Page 36,
n n SDAY, Vol. 17, No. 6126
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
usinessW0RlD industry AU, African Agric Technology Foundation Sign MoU
'" """. T
an UnlOll (AU)
ComIt\JWO'l and the A£nun "E-rtCulouaJ
T~'IY Foundabon (AATF) have. IIJIiCd • Mcmonndum of Under$tandinl IMGU) that will tee them WOf I( tozetha" to rai5c: ap1CU11LnI pm:b:uvlt)' In Afnca through IieChnoIo&Y
KCaI, de¥dqIm~,
1be: coll,bolluon will facilitate lilt detMlyment ol proYm IeChnoIosIe6 10 bclp addra.s the comtraIntJ (Ked by arnaJlIoIder AI nan farm-
'""We * lJ
the c:ontribudOlllhll AAn:
makJna IO'WW\b Africa',
aanculnnl deYdopmeoL 1be lipuna ol thr Mol J lodly is •
10 •
wort . . . bet 10 sustain the eaJMlIIlit '-*bone of the c:ontiAI:nt ..Ill its ~ pia especl.ny lbole who depend on agriculturl! and bOn 10
lOr dlr:ir I,Ydihoodl: IMi Mn RhodII Thtnu5iimc ~.
the Con1ml;U"lntr for Economy and Apiculture of ~e AU ComnuUIOII . Spe:Wna. ciunn( Ihe .upin. oflhe.~ II theAU
~UlAdI.LI5"'''''. Entlop... lbc Con m:.JliM)fJCl" andcncon:d the unror MIOC c(
eo d:u r"quua Sb'On8c:r COOlnlltrt<,'1 and suppon on the p-f1 of !be
ComnuuJOn , the R,'ponaI EconomIC Comnm klnI and ocher PM Mrican u,,[UlJOI1S IIwoIved In .,ncuhural deve:l·
Wclconun, AATP 10 the ,,(rial AJriculture De\ .kpmcnl (CAADP) pmgr&IlnlC of NEPAD. the Conu'liUKlner Aid that the pIM"''' n hu made pnl p!'ClIla6 k1Ylo..m Contpldw:ns,~
SIOn'tS by CnlS~ Osagi~ ~I Afnca's p i rL • food«ewe and povc:ny-free Arm wtdI JO I11t'f1lbtr ItI&eS bem! ah,ned 10 the pro-
" We wiD thcrdon: ~
... _Iev<n&< .... tbe AATF ... .., oft'u the QlOo
IInmt." she sud.
10 .:cas
.xt delhu qncuttur.l lechDIJktcjes (or lode by anaJlhoIdfarrnen is LO full ICCOf'd With the Afncan Union Sine
Dcclanltion on the chal.IenFS impementinl inlel"ltcd and suslainlble deYdopmmt on IgJ1CUINre .nd ....Ic:r In Mm," Mid Dr. K~ , the AAT EAecutnoe Ditec:u. Af'riaI bas one of the Iowat Irveb 01 fum ~ity in ~ world • • resuJt of the absence of IppI'Opriate .,ncultural technoiops 10 deal with the ttreurI, pests IDd
the pov.1h and mearungful 01 qnaJl fartner$ in the econonuc deYdopmenI agenda of the c:ontLnmI Cunattty wcrtana; In ciIhf; counlnes Ln i ub.S1lh1lB1l Africa. AATF (':Ihtatcs ICCeSS and deJi~ oIlfford· IIbIe qriculunI trdmoIoaics for use by ,maIlboIder fum· en III Africa_ (*tICrpIlJOn
FoundatKlO udude addrcuma tafJdCd .,n.:uhuraJ conSbalntS
flClnJ tbcIe (1fmr.f1
... hicb include the unpK1 01 climate chanae '" -sncu1rurc; pest ~. IOiI JMnlIement, nutnen! enhanccmenl Ln (oods: unproved bm:dm& mettnh: end mech...smon llxxln:addrased ttwouah the 1ICICnI, ilew:klpmenl and dqHoymenl of IiCCCUllHe, traMfttlbk. .s.pubk and PfO"'eII techaokIp:I
Currenl proJCClS bem, c:oonlinIRd by AATF iDdudr.: Suip conud in mmr: dcYel-
opment of ImecHulSlant lmprovemenl of
bInIna for IUIstaoce 10 bananI t.csenaI wLk; btoIosiaI control of .nllOlIn, ..........,...of ...........• UWIDC in m&LZC; and dcYelopmmI of rutmcen-U5e dficienI, 'WIter-U5e etrtClttll and sail eoIerut rice \...etIa for use by smallholder fanners In
SSA Kyeterc n::newcd AAlFs comnutment 10 hono&a'" the prDYWoni
of Ihe Moll for
~ benefit a( the conunent, SI)'UII thai "With thu MoU
LrutiItMt 10 endx::atc pDYef Iy ..a ISIUn: food JeCUnIy•
and nutnllon fOC' '" AI'nI:a.... RWlinnina the comnutmenl of the AU, Tumuume
ITlllJOrd)' of ~
eJ:JnI5Cd the need for the 1WO~IOeJ:pkR oplJoaS of mutual bcndits
..a make them wort for the
.... ofAln<a
r.oc the rqioa', fatmen
ApndnnJ Icient:e end technology is rec:otJUKd • otJer011 potanial .., improYe food acurity IIId reduce JIO"ut)' ia
"Suu II&J1WlturallRSScs lind dBeascs In: not comained by national boundanes, coop-
betwua naoons will budd cntJCII mass ItId .ooe:1cnte the producuon 01 tci-
ence-baed C'OnCn)Is WId rm1Cdiet" sui K)'dm' "Sucuss dqIm..b on aD n::1evad. 0fEMlSIlJoosbl.t: the AU IIIdAATF
workln, tOfdbcr Ihrou,h j*1nentups." hc.1dded Sayin, lhat Im.alinolder funlm in sub-SIhIran Afnca
greIIl poImtIal towards mftM:ina food JeCUnly Ind II'I'If'OWd IiYdlhoods. Kyetete sui there wa need for r.dK:aI Inkriallions .., SImI the ode 01 these effects on food !IeCU' nty md Lnc:ome and support
<"WI ~ OJft«r. Clasric B~
LiMitftl, M r. I"NltW C-~: M.,..u.6 0incItIr. Bnutid F~
~,,.,r.06O}rik/ttM.,.,,.,~M~,C.... BnrnwaUMilftl, ,.,r.&ru. ~•• dw -I_I.--"'