l's 6:Iuc::IticJ1 Fund (UNICEf) has sign.:d a N596.1 million Projca lmpIc:me!U:uion A~! (PIA) I\idi Ih.: On!kl Stale GoIIC'nUJ"cm fOl" cxa:utioo of pro£f1IfMlCli


From JUolllllllmed A mi" "


inlWII disdoscd th:la !he DRf'C Ihtough one of its lcadi.'nhip lb-dopnlC'fll poj:cIs fwltkd by Uni~ Swe Agency ror Intemal:ionaI [)co,'CIopm:fu (USAID) OOill theCllplCi(y of abouI 100 political leaders and senior civil 5O'\":lIU as ...cll ItS mon: than 40 traditiooal and religious lcoIdeB in Sokoto Stale bi:l.1VCa1 r'tbnlary 7JX1)

and February 2011.

l-Ie poinctd OUI thiu many ~ &om the 5WC' participated in IICI'Cr.d kabship fOlUlllS !lIId a srudy I(Q" organi.lcd by DRPC, whkh III: !he (nl/

led 10 the cn:ation of alumni nclw<ri: for political I£abs and a sqxw&e ooc ror Ir.II:.filiooaI and rdigious IearJers 10 lill:5l3iu dlC'u- oclh·i!ies. ''This is WIC' in ~ 10 enhance promotion of good leadershi p in c.utylng QUI the activitic:s of

f:t~.':'\\=r -~ i'!1~~g._I!...~._

A InlId _ car in ZirrJtdw,oe 005lS ~~ I 15txX> and SOtxX> dollars, depending (11'1 the rype of \'C'hiclc. II is a prioc f... beyond wlw the coumry's Il13jorilY can afford. IMri;crs ~ in !hi: cMi l seMcc eIII"Il IIIlIlYl:r.lgC or 200 doIla!i :I monIh. Second hand CIfS from Ja[lCUl are bouglll III Wly_1 thing frolll900~ \\ithlill C'JL:tnI lOOJ lkliIarl for i shipping and in1'01, if one OOys direaly fIOOl l the Asian aIUf\Uy. Thosi: that OOy froIll car deaI.:rs pay .a JXX) dol.Iars or 11100:::_ Thous:ands ofl ZinUabwc::an51lO\\"0Wll1hc;e sccon:I h.-tnd car.; rrom


Official iWWics from the OIlUI"lIly's Zimbabwe Inla"d RCIo't:llllt: AuIhori!)' sMw !hal the ~lIy impMs III icIlSI. 4OO!"oCOJrld hand ClI"S dwly. The cnue aulhorily ~r.'CS on avcmg< 2OO,iXD doI~ weekly. II is rnudI·fKEdod ~ for aI>'tlUIlU)' with a fkIundering lX'OI""Olly. The need ror ru ~~ 15 one n:ason why gQ\' crnmefU h:I$ ~ tflC' de3dlillC' on thc ban on imp:Ining Ihc en r~oud by lour ITUIIhs 10 0cI0bcr 31. M~ of IJl¥l5port. (UTIIlIllI~ and infrusuu:1un: tbdoprIIC'm NidJlbs Gxhc said III1O!her It3500 \\"01:5 tIIilI. gtM:mmtnI na;:do::d 10 (OfIsuu . . . ideIy with ~ . He did mt SOl)" \\·hy govemmcnl hod not ronsuhcd iniLia.lly before ~ the lint aJI-off dale 01 JWlC ) I.

Malawi: Saving Forest for Juice


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